If you want to read ahead, you can check out my Patreón @
[ https://www.patreón.com/fictiononlyreader ]
The link is also in the synopsis.
"I would like to have my son released."
Quinn, with his eyes blown wide open, stared at the man; it was all he could do when his body was under the influence of binding magic, something that, no matter how much Quinn resisted with no amounts of magic or spells, didn't budge one bit.
The man looked to be in his late twenties, which in magical human lifespan meant the man was at least inching towards sixty. But that fact only lingered in the back of Quinn's chain of thoughts as his mind was dominated by the man's stone-grey eyes and jet black hair. He had only seen those features on three people — himself, George, and Lia.
"Are you Adam West?" Quinn asked. He had seen photographs of his later father, and he could definitely see similarities.
The man glanced at him before turning back to Damon. The ice that bound Damon poofed into a white mist that was blown away with a gust of wind, all under the command of the man with stone-grey eyes.
"D-Dad," said Damon with his head bowed, not daring to look at his father.
"Damon," said the man, "you are a massive imbecile."
Damon flinched at the choice of words, and his head lowered even further, his eyes not fixed on his feet.
"I won't usually say this to you, but when you ignore basic common sense and mess with something that you're not aware of or even remotely knowledgable about, I have no choice but to wonder if my image of you as a bright young man needs to be re-evaluated," said Damon's father. "I'm actively contemplating if I should punish you here and now, and the only reason I am of two minds about it is that this is not the time and place to do so . . . .
Damon cowered in the face of the cutting words from his father as the man spoke in a grave, no-nonsense tone without a speck of humor or light-heartedness in them. Damon could only imagine what expression was there on his father's face, only that it wasn't going to be the one he usually sported— and that frightened him enough to not look at him while he was talking.
". . . . So before we return home and we have a serious discussion about your actions today and the chain of dire consequences that it could've set forth— I suggest that you take the time and think long and hard about what you have done today because even if I was, hypothetically, not to reprimand you, which believe me I'm definitely going to do— your mother would have no such mercy."
Damon quivered as his father finished speaking and could no longer look more pitiful.
Damon's father's eyes went to his son's clenched hands. "Where are your rings, Damon?"
". . . He took them," said Damon in a feeble voice.
The man turned his eyes to Quinn, who felt his pockets open up, and soon two metallic rings flew out and into the man's hands. He raised one ring to his eye level and observed them before repeating the process with the other one.
After he was done, the father turned to his son and showed him the magical rings. "I'm keeping them with me until we return home, and I will let your mother decide when you'll get them back."
"You can't do that; that's not fair!"
"You're in no position to say or tell me what is fair and what is not."
His father's stern voice made Damon back down to only show his frustration through gritted teeth, blazing eyes, and clenched fists.
Quinn, who had been listening to the father and son conversation, finally took the chance to speak up when the conversation fell into a strained lull. "Hey, I'm not one to interfere in family time, but can you unbind me? It is getting uncomfortable here."
The man stared at Quinn for a while before he slightly bent his elbow up and flicked his wrist up.
"Woah!" Quinn exclaimed when his feet left the floor, and he was raised into the air, without even given a choice to awkwardly flail around with his body bound tight. "Hey, let me down! I can walk and am willing to cooperate."
The man ignored Quinn and glanced at Damon, "Follow me," before turning away to walk with Damon following on foot with Quinn gliding in the air.
Damon snickered as he walked past Quinn to just behind his father, making Quinn glare at him.
"Hey, hey, you're not allowed in there," said Quinn when he realized where the man was leading them.
The man once again ignored Quinn and opened the door of the AID office with a look, and walked inside. After taking a step in, the man stopped and looked around the office for a good while in silence— his eye moved from the office desk in the front to the glass wall on the side and moved over all the decor and knick-knacks that adorned the room.
"Damon, go and wait in the workshop while I clean this mess up," said the man and waved his hand for the workshop door's locking mechanism to click open.
Damon stared at his father and Quinn for a second before slipping into the workshop, leaving Quinn and his father alone.
The man snapped his finger, and Quinn dropped down on the floor with his bindings also coming off.
