100% House Tarth (SI) Fanfiction / Chapter 15: Maegelle

章節 15: Maegelle

Prince ameon Pov

I look around the lively hall. Fires are roaring, the drinks are pouring. Delectable treats and meals are being turned into bellytimber and the mood is high.

The servants run across the hall, bringing more food and drinks to the happy soldiers and local smallfolks. I ate a delicious meal of spiced goose with wild potatoes, I cannot quite ascertain what spices were used, but it could be a mix of saffron and something else. The meat is tasty, but the potatoes themselves are simply delicious, soft in the interior but with a crust of fried butter on the outside. After the meal I indulge myself with a delicious drink by the fire listening to Galladon singing with the soldiers as they charm and dance with some beautiful smallfolk women.

At the eve of the grand feast, Galladon leads us through another spectacular song. The lyrics roll off his tongue in an enchanting pattern, full of beauty and promise of a better future. Everyone begin to dance and sing along, building towards a magnificent crescendo, And as the song ends the people howl his name at the moon, asking him to sing once more.

And after singing the same song for the 5th time the people again requested him to sing, but this time Galladon gaze flickered to me. "Join us my prince you must of heard this song a hundred times by now come, come." Yelled Galladon from across the hall."

I shake my head and chuckled before joining my new friend in celebrating our great victory over the pirates.

As the celebrations started to die down, Galladon and I gather in an isolated glade. A great bonfire warming our backs and the air heavy with excitement.

"So your leaving tomorrow back to kingslanding" asked Galladon

"Yes I will, I miss my family, and if I stay for more then necessary my wife and mother might send an army looking for me."

We both chuckled then I took a sip

Of the Tarth firewine and asked

"What was that dished that was served during the feast the one with the potato and goose, it was amazing never have I tasted anything so flavorful before, can I get the recipe."

He nodded and said "I'll bring the chef with me when I come to kingslanding, he can show your servants the recipe, a bit of warning though my prince, make sure you leave enough time for sword training and exercise or you might end up the first targryen prince Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-dragon."

Hahahahaha "I like you galladon, i do, I really do rarely have I been spoken to like this only my brother jokes around with me. all other people in court are too either too scared of angering my father or are leeches and lickspittles trying to gain favor with the next king. Do be careful of saying things like this in the red keep the walls have ears and my father is not as carefree as me so he won't look too favorable on your jabs.

"Durly noted my prince I wouldn't dream of offending the king I'm not that stupid."

I raised an eyebrow "Surly another jest my friend, I mean you are the one planing to go to the smoking hell of valyria. I thought you were well informed don't you know that no one who have ever went into that death trap ever comes back alive or at least come back fully intact." I said thinking of my niece aerea, who went to valyria with Balerion and came back on death doors.

He just smiled back at me and said "I have my ways, you'll see. my name will be known through out the world as the only man brave enough."

"or stupid enough" I interrupted but he kept going as if he didn't here me.

"to go to the seven hell that is valyria and come back alive with riches unimaginable and knowledge thought long lost to the world".

You look at him for a long moment, unsure of his sanity or how to talk him out of this frankly foolish dream.

After that we continued drinking and speaking of our families and activity's we like to do the whole night, steering clear of the topic of valryia.

The next day

Daylight pours through the clear glass windows and in just one moment the whole room becomes illuminated.

I woke up in a daze with a splitting headache and thought about going back to sleep. But my thoughts was interrupted with a knock to my rooms door.

"who is it" I asked still in the bed looking around for some water.

"My name is Jenny my prince a servant of lord Tarth he ordered me to start a bath for you after you wake, may I come in"

I didn't respond for a while still struggling with affects of Tarth's FireWine

"Yes come on in and send someone to get me some water "

She walked in bowed to me and with a couple of other servants made a warm bath for me.

After bathing, I finished getting dress and start looking around for my sword. when I heard another knock on the door.

"Who is it" I asked once more a bit louder, getting irritated at not finding my sword, but no one responded so I went and open the door, I see Galladon. He has a big grin on his face not looking a bit drunk.

