3.03% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 3: A Return to School

章節 3: A Return to School

August 24, 1997

Paris, France

Gabrielle swore there was a fire burning in her as her lips met Harry's. It was her first real kiss. They were still just inside the front door of her family's town house and she wasn't sure how long they had been here. All she knew was that her arms were around Harry's neck, his hands were hot spots on her hips that had ignited this fire she felt, and the way he kissed her, she couldn't help but press herself against him as hard as she could. It had started chaste until she realized how fun it could be to use her tongue after he had licked her lips.

When he finally pulled away, her breath was coming in short bursts as much from the heady kiss he had just given her as it was the feel of his body. Harry was fit and felt hard against her. He put his forehead against hers. "Brilliant," he said breathlessly in his British accent. Merlin how she liked how he talked.

"Incredible," she agreed.

It was technically their second kiss. Harry had been bold enough to peck her on the lips earlier before he had taken her to dinner. This one... this one had been bothersome and toe curling...

"Uhm, I should say goodnight."

"Do you have too?" She couldn't believe what she was asking of him, but she really didn't want him to leave! It wouldn't be until Halloween that she saw him again. She wasn't sure she could survive that long without him...

It was a scary thought. No one had ever felt that important to her. Even when she went to Beauxbatons, or Fleur had left before her, she had never felt this way.

"I will miss you, mon ballerina," he said, pecking her on the lips.

She pulled her arms tight, bringing him into a hug that she had no intention of ever loosening. "Don't go," she pleaded, feeling slightly embarrassed, never having really asked anything like this of a man before.

Harry kissed the side of her head and she closed her eyes. Papa had done stuff like that to maman before. Until now, she hadn't realized she had been jealous of that. "I will write at least once a week."

She sighed into his shoulder, slowly letting him go. She knew if she didn't let him go right now, she would not. When he kissed her again, the heat in her grew again. She didn't know what to think of it, except to pull him as close as she could to her. Her body let out a moan when she felt something pressing into her hip. The warmth that flooded her had her gasping and she pulled back.

Harry's green eyes were molten and needy. "Sorry," he muttered, his face turning crimson. She giggled, as much for his embarrassment as hers.

She gave him a saucy smirk. "For what? It is a compliment," she found herself saying, copying something Fleur had said to a few guys, mostly to embarrass them, but in this case, she rather enjoyed that she elicited that response in her raven-hair boy.

Gabrielle wasn't ready to act upon the impulses she suddenly had. Not yet. She didn't think Harry was either. It was something she was thankful for. Maman and Fleur had stories of how men would 'push', but Gabrielle did not have such stories and she hoped she never would.

Harry gave her a crooked smile that had her legs feeling weak. "I will send Hedwig as soon as we are back." He looked unsure for a moment. "Will you go out on a date with me the first weekend you are at Hogwarts?"

She smiled and hugged him again. "Oui. Oui. Whenever you want!"

He hugged her back and was gone way too soon. She watched him go down the steps, give her a broad smile and then she followed him with her eyes as he walked towards an alley at the end of the block. She didn't walk back inside and close the door until a few minutes after he had vanished down the alley. When she did, she fell heavily on her shoulders against the door. Her heart still pounding in her chest. Her body still warm where his hands had touched her hips or where she had pressed against him.

Gabrielle had never felt this way before.

It was thrilling. Thrilling enough she gave a squeal of delight, pushed off the door and then danced across the atrium to the stairs. A laugh came from the family sitting room when she got to the top of the stairs and twirled towards her rooms.

"It went well today, little golden bird?" her papa asked through the open door.

She was already past the door, feeling like she was flying before crashing to the ground to hear his voice. She still wanted to dance around the house but wasn't sure how her papa felt about this. After a moment of taking a few calming breaths, she slowly took a few steps backwards. "Hello, papa. Maman," she greeted, trying to keep the smile off her face to see them both looking at her from a love seat by the unlit fireplace.

Her maman chortled at her expression and her papa gave her a pleasant smile. "Your day was good?"

She took a deep breath and walked into the room. "It was wonderful! We spent hours at the Louvre. I want to go back and see everything. The paintings and sculptures and the prints. All marvelous."

"So you went alone?" her papa inquired.

Gabrielle gave her papa an unimpressed look. She answered, getting more excited as she talked. "Of course I didn't. Harry was with me all day. He showed me how the muggles get around and we found some street vendors and then there was this marvelous little eatery he took me to for dinner. Oh, papa, he was a gentleman all day. And his eyes were always looking into mine when I turned to him. He got me this bracelet from the Louvre," she said in rapid succession as she held out her wrist with an expensive gold bracelet.

"It is a replica of a bracelet given to a Princess of the Archduchy of Austria in the sixteen hundreds. He told me I could be a princess. Maman, he held my hand almost everywhere we went, and held open doors, and my seats and everything you always said a good man should do. Just like papa. Harry was also very funny at times, though I still don't think that man looked like a monkey in the painting. And we talked about so many things. Oh, he wants to take me on a date once I go to Hogwarts with the Beauxbatons representatives. October is too far away. That is over two months away. Maman, two months," she said in despair at the end.

