100% Hollywood: Head-Hunting System / Chapter 136: Chapter 121. Part 2.

章節 136: Chapter 121. Part 2.

Hey, we meet again. So this is the 2nd part of the chapter 120 and this one's for all fans of the Terminator. I hope you like it.

If you want to support me then either subscribe to my Kofi at $4.25 or to my Patr .eon at $5 dollars to read 4 chapters ahead.





Date: 23rd, March, 1991.


Time: 08:21 pm.



Last time on Chapter 121. Part 1 —

James, before we shake on it, I have a condition, because we'll be using my crew for the filming. I want to be the co-director."

That sentence from Mark had James immediately seeing red, thankfully he didn't have a drink in his hand or he would have immediately shattered it.

Now Continuing —

"What do you mean?!" He growled out, the anger clear to be seen, he felt like Mark was playing around with his self esteem.

"Before you start going ballistic, this is exactly why I need to be on set as a co-director. You are so easy and quick to anger, it's clear to see that you have anger management issues."

"I know quite well about how you treated your crew back while shooting the aliens 2 and the Abyss. Your horrendous scheduling and tyrannical behavior is something I won't stand for if you'll be working with my crew."

"They're some of the best, that I've carefully selected for my team, they aren't children that you will shout over and bully. There will be a proper time schedule with breaks in between for rest.

"I know you may feel threatened that I'll try to usurp control of the crew."

"But James, I don't need to be a co-director to do that."

"I am the executive producer and if I want to. I can fire you anytime I want. But, I promise I won't do so if you don't cross my line."

"And as your co-director all I will do.. is work as an in-between you and the crew."

"You tell me what needs to be done and I will get it done, it's as simple as that." He said casually with a shrug.

But then his tone became serious and sincere. "James, I want you to properly observe me while we are shooting this film."

"I will show you how a leader treats their crew, how he behaves and how he leads them. If you really want to become a good director then this is an important lesson that you need to learn."

He wanted to speak up and defend himself but he knew he had no ground to stand on. There was nothing he could say in his defense that would overturn Mark's allegation because what he had said was true.

"You're obviously better than me at many things that a director needs to do," hearing that made his eyes widen a bit at how frankly Marc admitted that he was not as good as him in some things.

He thought that as a young man with so many achievements would have had a bigger ego but he remained humble. As for his motives he could think of only one, Marc wanted to help him become a better director and maybe even befriend him.

And the truth was he could, after watching the Killing Joke he realized just how big of a difference there was between him and Marc. He heard of the young man before, read about him on paper and had even acknowledged him as an equal.

But after watching the Killing Joke he knew he still had miles to go before he reached Marc's level. Though that thought didn't dishearten him, instead it invigorated him at facing a new challenge. A new opportunity.

"But I believe that I've better Leadership and Communication skills than you." He nodded at that, accepting Marc's assessment, the young director had people behind who were willing to rush into an actual burning building to film a scene. He didn't think he'd ever reach that level of loyalty from his crew.

"But still.. Why do I even need to treat them well?" He couldn't help but ask back, he didn't want to just fold in so easily.

"Because filmmaking is not a one man job, it takes the collective efforts of hundreds of people to make your vision" he said while pointing at James, "come to life on screen."

"I can just replace them." James replied but his bluster and bravado was wavering, on the inside he knew that the way he treated his crew was wrong.

Especially on the set of the Abyss, but he couldn't back down so easily especially against someone who was younger than him.

But when he looked into Marc's eyes, for some reason, he felt like the eyes he was looking into belonged to a 50 year old veteran director rather than a rookie in his 20s.

"You can.. and while it is true that everyone is replaceable in Hollywood."

"But, if you keep replacing then you will not be able to create a team of truly the best individuals in their field of work."

"How do you think I made a movie like the Killing Joke? That movie was not made due to my sole contribution, it was made because I had some of the best actors and the best crew members in Hollywood."

"And without them there was no way I could have made a film this good."

"I'm not asking you to be a doormat but if you keep treating your crew like trash then do you really think that they'll come back. If you have the reputation of an abusive tyrant, do you think the best behind the scene artists will work for you?"

"Maybe, if I pay them enough." He said, half serious, half joking, but the sadness he saw in Marc's eyes made him pause. Just what had this young man went through to have that look in his eyes, he pondered to himself.

"There are a few things in the world that money can't buy. Respect is one of them. After becoming experts in their field, having various connections in the industry.. Do you think that you can buy their services just for money?"