"Ah Hello, Prince Ameon good to see you finally up thought you were going to sleep the day away and miss your flight."

"Enough with the formalities, Galladon, just call me Ameon when in private, and what's with the smile?"

"Well I'm guessing you were looking for this" he said before presenting me my sword. I grabbed it from him and tied it around my waist.

As we walked along the old stone castle of Evenfall Hall towards the area where my Caraxes lay, there was light conversation between me and galladon, "Why do you look like you haven't been drinking anything last nights." I asked

"I ordered the servants to water down my drinks before serving it to me, it's best to always keep a clear head even while celebrating." I nodded and thought of how smart that was. After reaching my dragon I say my final farewell to galladon.

"see you in kingslanding when you come to swear your fealty to my father. He give a simple nod.

"sōvēs Caraxes"

80 Ac

One months later

Maegelle Targryen Pov:

"Come now sister sound it out make it as though you are speak with me there's nothing to fear sweet sister your wedding will be soon so you must know this"

"Fa-fa-father, Smith, Wa-wa-warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..." I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days."Replied Daella Targaryen. She then look up at me seeking my approval on her performance.

"good job sweet sister you see there nothing to be afraid of this is all that need to be said in front of the crowd in your wedding, then afterwards you just need to sit there and look pretty that should be easy for you with how beautiful you are" I say while pinching her cheeks.

"St-st-stop it sister I am not a child anymore you ca-ca-can't keep pinching my cheeks I am to be the lady of house Arryn soon."

Daella lowered her head as she said this but I can see a smile creeping on her face.

Suddenly the door of the room is flung opened and princess Saera barge in to the room.

"There you are Maegelle are you still helping that stupid girl, don't you know she a lost cause she can't even read, why do you think father is in a hurry to marry her off. Hopefully she don't embarrass herself in front of her new husband."

I'-I'm no-no-not Stu- Stu-stupid!!

Daella started to stutter once more trying to defend her self from the insult.

"Stop it sera why are you always picking on her have you nothing better to do."

"Hmmp" she said before crossing her arms while leaning on the doors frame and said "actually I do, mother wanted me to inform you we have a lord visiting the castle today and she wanted us to ready ourselves for a welcome feast.

"Why must we greet him with a feast is he a lord paramount." I asked

She shrugged her shoulders "Don't know the reason I just know that she wanted us to be there."

She then look over at daella and with a mocking tone she said"b-b-bye sister."

"Saera enough" I raised

She scoffed and sauntered out of the room looking very pleased with herself.


Ameon targreyen pov

"what do you make of the new Lord Tarth, do you think him capable' asked my father jeacherys

I nodded and repled "well from what we know of him and from what I observed personally I do think he is a very capable lord.

He is young and somewhat inexperienced, but He built up a flourishing city of 25,000 from a small village of nothing but 200 people so we can say he's a good administrator, he defended his island from the ravages of pirates with him personally leading his forces against the enemy. So he a good fighter and commander of men. He also has a way with his words and can make friends from enemies if you give him enough time. he also has good people advising him, and he is not one prone to scandal or harsh actions. I think he understands the position he is in and the weight of ruling, but…

"But" my father asked

I sighed and continued

"he's arrogant and has diliusions of grander which leave him blind to some dangerous situations. For example, Due to his policies and the ones of his grandfather before him, he is constantly at odds with the Baratheons, and sometimes even with some the free cities in the east. That may be the reason why he is now requesting permission to go to valryia for if he actually succeed however slim the possibilities, he will have enough money with which he can throw gold at his problems and make it go away and he can also secure his position in the Stormlands with the prestige of being the only man to ever survive valryia." But because of the ban you put on the travel to valryia, he plans to seek your approval for such an action when he comes to kingslanding to pledge his loyalty.

My father frown at the mention of valyria, but said nothing as he continued to think. "If I remember correctly he is now the only surviving member of his house" I nodded in response to my father question not sure where he going with it. While I was still thinking on his last question he asked another "Is he married, or have a betrothed" asked my father

And I shake my head no and he gives me a predatory smile before explaining his plan for when galladon visit the capital.