Her mother gave her an indulgent smile and held her arms open. She jumped up and sat between her papa and maman. It was a tight fit with how grown up she was now. Her maman wrapped her into a hug while papa rubbed her back.

Maman kissed her head. "It will be alright, my golden bird. He will be waiting for you."

"But it is over two months away. What if he realizes what I really am?"

"I think that boy is as taken with you as you are with him," her papa soothed.

"Harry understands more than you think. I do not think his heart will sway, my golden bird."

She pulled out of her maman's arms and looked at her. "What did you say to him? Oh, maman, please tell me you didn't scare him? I don't know if I could take it if Harry didn't like me like that."

Her maman just gave her the same indulgent smile. "If I scared him, Harry would not have come today, and I doubt he would have left with your lipstick all over his mouth if he did not like you that way."

She felt her cheeks flush. "You were looking!"

"No, my golden bird. Remy came in asking if she should toss Harry out or not," her papa said with a laugh at the incredulous look she gave him.

"You will not toss Harry out! He did nothing I did not want and if he had I would have hexed him myself," she replied rather indignantly.

Her father just chuckled. "I have no doubt of that, little golden bird. We both approve of Harry and your courtship with him. When you are ready, I shall start talks with Seigneur Black."

Gabrielle sat tall, just blinking at her papa before turning to her mother. Her incredulous look turned into apprehensive joy as she processed what her papa had just said. Her hands went to her mouth as her mother nodded.

As the realization settled over her, Gabrielle realized what had just happened. Harry Potter was her mate. Her veela-blood had found the most compatible person for her and laid its claim. The fire that had started in her as he kissed her was that more animalistic part of her screaming out for Harry.

Her maman reached up to hug her again. "He is a fine choice and a man that is head over heels for you. I can already see it."

There was a fear that coursed next to the fire she knew was for Harry. "Maman, what if he doesn't?"

"You have nothing to worry about, my golden bird."


August 27, 1997

Paris, France

Dear Gabrielle,

I am sorry for not writing yesterday, but we spent more time with Minister Montrose than expected and then once we were back home, Sirius and I had to go make another visit and then one of our House elves found something that needed to be taken care of... In short, I'm sorry. I really did mean to write you as soon as we were back.

As I sit here, I keep thinking about Sunday. Would you like to go back to the Louvre either over Christmas or Easter? Since we are both seventeen, well I am assuming you will have the same allowance, we would be allowed to leave Hogwarts any weekend or any day after last class. Or maybe I can sneak to France for a weekend before you leave for Hogwarts.

I am sorry for the short letter, but I am going to see the goblins today to finally clear up some stuff with my parents' accounts and vaults.

Looking to hear from you, my little ballerina. Or would you prefer something else?

Anyways, looking forward to seeing you again.

Lo... Sincerely,



Gabrielle had read the short letter while laying on her bed. She squealed to know he wanted to see her again and that he wanted a pet name for her. Gabrielle never thought she was one of those types of girls, but with Harry she found she could barely contain her joy. She had been slightly disappointed not to see Harry's beautiful snowy owl yesterday, but had been rewarded with the owl waiting in the kitchens this morning.

Not being able to wait, she quickly moved to her writing desk, took out the special parchment she usually only reserved for Fleur or Grandmaman, and started to pen her letter.

When done, she was afraid it sounded needy, but she did feel like she needed Harry. The small owl charm that had been in his letter was already on the bracelet he had gotten her from the Louvre. It was next to the ballerina. The bracelet had hardly come off in the last few days. Hedwig was still in the kitchens when she went to find one of their family owls in the small owlery. "You are a smart girl, aren't you?"

The owl preened and nuzzled her hand.

"Take this back to our Harry, beautiful girl."

Hedwig gave a hoot, nuzzled her hand again and took off a moment later.

She watched the white owl fly over the buildings that enclosed the courtyard out back of the kitchens. All the town houses in this block were magical residences, her family home just being the largest. A few were apartment buildings, owned by her family. She couldn't let her thoughts dwell on Harry or Hedwig though. As she found yesterday, if she did, all she thought of was how Harry hadn't written her.

Thus, she went to her room, opened her closet and took out the Iron Belly hide sparring gear that her papa had gotten her for winning the duelling championship at Beauxbatons last year. Fleur had only come in third the two years she had participated. It was part of why she was probably chosen for Champion. Fleur had been second in class, but no one else left at school that year had beaten her.

On the other hand, Gabrielle had silently been top of class since her first year. Transfiguration, Charms, Duelling and Ancient Magics were her favorite subjects and she had excelled in ballet to keep herself in top physical form. She had always asked maman and papa not to make a big deal out of it. Fleur tried to flaunt her achievements to prove that she was not just some veela-blood half-breed that was only good to be eye candy.

Gabrielle didn't want to flaunt her achievements. She just let them speak for themselves. It was part of why she wanted to compete in the tournament this year. She was not trying to follow in her sister's footsteps or to show herself off. Gabrielle had just worked hard, harder than Fleur, and she would show that she deserved to be Champion.

From what she knew of Harry, both from Hermione and what he had shown, the boy down played his abilities. She had never seen someone prepare a ball of magic on his wand tip like that before. She sensed it was just that. A ball of magic waiting for Harry's intent to act. She knew very powerful and skilled people could do that, but she just had never seen it. The shock in maman's eyes that night, even through her rage, had not been missed by her daughter.