James stayed mum at that question letting his silence answer for him.

Mark muttered, "I thought so."

"Anyways, this film isn't just an opportunity for me to teach you leadership but also to learn from you as well." that got his attention as he looked at him with an upturned eyebrow, questioningly.

"Remember I told you that there are things you are obviously better at than me?" Mark asked him.

James nodded, and Mark began explaining his proposition, "well I need you to teach me one of those things. I need to learn how to be a special effects director. Will you teach me?" Mark earnestly made his request, and put his hand forward as if wanting to shake on it.

"So, you want me to teach you special effects? And in turn you'll teach me how to lead the crew?" He asked and Mark just nodded, his hand still raised.

"Okay, I agree. But I really don't want to be clashing hea–"

"There will be nothing of the sort. I promise." Mark replied with conviction, giving him his word.

James had heard that Marc was well known in circle for never going back on his word. So hearing that put his fears to rest, well at least a little.

"Also, your name will be put before mine, so the order of authority won't be mistaken. This is still your film, James."

"Thank you, Marc." He replied and shook hands to seal the deal.

Mark looked towards his side and saw Rose not too far away from, he gestured for her to come closer.

"Yes, sir?" She asked.

"Rose, could you gather the [Monarchs] in hall room 3 for me. If they ask for a reason, just tell them we got a new job." Mark asked her to gather the dream team he had assembled. He had, proudly, given them the call sign of [Monarchs].

Like his [Immortals], they were the best of the best at what they did, even better than the original dream team he had gathered. How did he get so many talented individuals, and how had he missed them before?

It was simple: He went international with the scale of his hiring.

After a small patch update to the Head-Hunting function of the system. He could now search for people around the globe, it had happened when he had accidentally recruited his first crew member from outside of the states personally. He had done so in France on his international tour.

One passionate Frenchman who just wanted to make great films had joined his crew, one, François "Rycork" Godard.

"Also, is anyone waiting to meet me?" He asked as he thought about his future schedule, he sighed when he thought about how hectic it was going to be. But deep down he liked it, he loved being productive, it unconsciously brought a smile to his face.

"Oh! Yes sir." She replied with a smile, "There is quite the ensemble."

"Oh, do tell." He said as walked a few steps away from the group for privacy.

"Well, firstly, you got the heads of some of the biggest cinema chains who wish to discuss terms with you directly. If I were to guess, I think they either want to cut out the middle-man entirely or they want you to cut off film time as you had predicted." She told him about them in brief, trying to keep it short.

"Can you ask them to reschedule, it will be better to have a proper sit down and discussion?" Mark asked thinking about what to do with heads, as forging a good relationship with them might give him more autonomy from Universal Studios.

But he was planning on buying Universal in the future anyways, so it might just turn out to be a waste of time, money, and effort.

"Sure, sir, I will let them know that you wish to reschedule." She replied as she made a short note.

"Next up, Mr. Tarantino wants to talk about his film as well."

"Just tell him to come meet me after a week, with a detailed budget plan and a list of everything he thinks he'll need for the film."

"Also, tell him to relax and enjoy the party, I am a man of my word, and I plan to keep it."

"Hmm, please tell Eva to start recruiting again, as we need another crew for Tarantino. Just a small one will do, but tell her to try to pick the good ones this time."

"The ones we got for Janet and Chris were average at best."

"Also tell the ex-nirvana crew members that they'll be helping Tarantino on his next movie, but only after they have finished their 2 months vacation time."

"How much of that is left, by the way?" He asked her, as he didn't know the exact date when the shooting of the Home Alone 2 wrapped up. They had already finished filming the first 2 parts of the holiday special.

"They had finished the shooting in the last week of January, so they are close to 2 months, sir."

"Tell them they can take the first two weeks of April off, but I want them to start the pre-production by the third." Mark said after thinking on an appropriate starting date.

"Yes, sir." She replied as she noted down all his commands in shorthand, it was something she was glad she had done an elective course on. As it really helped in noting all that was said and done, with accuracy and speed.

"Next up you got Mr. Turner who wants to meet you regarding some business."

"Ok, tell him I'll be waiting for him in that booth," He said pointing to a booth that was specifically reserved for him and only he could bring in someone with him.

"Sure, sir." She replied, noting it down.

"Also, Ms. Evelyn is finally back from London. She wants to talk to you about Disney poaching our talents."

"Fuck me!" Mark swore as he grimaced at the thought of the conversation with Evelyn.