Galladon Pov:

I travel through some of the newly built roads in the Stormlands built with my concrete, passing between many fields of crops and simple farmsteads. The climate is warm and appropriate for traveling, and I observe some merchant caravans coming and going during the trip. The path starts to curve between the hills and forests, signaling that you are leaving the Stormlands and entering the crownlands. A few more days of travel, and we are close to kingslanding.

As I reach the top of one particular hill, I can see towers emerging from the other side. The tall towers stretch out from a large keep, the size of which you had gazed upon once before when you was traveling with your brother. Thinking about this bring back bad memories of what you had done to your family but you justify it by dehumanizing them and calling them traitors, even the babies were future traitors.

"Are you alright my lord" asked one of my squires

I simply nodded and continued to look at the city with the red getting most of my attention.

The Red Keep is made of pale red stone. It has seven massive drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts. Massive curtain walls surround the keep. Despite their best efforts, my squires jaw drops open the more they see of this mighty castle that has been built on top of a hill. This is a much better version than the shows version of the castle.

On three sides, this magnificent castle was surrounded by a city. At its heart, well beyond the outer wall, there were stone and concrete buildings built for the lords, merchants and well off smallfolk. But there is also a large slum of wooden buildings which I think is flea bottom. There have never been a regulated plan for how the city should look and where the streets were had been turned into an organic ever-changing setting with more people trying to live inside city walls than it could hold.

A host of riders in gold cloaks approaches to greet my party and lead us to the red keep.

Behind me my squires and the ten horsemen I brought with me rode, the long banners of my house draped carefully on the lances they were attached to, since there was little wind to make them fly.

I crossed the large open gates of the city close behind the gold cloak, one hand on the reins of my horse and another on the hilt of my sword, just in case there was trouble before the keep and to make sure the bag of coins strapped to my belt could not be reached. From atop my horse, I saw the commoners milling about. Most of them were coming back from the market, carrying with them baskets of bread and meat that they would store as food for the week.

As I got closer to the red keep I find white-plastered buildings that made up the heart of the city, the crowd changed from men and women with shaggy hair and dirty clothes to mainly men in much finer clothing and well groomed hair. Even though it look much nicer then other parts of the city it still smells like shit.

The sound of a loud roar awoke me from trying to distract myself from the foul smell of the city and as I looked up, I saw the source of the roar. A scarlet dragon flying over head the city most likely princess Alyssa Targaryen the wife of prince Baelon Targaryen. I wonder if her son is flying with her this time, it must be cold up there that cold wind couldn't be safe for a kid that age. I gripped the reins of my horse tighter and continued along, trying to put such thoughts to the back of my head since it's none of my business what irresponsible parents do. The high walls of the red Keep, rose in front of me, the gate appearing small in comparison to the towers that rose on each side of it. The massive wooden and brass doors opened, creaking and moaning like a dragon stabbed between the scales.

As the gate open a group of people approached

Prince ameon is among them, his tall and slim build discernible even from a distance. I bowed in courtesy as he approached and eventually shook hands. "Lord Galladon," he says as he reaches you, a joyful smile on his face. "How good that you have arrived safely!"

"The roads are clear of bandits my prince nothing but merchants enjoying the king's peace."

"Ah! My father would love to hear your words, Lord Galladon. But it couldn't have been done without you coming up with that ingenious building material."

"You humble me my prince"

"Enough of that come! I am sure you and yours are tired from such a long journey."

You are led inside the castle; the horses are tended to in the stable, and you and your companions are given proper accommodations. Prince Ameon informs you that the king will be in the throne room in the evening and that you are free to do as you wish until then.

I decided to visit the city, and As I prepare to leave the red keep and take my horse towards the city, I decided against it and instead disguise myself as a smallfolk in order to enjoy myself more discreetly.

