39.45% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 57: Chapter 17: Introductions!

章節 57: Chapter 17: Introductions!

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 17: Introductions!


- Felix -

I thought my introduction was good, and going by the shocked look on Satoru's face, it did just what I wanted it to.

After all, I'm here to mess around, so I might as well get started immediately.

It looks like Satoru was able to heal himself with Reverse Cursed Technique while I was messing around with Sukuna, he's almost in peak condition.

Satoru quickly composes himself, "My cousin eh? I didn't know I had a cousin as strong as you." 

"Yup! I wasn't strong at all at first, but then shit happened and now here I am."

"That's as good a reason as any." I knew I would like this guy!

"So if you're a Gojo how did you find yourself in another world?"

"Ah, explaining shit multiple times is such a pain so let's go join all the voyeurs watching through the crows, I wonder if she has such a habit? Though with such a nice body I don't see why she would need to!"

"Be careful with Mei Mei, she not only charges for everything but at outrageous prices!"

"Everything?" This will get an amusing reaction!

"I've never seen her do anything for free, so yes?"

"So how much would she charge to let me bend her over a table?" Heh the looks upon their faces is priceless!

I feel Kurumi nip my ear for some reason, how odd, she's usually extremely obedient.

I turn to look at her, but she turns her head away. Oh well, maybe she's just feeling rebellious.

"Hah! Well you'll have to ask her yourself, I've never needed to pay for a service like that!"

"Heh, neither have I, I was just curious how far she was willing to go for money. Ah, before I forget." I pull over the white haired fellow who tried to help Sukuna, "Here, consider this a gift from me."

"Ah, I almost forgot about that! Heh, thanks, I'm sure this gift of yours will help calm some of those old fogies down. You can just set him on the ground and I'll have someone come pick him up." 

As I set him down I feel something in his sleeve, "Oh, what is this?"


I pull out a weapon of some sort from his sleeve, "Oh, a weapon, I think I'll keep this if you don't mind." I put the weapon in my 'Stomach' before Satoru responded. I'm interested in the so-called Cursed Tools.

"Go for it."

"Ah, before we go, what year is it?"

"Huh? It's 2018."

"I see, thanks." It's been a few years then.

After that it didn't take us long to walk to the room where everyone was observing from. Once we got there I could feel everybody in the room except Raiden tense up, I however ignored everyone and approached a pouty Raiden.

I patted her head, "There there, everything is fine. I don't care all that much about you going too far, just keep it in mind next time. Not everything needs to be solved with overwhelming power."

It seems my headpats cheered her up, "Yes Master!"

I look at my hand with utmost seriousness, truly it is a weapon that must not be underestimated. To think it was capable of cheering Raiden up in a moment, it truly is a forbidden move. I must only use the secret art of headpats in dire circumstances from now on.

I'm astounded by my own power sometimes, I might be getting too overpowered for my own good.

I turn to look towards the voyeur group, which Satoru joined. Most of them seem wary of me, but that's natural seeing as I just manhandled their greatest enemy. I'm surprised they aren't shit scared, but I guess they are used to dealing with some horrific stuff, and might be far more jaded when dealing with powerful beings.

After all, even Megumi was able to keep his cool when Sukuna came after him at that prison.

Though Satoru seems fine, In fact he seems to be the only one who looks completely chill with what just happened, maybe the panda as well, seeing as I can't read the expression of a panda.

He probably sees life differently from everyone else anyway.

"Heh, well it seems we have much to talk about." 

Satoru took the lead, "Indeed, but before that let's get something to eat, is everyone okay with ramen?"

Ramen huh? I haven't had that in a while. Or maybe I can have Raiden make something for everyone. I do have some ingredients from the Cardinal World in my 'Stomach' so might as well make use of them.

"How about my maid cooks? I have some ingredients I'm sure you've never heard of so it'll be something new for you lot."

'Notice, it is highly likely anyone from outside the Cardinal World would survive consuming ingredients from the Cardinal World due to magicule poisoning .'

'Aww shit, I didn't think of that, any solutions Odin?'

'Odin can use data from the Unique Skill: Cook to get rid of the Magiciles from the ingredients while keeping the taste and texture.'

'Ah! For real?! Could you do that then?'


'Thanks, you're a lifesaver.'

"Oh! Food from another world sounds fun!" He turns to look at his companions, "You guys fine with that?"

Seeing as no one disagreed, I looked towards Raiden who understood what I was trying to tell her. 

"Understood Master, all I need are the ingredients you have stored and a kitchen, if there is no kitchen then I can likely make do with magic."

I take out a bunch of ingredients from my 'Stomach' and hand them to her, after which she stores them in her own 'Spatial Storage'.