'That we both know she will.' She thought in her mind as she gave him a knowing smile.

"Tell her I will talk to her at night after I leave the party." Mark replied with a sigh hoping that his Eva won't be upset that he didn't tell her about the plan.

"Mr. Spielberg wanted to talk to you about Jurassic Park." Rose spoke up again once again telling him of the people that wanted to have a word with him.

He drew in a deep breath and then let out a sigh, "Bring him to hall 3 as well, I will talk with him after informing the crew about the new job."

"Next, Mr. Lucas wanted to talk to you about the book and also about the movie.. said he can't."

"Does he need it to be private?" He asked thinking about what it might be that Lucas wanted from him.

"I don't think he would mind much."

"Then please request him to wait for me at hall 3 as well with Steven. I'll talk with both of them after I'm done with the speech." Mark replied as he thought to himself about how this party was going from one business deal to another.

He thought he might get to flirt with an unsuspecting lovely lady, after taking off his mask and blending in with the crowd. But unfortunately it seemed like he didn't have the time to be Mark Spencer that night as Marc Spector was in high demand.

"Anyone else."

"No, sir."

"Thank god. Please send Mr. Turner to meet me quickly, I'll be waiting. After I'm done with him, I'll quickly head into hall 3."

"Got it, boss." She nodded.

"Also, when everyone is gathered, send someone to escort James and Arnold to hall 3 as well, okay?"

She nodded, and then he dismissed her with a curt "you may leave."




Ted was enjoying some good quality red wine when he was approached by Marc's PA, he remembered her. The woman looked like she would right at home on the cover of a magazine.

But for some reason was content to work as a PA, if the rumors were to be trusted she was also the only one who didn't betray Marc's trust and remained in his employ.

"Mr. Turner, my boss is ready to meet you, I apologize for the delay. If you would kindly follow this gentleman." She said point at a staff member, "he will escort you to a private room where my boss will be waiting.

"No apologies needed Ms. Rose. I'll be on my way." Mr. Turner replied as he left to meet Mark.

Rose nodded and took her leave as well, heading out to start gathering the crew. She had already sent out all the junior assistants who worked under her to do the same.

First she saw River, Rycork and Siddharth leisurely talking to one another, it was an odd trio of an American, a Frenchman and an Indian. But she was getting used to the new faces slowly, as she got closer she heard the tail end of their conversation.

I see, so River is leaving with you. I can't believe that Marc is allowing his main actor to leave just like that. Most producers would rather chain him up and use him like a circus monkey to attract attention."

"Well I think after knowing for over half a year I can say that he isn't like anyone who you would have met before." River replied with a chuckle.

"Boys," she spoke to gain their attention, "Ry, Sid, Marc needs all of the Monarch's crew in hall 3."

"Are we taking on a new job?" Siddarth Ravi, an Indian hire who was one of the most talented up and coming production designers in Hollywood. The only reason he had gotten his big break before Mark came along?

A lack of connections, his ethnicity and plain old bad luck.

Rycork chimed in with a sigh, "He really needs to take a break." It was after hearing him that Rose realized that they weren't talking about a break for themselves but rather for their workaholic boss.

While they had wrapped up shooting in January and had gotten to enjoy a two month long vacation. Their boss had been working non-stop on the Killing Joke from the shooting till the post production, even leading the editing himself.

River turned towards her and said, "we'll be there."

"But, River, it is a call for the Monarchs." She didn't want him to be there as seeing his friend take on so much work while he was leaving on a vacation might make him feel guilty.

"I think it's best he knows what new shenanigans his friend is up to now, it will give him some peace of mind. Before the trip." Rycork spoke with a slight accent in his calm gentlemanly tone.

Rose nodded, knowing that Marc wouldn't mind River's presence there, as he treated the latter like a brother. She just reminded them to head for hall 3 quickly and let any other crewmates they see along the way about the same.




"So, Ted, what is it you wanted to discuss?" Mark asked as he reclined back on his seat and closed his eyes to relax.

"It is more of a report than a discussion, so I'll be brief. The new paid adult channel you asked for?" Mark nodded, his eyes still closed and his head leaning back.

"It's done, I even started releasing a few wrestling matches and some old movies from MGM's film library on it."

"Oh, I forgot you had that," Mark said thinking about the old MGM film library, it was one of the reasons he was eager to buy TBS from Ted in the future. "and great work Ted. By the way, how are the ratings of Cartoon Network?"