The streets are crowded with people, and the market is thriving. It is a perfect day for this time of the year. No one gives me a second glance, disguised as I am. Even though I'm not a local, kingslanding usually has so many people coming and going from different places that the locals are hardly bothered by a traveler's presence and since there's half a million people in this city no one would really remember my face.

In one of the market square near flee bottom, there is a tent painted in a dark shade of blue with many white stars embroidered on it. There sits a famous storyteller, an old sage who entertains people with her tales of the future and past, of course most people think it's tall tales, which is the reason why she don't have problems with the faith of the seven. I remember maggy the frog from the show who told Cersei of her future. So I went to the tent thinking maybe she can do the same.

She sits comfortably in a wooden chair, covering herself with a long piece of cloth. The lady's face turns in your direction as you step inside, but her milky-white eyes are evidently blind.

"Come in, oh mighty Galladon. I can tell you have travelled many miles and have many more to go, and I can offer you a reading of your future travels for a modest price."

Shocked I grabbed the hilt of my sword and asked "How do you know my name and What tales can you tell me of my future" I asked a bit intrigued

Many and then some more, for there is much that I read while I still had eyes, and many more have I heard before and after that," she says, a smile on her wrinkled face. "But I only tell tales that are worth listening to, and they might change from person to person."

I see that she avoided the question on how she knew my name and I was starting to get freaked out.

"how do you know my name, I have never seen you before and I'm sure you have never seen me giving your current situation." I asked curiously trying to avoid looking at her eyes, since I feel as though she looking in my soul every time I do.

"I have my ways. I may not see, but I know much. And I recognize accents, among many other things. Folk like to hear about themselves, their lands, their people. I am usually right about those things, and the only complaints customers have is that I do not go on about the specifics…."

The lady smiles briefly, as if remembering something.

"But trust me, I have lived long enough to know that you might get too many enemies if you start to name everyone in your tales, so I restrain myself from doing so most of the time.

"And that is it. I provide no further explanation. If you pay for a tale, I shall give you one, but I won't answer more questions."

I nodded and payed how much she wanted and sat down waiting to hear her tales. She grabbed my hands and started speaking.

"There was once an eagle full of greed; 
Not a single coin he would concede. 
He would barter and fight for every bit, 
And no merchant at his expense could profit. 
But the eagle had accumulated such a great quantity, That it was too much for him to spend solely, And now his heir, whoever he or she may be, Is full of riches, and the troubles that come with it."

"In the not-so-old times that used to be, 
There was a wise king who was very savvy, 
And with words and acts of courtesy, 
He made the eagle play him a new melody, 
One in which he would marry the kings daughter before he truly take flight to the east and should the eagle not fly back his lands and wealth the king shall have."

After listening to the old lady tales I decided to return back to the castle. The whole time thinking about the meaning of her words.

An hour later:

I move through the vast hallways of the castle, inspecting its structures and artworks. The walls are made of pale red stone and decorated with banners that show a red three headed dragon on black—the symbol of House Targaryen.

I walked through the halls behind Prince Aemon, and as we near the throne room the prince walked over to the of the door and whispered into the ear of the guard. As soon as the whispering was done, the guard raised his spear and smashed the pole of it against the floor to gain the attention of the court, then with a loud, booming voice the guard announced you;

"Lord Galladon Tarth, Lord of Tarth, Lord of Evenfall hall, Sapphire Port and the head of House Tarth.

You saw no reaction to your name except for the few seconds of polite clapping. I haven't expected my name to be announced since I didn't really expect this to be made into a big ordeal. Yet here I am in the king's court, on the other side of the room from the throne itself and had just been announced to all the lords so far in attendance for whatever reason.

You kept walking trying to remember all the etiquette that comes with meeting the king in such a formal setting. As I got to roughly twenty meters away from the steps that led up to the throne, I stopped and went on one knee, bowing as I went, These were basic lessons in courtesy that I had learned long ago under my grandfather the grandfather that I had killed.

"Your Majesty, I, Sir Galladon, lord of Tarth and sworn knight in your service, have honoured your call to court and reaffirm my everlasting loyalty to you, King jaehaerys Targaryen, rightful Liege and Protector of all of the seven kingdoms."