Quinn got control of himself just in time to remain standing, albeit with a slight stumble. If it was another situation, Quinn would've resorted to magic to fight or flight, but in the current situation, where the man had fully incapacitated him without breaking a sweat— the better strategy here was to see what the man wanted.
'He hasn't harmed me till now . . . .'
The man walked to the chair behind the office table. He stopped and stared at the comfy chair with cushions and actual back support that Astoria had brought in to replace Quinn's barebones barstool. As the man stared at the chair, it warped and creaked to turn into a barstool for the man to take a seat.
"Sit down," said the man, motioning with his hand for a customer chair to place it opposite to him.
Quinn sat down in the customer seat, something he felt a bit uncomfortable doing. In his tenure, he had been on the opposite side of the table where the unknown was sitting.
"Sorry for all this mess," said the man, "I didn't believe my son would make such a mess out of things."
Quinn observed the man for a moment. His tone seemed to be genuinely apologetic even though his facials weren't reflecting the said tone. He shrugged, "Other than breaking and entering, your son didn't do much damage, though, in these times, those petty crimes can be serious, especially in Hogwarts."
"Ah yes, breaking into Hogwarts is supposedly a big deal."
"Yes, that is what everyone says," Quinn chuckled, recalling the fact there had been notable break-ins into the castle.
"And to think Death Eaters would invade the castle soon," said the man.
"Yeah . . . . . . what?" Quinn's eyes got locked onto the man, who sat nonchalantly as if he hadn't said anything of importance. "What did you say?"
"Hmm? I said Death Eater in Hogwarts."
". . . How do you know that? Do you have an in with the Death Eater?" asked Quinn, emotion draining from his face. "Wait a minute, you still haven't told me who you are. Are you grandfather's illegitimate child or something?"
The man chuckled, "It's quite amusing to me that you can't recognize me. Sure it has been ages, but I don't think I have changed in looks that much."
Quinn frowned. He couldn't comprehend what the man was talking about. "What do you mean— . . . . ."
The realization was sudden, heavy, and cut through the confusion like a sharp blade.
Quinn leaned forward in his chair and spoke in a sombre voice, "Prove it."
"Proof, huh. Well, how about you let the voice in your head take over; I am interested in talking to that version."
"Don't even joke about it!" Quinn glared, his magic flaring as things rattled in the office. "And that's not enough proof— that secret is not strong enough," after all, the strongest secret was one where only a single person knew about it. "If you're who you say you're, then you know what qualifies as proof."
"Well, how about that fact that you moonlight as a brutal invisible vigilante."
"Don't skirt around it!"
"I don't like to bring that up. It's not part of my life anymore. Unlike you, I have moved on," the older man sighed and massaged his temple.
Quinn showed no reaction and kept his gaze trained on
"But if you do insist, then I shall bring it up once," said the man. He looked at Quinn and spoke softly, "This world is supposedly one from a piece of fiction, and you're an outsider. We overtook at age four, and well, I think that's enough.
Happy now?"
"Not one bit," said Quinn snapping back immediately. This time he was the one to rub his temple, but unlike his relaxed companion, he was feeling a headache coming up. "I can believe I would be meeting my older self. How am I supposed to react to this?"
"How about with a greeting," said future-Quinn with a relaxed grin. "Hello, Quinn. I am Quinn."
"You!" Quinn stared at the man incredulously. "How can you be so nonchalant about this?!"
"What do you mean?"
"What do you mean, 'What do you mean?' You are NOT supposed to be here!!!"
"You don't think I know that," said future-Quinn. "Why do you think I'm here? To have a leisure trip? No. I'm here to clean the mess up."
"You speak like this is not your problem," scoffed Quinn. "You're the main reason behind this whole problem."
"Excuse me? I haven't done anything wrong here."
"Yeah, right," Quinn scoffed again. He pointed at the closed workshop door. "There's no way that guy capable of creating a device like time-turner that could allow the user to travel back decades— much less, cast temporal magic with similar effects."
