-Sweetheart, you'll be in the angels, -Gwyneth remarked.
-I will be, but I have a lot to accomplish. There's a significant role I want to play. There's going to be a major audition, and, well, I need approval... How's New York? - Billy inquired.
-I'll be taking on a role my father recommended. I'd love for you to be a part of it, but if the project is important, we can postpone the role, - Gwyneth commented.
Talking over the phone, sprawled out on a carpet, wearing shorts, and moving her legs, she was truly captivating. Milky skin and her flirtatious way of speaking. Something Billy couldn't forget; Gwyneth could only be described as hot.
-None of that, contact my agent. If I have to participate, I'll have to participate. Plus, I need to improve my acting skills. We can learn some techniques along the way to help me improve, - Billy remarked.
-No problem. I asked my father, who in turn asked some famous winners, about how to improve his acting skills. I was surprised. He asked Al Pacino, who recently starred in The Godfather. You know what he said? The best way to understand a character is by studying. The first thing you should do is understand the character and write a 10,000-word essay about your character. Once you perfectly understand your character, you can start experimenting with the role. You have to become the character. It's best to act with people in the industry or interact with people who treat you like the character. The second step is imitation, copying the elements of the character... Third, rewrite a 10,000-word essay now with your experiences, - Gwyneth commented.
Surprising Billy, there's something strange. This girl helps him in so many ways that Billy's face can only be slapped... This is how people feel when someone treats them very well. He just feels like taking a breather, but he knows good intentions shouldn't be taken lightly.
-Thanks, Gwyn, I'll be there tomorrow at noon for the interview, - Billy commented, ending the conversation, as many things lay right in front of him. The first was to finish recording for The Iron Giant and to plan out the next steps to make money.
Jim Gianopulus arrived yesterday and mentioned that Survivors wasn't received well by Sony, however, he has different meetings scheduled with NBC, CBS, and ABC, which are not yet owned by Disney.
But now he must get back to acting, in The Iron Giant, the robot's sounds were constantly reevaluated in other shots. Guided by Billy himself, who took the lead in gesturing the robot's habits, every word of the robot was taken with supreme delicacy. The robot has a total of 39 entries, each of which he handled on his own.
Not far away, Thandie Newton occupied a spot nearby, she was taking on the role of the lead actress, and although she didn't show it, she was a woman with great skills. As a British actress, she had a powerful performance and many skills of her own from her acting academy and method. Her olive skin and model-like figure were wonderful. She wore a green dress above her knees that accentuated her figure in a way that defied logic.
Billy walked to the studio to continue with the acting, as much as he could. He had to make the robot sounds.
Independence Day is one of the great films of the 90s, although it may seem outdated and not very developed, it's one of the best commercial movies, a huge blockbuster that, despite what many may deny, touched the hearts of many. Its epic nature, the raw depiction of the Martians.
For the second time, he saw a long line. They called for a massive casting to choose good actors, unknown ones. They had a small budget, much less than they had previously, big breaks are common, however, what's uncommon is the triumph of an unknown, when the struggle is against big names, it's just a blow to all the titles of people who don't have connections.
The hallways were sharp as he pondered on the performance ahead, mimicking a soldier, mimicking a pilot, a man who must behave, in love and eager to have a family, above an ordinary person, he's a man who has a certain joy, his work is a brief model of an actor, Billy desires, above comic relief, to portray someone who has a soldier's dilemma, between loving, tender, tough, serious, cold, and cheerful, the idea is to portray a hero's sign, who lives under the rule's yoke, capable of love.
Billy walks down the hallway, although the producer isn't famous, they're related to Fox Century and the relationship is close as it will be distributed by Fox. Curiously, in Independence Day, Billy's scenes aren't big, and there's almost a series as if the characters were divided, each with a role to play, and Billy's role as Captain Steven Hiller.
Billy has a problem. At 18, although he doesn't look older, he can use small tricks that give him an older age, such as a beard, hairstyle, makeup, and graying hair, it all depends on perspective.
-Stay calm, many of these people are modeling for performances of other characters, - Jim Waitt commented, accompanying him. Not far from him, he saw two important details.
-Billy, - a girl not far from him commented. It was Mili Avital, one of the women he gets along with best.
-What are you doing here? -Billy asked.
-It's funny that you ask when it's your fault. Your agent spoke to Ronald, and well, in turn, they spoke to me. You need a wife, - Mili commented, kissing Billy on the cheek.
-Practicing for the wife of Steve Miller, the airplane pilot, - Billy asked.
-That's right, and well, here I am. Although you've been active, I've only had small roles in ER, and you've had two extra movies, and well, your things in the press, if I didn't know you were a sweet man and not a playboy, - Mili said, her green eyes still as beautiful as ever, large and lively.
-You're right, the press has killed me, and sometimes I think those bastards are looking to laugh about my life, my work, my company, and my family, - Billy responded disheartened.