I kept my eyes to the floor, bowing deep enough while on one knee that my chest was firmly against the bent knee. I pushed on my scabbard so the tip of it will not touch the ground. In every sense of the word, you were a statue knelt before the king.

"Please, Sir Galladon. I know all this, get up off that cold floor and get some wine!" A calm voice bellowed in the otherwise hushed throne room. You got up soon and saw King jaehaerys, a beast of a man standing taller than most people in the room with the shoulders of an ox and a full golden beard, shot through with silver.

After swearing my fealty there was a welcome feast held in my honor which surprised me but I acted grateful nonetheless. I would never miss a chance to eat good food. After a while the feast finally began As the kings guest, you are given a privileged position in the middle of the high table next to king jaehaerys and his wife. The rest of his family and his most trusted advisers share the table as well. The lower part of the hall is filled with tables for the lesser-born—small nobles and courtiers.

The food is plentiful. They serve porksberry pie, fennel and cheese cream soup, and many other dishes.

At one point during the feast, king jaehaerys wife Alysanne starts speaking to me about all sorts of unimportant matters and court gossip, going on and on for quite some time. She eventually leans closer and decides to ask a more personal question, making sure to speak in a low tone.

"Anyway, dear Galladon, how come someone as charming as you has not yet been married?"

"I am still looking for a proper suitor matters of lordship, have not given me the chance to take a look."

Ah, the privileges of being born a man…. I myself of course had the opportunity of choosing my husband, but the same cannot be said for many ladies of the country," she says, raising her glass of wine to her mouth. Then she goes on and on about the pleasures of married life, talking for quite a while longer.

Some time later, she excuses herself. On the way out, she whispers something in her husband's ear.

As more time passes, the people at the table chat about all sorts of matters. But there comes a point when your host, king Jaehaerys himself, turns his attention to you.

"Did you find the food to your tastes, dear Lord Galladon?" King Jaehaerys asks while still enjoying some tidbits.

"It was delicious. My compliments to your servants."

The king smiles and nods, I realize that now might be my chance to have a private conversation with him; everyone else seems distracted by their own affairs. The people who were around you have left the table…. It is as if they had known they were supposed to do so. Did the king instruct them beforehand so he could talk to you alone at some point?

Is there anything you wanted to discuss with me?" asked the king

Yes my king I want to ask your permission for an expedition to Valyria. I stated coming straight to the point.

His expression becomes serious, and he considers the request.

"I will be straight with you lord Galladon. House Targaryen needs the realm to stay strong and united in these times. If a prominent house like yours were to become extinct because you died on a foolish adventure. There would be turmoil all over the seven kingdoms, mostly in the Stormlands with lords trying to claim the island of Tarth through whatever means they can. which will most likely lead to bloodshed, which we can't have.

He then took another sip of his wine before continuing

"But there is another way around that, I believe that you are not promised to anyone, and… I have daughters still unmarried"

"In short, I propose that you marry my daughter,princess magella. Sire an heir to secure your lineage, then you would have my full permission to go on your adventures."

"What does princess magella think of this?" I asked trying to stall for time to think.

"My daughter would be performing her duty to her family, of course, but I believe she would be quite glad of the union. I have seen the way she looks at you, young lord, and I know very well how young hearts behave. She would prove to be a wife who would support and love you."

Of course you do, you're a terrible father, you don't really care what she think, your daughters are just pawn in your game of thrones. I keep such thought in my head as I weigh the pros and cons of this marriage then it hits me of the reason why he want me to marry his daughter. The tape of the storyteller finally made sense.

I am the last living member of my house so if die in Valyria, there would be trouble in the Stormlands with lords trying to claim the island of Tarth with the Baratheon have a better claim and would most likely be the ones that would claim the island. Since the king never really like the the Baratheon ever since Rogar Baratheon overstepped and tried to take control away from Jaehaerys. I mean Rogar even married that man's mom without asking. Anyways if I were to die without an heir the Baratheon would grow stronger but if I were to marry his daughter and have an heir and then die, house Targaryen can rule the island in my sons name leaving Tarth firmly under house Targaryen control. Even if that is the case I don't really plan to die and it sounds like a good deal to me. But since he is almost assured that I'm going to die let me see how much he is willing to give to get this marriage.