I notice the group looks surprised, after all to them it must have looked like I took out some food out of nowhere. Satoru is the only one who might have a clue as to what just happened seeing as he has the 'Six Eyes', and 'Limitless', which allows him some degree of Spatial Manipulation.

I nod then turn towards Satoru, "Do you guys have a kitchen for her to work her magic in?"

"Hmm, I think there should be a kitchen somewhere we can use." He turns to look at Utahime I think her name is, "Ah, Utahime, do you know if there is a kitchen anywhere that wasn't destroyed?" So I was right, her name is Utahime, I'm on a roll.

"Why do you think I would know Gojo?"

"Eh, isn't it your job to know all that stuff since you're weak? You need to have some use right?" Ouch, that one's gotta hurt.

I think I do remember that Satoru bullied her a lot.


Utahime looked to be on the verge of tears, "Ah! Shoko-san help! Gojo is being Gojo!"

"Sigh, now is not the time for your games Satoru." Ah, I think she's the one who Raiden zapped, she seems fine to me so no biggie, either that or she has a mean poker face. As long as she doesn't make a big deal about what happened I don't really care, hmm, maybe I should give her something to bribe her just in case?

She looked towards Raiden, "There is a kitchen I know of, I can have someone show you where it is if you want?" Huh, she's being polite for someone who was zapped with a fuck ton of volts. I don't think Cursed Energy helps ignore pain, and being zapped hurts a lot, trust me, I would know.

Maybe they are just used to dealing with pain, and overtime grew to ignore it? These Jujutsu Sorcerers are used to putting their lives on the line, and it wouldn't be odd for any of them to die out of nowhere.

Guess they just live in the moment, and tend to not want to cause problems if at all possible.

How convenient.

Raiden looked at me as if asking for permission so I gave her a brief nod. "Yes, I would appreciate that Shoko-san." It seems they're getting along well enough.

"I see, I'll have someone show you where the kitchen is." 

It didn't take long for this guy with glasses to show up and take Raiden away.

Once the two of them left we all take a seat at the table, and Maki, or at least I think that's Maki interjects. She looks quite different from what I remember, what with all those burns, she's even missing an eye. She probably got fucked up by that volcanoe Cursed Spirit. "Are we sure leaving her alone is a good idea?"

I look towards her, I did like her character in the anime. She was someone who was born with jack shit when compared to some other Sorcerers, she was born with a Heavenly Restriction, she was born with no Cursed Energy, but a gifted physique instead, though not on the level of Toji Fushiguro. It seems that the Heavenly Restriction is somewhat biased? After all, the only reason I can think of as to why I was incapable of seeing Cursed Spirits and using my Innate Technique, 'Limitless' originally, is due to having a Heavenly Restriction of my own. However I didn't really get any benefits, my physique was stronger than natural, but nowhere near superhuman.

I really got fucked over huh? But I was also lucky to be reincarnated twice, so I guess it evens out? I even prefer it this way, my current life is good. If I never had a Heavenly Restriction I would probably be toiling away, trying to reach the same heights as Satoru even though that would be basically impossible without the 'Six Eyes'. After all, 'Limitless' is extremely hard to use, bordering on impossible without the 'Six Eyes', and as far as I know, I didn't have any sort of cheats until I was reincarnated in the Cardinal World.

Still for Maki to want to become strong and show up those shitty higher ups deserves praise, no matter her reasons for it, she got a bad draw, but she's trying to make the most of it.

In fact now that I'm analyzing her, her physique isn't bad, she would probably be between the level of a high B Rank adventurer to an A- Rank adventurer in the Cardinal World. Someone significant for the vast majority of the world.

Not everyone is a complete monster after all.

"Eh, Raiden will be fine, I told her not to cause any more trouble so she'll listen. As long as none of you instigate her you'll be fine."

In fact, why don't I give Maki a boon. I can also mess with everyone at the same time.

I think a High Potion should be able to heal all her burns.

'Odin, can you dilute one of my Full Potions 20 times, and put the resulting High Potions into bottles that will dissolve into harmless dust on impact.'

'It is done.'

'Great thanks.'

I would do it now but Satoru looks like he is about to start speaking.

"Then that's fine then, while we wait for the food how about I introduce everyone." He pointed to a small group of students, "These are my students, that's Maki-san, Panda, Toge, and Yuji! You've already met Megumi who is just having a little nap, and my other student Yuta is out finishing something up so I'll introduce you to him later. Those two are Kinji-kun, and his pal Kirara-kun. Over there are some of Utahime's students, Momo-chan, Noritoshi-kun, and Miwa-chan. Now say hello everyone!" 

