Gold Heights Condominium.
"Welcome, Mr. Qiao Yu. Please come in. I'm Dominic Chua, Miss Long's assistant. We talked a few times on the phone."
Qiao Yu nodded and shook the young man's hand.
He looked around the place with an expressionless face. Not bad. Sophisticated yet understated.
The extensive renovation looked like it was worth the cost. The last time he visited, the penthouse looked like the illegitimate child between a burlesque bar and a Disneyland knockoff.
Ever since the Young Miss started earning her own money in showbiz at a very young age, President Long Tengfei hired Qiao Yu as the child's financial manager. His job was basically to figuratively slap the mother and daughter's greedy hands, preventing them from emptying the child's bank account.
Her earnings were insignificant at first, with most of her money coming from the monthly allowance the President sent her. As she gradually became popular especially when her songs constantly went viral, her earnings increased.
However, with her crazy spending habits, if it wasn't for her substantial monthly allowance, Qiao Yu would have nothing to manage and the brat wouldn't be able to live such a lavish lifestyle.
It was the most thankless job, especially whenever he had to deal with both the mother and daughter's nasty and bitchy attitudes. However, President Long paid him extremely well, so all he could do was suck it up and do the job he was paid for.
After the Young Miss woke up from coma, President Long instructed him to give the girl a one year grace period allowing her full access to her money without the usual restrictions. However, the Young Miss was not informed of this.
It just meant that Qiao Yu would stop blocking some of her more expensive expenditures unlike before. President Long said that he would replenish her bank account if the balance reached a dangerously low level.
Qiao Yu secretly thought that the President was being too generous to such an ungrateful brat, even if it was his own daughter.
Half a year already passed by since the Young Miss woke up. Qiao Yu expected the girl to go all out spending money everywhere and catch up on the one year she wasn't able to go shopping.
Contrary to his expectations, however, her bank account was still fat; only decreasing a bit because of daily expenses, her employees' salaries, and three major withdrawals.
The first major withdrawal was about 3 million RMB to pay for the renovation. The second one was about 5 million RMB for her new wardrobe. The third withdrawal was more expensive at 15 million RMB. The reason she gave was to buy computers and to use for investments.
The 3 million was expensive for a renovation but seeing the results with his own eyes today, Qiao Yu thought that it wasn't too unreasonable. The penthouse now had class, something that it previously lacked.
As for the 5 million wardrobe…well, girls would be girls. At least, this time it only cost her 5 million for the entire wardrobe. He knew that the girl could spend the same amount of money for a single handbag.
He also wanted to say something about the 15 million but stopped himself. How many computers did she buy to cost 15 million? And investments? What did the girl know about investing? Did she even know what the word "investment" meant?
He already considered the 15 million gone. He reminded himself that the girl could take out as much money as she wanted for a year. She had 6 months left before the one grace period would end.
Two days ago, he received a call from Dominic Chua, informing him that the Young Miss wanted to speak to him. Thus, the reason why he came today.
This was the first time that she took the initiative to invite him. He had no idea why. But if it had something to do with this spoiled brat, he knew that it wouldn't be anything good.
"Sir, please follow me. Miss Long is waiting for you at the library office." Dom led the strict-looking, middle aged financial manager to where his boss waited.
"Thank you."
Qiao Yu couldn't help but gasp inwardly when they arrived at the big library office. Shelves filled with books covered the walls. There was a spiral staircase leading to a second floor also filled with books.
Sansevieria and peace lilies planted on the second floor balustrades gave the room a refreshing atmosphere. Indoor palm trees in big, colourful pots decorated the corners.
It was impressive.
He glanced at some of the books and was bewildered that they were in several different languages. Ah, so they were for decoration. He wouldn't believe it if someone told him the brat could read them. Alright, maybe the Chinese and English ones.
"Boss, Mr. Qiao is here."
Qiao Yu followed the young man to a big, dark desk at the end of the library. Wow. Was that macassar ebony wood? The beautiful desk distracted him until he heard a pleasant voice like a soft breeze in the summer.
"Thanks, Dom." Iris Long stood up from the lounge seat she was laying on at a corner under a potted palm tree. She was reading a Japanese light novel while waiting for the financial manager to arrive. "Mr. Qiao Yu, thank you for coming."
Hm? Qiao Yu had the urge to rub his eyes. "Miss Long?"
Iris smiled and nodded. "Please take a seat."
Her assistant led them to the seats in front of the big macassar desk. Iris and Qiao Yu sat opposite each other, a low table between them. Dominic served them hot tea.
Qiao Yu almost couldn't recognize the Young Miss in front of him. Her face looked the same, but the way she dressed changed. Her aura also changed.
Was the end of the world coming?
