The war had taken much from them, yet in the end, they had won. They had lost much yet had gained quite a bit as well. The war had highlighted the need for reform in their world, a need for them to bring meaningful changes in their world so they could avoid the rise of another Dark Lord in the future. So, that they could leave a better future for their children.
The war had taken much from them. Voldemort's last spell had killed nearly all those who bore his mark, only sparing those who had received the infamous Dark Mark recently. Though they had been hospitalized as well, but would survive if the reports from the medics were accurate. This had basically killed all the death eaters and had left the wizarding world crippled with so many of the pure-blood families becoming extinct.
Now, a year after the end of the war, with normalcy returning to the magical world, it was the perfect time to enact these changes. An opportunity that was only possible because of the person sitting in front of her. Voldemort's second ascension had taken them all by surprise, and with the Ministry compromised and Dumbledore way past his prime, the wizarding world had needed someone else to step up to the Dark Lord. They needed a new symbol.
And the blonde sitting opposite to her had become that symbol, the young man had let his hair grow, and there were hints of a beard growing on the young face, his features still marred by the burn marks that covered a quarter of his face and nearly went down to his neck. He had a light smile on his face as he sipped his coffee, a bitter drink she wouldn't ever tolerate in her office.
Edward Wright, born to humble beginnings and raised in a muggle orphanage, the young man was now a legend in the magical world, often getting mentioned in the same category as Dumbledore himself. He had been awarded multiple medals for defeating Voldemort and for his services during the time after when he had helped the Aurors in bringing a semblance of order to their world.
"Is there any way I can convince you to stay in Britain?" she questioned with a smile, and the young man laughed a bit and shook his head.
"I am afraid not, Minister. I have kept my promise and have stayed for over a year despite the end of the war and have helped you as much as I could. I believe I must be on my way now," and it was such a shame.
The young man remained adamant about leaving Britain. He had served as a professor for a year at Hogwarts for the subject of dueling, a discipline which the new Headmistress planned to reintroduce with old Professor Flitwick taking over the course as the school looked to hire a new charms teacher.
"Well, that is a shame, but it is your decision," she said sadly though she had expected this. The young man's very public relationship with his fiancée was the constant headline of the Witch's weekly. They were Europe's most famous couple and would have their faces plastered in the newspaper nearly every week.
Fleur Delacour, the French Veela, was an exemplary witch in her own regards and had become stayed in Britain for the past year serving as Headmistress Minerva's apprentice. The story of their rebellious romance had somehow gotten leaked, making her somewhat of a celebrity in Britain's magical world. Though from what she had heard, the Veela wasn't quite fond of the public attention and wished to return home.
"Then I believe that is all. I will be on my wa…." But as the young man was about to get up, she cut in quickly as she picked up a folder from the side.
"Not yet. There is one last thing you need to do," she said, and the young man sat down once more, a small frown appearing on his face as she handed him the folder.
"As you are aware, the Wizarding world faces a major crisis given that quite a number of pure-blood families were wiped out throughout the two wars," she began as Britain's hero opened up the folder and began to skim through the documents inside.
"After much deliberation, it has been decided that Wizengamont will be restructured to hold both elected and inheritable seats, to strike a balance between the old and the new ways so that we don't have a repeat of this war again and seek a political solution to our problems," she summarized the documents and saw his eyes widen as he turned the page.
"Given your contributions to the war effort, the Ministry has decided to give you a permanent seat on the Wizengamont, one that will be inherited by your progeny after you and so forth," she informed him.
And the young man seemed perplexed and skimmed through the files.
"But I don't plan to stay in Britain," he answered, and she shrugged.
"It doesn't matter, really. This seat will belong to the Wright family name, you could let it be empty or more preferably, appoint someone to represent your interests," she said as she handed him a pen.
"Just sign these documents; I will take care of the rest," she told him, and the boy nodded and took the pen and, after some deliberation, signed the two documents with a flourish and handed her back the leather folder.
"Well then, I will be on my way. It was good to see you again, Minster Bones," said Britain's latest ennobled gentry as he offered her a handshake. She smiled as she took his hand and shook it.
