Only a few days were left, and Happy spent all of his time with Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel. He studied day and night, trying to at least study all the ancient runes, as Herbology was too vast to be mastered in a few days, and even more vast was the subject of Alchemy. But Nicolas and Happy breezed through the lessons effortlessly, as luck helped Happy greatly.
At the same time, since Nicolas was a man from the ancient days, he had no qualms about teaching or telling Happy about the darker aspects of magic and all the related things about them. One of the biggest threats in the magical world was the Killing Curse, and Flamel suggested a counter to it as well.
"Just throw something alive in the path of the spell," Nicolas suggested. "Perhaps a mouse? Because it's a killing curse, and once it kills something, it dissipates unless the caster performs another."
Happy very much accepted it. It made all the more sense, as he knew how Harry Potter survived being hit by Voldemort's Killing curse at the end. Voldemort, the dumb man he was, killed his own soul inside Harry instead of killing Harry.
However, from that suggestion, Happy thought about something. 'Wait a minute. This means I just need to hit Harry with a Killing Curse?'
But those were things he needed to worry about later. Amidst his studies, he also cooked with Perenelle, allowing the old woman to feel the joy of having a young child in the house for once in her lifetime. Happy's name had already been added by the two to their family registry at the Ministry and Gringotts, so he was officially a family member already.
However, before Happy even knew it, the days went by in joy and laughter. Finally, the 31st of December arrived, the day the Flamel couple had decided to make it their last. And to celebrate it, the two oldies held a small private feast for themselves.
The house was brightly lit with torches and colorful sparkles everywhere. The Christmas tree was also in the corner of the hall. The elves were moving around, decorating the table with lots of dishes, though they all had tears in their eyes as their masters were going to be leaving them forever.
"This is the best!" Happy dived in, devouring anything within reach. "I'll miss you both."
Perenelle gently placed her hand on his head as Happy sat between the two. "I wish we had found you much earlier. It must have been lonely to live at Lestrange Manor alone."
"I wished I found you earlier too, Grandma." Happy chirped, having embraced the family as his own. Perhaps, the two Flamels were also more at ease making him their heir because the Lestrange family had their ancestral roots in France.
Nicolas silently ate his meal the whole time, only smiling. He reflected on his six-hundred-year-long life. "So many Kings, Queens, wars, and the shifting values of the human world—the Muggle world has changed so much right before my eyes, but the wizarding world has remained the same.
"Wizards need to change like the muggles, Happy… Only then will our kind survive and thrive." Nicolas said, slightly getting emotional.
Happy agreed with him wholeheartedly. "That's why I'm doing all this, Grandpa. I know I'm breaking the statute of secrecy, but someone has to take the first step, don't you think?"
"True." Nicolas agreed. "But be careful. There are wizards who possess great power and align with the light side, yet cling to the olden days, preferring isolation instead of widening the horizon."
"You're talking about Professor Dumbledore?" Happy quickly asked, easily guessing. It was no secret to Happy that Dumbledore, although didn't hold any prejudice, wasn't someone who would easily be happy with breaking the rules on a massive scale.
The greatest fear was the possibility of a civil war between wizards and muggles if secrets came out. But at the same time, the high-ranking government officials and the heads of states already knew it. So, as long as things were done in a controlled manner, slowly, maybe in a century, wizardry could be unveiled, as if it was a sudden appearance of superhumans kids—comic book style.
Eventually, midnight drew near. Happy looked at the clock and felt a burning sensation in his chest. To know that the two people eating with him were going to die by morning wasn't a very calming feeling.
"Happy," Nicolas said, grabbing his attention. "I'm afraid it's time to say farewell."
Perenelle followed and stood up from her seat. "It is time."
Happy walked with them toward the upper floor room of the couple. On the way, they talked about a few things.
"Eat well, but don't get too chubby," Perenelle warned him. "Otherwise, you won't find a pretty wife in the future."