"They've been on a steady increase. Currently we are at number 3 right behind Disney and Nickelodeon." Ted replied with a proud grin.

"Not bad." Mark nodded with a pleased smile.

"I know, if we can maintain this steady growth it won't be long before our cartoon network becomes the most viewed kids channel in America." Ted replied with ambition, blazing in his eyes.

"That's the goal." Mark agreed.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, the TV show company you asked me to collaborate with in Japan? They had just sent their first episode in.. I saw it.. it wasn't bad. But it wasn't much to brag about either." Ted replied with a shrug, and it was the first time that Mark opened his eyes in their meeting.

"Are you talking about [Power Rangers]?" He questioned, with one eye opened.

"Yeah.. to me it was an average show, nothing really stood out except for the mecha zords."

"But my grandkids absolutely loved it and asked if they could buy toys of the mechas and the rangers. So I can see the appeal." Ted replied with a shrug, happy to have found something new for the kids channel but he wanted to find something that could be shown on the adult channel.

"Great, release it on Cartoon Network for now and how's the channel subscriptions going?" Mark cracked a smile happy to see the ball rolling forward on that.

"It's okay, a little lower than expected, especially after getting that bundle deal signed off with Fox."

"But it's okay after we release more shows. I hope that the number of subscribers grows as well."

"I hope so as well." Mark said wistfully.

"Ted, can you do me a favor?" Mark asked, sitting up straight.

"Hmm, what is it?" Ted asked intrigued.

"Sign this." He said taking out a form, and sliding it towards him.

"An NDA? Really?" He asked in an exasperated tone but signed anyways, as he was curious to know what Marc was up to now.

"Sorry, it's just policy." Mark shrugged.

"It's fine, I did it, now what is it you need help with?" He was intrigued.

"I heard a rumor that Warner isn't doing too well." Mark replied not exactly getting to the point.

"Yeah, well I heard it too." He knew about it, financial troubles abound.

"I got some inside info that they're looking to downsize and they will be selling their assets soon." that wasn't something he had heard, 'did Marc have spies in warner?' He couldn't help but have that thought.

"I see, you want me to buy them for you?" He made a wild guess.

"Bingo. I can't draw too much attention to myself or Eidolon. I'll obviously be providing you with the money, I just need you to retain ownership until I ask for you to pass it on to my company later." Mark cheerfully explained the situation.

"Hmm." Ted hummed to himself as he thought about the pros and cons. Till now doing business with Marc had been very successful and he had been making free money essentially. As he had to pay a very minimal amount for his stake in the channel.

"I'll but I need a small stake in the ownership of the assets as well."

"Ted come on, I just need you to buy it for me." Mark replied in an exasperated tone.

"I'm not asking for much, just 10%." Ted tried to weasel his way in.

"Just 10% you say," Mark scoffed and then replied after thinking for a few seconds, "2% that's my offer."

He was happy to see Mark give in, now came his favorite part of the deal: negotiation. "How about 7.5?"

"How about 1.5? Mark shot back.

"You're supposed to raise your offers so that we can meet somewhere in the middle." Ted said, faking his annoyance but Mark could see the smile at the corner of his lips.

"Why? I am paying full price, I don't have to share ownership anyways since this is a favor. But since you're asking so much, I'll double my previous offer. 4%"

"How about 5?" mark replied with a dead pan face.

"It's fine I'll find someone else.." Mark replied with narrowed eyes.

"Okay. Okay. Relax. I'll do it, you don't need to be so stiff about it." Ted replied as he let out a sigh.

"Thank you." Mark said with a grin, and then bade him goodbye, he left in a hurry as he needed to meet his crew at hall 3 soon.

Though on the way he ran into Nicole and Tom, he asked them to walk with him as he was getting late for something. Upon hearing that Nicole was just there to introduce Tom to him, he dismissed her and asked Tom to wait from outside hall 3.

He warned him that it might take a while and if he couldn't wait then he could take to his secretary Rose to schedule a meeting for next week. Tom just shook his head and said that he didn't have anywhere to be and that he'll wait.

Mark just nodded at his statement and moved on, he thought that this would be the end of his unexpected run-ins with people for the night. But surprisingly he ran into the CEO of Warner Bros. Terry Semel, he could tell that as much the middle aged man wanted to act like it was a coincidence it was not.

He didn't even have to use the system to venture a guess that the man was about to give him an ultimatum, that he was gonna be coming after him for the Killing Joke.