"Hey. That's my son you're talking about," said future-Quinn. "My son is the most talented of his age. If I was to compare, Damon is on the same level as Dumbledore and Riddle when they were his age."
"Good for him. But that doesn't change the fact that when even I haven't made a fraction of progress, that would be required for this TYPE and LEVEL of time travel. If I can't do it, forget about Dumbledore, the Dark Lord, or even Grindelwald— and so I doubt Damon would be able to accomplish that.
And honestly, the only other way I see this is happening is that YOU were careless and YOU messed up, making this all YOUR fault."
"I don't like the tone you're taking, kid," said future-Quinn. "You might want to reign that in."
"I am just pointing fault where it lies, old man," said Quinn. "Has your skin thinned with old age? What a tragedy; I hope I don't turn up like you."
"Was I always this annoying?" said future-Quinn. "Nope, don't think so. You've got that annoying quality of being irritating."
The present and future (past and present) stared at each other with upturned noses, looking down on each other.
"Alright, enough of this," said Quinn, "I hope you have a way to fix this mess because both you and I know how things can turn out when temporal laws are messed with."
Quinn West - MC(Present) - I hope I don't turn like him.
Quinn West - MC(Future) - Man, this kid sure is annoying.
Damon West - Future West - Has his ear on the wall, trying to listen.
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
The link is in the synopsis
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The world of online novels (fanfiction and originals) has one "issue" that I have come to notice. Unlike traditionally published works, where you read on one book at a time, and the entire story is already written, online novels are usually "ongoing," and people are reading multiple works at any given time— such is the world of online novels, filled with so much content. But a problem arises that readers (including myself) are sometimes not able to keep all the facts retained in their minds. And from the last chapter's comments, I have noticed that is the case for MY version of time travel— it is a bit different.
So to refresh that part of the story, you can read the [ Ivy-Hermione-Quinn-Time-Travel ] mini-arc. I will link those chapters below. However, I will also try to put those facts in this chapter as part of the conversation.
**Start of last time travel mini-arc**: CHAPTER 104: Summons, Repayment, Negotiation
**But if you want to get to the good stuff**: CHAPTER 106: Dementor Horde, Time Magic, Free Will
"Let's start from the beginning," said Quinn, tapping his finger on his armrest. "You and Damon have time-traveled past the five hours safety limit. So please, tell me you know what you were doing before you made a time-traveling apparatus that doesn't implement that limit as a restriction."
Time travel was dangerous, and traveling back extended periods could cause catastrophic disasters. The Unspeakable Departement of the British Ministry of Magic had experimented with time travel by sending one of their own back in time by several centuries. The experiment, while a hazardous failure, had taught the Unspeakables a lot about time travel— the woman sent back in time when pulled back to the present, rapidly aged the time she had been sent back (centuries), and died as her lifespan ran out— not only that, but the woman's interactions with the past had caused massive changes in the timeline. The experiment had resulted in people getting killed, others coming to life, and several others being erased from existence, a phenomenon known as unbirths. [canon]
"You have jumped back quite a few decades in the past," said Quinn to future-Quinn, "and from your behavior, you're not worried about the consequences, so I am assuming you have found to time travel without triggering those nasty side effects."
"Temporal magic or chronomancy are vast fields, my young and naive self; I can't claim to have mastered time, so all I can say is that it is a work-in-progress," future-Quinn shrugged. "And don't give me that look; you— well us— have time-traveled without knowing zilch about temporal magic."
"Your Occlumency must've degraded," said Quinn, his mood worsening, "I followed a strict set of rules and restrictions when I traveled— kept my footprint minimal, only traveled within the permitted limit, and more importantly, I made sure NOT to meet myself!
This case, on the other hand, has a person who hasn't been born yet travel to the time before their birth; you both have traveled way beyond the stable limit, and I don't need to say this, but we are meeting face-to-face."
"Way to go stating the obvious," said the future-Quinn, "yes, I know all of those facts—and obviously, if I'm not freaking out, then I have taken care of those factors."
Quinn was about to say something, but future-Quinn raised his hand and continued to speak.
"You don't have to be worried about the closed-loop nature of time travel . . ."