A veela-blood could be truly dangerous when upset. A mage that could do that could probably match any veela-born in a rage. She had also noticed how easily he controlled his magic. That night in the orchard, he had cast a warming and imperturbable charm to keep the bugs off her on the coat he had put over her shoulders. She hadn't seen him use his wand, but she had felt his magic.

Gabrielle should have known then how her veela-blood was reacting to him. It was not usual for her to feel another's magic like that so easily.

After she was suited up, she ran her hand over the robes. Harry had not asked for them back and she did not plan to return them unless he did.

Yes, she was determined to win the tournament. She had already turned down Head Girl so that she could travel to Hogwarts. Since she was a small girl, she had wanted to meet Harry Potter. She had grown up reading the books about him. Until she had met Hermione, she had always dreamed of him being this larger-than-life knight in shining armor. He defeated werewolves, hag covens, vampires, lethifolds, dragons and Dark Lords.

Or so the books said.

Some of what she had achieved was so that she could be worthy of meeting the boy she had dreamed about.

Then, last summer, she had met Hermione Granger, and the girl had said something that almost destroyed her. Harry hated fan-girls, he hated being the center of attention unless he chose it and, above all, he hated disingenuous people. Thinking of some of those conversations after Hermione had gone off on her when she had been too obvious about her intentions about Harry had sent her into a brooding mood for months.

That was when she realized she was the worst of everything Hermione said Harry disliked. So, when she met him this summer, she tried to see Harry as just Harry. All her old books, clippings and anything she had obsessed over had been tossed over Christmas. The only thing she had relating to Harry now were the few letters Harry had written her, the bracelet on her wrist with some charms, a bouquet of flowers that were being preserved and this set of dress robes. All gifts freely given by a boy who looked at her for who she was. The least she could do is see him for who he was.

What she had seen of him in the last month was nothing of what she had thought of him before. It was much better. He was sincere, cute, funny and witty at times, modest, a gentleman and an enigma. He hid many things. She had a sense some were very dangerous, while others were painful. Even though she had only spent five days with him, she knew she wanted many more to truly understand him and to have him see what she could do.

Gabrielle wanted what Fleur had. A man who loved her for her. That man deserved the same back.

Finding Bill had been a good thing for Fleur. He was the lead of the Curse Breaker team and Fleur had quickly shown her abilities and they had fallen for each other. Papa had been very happy for her, but sad too. Her veela-blood chosen mate was a good man. He was honest, honorable, extremely handsome - though Harry was better looking - smart and magically powerful. The only thing she knew papa was sad about was that Bill was not of the proper blood to carry on the Delacours' titles and responsibilities.

Papa didn't see anything wrong in Bill. She knew papa really liked him and wanted Fleur to be happy. Like papa wanted her to be happy.

Gabrielle wanted to make papa happy too, and was hoping she might make papa proud and carry on the Delacour traditions, but if she were to find a veela-blood mate that wasn't of the right status, then she had uncles and cousins that could carry it on. Harry, unlike her brother-in-law, was of the proper status. It was not why she wanted him though, but it was a plus.

With these thoughts, she went to the training rooms. Later she would probably need maman to put some cream on the bruises she knew she would get.


September 1, 1997

Hogwarts Express, Somewhere, Great Britain

Harry was sitting in the Prefects' coach compartment at the front of the train. Hermione was going over her notes and timetables she had stressed over for the last month. For years he had tried to get her to calm down about this type of thing, but being Head Girl had brought all these tendencies up again.

As the train steamed north, the other prefects filtered into the coach. The meeting didn't start until eleven, but Harry liked to be early when he could - a habit formed from years of having Hermione as his best mate - and wanted to get this over with. It was going to be the first of many such meetings.

When Ginny and Colin came in last, Harry looked around the room. Most were talking and he took count of them all. Ron and Parvati had been named prefect to replace Hermione and him. The other seventh year prefects intermingled amongst themselves. Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini from Slytherin were talking with Susan Bones from Hufflepuff and Lisa Turpin from Ravenclaw. Michael Corner, Ravenclaw, was talking with Kevin Entwhistle, Hufflepuff, and the sixth year Hufflepuffs Rebecca Towle and Gregory Howle. The fifth year Hufflepuffs, Sally Westly and Camden Trask were talking with the fifth year Ravenclaw and Gryffindor prefects, Renee Dubois, Terrance Huff, Bonnie Moody and Ian Ross.

Bonnie was a niece of Madeye and Ian was a great-nephew of Professor McGonagall.

The last few prefects were mostly being quiet. The sixth year Ravenclaws, Erin Brocklehurst and Ewan McConnel, sat next to the sixth year Slytherin, Veronica Rowle and Vincent Winters. The last group had Greengrass' younger sister, Astoria and her fifth-year partner Donald Ducksworth.

Harry had a hard time not laughing every time he saw or heard the name, but only those that were Muggleborn or raised would really get the joke.

"I am glad you are all here and I hope you had a good summer," Hermione started without preamble. "As you all probably know, I am Hermione Granger and this is Harry Potter. We have been appointed Head Girl and Boy this year and I would like to kick this off properly."