Huh, he didn't mention Nobara? Wonder what happened to her, it wouldn't surprise me if she died though, this world is not kind to Jujutsu Sorcerers.

"Nice to meet you, please take care of me Felix-sama!" Yuji said with a bow.

"Eh, no need for the honorifics, I don't care much for that kinda stuff when not in a formal setting."

"Sorry sir! But I'm terrified of your maid and don't want to upset her anymore, sir!"

"Ah yeah, she can be a little intense sometimes."

"A little intense, he says." Maki mumbles to herself. My grin just widens in response.

"Nice to meet you." Momo mumbles.

"Hello!" says Miwa

"It's a pleasure." bows Noritoshi, I think he is part of the Kamo Clan and he inherited the Innate Technique they are known for, Blood Manipulation. 

"Haha, I can tell your fever burns hot!" I'm pretty sure that's the Kinji that Satoru introduced. I have no clue what he's talking about but Sorcerers are a weird bunch.

And I assume the one next to him is Kirara, I haven't seen a real life femboy before, but this guy fits the description to a tee. If it wasn't for Odin, and my extraordinary sense I bet I'd confuse him for a girl.

"Salmon." I would have no clue what he is saying if it wasn't for Odin being able to decipher what it is he is trying to say based on his expression, mood, etc. Salmon generally means something positive, his words can't have a precise meaning seeing as if someone understands exactly what it is he is trying to say, it will set off his Cursed Speech.

"Yeah, nice to meet you or whatever." Maki says not really putting much effort in, heh, now she deserves to be messed with. 'Odin pop the high potion into my hand.'

She is currently across the room so I have to make sure I use enough strength so that they can see it approach but will be unable to stop the potion, but also not enough to instantly blow her face up. Gojo will be able to intercept seeing as I won't be putting all that much strength into it, but I can just shut down his 'Infinity' as he uses it and lock him in place so he can't physically block it.

I feel the potion appear in my hand and move into a baseball pitchers swing one of those really wasteful ones where they raise one foot into the air to show off, I can tell that they understand something is going to happen, but their brains aren't able to send the signals fast enough for them to react.

"Batter up!" I say as I throw. Like I expected Satoru extended his 'Infinity' right in front of Maki, which I easily override at the last possible moment to allow my potion through, where it impacts her chest leaving her wet, but not in the good way. All of them are just shocked, including Satoru, unable to compute exactly what happened. 

"Cheer up sourbutt, which is a very nice butt by the way, this might even help you with that hahahaha!" Then before everyone's astonished eyes her scars start healing. In just a few seconds she is fully healed. "If I really wanted to inflict harm on one of you, do you seriously believe you would be able to see it? You guys need to relax, if I wanted to hurt you, I already would have."

I watched as Maki touched her face all over, "How?!"

"Ha, that was just a High Potion, it can heal some minor injuries and I was curious if it would heal your burns, safe to say my curiosity has been satisfied."


"Woah Maki-san your burns are gone!" No shit Yuji.

"Hehe, wait until Yuta sees this." 

"Shut up Panda! And you call a missing eye a minor injury?!" It seems Maki hasn't come to terms with her burns and injuries being healed huh? And what's this about Yuta, do Maki and Yuta have a thing going on, that's kinda funny, the former shy nerd, and the muscular tomboy, who knew.

"Eh, I'm capable of regenerating my entire being even if my soul is destroyed, so a missing eye is quite tame in comparison to that."

Satoru butts in, "Huh, now that's some regeneration. Ah, also thanks for healing my cute student!"

"Yeah yeah no problem."

"Now let me introduce you to everyone else, these are the active Jujutsu Sorcerers, and Assistant Manager, Utahime, Atsuya, Ijichi is over there, and that's Mei Mei, the one you wanted to know how much she would charge you to bend her over a table." Heh a few of the kiddies blush.

"That's unfortunately not something up for sale."


"Yes, because I would make an absolute fortune if it were, but as much as I love money I'm not a whore."

So she has standards!

"Haha that's good, I'm not one to pay for sex, I prefer to work my charms." Satoru waits to ensure we're finished before continuing. 

Interesting woman that one. She has a pretty odd hair style too.

"Her little brother, and then there is Shoko."

Huh, so that's Mei Mei's brother, no wonder he has been glaring at me this entire time.

"Nice to meet you Felix-sama." I give her a brief nod. 

Utahime reminds me of a lesser Shuna, what with their whole priestess shtick, and by lesser I mean a far lesser, honestly now that I think about it they aren't even comparable, Shuna would stomp this chick with 1% of her power, maybe less?