He took a sip and his eyes widened. He took another sip to make sure. No doubt about it. This was
Hai, the world must really be ending soon.
"Mr. Qiao Yu, I called you today because there are some things that I want to discuss with you." Even the way she spoke changed. She enunciated her words and spoke in a direct but calm manner.
"Of course, Miss Long," he replied, regaining his usual expressionless face. "Please let me know how I may be of assistance to you."
"First things first. I want to hire you as my personal financial manager. I want you to drop your other clients and just focus on handling my finances. If you agree, you'll take your salary from me and not from my father."
Qiao Yu frowned. "Miss Long...this…"
The salary he was receiving from her father was definitely bigger than the income she earned as an entertainer. How could she afford him? If she wanted him to accept a lower salary, she must be dreaming.
"I also want you to inform my father to stop sending monthly allowance. I'm already nineteen, no longer a minor."
Yes, it must be the end of the world.
He cleared his throat. "Understood, Miss Long. I'll inform the President of your decision."
"So do you agree to my offer?"
He took a couple of deep breaths. "Miss Long, I'm glad that you're finally starting to pay attention to your finances but…"
The assistant standing behind her handed Qiao Yu a folder. Qiao Yu was confused.
"Open it. Look at the first page," she ordered.
He complied, feeling more confused. It looked like…bank account details?
"That's a separate bank account I opened myself. That's where I put the remainder of the 15 million after buying computers."
Qiao Yu was confused. There was clearly way more than 15 million in this account. Did this girl rob a bank or something? How did she get this much money?
"I used the money to buy and sell stocks. I also invested in bonds and shares in various companies. I even provided interest loans to some businesses. Now there's over half a billion RMB in that bank account. Turn to the next page. That's a list of the businesses I invested in, including the amount I spent on and earned from them as of this moment. Some of them are foreign companies. The last pages contain the list of businesses that I'm interested in investing. I want you to handle them for me."
Of course, she also earned a lot accepting some barely legal hacking jobs from the dark web but she wouldn't tell him that.
For the first time in his entire life, Qiao Yu felt his mind go completely blank.
"Mr. Qiao Yu? Sir? Are you listening? Are you alright?" Iris asked, concerned. "Dom, why is he not moving?"
"Uh, boss. I think you broke him."
"Don't be ridiculous. I didn't do anything."
"He's frozen." Dom suddenly gasped. "Oh no! What if he's having a stroke? What do we do, boss?! What if he drops dead? Boss, I'm scared!"
"What?! Call an ambulance. Quickly!"
As the two ran around in panic, Qiao Yu finally regained some sense. He heard the young man calling frantically on the phone, saying something about needing an ambulance and someone having a stroke.
"Ah? What's happening? Who's having a stroke?"
"Mr. Qiao Yu! Are you alright?" Iris ran to him, her eyes filled with concern. "Are you having a stroke? Don't worry. The ambulance is coming."
"Yes, yes. I'm alright ah…wait, what?! I'm having a stroke?"
Dom also approached them, still talking on the phone.
"Stop. Stop! Hang up that phone! You two ah…I'm not having a stroke. I'm alright. I'm healthy! Why did you two even think that I'm having a stroke?"
"You're not? Are you sure?" she asked.
Iris gave his assistant a side eye.
"Ehe." Dom gave an embarrassed smile. He relayed on the phone that he didn't need an ambulance anymore and apologized for the inconvenience he caused before hanging up.
Everyone released sighs of relief.
Qiao Yu cleared his throat, feeling embarrassed and awkward about the commotion he caused. "Please forgive me, Miss Long, for making you worry. I'm alright, really."
"That's good, then."
Both of them drank tea to calm themselves down.
Even Dom poured himself a cup. He was so scared! What if the uncle dropped dead? Ah, how scary.
"Mr. Qiao Yu. Is it alright to continue our discussion?" she asked.
"Of course, of course. Go ahead, Miss Long."
"You already saw that I have a little over half a billion in that bank account. If you accept my offer of becoming my personal financial manager and working only for me, I plan to hand that account over to you to invest however you wish. I may give you specific instructions from time to time, but for the most part, I just want to relax and let you make me more money. I hope that you can make me a billionaire by my early twenties."
Qiao Yu inhaled sharply, his eyes contracting. Handle half a billion RMB? Make her into a billionaire?
Yes, the world must have really ended.
He must have died and this must be the afterlife. Otherwise, how could this spoiled brat become half a billionaire in just a few short months?
"Mr. Qiao, what do you think? Do you accept my offer?"
Once again, I thank you for all of the support and encouraging words. I'm so fired up!
Some of you have been requesting mass releases or extra chapters. I can't do mass releases for now, but please know that I'm writing like a madwoman to pile enough chapters to answer your request within this month. So please be patient.
Thanks for reading!