A closed-loop was a temporal proposition in which, by means of time travel, a sequence of events is among the causes of another event, which is, in turn, among the causes of the first-mentioned event. In simple words, when a future event is the cause of a past event, which in turn is the cause of the future event. Time travel achieved through Time-Turners was the closed-loop type of time travel.
". . . You don't have to worry that because I time-traveled back in time, you in the future will go through this very exact situation and travel back in time," finished future-Quinn. "That's not going to happen to you."
The closed-loop time travel couldn't change past as what was going to happen was always going to happen with the time travel a part of those events. Once a Quinn West triggered closed-loop time travel, every Quinn moving on would walk down the same path. During the Dementor horde by the lakeside, Quinn was always going to be saved by a future version of Quinn— that version of events was always set in stone— such was the closed-loop theory of time travel.
"S-So, you're saying that this time travel is NOT in accordance with the closed-loop theory," said Quinn. "You really found a way to do that?"
"Of course, I did; who do you think you're talking to," said future-Quinn.
"How did you do that?"
"It would go over your little head, so there's no use of me explaining the logic behind it all."
Quinn's face twitched, and an angry vein throbbed on his temple. "Doesn't change the fact that you screwed up big time," he jabbed back.
"Yeah, that's getting old; come up with something new," said future-Quinn.
"It is clear that your son isn't capable of casting temporal magic strong enough to travel this back in time, so I'm assuming he used a device that you created."
"That is correct," sighed future-Quinn.
"So do tell me, how did he get his hands on something so dangerous," asked Quinn. He had all the dangerous stuff secured under lock-&-key-&-magic inside his briefcase. It boggled his mind that a future version of himself would be so careless.
"I know what you're thinking," said future-Quinn, eyeing Quinn. He sighed, "He got into my workshop at home and swiped it when I wasn't looking."
"That's plain stupid," said Quinn bluntly, "why didn't you have wards around your workshop."
"Because, unlike you, my workshop isn't in Hogwarts. It is in my house where I don't need to worry about people breaking in, and believe me, my house is a nightmare for people who want to intrude upon my family and my privacy. And it is not like it was completely unguarded; it has more 'top-of-the-line' protection publicly available in my time," which meant that future-Quinn had tech he hadn't released to the world.
"What good did that do when a teenager is able to beat it. Why wasn't it activated?"
Future-Quinn once again sighed, "I disable when I'm working in there because I don't like the magical interference from the wards and spells while I'm working on some very delicate and sophisticated projects. And Damon sneaked in during an emergency when I had no time to enable the protection."
"What emergency?"
"My daughter tripped and fell."
". . . What?"
"My daughter fell in the gardens and scraped her knee. I had a micro-drone with an audio-video setup following her around, so when she started crying, I had to dash to her side. I didn't return to my workshop until later that evening, and because I wasn't working on the 'Time-Turner,' I didn't notice it had gone missing."
"I-I see," said Quinn; he couldn't wrap his mind around the image. "How did Damon even know you were working on something like that?"
"Because of my track record of working on project that . . . technically . . . could be seen as dangerous, I have to tell what I'm currently working on— usually, he's at school, but he was at home when I talked about it."
Quinn didn't know if he should take this as a valid excuse or not, so he decided to move on.
"How did you know that Damon had traveled back?" asked Quinn. "I mean, you got here pretty quickly. . . ."
"When you reach a level at temporal magic as I am, you learn how to feel when there are changes in the time streams around you— I can feel the distortions as long as they're within a few dozen kilometres. And Damon was in only in his room, so the distortions when he jumped sounded like resounding bells."
"I see, so you have multiple of your versions of your Time-Turners?"
"No. I have multiple prototypes, but I only had one working, which is the one Damon picked up. I came here using temporal magic," he sighed, "which I'm still not used or experienced in— thank god, I acted quickly when the time distortions were still fresh, or else I would've not been able to track him down."
"That's a bit too much luck I'm comfortable with."
"I agree."
"So what now?" asked Quinn. "You have been saying that you have to fix things, and as this is not a closed-loop, I'm not even sure what kind of problems needs to be addressed."