She flicked her wand and several parchments flew to everyone in the room. "I expect everyone to read the handbooks by next weekend. You will find your patrol schedules, updated list of banned items and the new policy on detentions, point deductions and how to write up incidents on these parchments.

Harry was looking at everyone and half the group was already tuning her out. "Greengrass," he indicated Astoria, "a first year is running through the hall between classes and you know he should be in class, what do you do?"

Hermione shot him a questioning look. The light-brunette girl in Slytherin colours looked startled. "Uhm, we write them up and take two points," she responded, giving him the exact prescribed punishment per the student handbook. So, she had read it, that was a good sign.

Harry nodded his head. "That is one thing you could do. Or, you could give them directions, or even show them to their class. If you are nice enough you can even let their Professor know you found them lost because it was still the first day of school."

The younger Greengrass eyed him. "Why would you do that?"

"Respect," Harry answered easily.

Hermione nodded as half the prefects looked at him oddly. Harry went on. "Yes. We are all prefects and representatives of our school. Do you want to rule with an iron fist, or do you want to guide people to doing the right thing? Personally, I would rather have that first year follow the rules because they were shown that was what is expected. By all rights, if you find them again, write them up, but I would rather give people a chance first."

"Is that why Gryffindor hasn't gotten into as much trouble the last few years," Lisa asked.

Harry shrugged. "I hope so."

Hermione shook her head. "What Head Boy Potter is trying to say is that we would like to focus more on what is morally right this year. We will stand up for you on any decision like this where you try to elevate and help someone. We will not stand for you letting your friends, family or allies off. If either of us find out that is the case, you will be talking to Professor McGonagall with us."

There was a general round of nodding heads and then Hermione went into the schedules and other stuff before getting to the point Harry was sure they were all waiting for. "The last thing this year is that Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will be arriving on October twenty-eighth and the tournament will begin on Halloween. If anyone asks, it will be the same rules as it was at Beauxbatons. No under-age wizards, it will be a magically binding contract and, no, there will not be a troll guarding the cup. Not that I know of anyways."

There was some laughing, questions and many left to go find their friends. This year Harry had decided to stay in the Prefects coach. Hermione and him would go take a walk soon. Ron, Lisa, Susan and Kevin came over. "So, you two want to come join us? We are sitting with Neville, Hannah and whomever else shows," Ron asked.

"Not this time. I figure being Head Boy I should act like one," Harry told him. Ron nodded and left with an arm around Lisa.

"I wanted to check the schedules again. I wish I knew the Quidditch practice schedules. I assume you are going for the Hufflepuff team again this year," Hermione asked Susan.

"Of course. This is my last year to play and I will be starting Chaser all season," she informed Hermione.

Hermione nodded. "Who is Captain this year? I know Ginny is Gryffindor, Corner is Ravenclaw and Malfoy is for Slytherin."

Harry made a face at that. "Not sure, but I think it might be Remmer. She is our sixth-year Keeper," Susan answered Hermione.

"I'll have to talk to her."

When Susan and Kevin made their goodbyes, Harry leaned back into the seat. Only Astoria Greengrass and Ewan McConnel were still in the coach compartment. While Hermione looked over her paperwork, Harry asked, "You sure you don't want to go back with Luna and all them?"

A smile teased at Hermione's lips for a moment. "I'll see her tomorrow."

Harry shook his head. "So, are you seeing each other?"

"I don't know, honestly. We have seen each other a few times. I know Luna likes boys too, but she asked me to go on a date the first Hogsmeade weekend," Hermione told him.

"When does she turn seventeen?"


He nodded before going silent. After a few, he reached into his pocket. Hedwig had found him this morning as they were getting ready to leave. He had put Gabrielle's letter in his pocket, itching to read it, but not wanting to rush it. Now was probably the best chance until tonight.

The wax seal on it was a nice lavender. The impression was that of a veela on a shield. It was the seal her father had made for her mother and his daughters.

"I haven't seen you since you got back. How was France?"

"Brilliant, actually," he told her with a broad smile.

Hermione stopped what she was doing and looked up at him and then the letter in his hands. "Is that from Gabrielle?"

"Maybe," he told her a little furtively.

"How was her recital?"

"Merlin, Hermione, Gabrielle should go professional, but Apolline said that she was quitting because she had other aspirations. Gabrielle won't tell me what she wants to do yet, but if she is half as good at it as she is ballet, she will be the best at whatever she does," he rushed out, fishing the letter out of the envelope.

His curly-hair brunette friend regarded him for a moment. "How good of a kisser is she?"

Harry ignored her, loudly opening the letter. He started to read. Or tried. "Did you see her more than just the ballet?"

"I had a rather unpleasant dinner with the MACUSA President and her entourage before having an enjoyable evening with Gabrielle and her family. They have this huge ballroom where Gabrielle showed me much of what she would be performing. She has the cutest giggle and laugh when she is happy. Then I saw her perform the night after. That Sunday I spent the day with her in Muggle Paris. Well, we actually spent most of the day at La Louvre, but it was really nice," Harry told her.