-It's okay, those who know you know you're not as cruel as many say, and well, Ronald calling you also proves that - Mili responded, getting closer to Billy and lowering her voice, many ears could try to listen, and if she spoke too softly, it could be worse, as they wanted to eavesdrop, Billy is a great specimen for the news.
-I have my audition coming up soon, my profile is just to look sexy. Should I call you for dinner? - Mili said, smiling. Now that Billy saw her, she was wearing deep red heels, along with a short white skirt and a snug crop top that showed off her figure.
-Of course, - Billy said.
-Women, either run from them or be strong, Billy. Usually, women are the hottest topics in Hollywood, they can destroy a man's career or elevate him to heaven, be careful!"- Jim Waitt responded.
-Thanks, Jim, - Billy commented.
Two hours passed, and amid that place, he visualized that many people were still there. When called, he entered the casting room, a small room where Devin Debli, Ronald Emerich, and Patrick Jonaha were seated, all members of the production team. For now, Billy's attire was a white shirt, military pants, and boots.
-Good morning, - Billy greeted.
-A pleasure, Mr. Carson, - Patrick commented, then whispered to the others. "He has three movies under his belt, he's considered a mid-tier actor, he has good recommendations, and he's a master of dubbing, -he said softly, Billy didn't catch the whole story.
In front of Billy was a chair, red, resembling a racing seat, however, this chair was only in front, nothing surprising.
-Use the chair as your portrayal of Steve Hiller. You must represent a military figure, - Patrick commented.
The nod was a simple acknowledgment. No words were exchanged, the order was clear, basic performances were required, no fuss.
This is command one, three, twelve... Captain Steve Hiller is in charge of the reconnaissance offensive. I see the heights and lieutenants, and I see the distant journey, and I'm not afraid. Adjust your coordinates, flank 15, please cover our backs, Bravo 13, to my right.
Pressure gestures, trying to force his back backward due to the G-forces.
For others, it might seem somewhat ridiculous, sitting in a chair and altering a story, as if playing a child's game. Good point, the movie doesn't demand grand performances, so if a memorable performance is achieved, even better. Nuances.
-Be cautious, and act calmly. We prepare for a bird maneuver, we'll take the rear, and we'll use the bright green circle that revolves around the central point of the ship. Be cautious, we expect retaliation from alien activity, - Billy spoke in a tough and concise tone, echoed by Billy, following steps he memorized.
-Hold, - Devlin commented, taking notes. -Take note, give me some comic relief. We need a military figure to kick off the series, which, above an art film, is a science fiction movie, - Devlin, the screenwriter, and producer, remarked.
-No problem, sir, I'm an actor, - Billy said, sighing inwardly. Comedy can be approached from tragedy or simplicity. There are secrets to appearing funny.
But being funny is just a silly matter, something Billy doesn't fancy. Seriousness demands better work. All for his plans!
-Let's take the script shots, page 24, - Devlin commented, indeed making the movie needs someone to add comedy.
Thirty-five pilots are being briefed by their commanding officer, CAPTAIN WATSON, who points at a blurry photograph of the ship over Los Angeles.
-You'll be the first wave in our counterattack. Although surveillance satellite reconnaissance has been affected, we have a solution to our main target, -Watson commented.
Steve and Jimmy sit side by side near the back of the room.
Steve, whispering to Jimmy, -You don't exactly need radar to find it, - Billy commented, with a hint of mischief. Between comedy, the first thing is to raise the lips in a smile, the bright eyes express, that they need to be opened along with a smile, almost anticipating something funny.
-Do you want to add something to this briefing, Lieutenant Hill? - says Watson, as per the script.
-No sir. I'm really looking forward to kicking some alien ass, sir, - Billy remarked, a formal conversation, entirely serious, but he smiled wickedly.
-Very well, that's all, - Devlin commented.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
March 2.
As he exited the recording studio, at least a dozen blocks away, there stood a blonde with fair skin, laughing. She wore jeans and a red shirt that accentuated her slim figure. Not far from her, a chubby man with curly hair was laughing with her, accompanied by a woman of the same age.
-Look who's here, he was at an audition, - Gwyneth commented, standing up and embracing Billy. - These are good friends of my godfather, Richard Attenborough, and his wife Sheila, - Gwyneth greeted.
-Nice to meet you all, Billy Carson, Mr. Richard Attenborough, and Miss Sheila, - Billy commented, shaking their hands, earning a chuckle from Gwyneth, who enjoyed Billy's seriousness.
-I fear that little Gwyneth here only brings trouble, -Richard commented upon seeing Billy taking a seat, unaware of the hour-long conversation they had before everything happened.
-He's a well-known director, he's producing his next movie, they might start filming in December, it's about the life of Ernest Hemingway, - Gwyneth said.
-Oh, we're in an audition, - Billy commented.
-Hehehe, correct, we're behind the scenes, -Gwyneth commented.
-I apologize for the improvisation, for now, there hasn't been a casting call, just adjusting potential candidates, - Richard commented, his British accent standing out. The movie "Passion in War" holds a certain significance, first, it's an event by New Line Cinema, and second, due to Billy's inclination towards romance, it might catch Richard Attenborough's attention. Despite preferring artistic quality, for a woman like Gwyneth, certain arrangements can be made, and the work he did in "Sev7en" was outstanding.