I took a deep breath.

"I accept the betrothal. It would be an honor to marry princess magella my king." But I would also like to make a few small request, I would like to have a city charter for sapphire port and a tax reduction of 15 years on certain goods to get the city running smoothly.

"Done."said the king after a moment of thought then a small smile appeared on his face.

"A joyful occasion, then!" the king says, raising his goblet of wine. "A toast for the couple!"

He gets up from his chair—and calls for the attention of everyone around, announcing a toast for the betrothal. There are cheers and applause.

princess Maegelle, the woman whom you will marry one day, gasps and then covers her mouth, her cheeks red from timidity. She does not seem displeased with the idea of marrying you, though.

Soon the music starts, many strings playing in cheerful tones. Couples start to form for the dance, and most of the tables are left with only those who are too old or too young to participate.

princess Maegelle, the young daughter of the king, glances at you briefly and then avoids your gaze, blushing. She has the purple eyes and the blond sliver hair of her mother.

I walked to where she sits and asked for a dance.

"It will be my pleasure, Lord Galladon," she answers, taking your hand but coyly avoiding my gaze.

As someone born into nobility and educated accordingly, it is expected of me to know how to handle myself on the dance floor. But you do not only handle yourself; you show your companion and everyone around you how good you are, conducting her with such skill that the attendants form a circle to enjoy the spectacle.

When the music slows down, princess Maegelle rests her cheek on your shoulder, and you both catch your breath.

"Thank you for the dance," she says and goes back to her seat.

As it gets late into the night and the feast approaches its end, many are the guests who excuse themselves. The hall starts to empty, and the remaining participants find themselves in small groups, debating about all sorts of things. You notice that princess Maegelle is alone at the balcony, staring at the night sky, a cup of wine in her hand.

I walked over to the balcony hopping to get to know her more.

She gives me a quick glance as I approach, her cheeks reddening just from doing so, and then she resumes looking at the sky.

"Did you know I was once promised to the faith of the seven, it was my mothers idea of course she wanted to give thanks to the Mother for blessing her with so many children. my father thought otherwise since he could marry me off to some lords for whatever political reason he can come up with. Not one of them ever actually ask me what I wanted and yes I know that is the life and duty of a noble lady, but still I wanted at least some say in how I live my life is that so much to ask for." She said sadly and a bit drunk.

I lean on the balcony looking at the stars before saying "life never goes the way we want it no matter how much you pray to the seven, they put trials in front of you to overcome and get stronger from it or so the septons say.

I chuckle before turning to face her grabbing her hands and looking into her eyes.

I know this marriage may not be what you wanted in life but I can promise you I will never, ever do anything to hurt you in any way and I'm not just saying this because your family have fire breathing overgrown lizard and can burn my castle down,"

"HaHahaha" she laughed at the joke spilling some of her wine as she does, the tension between us slowly leaving as we get more comfortable talking to each other.

"All jokes aside I truly do want us to grow to love each other in time and if not love then we can have a beautiful friendship with respect for each other and do are duty for our respective houses."

Princess Maegelle look at me for a moment before moving closer to me with a hand on my chest she catching my eyes with emotions building beneath her eyes, understanding the moment I leaned down for a kiss.

Princess Maegelle's lips are soft and timid as they brush against yours but sweet and willing nonetheless. There is a brief moment of passion where you both seem to forget all about the stars above and the intrigues beneath, focusing only on the warmth that you share.

And then it is gone, for you hear a couple of guests approaching, drunkenly debating some subject, and princess Maegelle moves away before they can enter the balcony.

She leaves you without a word or a look back. The next day, as you are preparing to leave, prince ameon comes to say his goodbyes.