Huh, I'm doing the same thing as Satoru, poor Utahime.

Though I don't know who this Atsuya guy is, seeing as he is even in this room he must be at least a Semi First Grade Sorcerer, or hold a key position like that glasses guy from earlier, I'm pretty sure he was Satoru's assistant.

"Then that's the principal of Kyoto Jujutsu High, don't mind him, he's always like that." Ah, so that's the guitar guy then. He seems quite grumpy. If I remember right he is someone who always follows traditions, it's part of why he and Satoru don't get along seeing as Satoru does the opposite of that.

Pretty sure he was also a dog of the higher ups of Jujutsu Society, hopefully they won't cause me any trouble.

"So you are Felix White then hmm?"

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"I see, assuming you are truly from another world, may I ask what your intentions for coming to our world is?"

Didn't Raiden answer this already?

I roll my eyes at him, "Is your hearing walking out on you in your old age? I am pretty sure my maid has already answered this?"

"I personally don't have any issue with him being here as long as he does not plan to threaten the humans, seeing The Fallen toyed with like that was oh so amusing."

I look towards the voice and notice a blond woman, that wasn't the part I was focused on though. She has a halo and angelic wings, I didn't know angels existed in this world. And it seems she is possessed in a manner similar to Yuji with Sukuna, after all there is a mouth formed on the side of this woman's face, though the host herself doesn't seem to have any issues. 

Now that I take a closer look at everyone in the room, quite a few of the people here are possessed, weird.

But seriously, an angel?

Those guys are bad news in the Cardinal World, what with their attacks every thousand or so years, though I don't think this woman is related to them.

And she called Sukuna The Fallen, could there be angels, and devils in this world? I don't think there are as Odin hasn't sensed anything like that, but who knows.

This angel doesn't even seem to have any sort of Holy Power either so maybe her abilities are just similar to that of an angel.

There are all sorts of Cursed Techniques after all.

"Indeed, he saved my beloved Megumi so I do not care for why he is here, but I am grateful for his arrival." Man even Megumi got a chick? Just what the hell has happened in this world?

"Eh, so you're really just here to have fun Felix-sama? Also what's up with the Kyuubi Kitsune on your shoulder?"

I turn towards Yuji, "Yup, I am just here to have fun, I have no reason to conquer the world or whatever image of me you have conjured up in your head. Oh, maybe I'll buy a few video game consoles to take back with me too. Also this here is Kurumi, she insists on being called my pet, but she's more like my subordinate." I look towards her on my shoulder, "Come out and say hi Kurumi."

To the astonishment of them all Kurumi turns from a cute little Kitsune into the voluptuous woman she is.

"Hello, I am Kurumi, named as such by my master." 

"Eh, so you really aren't Tamamo-No-Mae then huh?"

Kurumi looks confused at this, "No, my name is Kurumi." Ah yes, perfect answer.

"I see, sorry Miss Kurumi, you just seemed similar to a Cursed Spirit that we know of."

"One of Geto's former Cursed Spirits right? I can see how you might mix the two of them up."

Satoru looks surprised at what I said, "Yeah…. Tamamo was one of his strongest Cursed Spirits, but how did you know about her?"

I give him a wink, "Secret."

He makes a goofy face, "Bleh!"

"First that fearsome maid and now this woman! Are you naming and recruiting subordinates from the crib?" 

"Eh, who are you?" I have no clue who this guy is, he seems to be one of the guys in a possessed body. And his Cursed Energy is a bit interesting, it feels almost electric, it seems to be independent of a Cursed Technique as well.

"Ah, it seems I've forgotten my manners, my name is Hajime Kashimo, a Sorcerer from a bygone era."

"So you're just someone who has outlived their expiry date, and yet continues to cling to life?" Is this a Voldemort situation?

He gives me a bloodthirsty grin, "Haha, nothing like that, I just wish to fight stronger opponents! I originally wished to face Sukuna, but it seems that is off the table now."

"Ah, a battle maniac, I see. If it comforts you at all, Sukuna would stomp you in a one on one."

He just looks amused at my comment, "Even so, I would have wished to find out on my own. Still, even better than Sukuna is the one that toyed with him."

I raise my brow, "Is that your way of asking for a fight? Sorry but I'm not interested, you're far too weak to even be a way to kill time."

"He really is related to Sensei!" I hear Yuji mumble in the background.

"If you want a fight then feel free to challenge Kurumi or Raiden, we're here to have fun after all, you could be a nice stress relief toy for the two of them. But don't blame me if you die."

I feel Kurumi's tails start to swish back and forth, "Ah, you truly give me such amazing presents Master! I have been wanting my summons to work on something and this… man would make a perfect test subject!"