All thanks to Billy, who forced the blonde to do the scenes numerous times.
Billy didn't have a perfect understanding of what he should or shouldn't do. In many of his activities, these impromptu meetings, he didn't know the parties well, and he had nothing but the accumulated tiredness of the weeks. He had known Richard for some time.
-Tell me, Mr. Richard, what is this movie you want to produce about? - Billy asked.
-A love story, with Ernest Hemingway as the main character, a glimpse of life in a separate world. I don't want to delve too much into social and political stances and shed light on a person's own, I very much like concrete ideas from special periods. If a long biography is done, it only generates doubt due to the poorly told story, it's better to avoid complex and deep subjects, - Richard murmured. Conversations about thoughts began, and sometimes directors seek like-minded ideas to complement their films, much of it depends on the actor's personality, an example being Jim Carrey, whose personality can be intense and exaggerated, perfect for comedy.
-He has always been very powerful, but a story like that needs something stronger than just love. It needs the force of Hemingway's works, something human, something tragic, - Billy commented.
-It was an intense conversation, -Billy commented to Gwyneth, who nodded in agreement at what had transpired. Mr. Richard discussed Hemingway's entire work, down to the quick details.
-It was. Are you staying in Los Angeles? - Gwyneth asked.
-I am, I have a few auditions, at least two or three extras. How about you? How's everything going... I'll be meeting a friend shortly, I think, for dinner, once she finishes my audition, we'll dine. And yes, don't give me that look, she's invited, you shouldn't be like that, - Billy commented, seeing the blonde's furrowed brow.
-Perfect, that sounds good to me. Lately, a guy named Leonardo DiCaprio has been bothering me. If you don't help me, likely, that guy won't stop bothering me, - Gwyneth commented.
-You're a grown woman, Gwyn, I trust you, - Billy commented, getting into the car, Paul, his bodyguard, was in a distant place.
-You're despicable... You know, sometimes I think age for a woman is the worst thing that can happen to a person. I've been rejected for being too young, and my mother says, 'Enjoy it, when you're 30 or older, they'll accuse you of being too old, and you won't be able to be the sexy girl anymore,' - Gwyneth commented.
They both made their way to the hotel room, with some gentleness. Gwyneth was falling into a spiral, seeing how calmly Billy seemed at the mention of the cute blond guy, the party guy. There was a small group in Hollywood, everyone took a cue from these guys, they spent all their income on small salon parties, little ceremonies, or hunting for some nightclub. It was a large group of small actors who wanted to be part of the wildlife. Gwyneth attended some gatherings, but it wasn't common, even for older people.
But Billy was different. At the same age, he was older, almost an adult in the body of a young man. He had grown, and his features were sharper, especially his handsome chin and straight face, along with his centered eyes, military-shaped eyes, angular and strong, straight eyes, and of course, his charming smile.
-I don't think it's a good idea for us to have dinner tonight, - the blonde said.
-Stop being silly, babe. It's just a friend, and although most of the time I'd decline, we have to adjust everything accordingly. I can't come off as a jerk. It's all about public relations. You know as much as I do about the importance of being a Hollywood man, - Billy commented.
-Perhaps, - Gwyneth responded.
Throwing herself at Billy to kiss him, she was a slender girl, her skin was white, eager to please, and she had a submissive streak that came out when ordered to do something.
The kisses were brief. "Tonight," Billy replied.
-Yeah, for dinner. I think I brought a dress, - the blonde said, walking. The jeans fell down her legs, her slim legs, and the small black thong made an appearance on her petite buttocks, smiling at him. The shower soon sounded, in the time that passed.
His phone rang.
-Billy, we have new auditions. One is for 'The Jury,' 'City Hall: The Shadow of Corruption,' 'Death Penalty.' These roles are fantastic. For next week, there are a few other roles and 'Memories of Past Loves.' This is a supporting role you earned, thanks to your efforts in 'Little Women.' The problem is that the money is little, like an art film, the budget doesn't exceed 7 million, - Jim commented.
-Sure, I'll do it. I need roles," Billy replied.
-Lastly, Balto, another dubbing. The salary is minimal, 300,000 dollars. They had a problem with the actor; apparently, he had an idea from 'Apollo 13,' and he's finishing the movie. Spielberg decided to drop him. They're looking for someone with skills, and well, you're an expert in dubbing. You've even learned to make sounds, - Jim Waitt argued.
-I'll do any movie. As long as the script convinces me, - Billy responded.
As they exited, Gwyneth arrived, with wet hair and a white shirt that reached her knees.
-More scripts. You guys are hard workers, - the blonde commented.
-We have to be, for now. Landing roles is a challenge. I must work; I have to strive. It's the actor's challenge. When scripts come to you, as a great actor, you can accept any script. But it will also be harder. The name is obvious, - Billy commented.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!