"It was good to see you. And please know, my office's door is always open for you. If you need anything, just reach out," she said, and the young man nodded and left her office, leaving her to deal with the plethora of paperwork hidden behind her desk.
Britain's Hero marries his long-time French fiancee in a private ceremony in France!
by Harvey Spectre
Beauxbaton's newest faculty member- Edward Wright- Britain's Hero becomes a dueling Professor!
by Mike Ross
Couple's Absolute Dominance! The infamous couple of Edward and Fleur Wright dominate the Duelling World Championship, reach the finals, and will face each other!
by Harvey Spectre
The return of the Tri-Wizard Tournament!
by Mike Ross
"I cannot believe they brought back the Tri-Wizard tournament," spoke the young Slytherin from the side as they raced past the clouds.
The truth was that she could hardly believe that they had done so as well. It had not even been a decade since the last attempt at reviving the tournament, and she still remembered how that had gone.
Though things were much different now than a decade. A decade ago, it had been her in those seats by her side, clad in the Hogwarts uniform, huddled with friends, joking and talking about life.
"Professor White, you were still a student when they held the tournament the last time, right?" questioned the aforementioned Slytherin student, and as her eyes glanced past the 'Headboy' badge, a set of fond memories surfaced in her mind reminding of her another Slytherin who once wore that badge.
"Yes, I was. But the tournament had to be canceled that time due to some unfortunate circumstances," she replied, and the students began to gossip once more, and she heard could still hear them whisper.
'Voldemort' 'War' 'Kidnapping'
She could still vividly remember those days, and how the last tournament had ended in tragedy. Yet this time things would be different. Firstly the tournament was being hosted by Beauxbaton this year, with their new Deputy Headmaster taking charge of the preparations.
She smiled as she thought about the title, something which she shared given Professor Sprout's recent retirement. Flitwick had decided to give her the position citing, much to her consternation, and coincidentally her old friend had been given the same position across the Sea.
"Professor is it true that you were friends with Edward Wright?" the question broke her out of her trance, and she looked to the side and found a sixth-year Hufflepuff looking at her with gleaming eyes. The whole cabin's eyes were focused on her, waiting for her answer.
Had she never mentioned this? Well, maybe she had taken too much after McGonagall.
She nodded, "Yes, we were in the same year, and I was friends with him," and she saw the young Hufflepuff's eyes sparkle as she followed up quickly.
"Wow! They say he is even stronger than Albus Dumbledore and is the greatest wizard of the past century!" continued the Puff with sparkling eyes.
"That's not true. Dumbledore was his teacher. How could he surpass him," came the retort from a Gryffindor, and she knew where this was going. And knew that she had to put an end to this right now!
"That will be enough!" she cut in sharply, and the young Hufflepuff student closed her mouth. They all knew better than to disregard her instructions and quieted down in an instant.
She caught a glimpse of the towers of Beauxbatons and knew that they had reached their destination.
"We have reached Beauxbatons and will be landing shortly. I want everyone acting prim and proper, you are representing Hogwarts, and I will be having words with anyone who makes a fool out of himself. Do I make myself clear!" she spoke strictly as she let her eyes move across the room as the students nodded at her instructions.
The Thestral pulled carriage began its descent, and she straightened out her clothes as a sense of excitement rippled through her. It had been quite some time since she had met Edward, the last time being nearly over a year and a half ago when she had visited him and Fleur to congratulate them on their firstborn child.
Althea Wright would soon be turning two years old, and as her godparent, she had a duty to look after the said child. Edward had been besotted with his daughter and doted quite a bit on her, his relationship with Fleur still a thing of the tabloids, especially after their exclusive interview with Amy before they had faced each other in the Duelling World Championship finals.
"We are landing!" she remarked as the carriage slowed down and the wheels hit the ground. The massive building that could only be the famous Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood in front of them.
She caught a familiar silhouette standing there alongside a couple of students through the windows as the carriage came to a complete halt.
She glanced over at the Hogwarts students and saw them brimming with excitement as their stared at the massive building in front of them. Beauxbatons had been built quite differently than Hogwarts, whose old rising towers gave the castle a gothic appearance.