"Uh huh, no problem."

"Hah! It isn't going to be as easy as you make it sound to beat me! I'm always up for a good fight! Especially against such powerful foes." It's good that he isn't offended by my shit talking, though I wouldn't have done it in the first place if I thought he was the kind of guy who got angry about that kind of stuff.

"May I switch back to my other form now master? I find it far more comfortable to sit in your lap, or on your shoulder."

"Yeah sure, I just wanted to introduce you."

Kurumi smiles happily as she switches back to her cute fox form and takes a seat in my lap. I start to casually pet her causing her to yip cutely.

I look towards Satoru giving him the signal to move on which he thankfully understands.

"Anyways, that angelic looking girl is Hana, that over there is Choso, one of Yuji's siblings, and that is Hiromi-san, he's a lawyer."

I didn't know Yuji had a sibling, though this guy seems to be part human, part Cursed Spirit. I didn't know that was possible. How fun!

"It is nice to meet you Felix-sama, thank you for dealing with Sukuna."

"Eh, it's no problem, I was getting bored watching and was curious about how strong the King of Curses was."

"Still, thank you." What a polite guy.

I look towards the last person Satoru introduced, the lawyer. He's got a nice suit at the very least, but he looks like he just went through a midlife crisis.

He does the standard japanese greeting with a bow, "Hello Felix-sama, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well lawyer guy."

"Great! Now that everyone is introduced we can get into the fun stuff." At this Satoru looked at me, "If you're willing at least Felix."

"I'll agree to that if you answer some of my questions afterwards, and I'll only tell you guys what I feel like, don't expect me to go into detail. The only reason I'm bothering with this is since I do like some of you guys, and it would be impolite to just crash your party and leave, but don't push too far." I could tell they understood what I was trying to say which is good, I didn't want to come to this world only to have to deal with a bunch of bothersome things. 

I wasn't going to let my vacation be ruined by anyone, hopefully it doesn't result in me having to purge some people, that would be unfortunate.

Ah! I've been infected by Lalatina, what with me saying purge instead of kill. I should have expected her degeneracy to spread.

Oh well, now how long should I even stay here? I don't want to be separated from everyone for too long, this trip was mostly to test out my ability to travel worlds and have a nice break for a short period of time.

Eh, I guess I'll just go back to the Cardinal World after getting everything I need, and having some fun. I can always come back after all. I am kind of excited to see what Odin does with Sukuna, I wonder if he can become a Divine Cursed Spirit of sorts? Experimenting with these kinds of things is always fun. 

Satoru gives me a grin.

"Alright that's fine! I'll answer some of your questions. Just tell us whatever you want, I don't really care what you get up to as long as you aren't a menace to society, though I don't think I can stop you either way." For some reason Satoru seemed almost happy when he said the last part, I guess it was truly lonely at the top for him. But now he has discovered that there is more to the world than Curses and Sorcerers.

I could feel that Kurumi was paying attention, I haven't told much of my backstory to my subordinates so she's probably curious. Everyone else was also paying close attention, the principal was probably going to report whatever I say to those higher ups, but oh well, if they cause trouble I can just get rid of them. I remember Satoru wanted to do something similar but didn't due to Yaga's suggestion, but I have no such thing stopping me.

"Hmm, well back when I used to live in this world, I was pretty normal, went to school, studied, hung out with friends occasionally, the normal high school stuff."

"Ehhh! You're only in high school Felix-sama?!"

I look towards Yuji.

"Well I've been alive now for just above 30 years, so do with that information what you will." Man I'm getting old, I died at 16 in my first world, died at 14 in my second world, and I've been in the Cardinal World for 2-3 years.

"Anyways I eventually died and got the standard isekai experience, I trained, got strong, and eventually became a Demon Lord with a territory of my own that I rule. That's about it." That's the most basic summary possible, but eh, it's what they're gonna get.

"Sounds like you had quite the adventure then. Now what I'm curious about is why you weren't brought into the Gojo Clan when it's clear that you inherited a Cursed Technique. I bet we could have had so much fun together!"

"Hah, I hate to burst your bubble, but if I never died, then I would not be anywhere near as powerful as I am now. I'm similar to Maki-chan over there, I had a Heavenly Restriction so I had no Cursed Energy of my own, and I didn't have a very powerful physique either."

"Eh, I bet we still could have had some fun. I'm guessing that there was something in that other world of yours that allowed you to make use of your Innate Technique?"

"Yeah, you could say that." No point in explaining Skills and all that.