Hermione looked at him oddly. "You met the MACUSA President and then you spent the entire day in an art museum and liked it?"

Harry tried not to look at her. He had to admit it did not sound like him, so he had to tell her the story. He took out his wand and cast a silent muffliato before starting. She raged against President Hepper before allowing Harry to finish with how Gabrielle was so enjoying La Louvre and he was enjoying seeing her reactions to everything that it hadn't felt like almost six hours in the museum.

Hermione's hands went to her mouth, hiding the smile on her face. "Oh, merlin, Harry. How much do you like her?"

"Enough," he replied furtively.

She hit his leg. "Don't give me one of your typical evasions. How much do you like her?'

Harry had been thinking of that for over a week. After a moment, he put down the unread letter and sighed. "Do you know about veela-bloods?"

She looked at him for a moment. "Only what I can find in books, but something in your tone says you know something that is not commonly known."

"I don't know if this is in your books or not," he told her, looking towards the front of the compartment. "Her mum had a talk with me."

Hermione waited for him to go on. When he didn't, she prompted, "A talk about?"

"Veela-blood. Gabrielle is quarter veela, but the blood of her grandmother still flows strong in her and Fleur. Do you know what happens if a veela-blood falls in love?"

Her eyes widened. "You can't be? You have only known her a month."

"And yet I miss her like there is a hole in my heart without her around. Apolline warned me to either step away or commit myself at her recital, because either way Gabrielle would commit herself if I didn't walk. I chose to spend the whole day with her the last day I was in France. Merlin, Hermione, we had our first real kiss when I said goodbye to her that night. It was the best kiss I ever had. I almost couldn't leave. I had a pit in my stomach for days later and I am still kicking myself for leaving her that night. I feel like some stupid third year with a puppy-love crush on someone," he confessed. Hermione would be the only one he would ever confess something like this too.

"I don't know if I love her yet, but I don't like not having her around."

"And how does Gabrielle feel? She hasn't sent me a letter since before you met her in France," Hermione informed him.

Harry looked back down at the letter. "I think she is lonely and can't wait to see me again," he told her, a small smile coming to his face.

Hermione gave him a pleasant smile. "I know she has been lonely. Remind her to send me a letter when you write back to her."

Harry nodded and dropped the anti-eaves dropping spell. "I will," he promised Hermione before settling against the cool wall and pulling the sheets up to eye level. He rubbed his eyes and shifted his glasses to read over them. Lately he had found he was using them less. Perhaps he needed a new prescription?


Dear Harry,

I can forgive you this one time for breaking a promise to me.

I hope you can tell that I am just teasing you?

Little Ballerina is suitable.

I understand you were busy. After that dinner, I was not sure you would talk with Minister Montresor. I do hope it was a good conversation, and I will admit I find myself somewhat intrigued as to why there was such a commotion. Papa and maman will not tell me what it was about.

As for the Louvre, I will go back anytime you can find the time. I am unsure what rules we will have from Madame Maxime, but I do look forward to having you escort me into Hogsmeade or elsewhere. There are sure to be museums in Britain. I do hope to see Fleur some when we go. Papa has said the planning committee has been very quiet about what events there might be, so I am not sure how much time we may have outside of classes and training should we be chosen.

Maman has mentioned she would like to invite you over again when you are in France or on holiday. I would too. It has felt a little lonely the last three days and once I go back to Beauxbaton, there are few that talk to me like you do. Really only my friend David and my cousins. Fleur had the same issue. I know it is because of what we are, but I miss you. I miss being able to just talk with you.

Looking forward to seeing you again,



P.S.- Thank you for the charm to add to my bracelet


Harry folded the letter, a grin on his face as he put it nicely back into his pocket. He would have to pen a letter to her tonight before going to bed. That was after his rounds were done. Head Boy and Girl got the pleasure of pulling rounds every night for the first two weeks to ensure the new Prefects, and returning Prefects, were up to snuff. His year was going to be very busy, especially if he was chosen champion.

Harry knew he didn't usually like the attention, but his competitive side had won out when he talked with Sirius about it earlier this summer. The last three years he had been training like a madman and needed some way to prove to himself he was ready if Voldemort or his followers returned.

There had been rumors and issues since things fell apart after Pettigrew's trial.

He looked at the envelope. What Sirius and him had learned from Minister Montresor was bothering him. There was word of dark things moving on the continent and word of an old danger that no one would really say what it was. The American's had ambushed him because they had recently had a spat with a few escaped Death Eaters that had tried to take over the government in Brazil, and had come close. To have such a large government like that that was mostly out of ICW control in their hands could have been bad.

He didn't want to worry Gabrielle about something. Sirius and others were taking it seriously and dealing with it on their own. Sirius just wanted him to buckle down, have fun at school and date his new girlfriend. Merlin, Harry hoped she would be his girlfriend. It just hadn't come up and they hadn't spent that much time around each other yet. He knew they were more than friends though. The words from Apolline still swirling in his head.


September 4, 1997

Beauxbatons, France

Gabrielle sat at the small table with her twin cousins and David Renault. David was in her year and one of the few people that didn't fawn over her or give her glares for something she could not control.