Beauxbatons, in contrast, had fewer towers and more chateau-like constructions with flower-filled trees and branches arching over their colorful walls, giving the school a much more warm and welcoming feeling than her own alma mater.
The doors to the carriage opened, and she saw a welcoming committee walking towards them, her eyes easily recognizing the person leading the two students from the school.
His hair had been left to grow and now reached past his ears, yet they were impeccably styled, most definitely by Fleur, given the attention to detail, his signature gold-rimmed glasses now replaced by rimless ones, accentuating his unique amethyst eyes. The scar on his face was visible, the years and the advancements in healing spells had made it quite smaller, yet it still reached up his neck, covering a side of his face.
The students behind her were awed at his appearance, his legend had only ever grown back home in Britain despite his absence, and she could hear them whisper his name behind her.
"Elizabeth!" he said jovially as he gave her an enthusiastic hug making the eyes of her students go wide, seeing their usually strict professor smile. She would deal with them later as they separated and Edward shook her hand.
"It is so good to see you," he said, and she nodded.
"It is good to see you as well," and then before they could begin getting lost in conversation, someone coughed slightly from his side, and they finally realized that they had a job to do. She glanced at the source of the noise and felt her eyes widen as she saw the all-too-familiar silvery blonde hair, and blue eyes.
Those features were quite majestic, and she could feel a number of boys gaping like idiots at the female student in front of them, reminding her of times the girl's elder sister had stepped into the hall at Hogwarts.
"Though you have already met, for ceremonies sake, let me introduce you to the head of the student body at Beauxbatons, Gabrielle Delacour," remarked Edward from the side as Fleur's younger sister slowly waved her hand with a smile making all the boys behind her nearly pop out their eyes.
"Hi, I am Grabrielle Delacour, and welcome to Beauxbaton's. I hope you have a memorable stay," she finished in accented English, her small angelic voice making the boys swoon after her. It was a cough from her and several pinches from the accompanying girls that broke their Heabdoy of his trance as he put forward his hand with a light blush on his face as the rest of the boys and some of the girls glared at him with murder in their eyes.
"Hi, I am Ethan Hunt, head boy at Hogwarts," and the young Veela shook his hand and spoke with a smile.
"It is good to see you, Ethan. Let me lead you all to the Hall," said the young Veela as she gave Edward a glance from the side and began to lead away the students.
"Ahhh, head of the students committee. Do I sense a bit of nepotism going on," she teased as she joined Edward, who scoffed as he shook his head.
"As, if. That girl is even more trouble than her sister. She has her eyes set on my beating my record at the youth Duelling Championship. If she is selected as the champion from Beauxbatons, she will school your students," he remarked with pride, and she narrowed her eyes.
"Ohh, is that pride I hear? But do remember that Minerva and Flitwick spent years rehauling the whole school syllabus. You would be surprised at how good the students are this year," she remarked, and it was true. Minerva McGonagall had completely changed Hogwarts in her time as the Headmistress enacting several fundamental changes in curriculum and teaching style. And it was because of this reason Hogwarts now boasted a faculty twice as large as before, along with additional courses forwarding, enchanting, and dueling, to name a few.
And yes, despite her repeated attempts, the school still had a Divination course though it was now taught by a certain professor.
"Ohh, then you wouldn't mind a little wager," teased Edward as he wiggled his eyebrows. And she narrowed her eyes and smirked as she brought out a galleon and tossed it to him.
"You are on," he caught it as the massive doors to the Hall opened up.
"You are so on!"
20 Years later-2020
Fleur Delacour looked on at the screen infront of her with sadness as the whole society collapsed around her. With advancements in muggle technologies, they had reached enough advancement that the statute of secrecy could no longer stand.
And despite their various tries and negotiations, the world's reaction to the existence of their community had been as expected.
Fear. And in that fear, they had returned to their most animalistic nature, launching operations against all such settlements. Initially, all the wizarding governments tried to deal with the issue separately, but when an attack was launched against the Beauxbatons school in France, leading to hundreds of injuries, leaving several dead, they knew that this couldn't be allowed to go on. The wizarding world needed to act, and it needed to do it fast.