"Still it's incredible that you were able to master 'Limitless' to such a high level without the 'Six Eyes', it's generally impossible to use it as well as I've seen you use it."

"Hah! Well the multiverse is vast, I haven't seen even 1% of it, I'm sure there's all sorts of interesting things out there."

"That sounds fun! An adventure throughout worlds."

"Heh, I'm hoping it'll be tons of fun." I wasn't going to offer to bring any of these guys to the Cardinal World, after all I do have a general idea of most of these guy's characters, but I don't know nearly enough about them for me to feel comfortable offering something like that.

The only real reason I can think of to bring anyone from another world to the Cardinal World is due to wanting to see how they develop. 

What sort of skills would they get? I'm curious what direction Satoru will develop, our starting skill sets are extremely similar, though he doesn't have the cheat that is Cursed Sage, and its evolution Odin. But the 'Six Eyes might become something similar.

But I won't let my curiosity get the better of me, they are all unknown variables, it would be pretty dumb to allow them free rein in the Cardinal World, who knows what Unique Skills they might get, they might get some absurdly broken skills comparable to my own. 

Maybe I'll bring those I'm sure I will be able to control, I'm sure I could recruit some interesting beings from other worlds and have them serve me.

Hmm, I'll consider that another time.

Huh, am I a hoarder? I guess I am, I like to hoard power for myself and my friends. Oh well, the more you know.

I could probably take them to worlds other than the Cardinal World though if I ever become friendly enough with any of them?

Maybe I could build a gate of sorts that connects a bunch of worlds together? I can let people I like travel between worlds without being a taxi.

That sounds like a fun project, even if it doesn't see much use. Maybe I can connect a few worlds to one house, or building. Hmm, I'll have to think about it.

And since my power will be maintaining the connection between worlds I can lock people in other worlds. That would be an interesting way to deal with an opponent, just lock them in a dead world, or lock them in the void between worlds.

'Odin, could you work on seeing if the idea of a World Bridge is possible?'

'Answer, it is theoretically possible to create a portal to another world with 'Ouroboros', however the Master's Magiciles will constantly be drained in order to keep the portal open.'

I see, so it is possible then, I don't need to worry about the Magiciles since 'Magicule Breeder Reactor' will take care of that.

Maybe I can do that in the future, once I've discovered more worlds. Though I don't see myself giving many people access to something like that, maybe only my direct subordinates, and friends like Rimuru, Veldora, and Milim as long as the last two are supervised. Those two can get out of control real quick. It just isn't in my nature to give a bunch of goodies out freely, I am quite greedy after all. I'm also lustful, and prideful, I guess I embody a few sins then huh?

Look at me, on a journey of self discovery.

I lower my 'Thought Acceleration' now that I'm not lost in my thoughts, I tend to subconsciously activate 'Thought Acceleration' whenever I'm in the middle of something and get distracted. It's a useful habit, it allows me to process all my thoughts as they come to me.

"Now I have a few questions of my own, what's up with those barriers all around Japan? I can also sense a bunch of Cursed Spirits throughout Japan, you definitely aren't going to be able to keep Jujutsu Society a secret, that's for sure."

"Heh, as the saying goes, shit happened. Most of the world is already aware of Cursed Energy, Cursed Spirits, and us Jujutsu Sorcerers. Kenjaku made sure of that." Satoru actually looks excited at this. Maybe because it lines up with his goals, he wants Jujutsu Society to change after all, and what better way for it to change than having to adapt to everything that has been going on?

"Kenjaku is the guy that was puppeting Geto's body right?"

"You even know about that huh? Yeah, that's Kenjaku."

"I see, I'm curious, have you guys figured out his goals?" At this point I just want to know how this is all going to end.

"Ha, yeah we did, he believes that Cursed Energy has more potential to be unveiled, but he thinks that human beings can access that potential rather than Cursed Spirits and Jujutsu Sorcerers."

"Hmm, that's an interesting theory, how did he plan to test his theory?." Cursed Energy has some relation to Magiciles, so it wouldn't be a surprise if there was still more potential in it.

"He planned to force all the humans in Japan to evolve by merging them with Tengen, as Tengen's soul is at a higher state, he believes that merging the humans with Tengen will create beings superior to Jujutsu Sorcerers. However there will be no boundaries between individuals due to such a mass merging, the impurity of all of Japan's people will spread throughout the world, likely creating the strongest Curse to ever exist."

How interesting! Now I'm curious about what would happen if such a plan was successful. How strong would such a Curse be? Stronger than Sukuna, and Satoru? How exciting!

Sadly my theory won't ever get to be tested. I'm not the kind of person that would doom a world for curiosity. 

