9.52% Hollow Heart: Darkened Love / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Betrayed Desires

章節 2: Chapter 2: Betrayed Desires

Months had passed since the enchanting Grand Gala, yet the ballroom's echo still resonated in Alex Sterling's heart, a haunting reminder of a love that had once bloomed so vividly. Now, he stood in his penthouse overlooking Neoport, his expression distant, eyes heavy with pain. The Sterling Estate seemed devoid of its former grandeur, its opulence tarnished by the weight of shattered dreams.

His fingers traced the rim of a crystal glass, its contents untouched. Memories danced through his mind, scenes of laughter, whispered promises, and stolen glances. He recalled those moments when Victoria had seemed like a celestial being, his anchor amidst the tempestuous sea of his life. Yet, the same memories now stung like thorns, piercing through the facade of happiness.

Amidst this somber reverie, his thoughts gravitated to a fateful day – the culmination of his dreams and a cruel awakening that would forever change his world.


The sun had bathed Neoport in its golden light as Alex stood at the helm of the Griffin Automotive Company. The crowd of reporters and investors was abuzz with anticipation as he announced his latest creation – a revolutionary hybrid engine that promised to redefine the automotive industry. Cheers erupted, cameras flashed, and in that moment of triumph, Alex felt invincible.

He remembered sneaking glances at Victoria amidst the crowd, her smile seemingly brighter than the sun. They had been inseparable since the Gala, their love story blossoming into a narrative that seemed to transcend time. He had thought they were building a future together, and as he unveiled the innovation, he had secretly wished for her to be a part of that future.

The euphoria of success had lingered into the following day. Alex had invited his closest friends and colleagues to celebrate at the Griffin Automotive headquarters. He had planned to propose to Victoria amidst the cheers of their loved ones, sealing their love in a promise that would endure forever. 

As the guests dispersed, leaving only Alex and Victoria in the grand hall, he held a small velvet box in his trembling hand. He looked into Victoria's eyes, his heart brimming with anticipation, but something was amiss. Her smile seemed strained, her gaze evasive.

"Victoria," he began, his voice a mixture of hope and vulnerability, "these past months have been the most incredible journey of my life. You've brought light to my darkest days, and I can't imagine my future without you."

Victoria's expression wavered, and for a moment, her eyes held a hint of regret. "Alex, you're an amazing man, and what we've shared has been wonderful. But... I think we need to talk."

The words landed like a blow, the weight of their implication crushing the delicate hope that had bloomed in his chest. Confusion clouded his features as he struggled to comprehend the sudden shift in their reality.

In his penthouse, Alex's hands clenched into fists as the memories intensified. The pieces of the puzzle were finally fitting together, revealing a shocking truth that he had been blind to – Victoria's motives had never been love. She had played a role, feigning affection to get closer to his fortune, his success, his future.

The realization crashed over him like a tidal wave, leaving him gasping for air in the sea of his own betrayal. His hands shook as he recalled the moment Victoria had left, the chilling words he had overheard as consciousness slipped away.

"Okay, love, bomb the place. We are rich!"

The voice, deep and sinister, belonged to a man with purple hair, a man who seemed to be Victoria's confidant in this charade. Anguish, rage, and a profound sense of loss churned within him, creating a storm of emotions that threatened to consume him whole.

As darkness closed in, his vision blurred, and he felt a searing pain at the back of his head. The world spun and faded, his last coherent thought a whirlwind of confusion and heartbreak.

Consciousness returned like the slow unraveling of a fog, a hesitant awareness of his surroundings. Alex Sterling found himself enveloped by darkness, a heavy lethargy settling into his limbs. As his senses sharpened, he became aware of the sensation of being cradled, his body resting against a firm yet strangely comforting presence.

His eyes fluttered open to a world bathed in shades of twilight. Before him stood a figure, one that seemed both shadow and substance. The figure's presence was ominous yet strangely familiar, its red and black wings stretching out in a display of unearthly elegance. Fiery hair cascaded like molten lava, framing a face that was sharp, angular, and etched with the weight of ageless knowledge. The most striking feature, however, was the pointy beard that seemed to ripple with a life of its own.

"Who... who are you?" Alex managed to stammer, his voice barely a whisper in the surreal stillness.

The figure's eyes, pools of burning crimson, met his with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "I am the embodiment of your deepest hatred, a creation born from the abyss of your despair," the figure replied, its voice a symphony of dark resonance.

Alex's heart quickened, a cocktail of fear and curiosity surging through his veins. "What do you want with me?"

The figure extended a hand, its fingers elongated and tipped with sharp claws. "I am Ragna, a manifestation of the darkness within you," it intoned, its voice reverberating like a haunting refrain.

With a sensation akin to weightlessness, Alex found himself carried through the darkness, the world around him a blur of distorted shapes and muffled whispers. As his surroundings coalesced, he realized they stood within an abandoned house, its walls cracked and weathered with time. Memories clawed at the edges of his consciousness – this was his father's house, a place he had long abandoned.

"What is this place?" he asked, his voice quivering with trepidation.

Ragna's crimson gaze bore into him, an unspoken understanding passing between them. "This house represents the remnants of your past, the fragments of a life that was once whole."

As they navigated the decaying corridors, Ragna's deep voice resonated with a melancholic timbre. "Long ago, this house echoed with the laughter of your family. Your father, a man of strength and pride, built it with his hands. But his ambition led him down a path of darkness, and he lost himself to his own desires."

Images flickered in the corners of Alex's mind – his father consumed by his pursuit of power, the echoes of heated arguments, the eventual estrangement that had severed their bond.

As if in response to his thoughts, Ragna continued, "Your father's obsession with wealth drove a wedge between you. You watched as he lost sight of what truly mattered, and as a result, this house crumbled, much like his aspirations."

In a chamber deep within the abandoned house, Ragna and Alex stood face to face. The room was cloaked in a soft, eerie glow, the walls adorned with faded memories of happier times.

"I am here to tell you a story," Ragna began, his voice softer now, a stark contrast to his initial aura. "I am the embodiment of the darkness born from your pain, your resentment, your heartbreak. I was forged from the depths of hell, a creation born of your hatred."

Alex's gaze was fixed on Ragna, his own turmoil reflected in the figure's fiery eyes.

"I have witnessed your suffering, Alex Sterling. The pain of betrayal, the agony of loss – these emotions fuelled my existence," Ragna continued, his voice tinged with a resonance that seemed to penetrate the very fabric of Alex's soul.

The room grew heavy with the weight of revelation, the walls seeming to close in on Alex as he grappled with the truth that lay before him.

"And now," Ragna's voice deepened, resonating with a newfound intensity, "you stand at a crossroads. The world that once held your dreams has shattered, and you are left with a choice. What do you want?"

The question hung in the air, charged with an electric tension that left Alex's heart pounding. His mind raced, memories of Victoria's betrayal intermingling with the remnants of his past.

His voice, though hesitant, held a newfound conviction. "I want to ruin them, those who have wronged me. I want to strip them of the power they crave and expose their true nature."

next chapter
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