"Marc, Hi, I'm Terry." Terry replied with the fakest smile he had ever seen.

"Hello, Mr. Semel, I know you. You're the new CEO of Warner Bros. You know you're a lucky man." Mark replied casually but changed his words mid sentence because he decided to make fun of the old man.

"Huh?" Terry was confused as to what Marc was alluding to.

"You got so very small shoes to fill, the last CEO was fired due to being involved in some shady stuff. At least according to the rumors. So as long as you keep your nose clean you'll be fine." Mark replied as he tapped his nose it was an action that was commonly known to allude to someone who did cocaine.

Mark didn't hold back one bit because he was almost 100% certain that this bastard was going to sue him, and launch smear campaigns on his film.

"You!" It was all he could say as he gnashed his teeth and grinded them in anger realizing that the young man before him really had some talent in trash talk and getting on people's nerves. He also realized why Eisner hated him so much.

"Oh please you need to have a thicker skin than that if you want to survive in this industry."

"Also here is some free advice. I heard you guys were heading into animation with your own Batman animated TV show."

Terry felt surprised as it had not even been announced in their own company, and very few people knew about it. It made him feel a little threatened as if implied that Mark might have planted spies in their studios.

"Take my word for it, and stick to that, do not make a live action film, leave that to the grown ups and play with cartoons like Disney."

Hearing that really hurt his ego, but it was what Mark said after that made him want to strangle him. And he might have even tried Mark wasn't 6 inches taller than him and looked 20 pounds heavier than him with pure muscle mass.

"You know nothing about filmmaking, you won't even be able to identify a good film if it hits you in the face. Do you understand?"

"I gave you the script, it was right there in front of your face. But sadly none of you were able to understand the kind of movie it would've made.. The kind you saw today, do you know why Terry? It's because none of you have that creative vision."

Terry finally couldn't hold back his temper any longer and spoke up in his defense trying to make a rebuttal. "We made good movies, the earlier runs of Batman and Superman were loved by both the critics and the audiences."

But Mark was really good at destroying people in arguments. He used the man's own reply against him. "And why can't you maintain that? What happened with Batman forever?"

But he didn't even wait for an answer, as he gave his own assumption that might have hit a little too close for comfort as Mark saw Terry wince and looked a little ashamed upon hearing his answer.

"I will tell you what happened. Corporate greed and a complete lack of oversight. There was no story to be seen, and all you were trying to do was sell toys by making a movie that's nothing but just a practical joke."

"Oh like you don't sell merchandise?" Terry tried to change the topic but it was of no use as Mark seemed like he came prepared.

He laid out all his grievances and disappointments with the righteous fury of an audience who had been let down by the Studios time and time again.

"I do. but it never comes at the cost of the movie itself. I make the best film I can, unlike you." He said pointing at him his anger slightly leaking through, he realized he was slowly losing control so he reigned it back in and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Also your guys at the DC comics did a really good job at trying to copy my Secret Wars storyline with your Crisis On Infinite Earths trying to reboot the DC universe and start anew."

"But I am advising you not to copy my film and try to make a new live action film of another villain or even Batman but with a more grim dark tone." He replied in a wistful, disappointed tone like he wanted them to do it. But knew they could never pull it off.

"It won't work.. you guys cannot make it work.. I can see you questioning yourself why."

"It's simply because you are not good enough.. so take my advice this will be the last time I am telling you.. Stick. To. Animations."

After saying that he left, hoping that his plan worked out, if it didn't it was fine as well as it would only allow Warner to stay alive for an additional few more months or even half a year at best. But if his plan did work out then he knew it would accelerate the inevitable demise of the one of the Big Six Studios of Hollywood.

After saying that he left, hoping that his plan worked out, if it didn't it was fine as well as it would only allow Warner to stay alive for an additional few more months or even half a year at best. But if his plan did work out then he knew it would accelerate the inevitable demise of the one of the Big Six Studios of Hollywood.

As for what that plan was, it was simply using the reverse psychology of the human mind. Despite his advice he didn't actually want Warner to do Animations because the [Batman Animated Series] was one of the most celebrated and successful animated TV shows of all time.

If they made it then it would not only help Warner build a new animated media series but also increase their merchandise sales that had been dwindling, allowing them to keep themselves alive and avoid bankruptcy for a while.

— To be continued in Chapter 122. Part 2.


Word Count of Part 2: 4900 words. (Excluding the recap and the author's notes.)


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