Tengen is an interesting figure what with his Immortality and so called evolution. He was also said to be a master of using barriers, he was the sole person keeping Jujutsu Society hidden from the masses.

I remember that Tengen was said to have been capable of evolving further, though it was also said that he would lose all sense of self and become a shell of his former self.

It would be interesting if Tengen simply misunderstood his evolution, after all something like that has never been seen before, everything he knows is basically just a guess. Who knows he might have been evolving into an Enlightened or something similar? During such an evolution he would go unconscious for an unknown amount of time since I doubt The Voice of the World will help to push things along like it does in the Cardinal World. He might have misunderstood that as him losing all sense of self?

Hell, maybe Binding Vows are deals that Jujutsu Sorcerers make with The Voice of the World?

So much fun stuff to learn about!

Kenjaku's plan theoretically would be successful too! Assuming Tengen is a Pseudo-Enlightened of sorts then merging his soul with that of humanities is bound to create something brand new.

What a mad scientist.

"How does Kenjaku plan to force Tengen to merge with humanity?"

"He already has Tengen under control, Tengen has evolved into a being more similar to a Cursed Spirit than a human, so Kenjaku was able to use Cursed Spirit Manipulation to control Tengen."

Hmm, then my guess of him evolving into an Enlightened is most likely false, unless Cursed Spirit Manipulation doesn't allow the manipulation of Cursed Spirits, but rather Spiritual Beings.

If so, then that is a fearsome technique.

"That sounds interesting, I'm assuming that you have a plan for dealing with Kenjaku then? I'm pretty sure that no matter how interesting Kenjaku's theory is, it isn't in your best interest to let his plan be successful."

That's probably where Yuta is, I didn't bother trying to look for him but now I'm curious.


So that's Kenjaku? It seems he and some other weirdo are doing some weird comedy shtick. 

It looks like Yuta is hiding while waiting for Kenjaku to be worn out.

Hold on, what kind of technique is that?

'Notice, Odin has been monitoring the surroundings through the Body Double and has been observing the fight between the entities known as Kenjaku, and Fumihiko Takaba. It has been detected that Takaba's technique allows him to change reality to a limited extent, when Takaba is certain that something is funny, it will become a reality.'

Excuse me?! What the fuck is that?! That sounds broken as hell, definitely not letting that guy go to the Cardinal World, fuck that!

Such a technique would theoretically let this guy beat fucking Satoru or Sukuna, the two strongest people in this verse. Though it is limited by his own sense of humor. Hell, I can see such a technique beating me if I let this guy into the Cardinal World. With enough time he should be able to evolve it into a fearsome skill.

It wouldn't affect me currently seeing as I am far more powerful than him, along with being a higher being. For it to even have a chance of affecting me he would need to use an absurd amount of Cursed Energy, Cursed Energy that he doesn't have, and he can't use his ability to give himself enough Cursed Energy as he doesn't have the Cursed Energy to do even that.

But still it has the potential to reach that level.

There are seriously some broken ass techniques in this world.

'Odin, are you able to analyze that ability enough so that when I return to the Cardinal World, you can make a Skill with it if I want?'

'Answer, Odin has already done so, however it took some time due to the distance between the Master and the Body Double Odin is piloting. The Innate Technique Comedian has similarities with the Unique Skill: Chef, Odin should theoretically be able to use the data from 'Chef', and 'Comedian' to form a new Skill for the Master if you wish.'

Huh, that's right, those two abilities do share some similarities though 'Chef' seems more specialized, but 'Comedian' has a wider range of effects. Those two abilities would mesh well together.

I was holding off on adding 'Chef' to my arsenal due to it not meshing well with my skill set, but now I can't help but wonder what sort of broken combination would form from 'Chef', and 'Comedian' combining. 

Still, it's best I wait until Odin finds a way to evolve it into an Ultimate Skill, a Unique Skill isn't going to be much help at this point.

Still, I'm excited.

'Heh, great work Odin, I'm glad I let you go out with a Body Double.' Man who knew that I would actually get stronger from visiting this world? I guess that shows that no world should be underestimated.

'Don't interfere with the fight unless either Yuta or Takaba is going to die. Once the fight is over, heal anyone who has grave injuries and then disperse the Body Double.'


It would be a shame if Takaba dies, I might not want him in the Cardinal World as I'm a paranoid bastard, but he has an interesting ability. He must have one hell of a personality to have an innate technique like that.

I'd also like to see how strong the so-called second coming of Satoru Gojo, Yuta really is.

I lower my 'Thought Acceleration' as I focus on what Satoru is saying.

"Heh, yeah we have a plan to deal with Kenjaku."