The dinning hall was only half full at this time of the day, being later in the morning. Due to the schedules of many classes, especially those scheduled to take advantage of certain times of the day, the dinning area was staffed by house elves and available for food between seven in the morning to four in the afternoon. Dinner was the only meal that was open to everyone from six to seven thirty.

As they all ate, Gabrielle had her transfiguration book open and was reading about animagus transformations. She was rather advanced in human transfiguration and Madame Maxime and Messier Bouvier had approved for her to start studying this branch of magic.

"Will you have your nose buried in a book all year," David asked her.

"She is the biggest bookworm of us all," Marissa teased.

Gabrielle huffed. "It has gotten me into the top classes and led me to two duelling championships, non?"

Madeline shook her head. "It didn't get you Head Girl this year."

"I have already signed up to go to Hogwarts for the tournament. I could not be Head Girl and compete as well," Gabrielle told them. Her cousins did not need to know she had turned it down. She reached for a croissant.

"How do you eat so much and maintain that figure?" Marissa complained.

"You are only fourteen. You should not worry about such trivialities. If you were to join me in my practices you would be hungry as well," Gabrielle chastised. She had been inviting her cousins since they had been first-years and they had always declined.

"I do not want to be a ballerina," Marissa shot back.

Gabrielle shrugged and David sighed. He rubbed his shoulder. Gabrielle was not surprised he might still be sore from their duelling practice last night. They had been rather brutal with each other and she had to admit it was only willpower keeping herself from limping today.

"You really should come to the workouts and practices," David told them.

Her cousins were not as driven as Fleur and her. They seem content to accept what they were and to find someone who wanted them for their beauty. Her aunt was much the same as her daughters. All three were vane like their grandmaman.

As they talked, something caught her eye and a smile crossed her face to see the familiar white owl she was coming to adore as much as the wizard the owl served. Gabrielle opened the ornate glass door next to their table. When Hedwig landed, both her cousins looked at the bird.

"Oh, she is so beautiful," Marissa cooed to the bird.

"I want an owl like that. Who is she from?" Madison inquired.

"I can only assume it is Harry Potter by the look on your face," David surmised.

She did not answer any of them. Instead, she pocketed the letter, being selfish to only keep his letters for herself. Hedwig snapped at the other girls, obviously not pleased with their fawning over her. She had a silent chortle, thinking Hedwig was much like her master in not liking disingenuous people. Gabrielle moved her hand in and Hedwig let her, nuzzling her hand.

"Why does she let you! And what is going on with you and Harry Potter?" Madison asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Did you see how intense his green eyes are and how gorgeous he is?" Marissa said in a dreamy voice.

Madison was momentarily distracted. "Oh, he looked very fit and tall too."

"What about that smirk? I wanted to throw myself at him when he finished dancing with me," Marissa said with a dreamy look on her face.

"You will not, Marissa. You are only fourteen and Harry is not that type of man and you will keep your claws away from him or you will answer to me," Gabrielle warned her cousins.

"I am old enough to have a man. Maman says so. Once the allure starts to effect men our bodies are ready," Marissa shot back.

"I would share him with you, ma seour," Madison added.

Gabrielle, much like Fleur and Renee, looked more like sixteen or seventeen by the time they turned thirteen. For almost three years now Gabrielle had not changed much. Fleur, now twenty-one, still didn't look much more than eighteen. It was one of the boons and curses of being veela-blood.

"And you would just throw yourself at any man?" Gabrielle snapped at both of them.

This brought some colour to Marissa's face. "Non. I would never sleep around like that. But a man like Harry Potter, he could do as he wish to me." The fourteen-year-old looked dreamy to say Harry's name.

Gabrielle felt her ire peak and she felt the heat that Harry had started in her broil up. Marissa was her cousin, but Gabrielle had her claim over Harry and she would not let anyone, even family, get in the way of her. The anger in her turned her dark blue eyes to a deep purple. Marissa looked up, caught Gabrielle's eyes and backed up a little. She felt the fire in her heat up her body. "You are my cousin, but you ever try to throw yourself at him and we will not be cousins again. Non?"

After a moment, Marissa nodded. Gabrielle had lost her appetite now and stood up, shrinking her book and jamming it into the pocket of her blue silk skirt before throwing her jacket on. "I need to go to the library."

"Gabrielle, wait a second," David called out, quickly catching her and almost jogging to keep up.

"David, we are friends, but you make any moves towards Harry when we are in Scotland and Madam Maxime will never find your body," Gabrielle threatened probably the only friend she had outside of Harry and Hermione.

David gave a nervous chuckled. "I am smarter than to come between a veela-blood and her mate."

Gabrielle stopped short and David took two steps before stopping and looking at him. Like the two times she had talked with maman, her heart thumped in her chest and she felt the pang of longing for her Harry. She didn't realize her eyes were still a lavender color now. "Is it that obvious I like him?"

David ran a hand over the back of his neck. When he spoke, it was a condescending nonchalant tone. Something she knew only David could pull off. "You mean how you just about attacked your cousin? Non. It is not obvious."

She felt the colour come to her cheeks. "I would never have really hurt them."

David shook his head. "Would your other self have?"