He talks enthusiastically about the bright future ahead for our families and describes how the marriage will guarantee mutually beneficial commercial treaties and an everlasting alliance between-our houses. He tells you that he will come for the wedding that will happen in Tarth.

The return trip to Tarth is uneventful, and after a few days of travel, you are back to managing the matters of your court.

It is decided: you will marry Maegelle in two months. The two of you might not know each other very well, but that is in no way a necessity for a marriage between nobles. Indeed, most successful marital unions of this kind in the Seven Kingdom have happened between people who had first set eyes on each another just before the ceremony.

Traditionally, marriages are performed by the local septon. Since we are of the faith of the seven or at least I pretend that I am.

On the day of your marriage, everyone will be invited to the ceremony. The peasantry of sapphire port will attend as well as the merchants and, of course, important lords and ladies. Septon Lennis, of the newly built and still under construction sept of sapphire, will perform the ceremony.

I announced that everyone is invited to the ceremony, which might have been a mistake since thousands of smallfolk gather on the streets around the Sept, and the city watch struggles to control the crowds. Thankfully, there is plenty of food and entertainment for everyone.

I also received a letter from storm ends informing me that unfortunately lord Boremund Baratheon will not be able to attend my marriage due to some unforeseen circumstances in the red mountains but wishes you all the best.

Prince Aemon is there among the important guests. Prince Baelon is next to him, drinking from a goblet and cheering.

King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen is present, overjoyed at the occasion.

The entrance to the sept has been entirely decorated with flowers, and the road that leads to it has been covered with a red carpet. There are pillars made of alabastone depicting female figures of the Maiden on the left and right side with a kind smile on her face, as if blessing the occasion.

The best cooks in the Seven Kingdom have been hired, and there is plenty of food available, with exotic and rare dishes arranged on the many tables. An entire troupe of bards is present, and they entertain the guests with strings and wind instruments. Many banners depicting the golden eagle paired with the red three headed dragon are waving all over the place. The religious part of the ceremony occurs at dawn. Septon Lennis, wearing his ceremonial gown, is waiting for you and you're betrothed on the steps by the entrance of the sept.

King Jaehaerys I Targaryen the patriarch of House Targaryen brings forth his daughter, Princess Maegelle, who is wearing white, silver, and gold. The fabric of her dress is arranged in a pattern that reminds you of feathers, and her hair is almost entirely covered by a veil that is held together by a jeweled tiara on her forehead.

Maegelle's lips meet yours with a smooching sound. The septon makes the union official, and what comes afterward is, indeed, the greatest of celebrations. The masses of peasants throw flowers and celebrate the union, dancing to the tunes of the bards, watching the jugglers, and feasting on the never-ending food.

As the night get late me the time for the bedding comes but I won't let other people undress my wife so I princess carried the princess to our quarters. I feel tired, because of all the goddamn stairs but there is still the matter of consummation to deal with.

Princess Maegelle is blushing heavily. She is seated by the side of the bed, staring at her own hands crossed in front of her lap. She seems nervous and unsure.

"You have nothing to worry about, my dear." I say trying to reassure her.

Maegelle nods and rises from the bed, turning her back to you. "C-Can you put the candles out?" she asks, her voice frail and sweet at the same time.

You extinguish the candles, and the room is taken by darkness, only the faint light of the moon coming from the windows.

Maegelle undresses, and you can see the vague figure of her body in the darkness, round and full of curves

With kind words and soft touches, you are able to make her less nervous. Still, as the two of you lie naked on the bed, she shivers.

The woman is stiff at first, perhaps unsure of how to proceed, but as the act of love starts to gain momentum, she cannot contain her willingness. She wraps her legs around your torso and pulls you closer to her, her eyes shut and her mouth open, moaning with pain and pleasure and everything that stands in between. By the end of it, there is blood on the bed, a clear testament of her virginity, and you are both exhausted and covered in sweat.

You fall asleep in each other's arms. Later, you wake up by her side, for a moment surprised by her presence. But you soon get aroused by the mere sight of her naked bottom.

You reckon you should get used to this.

next chapter
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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C15
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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