I grin as I say, "It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with dear Yuta now would it?"

Satoru's eyes widened in surprise, "So you were even able to figure that out."

I roll my eyes, "It wasn't hard to figure out, he's the only one who isn't present, and I can sense that comedian guy fighting Kenjaku in his own way with Yuta waiting for an opportunity."

"I see, so your senses expand that far huh?"

"Something like that. Now what's up with those barriers all throughout Japan?"

"Kenjaku created a game of sorts, he calls it the Culling Game. Those barriers are part of Kenjaku's plan to merge Tengen with the humans of Japan. There are 10 colonies that are separated by barriers that serve as the battleground for the ritual to merge humanity with Tengen. Kenjaku is basically forcing all the Sorcerers inside the barriers to fight each other, the Cursed Energy that is emitted from each fight is what is used to power the ritual. The colonies are all connected to each other, the line where these colonies connect to each other form an even larger barrier that Kenjaku erected. The more Cursed Energy that is harvested, the larger the barrier will get until all of Japan is covered by the barrier, at which point Kenjaku will start the merger."

"I see, so it's basically an elaborate plot to use the Cursed Energy of the players' and the barriers for a ritual that prepares the humans of Japan for the merger." 

"Heh, that's one way to say it."

"Kenjaku really thought everything out huh?"

"Ha! If he didn't we wouldn't be having so much trouble!" 

"Does the game end if Kenjaku is killed?"

"Nope! That's the big problem, even if he dies, the game will continue on. Maybe as a final fuck you if we successfully deal with him."

"Hmm, wouldn't all the barriers Tengen is helping maintain also disappear?"

"Yup! That's something to figure out after this entire mess though."

"Well, if you want I should be able to easily destroy all the barriers, though it'll come at a cost."

Satoru raised his brow, "Oh? What sort of cost?"

"Nothing too extravagant, I'd like a place to stay, big enough to host 3 people, I also want a few favors that I can call in, and some money, money makes the world spin after all." I do need money in order to buy the things I want. It probably isn't the best idea to use the Dwargon Gold Coins I have in my 'Stomach'. And learning a few of the barrier techniques won't hurt, they seem quite interesting. I can already think of quite a few uses for a curtain. They are likely to accept any demand I make seeing how desperate they are, they have no real way to destroy the barrier slowly surrounding Japan as far as I know after all.

"Hah! That's easy, hell I could pay for all that from the Gojo Clan funds."

"Great. I can't wait to play some Smash, it's been so long."

"You like Smash Felix-sama?!"

"Heh, I used to be quite the expert at it, Yuji."

"Really?! Amazing!"

"Maybe we can play it later, we can have some others join us later as well."

Yuji saluted as he said, "Yes!"

We continued to chat until I felt Raiden heading back over here.

"It seems the food is on its way, get ready to be amazed, my Raiden is the best cook I know."

"I have high expectations then." Satoru seems excited to try food from another world.

"The scary lady is a real maid then huh?!" Yuji is really into this.


"And there she is." Right as I finished speaking the door to the room opened, and in came Raiden who had a few dishes in her hands.

"Woah! It smells so good!" said Yuji

She came to me first and set down a few plates in front of me, enough for three people as Kurumi and Raiden will be eating with me. 

"Here you go Felix-sama, I decided to make Roast Earthensleep Dragon Steak, White Tiger Stew, and some Grilled Salmon." Ah that sounds delicious, I can eat this all on my own too.

"I see, thank you Raiden."

She then turned towards everyone else who was eagerly waiting, "I made the same for you all, I asked someone to help bring the food, but it seems they fell behind."

Eh? From what I sense she basically came here at top speed, I think she just wanted to beat everyone else and show me the food first.

It's cute how she can be so childish still.

It didn't take long for a bunch of men in suits to come and serve everyone else their food.

And soon the feast began.


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, we finally get some more interactions with the cast of JJK, just a reminder, Felix never got past Gojo's sealing so he has no clue what happened afterwards, so that means he does not know the circumstances behind Maki's Heavenly Restriction.

If you guys are wondering why he is being so forthcoming, it's mostly a combination of arrogance and pride, Felix just does not care how much they know about him due to him being far stronger than them. He doesn't see them as a threat no matter what information they have on him. Along with that he is just being polite, he isn't an absolute tyrant after all, he can be reasonable if he has no reason to be a dick.

Gojo was being so forthcoming due to that just being how he is, to him Felix is a potential ally in his goal of changing Jujutsu Society, he has no reason to really distrust Felix, of course they won't become best buds out of nowhere, but Gojo is a generally friendly guy.

Anyways, thanks for reading, see ya.

next chapter
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