Nicolas chuckled. "Haha… Do whatever you want, son. You are free from all restraints because you're not just a Lestrange anymore. Nobody can order you around—nobody can decide your fate for you… Just be… happy."
Nicolas gave Happy a tight hug. "You're a good kid."
Perenelle also gave him a hug from the other side. "Indeed."
Koko also jumped over and paced himself between them for some snuggles.
"Of course, Koko as well." Perenelle caressed the goose's furry head and released them from the embrace. "Let's go, Nicolas."
They opened the room's door, and right before Nicolas shut the door completely, he spoke. "I wish you great luck and a delightful life, Happy."
Happy nodded his head vigorously. He couldn't help but feel emotional at that scene. The feeling was too odd, something he couldn't describe. Yet, he sensed something familiar.
'Is this what Mom and Dad felt like back then? Knowing I'm going to die and not being able to do anything but watch?'
Perhaps, the pain was even more since unlike the Flamels, he had died too young.
"Yes, let's go to sleep." Happy walked downstairs and went to his room. He didn't feel like sleeping, so he began to pack his bags as school was going to start on the second of January.
Alas, at 3 AM, he rested down on the bed, and before he even knew it, the weariness drifted his mind into a deep sleep.
Before he knew it, morning arrived, and the birds chirped outside the window frame. He abruptly opened his eyes and jumped to his feet.
Without wasting a moment, he went out, climbed to the second floor, and opened the room of the Flamel couple. Just like his room, the curtains were drawn, and the sunlight was streaming in. However, as Happy's eyes focused on the bed, his heart felt a little sorrow.
Nicolas Flamel was in a nice tuxedo, and Perenelle Flamel was in a nice wedding gown—their bodies remained on the bed with eyes closed, hearts silent, and breaths long lost. Their hands held on to each other's while a faint smile graced their faces.
"Master Happy?"
A House Elf popped up near him. He worked for the Flamels, and now him.
"Master Happy, Master Nicolas left this for you. I find this when clean."
Happy took the small piece of paper and read it aloud. "Kid, don't you cry. We held no regrets; We had no enemies. We are so blessed that we could choose how our end came. So don't cry, and just focus on your game—if there is an afterlife, perhaps you'll hear our voices calling your name."
Happy sighed, not crying. "Thank you for teaching me so much."
He then looked at the elf and decided to take them along. "All six of you will come with me to the UK. And send a letter to the Minister for Magic of France, tell them the Eternals have gone to sleep."
"Understood, Master Happy."
Happy silently returned to his room and completed his packing. By the end of the day, the Ministry folks also arrived under the Minister's lead. They made no problems for him as the Minister was aware of Happy's new lineage. As for the funeral, it was held in private, and the tom of Flamels was placed in an undisclosed location, known to all but the Minister and Happy.
Eventually, he felt lonely in that house. So once 2nd January came, he bid farewell to the house and took everything away with him. He took all the books, furniture, and secret items hidden around the house. He just left behind a stone castle that would be taken care of monthly.
Happy arrived with his luggage on the secluded 7th floor of Hogwarts Castle. It was empty, as the Hogwarts Express would only arrive later in the evening.
"Meow?" Koko called out.
"I know… I'll cheer up. Let's go and grab a bite after placing luggage in the common room." Happy understood Koko's worry for him.
Happy tried his best to uplift his spirits, but it wasn't easy to get over the deaths of such wholesome grandparents, who he had only recently found.
"Hey! It was you, I know it!"
Happy entered the Gryffindor common room and heard Ron's loud voice.
"No, it wasn't her!" Hermione retorted.
"Then why does my bed have your cat's disgusting hair?! It was the cat, I know it…!"
Happy finally dropped his luggage and saw Ron and Hermione fighting with each other, not to mention quite loudly.
"What happened?" Happy interrupted them.
Ron, without seeing who spoke, raised his finger at Hermione. "Her cat ate my rat! My poor Scabbers! Wait…"
"Yes, I'm back." Happy mumbled.
'And ready to deal with that damn rat—poor thing must be starving by now. Better check on it.'