She felt the colour leave her face. Gabrielle had never felt that side of her before until a few weeks ago. It never rose to her mind unless she thought of Harry or felt a strong emotion about him. Maman and Fleur had warned her about this, but being warned and experiencing it for the first time was something different.

David knew about veela-blood. Maman had talked with him when they had become friends the year she turned thirteen. It was shortly after her allure had started to manifest itself. Gabrielle had told maman that she did not feel anything that way for her first and only friend. Maman had been worried until they knew that David did not like girls like that. It was why her allure had no effect on him.

He was still regarding her, awaiting an answer. After a moment, she whispered, "I don't know."

David nodded and then held his arm out. "Then you are lucky you have such a dashing and brave friend that will try to keep your wrath off of others. I will also not do anything to your man, as long as you leave any man I find alone."

She laughed at her friend and then slipped her arm into his. They started to walk towards the library in silence. They were almost to the round building just off from the back of the school when Gabrielle asked, "David, did it feel like a part of you was missing over the summer when Terrance was in Greece?"

"Like there was a hole in my heart," David told her without hesitation. She still felt the sadness in him to talk of his ex-boyfriend.

Gabrielle nodded. It felt like that and so much more. How could she have fallen for him so quickly? "I feel like there is a part of me just not there. It hurts at times."

David nodded this time and held the door open for her. "Next month. You will see your mate next month," he assured her.

She let out a heavy sigh, feeling silly to let a man consume her like that. She had plans and ambitions, ones that, until recently, were to catch the eye of the boy who she was thinking of. Now, she had those ambitions for herself. Harry being chief among those ambitions, especially after reading his letter. She just prayed she was a good enough person for him and had taken Hermione's advice the proper way.


Dear Gabrielle,

I can be in France over Christmas if they do not have the Yule Ball, otherwise Easter. Or whenever you want. I will find a way if you need me. I look forward to seeing you and your family again.

Thinking over my last letter, I have been making notes and taking advice on how to teach you about intent. I will be working on it for when you arrive.

I am glad you liked the pendant. I have included another in this letter. It is a phoenix. Something about it reminded me of you and I thought you might like it. The fire should not hurt you or others. It was more practice work to bind my charms to runes for my Ancient Magics homework. I sent you the best one.

We are back at school and if I had known what it was going to be like being Head Boy, I am not sure I would have wanted it so much. We have to train all the new Prefects, work on the patrol schedules - Hermione keeps obsessing over it and I try to keep getting her new girlfriend to calm her down, but that only works her up more. Any ways, it is work, but it is fun to have my own little suite of rooms and it is fun to not have a curfew or anything. Though, that is mostly so we can move about after hours for patrols or to check up on the other Prefects.

Lastly, please don't feel lonely. I am working on a way we can communicate faster than owls - don't tell Hedwig. I hope to have something for my next letter back to you.



P.S.- I feel lonely too at times. And I miss you.


Gabrielle needed Harry.


September 19, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland


We got word today of the rules and that we shall leave on October 28th. I am so excited to know I will see you again in thirty-nine days. Not that I would count that. Non.

I may also be able to see you in person before you send me this strange way to talk with you. Can you give me a hint? Perhaps I can help? I am very proficient in Ancient Magics and charms. I included a charm of my own to show you.

Thank you for the new charm. The horse tried to chase after the phoenix. Was that intentional? It was very clever if it was. My bracelet is getting full, but I will not complain to get more. Or for you to enchant my ballerina again. It did not respond to my hand this morning, I am sorry to say. I have grown very fond of it and would like you to bring her back.

I look forward to seeing you again. Until then,



P.S. - We will be allowed to leave at will, but we have a curfew of ten during the week and eleven on the weekends.


Harry hummed happily to himself as he added the letter to the wall of all her letters next to his desk. Ron was sure to take the mickey out of him again but Harry didn't care. It had been close to a month since he had seen, or kissed Gabrielle, and he found he missed her more each day.

On his desk was a mirror exactly like the one Sirius had given him. He had been working on it every free moment he had, which wasn't many. Between seven NEWT classes, Head Boy responsibilities, still doing the extra tutoring with Moody, Remus or Sirius, depending on who was available every Wednesday evening or Saturday afternoon, and now with Dumbledore suddenly taking a renewed interest in him, Harry had precious little time. Ron was whinging about how busy he was and even Hermione had taken his books and hidden them all one night to make him take a few hours off.

He was glad he had. Luna had dragged them all out to the grounds and to the thestrals. Harry could see them after witnessing a horrible car crash when out on Sirius' bike with him a few years back. Sirius had tried to save the people, but Harry had seen the glassy eyes of that poor little girl.

It was only Luna, Neville, Lavender and him that could see them.

It was worth the break to see Hermione screaming as Luna sat behind her as the creature took off. Hermione couldn't see them, so Harry understood her fear, besides the fact Hermione didn't like to fly.

He chuckled at the memory again before he cast the diagnostic cypher over his mirror from Sirius. He was close. So close. Maybe if he had been able to just focus on school those first three years he wouldn't feel so far behind. It didn't matter that Professor McGonagall or Flitwick said he was almost as skilled as his parents at the same age. His father had been able to figure these out fourth year.