"There are some that I need to address that you don't need to know."
Quinn clicked his tongue before he gazed at his future self. He had to say, he liked what he was seeing. He looked sharp and well-built, and even though he hadn't told much about himself, it looked like things had been going well for him.
"So. . . how's life?" asked Quinn.
Future-Quinn gazed at Quinn for a bit before a smile appeared on his face. "It is good," he said. "Life after . . . canon . . . have been much more than what you're living now. The world has much more to offer than what Hogwarts has, and there are so many interesting people out there to meet and learn from."
"People like Mr. Alan?"
"Yes, people like Alan. Ah, now that I remember, you're going to apprentice under him after Hogwarts."
"Yes, that is the plan. So. . . did you break into his mind?" asked Quinn.
The expression on future-Quinn's face told it all. He looked like the topic repulsed him, and talking about it was the last thing he wanted to talk about.
"You weren't able to break in?"
". . . I was able to break into his mind, sure . . . but I was too late," said future-Quinn. "He was already old when I started apprentice under him, and by the time I was able to gain enough skill, he was already on the decline— I wasn't able to compete against him at his best."
"So, Mr. Alan is . . . ."
Future-Quinn nodded, "It has been a while."
A silence descended between the two.
"Come on, let's move on," said future-Quinn, waving his hand. He looked around the AID office. "It has been a while I have been here— the last time I was in the office, it looked nothing like this."
"When were you here?"
"Hmm. . . it has been a decade, give or take. Damon's the current proprietor, and I haven't what he has done with the place," said future-Quinn.
"Really? Did he get it on his own, or did you pull some strings? I hope he didn't get AID because he's your son."
"He got it on his own. The active AID proprietors only know about me and the other older proprietors when they graduate from Hogwarts, so Damon's predecessor didn't know that I was the one who created AID. Until a few months back, even Damon also didn't know that I was the one who created AID."
"What? You didn't tell him?"
"I won't lie by saying that I didn't have expectations from Damon to get AID. So I refrained from telling him about it so it would be completely fair and made sure that neither Luna nor Astoria told him anything. It was going to be revealed to him after he graduated in the annual AID proprietors meet, but Astoria couldn't keep her mouth shut, and well, here we are."
"Luna and Astoria, huh. How are they doing? Is the blood curse still there?"
"Astoria was cured a while back before she hit thirty. As for Luna, she's a magizoologist as we thought; I visit her once a month, wherever she's exploring. Both are successful in their respective field and, as far as I can tell, happy with their lives."
"What about Eddie and Marcus? You're still friends with them, right?"
A big smile bloomed on future-Quinn's face. "They're still my best friends. Thank magic for that. Both are doing tremendously. Eddie plays for a Quidditch team owned by yours truly. Marcus did end up working for the family business, and as we expected, he works closely with Lia."
"Oh, Lia? How's she doing? Has she become the most powerful woman in the world."
"She has!" future-Quinn laughed, thoroughly amused. "I said the same thing to her when she took the chair as the head of the business. She was quite happy with that when I told it to her."
Future-Quinn took out a strange pocket watch from his pocket and flipped it open to look at a glowing and shimmering watch-face.
"Time's up, kid. We have to leave now. I have to fix this problem and don't have much time." Future-Quinn sighed, "Why did Damon have to do this today? My evening was booked with my lovely niece, and now, I don't know if I'll be able to make it."
Future-Quinn got up from his barstool, but before he could even stand up straight, Quinn spoke up.
"Hey, listen. . . ."
Quinn West - MC(Present) - Heard some interesting things.
Quinn West - MC(Future) - Has experienced many exciting things.
Damon West - Future West - Can't hear anything because of a silencing ward.
FictionOnlyReader - Author - Hold your thoughts about the conversation. It's not over yet. The next chapter is going to be the end of this mini-arc, I think.
Edit: No, the next chapter is not the end of the arc.
If you have any ideas regarding the magic you want to see in this fiction or want to offer some ideas regarding the progression. Move onto the DISCORD Server and blast those ideas.
The link is in the synopsis!
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