And though many names were floated around, Harry Potter, Hermione Black, and even Elizabeth White, in the end, none of them were selected. For there was truly only one option to lead them all.
And so, as the military forces of Britain laid siege to Hogwarts, the blockage being broadcasted all over the world, each and every wizard held their breath as they waited for a response.
"I stand here, on the front lines, as the British Royal army surrounds the wizarding stronghold, a castle which is thought to be a place for training wizards and witches. The army has had the place under siege, with various particle disruptors placed around the building to stop the wizards and witches inside from leaving the place through their apparitions. This technique allows them to literally teleport," the young blonde man spoke into the screens as the camera shifted to show the so-called particle disruptor. And she gasped as she saw the castle she had visited all those years ago, the very castle where her better half had studied for more than half a decade.
Yet now, the castle stood there under siege by an army with tanks and jets surrounding it, and given the time of the year, she was sure that the castle was filled with students. Children who were surrounded by an army.
"The disruptor was developed by the military a month ago and has proved extremely useful against common magical folk. The Government has given the magical fold an ultimatum of one hour to declare complete surrender. Otherwise, the army will be given the permission to conduct an operation to gain control of the stronghold." The reporter suddenly stopped as the camera showed one of these disruptors, and she cursed the very soul of the person who had built those machines.
And then suddenly it happened, as a loud lightning was heard. And she knew that this was over!
"What the!" the reporter shouted, as the cameras quickly panned towards the source of the disturbance and found a man standing in front of the ancient castle,
"Someone has just appeared at the gates of the castle named Hogwarts and is walking towards the armed forces. These are exclusive live looks from the ongoing operation 'Hogwarts' taking place in Britain. Now we have what appears to be an adult wizard walking towards us," the reporter shouted, and she gasped as she saw an all too familiar face appear on the screen.
It had been years since she had seen those amethyst eyes filled with rage, yet those eyes on the screen promised retribution. The years had added a little grey to his hair, and though he remained thin, his gait and height made him seem imposing and powerful.
"HALT! HALT! STOP RIGHT NOW, OR WE WILL SHOOT!" the army men could be seen shouting, yet the man didn't stop. They fired shots at his feet, yet the man didn't stop, his features becoming clearer and clearer with each step he took. The right side of his face remained scarred, a burn mark that reached his neck. The man held an all too familiar aspen wand in his hands.
"Fire!" the commander shouted, and the men began to fire straight at the man. Yet the bullets didn't hit the man and kept bouncing off of an invisible shield that spanned around him.
"The bullets are getting repelled! They are not even making a dent! Is this the infamous magic that has taken the whole world by storm!"
And then suddenly, the man raised his hand and waved it away, and suddenly, the fortifications and the barricades turned to rash right infront of everyone's eyes.
"What Is this? The Guns! They have frozen! Look down!" the men shouted, and suddenly the camera was turned down, and the whole world saw as the ground was frozen solid. The lush green fields were now covered with thick crystalline ice, and the ice reached up and covered the lower half of their body, making it impossible to move! Suddenly, helicopters and jets began to surround the man and started firing, yet he simply stood there.
Suddenly, the camera panned to the man responsible for dismantling an entire battalion singlehandedly,
"My name is Edward Wright, and I am a wizard! And this ends now!" she heard Edward shout and closed her eyes as she heard those fated words.
And then the chaos began, and the feed was cut as tears dripped down from her eyes. For what the world didn't know was that as the statue broke, a single man had been holding back the wizards from resorting to extreme measures, trying to establish a peaceful resolution to the whole issue.
Yet for his efforts, he was paid back in betrayal, a betrayal that led to the death of someone he loved more than himself. Someone she loved more than herself, and tears fell down her eyes onto a small picture that she held in her hands.
A picture of a much younger her, lying in a hospital bed, forehead covered in sweat, as Edward stood by her side, his eyes glinting even through the picture, his eyes filled with tears, as he smiled lovingly at the small bundle of love in his hands.
"Lilliane Fleur Wright" ~ A blessing gone too soon.
And so, it all comes to an end. Thanks for reading the story. This is the epilogue. My next story has been uploaded as well.
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