September 27, 1997

Beauxbatons, France

Gabrielle opened the letter on her bed. The envelope said she should be somewhere private and alone to open the letter. Thus, she found herself in her room. Being a NEWT level student, she had her own room, even if it was small, it was still hers and private.

There was something hard in the envelope.

When she opened it, a rectangular mirror fell into her hand. She didn't know what to think of that until she realized that her reflection didn't come back to her. She found this very strange. Taking the letter, she found herself very disappointed and even upset at Harry. Getting these letters at least once a week was something she looked forward too. Gabrielle looked forward to them more than she thought she had admitted to herself.


My little ballerina,

When you need me, just tap the mirror and call my name.



"How can a mirror that does not work help me when I need you, Harry Potter!" she yelled at him in frustration while still holding the mirror under the paper. "I am going to hex you! This is not a funny joke, Harry!"

"I don't know, I find it rather funny," Harry's voice came to her.

"'ARRY!" she called out, throwing the paper away. In her hand, Harry's handsome face, messy black hair and intense green eyes were staring back at her. "'Arry!" she called out again, a huge smile coming over her face. "How did you do this! I can see you. Can you see me? Tell me I can talk to you and this is not just a joke mirror."

Harry laughed at her reaction. "It is me, Gabrielle. I can't say how nice it is to see you."

She felt tears bite at her eyes in her exuberance. "How did you do this! This is incredible. I so missed talking to you and seeing you. It is only my cousins and my friend David that have talked to me this year. I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, my little ballerina," Harry responded.

He had written that in the last four letters, but hearing it was something different. "You have to teach me how to do this. I have never seen anything like this. Oh, maman and papa would pay you for these."

Her Harry laughed at her. "I hope to send them one next week, Gabrielle. I also want to give one to Bill and Fleur so you can talk to your sister when you want. Only Sirius has another right now. Not that you want to call him, but he wants one for Renee. I didn't get to tell you, but Renee suddenly showed up in London last week. You probably heard that, but I think she has fallen for him."

Gabrielle gasped. "Maman didn't mention anything about that! I received her last letter on Wednesday. When did Renee show?"

"Wednesday afternoon. Somehow she found where we live, and he found her sitting on a bench in the small park outside the house when he came home," Harry told her. "No one should be able to find our place without our say."

Hearing his voice was better than she had ever thought it might be. Seeing the gleam in his eye was even better. "A veela-blood is supposed to be able to find their mate when they are near. Oh, this must mean Renee has chosen Seigneur Black. Please say he feels the same? Please! I couldn't stand to see her heart broken like that," Gabrielle told him. She couldn't see her own heart broken like that. She could find someone else if Harry said no, but it would never be the same.

Harry grinned at her. "She is still in London with my godfather, so I am hoping that is a good sign."

"Oh, mon Dieu! Uncle Sebastian will be besides himself and Aunt Artemis will already be planning the wedding. Please say Seigneur Black loves her back," she pleaded to her Harry.

"I have never seen him going back to one woman like that. Sirius may have finally found someone," Harry replied.

"Mon dieu! I hope so!"

Gabrielle had no clue how long they talked. From Renee it went to classes and then a screaming Hermione, which she chastised Harry for as he laughed at the retelling. She could understand how scary that was. She couldn't see thestrals and some of the beliefs around them scared her, but seeing Harry was safe and his belief in his friends calmed her. She didn't have some of the stories he did. It was just nice to see him and hear his voice.

When a knock came at her door she realized they had been talking for hours and it was close to dinner.

"I think David has come to get me for dinner," she told him.

"I am sure Hermione and Ron are probably wondering where I am too. It was just nice to see and hear you again. I will send the mirrors to the others once I can make more," Harry told her, sounding guilty that he hadn't done so so far.

"Oh, Harry. Just this one is marvelous. Please do not overexert yourself."

He gave her a grin as though he was up to no good and she felt something swoop inside her. She didn't want to say goodbye.

"I think it would be rather selfish to keep you all to myself like this. Also, if you call Sirius later, I am sure you can talk with Renee. You sounded very concerned about her earlier."

The knock came again. The fact he was concerned for her and had remembered her concern for Renee left her speechless for a moment. Only her family and David had ever acted that way.

"Gabrielle, are you alright?" Harry looked concerned for her.

She smiled. "Oui. I am fine. I should say goodbye. I miss you," she told him, afraid how much her need for him came out.

"I miss you too. Can I talk with you again tomorrow?" Harry asked her.

Gabrielle beamed at him. "I shall be rather cross if you do not." She loved the way he laughed.

"At least you didn't complain that I butchered your home tongue today."

She giggled at him as a third knock came. "I was just being nice to you today. Maybe you are a peasant that can now tie his shoe?"

He laughed again. "I should go. I miss you. I will call you tomorrow. Is there a good time?"

"After dinner. I should complete my work tomorrow."

"It's a date then. Until tomorrow evening, my little ballerina."

When his face vanished, she flicked her wand so her door opened. David had his hand up, ready to knock again. "Tell me you are dying? Or something equally as dire has held you up? You were supposed to meet me to work on Potions hours ago."

Gabrielle had a huge smile on her face. "I was talking with Harry."

The look of surprise on his face was priceless. "How did you do that!"

She held up the mirror. "Magic."

next chapter
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