98.13% Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE] / Chapter 105: 105. Voldemort Vs The World

章節 105: 105. Voldemort Vs The World

The orders for Happy's release were immediately signed by the Warden, and he was now a free man that could do whatever he wanted. So, without delay, he teleported to Hogwarts, since it was the last day of the Triwizard Tournament, and the last task was to take place.

However, Happy refrained from immediately emerging into the limelight and watched everything from the shadows. The crowd cheered as always, and Dumbledore announced the order in which the contestants were supposed to enter the maze. Since Harry came first, he was to enter before everyone, and then it was supposed to be Cedric, then Krum, and finally Fluer.

The contestants then entered, and the maze entrances closed behind them. The four started walking further in. The maze was vast and filled with various threats everywhere. From Sphix to other creatures, meant to test the resolvers of the four young wizards.

As expected, Krum was under an Imperious curse, and his task was to ensure Harry got to the cup. So Krum took care of Fluer, and then he was able to take care of Cedric as well before Harry could arrive—the luck potion Cedric had drank saved his life somehow, since he didn't become a part of the things that came after.

Harry was then easily able to find the Triwizard cup and rush to get a hold on it.


The moment his hands touched it, he found his body twisting and turning through the portkey, and he soon found himself in a strange new place. A dark and doomy graveyard, with the grave of one Tom Riddle.

Confused, Harry knew he had to return as quickly as possible. However, considering it was the plan to bring him there from the start, letting him find a way to go back didn't make much sense.


A door opened nearby, and a man came out; it was Wormtail with the strange body of a hideous baby in his arms. Swiftly, Wormtail caught Harry, rendering him immobile on the statue of a reaper. Then, the cauldron placed there began to heat up on the magical fire.

"Do it, now!" The ugly baby voiced.

Wormtail wasted no time in starting the process and threw the baby into the cauldron. Then he started the ritual, pouring the bone of the father, giving his own hand for the flesh of the servant, and Harry's blood as the blood of the enemy.

"The Dark Lord… shall rise again!"



Instantly, the cauldron melted away, and an orb of liquid appeared over it. The liquid slowly condensed into something, and a humanoid body came out of it. However, it wasn't human at all, clear from the facial features. There was no nose or ears, and the skin resembled a snake.

The creature then walked over to Wormtail and immediately called forth his servants, the Death Eaters, who were still out there and free.


Promptly, multiple shadowy figures came from the sky, shrouded in a dark mist. They all wore pointy hats, black robes, and half-skull masks on their faces. The fear was apparent in their body language as they lowered their heads.

"Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet, here you stand before me as though it were yesterday. I confess myself… disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me—Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle!..."

One by one, he took off the masks of all his Death Eaters and cleared his disappointment. However, at that instant, he realized there was something wrong.

"Here I stand, your master, Lord Voldemort, and still, some of you dare ignore the summons. Where is Lucius?"




"It seems we have uninvited guests," Voldemort muttered and looked in the distance; a figure of a young boy came walking toward them.

"You look as hideous as I expected you to be, Voldemort. Ah, let me introduce myself first, I'm Happy Flamel Lestrange." Happy walked over without a care in the world, a nice black suit under his fine wizard robe, just because he felt like a gangster that day.

Voldemort amusedly watched Happy. "No fear? A sign of bravery, or foolery—but from a Lestrange's mouth, quite shocking."

Happy shrugged, "Well, I'm not one of your slave Lestranges. They're all dead in Azkaban, kissed by Dementors when they tried to escape this morning. Poor Lucius Malfoy, why did he go there to break them out? He died with them."

Voldemort went silent, for the news came as a big shock to him. "Dementors don't condemn one to death unless ordered by the Ministry. Boy, what brought you here? I'm curious—do you wish to offer me your undying loyalty?"

Happy couldn't help but laugh at that. "Hah, I never thought you'd be this stupid, but what can I expect from someone who died fighting a baby, and wants to attack a school? In any case, you're going to die today, Voldemort, for good this time—GET READY!"




Chaos erupted in the vicinity as countless forms of smoke appeared out of nowhere, apparating there. Elves also appeared using their means of teleportation, and even a few magical beasts descended, including a gigantic dragon that walked behind Happy and stood proudly, while on top of the dragon's head were two Phoenixes.

Wizards dressed in dark leather robes surrounded the entire graveyard, countless of them. There were a multitude of Aurors from the Ministry and MACUSA. Meanwhile, in the sky, numerous Dementors appeared hovering in one place as if they were waiting for the next orders.


A moment later, from within the same shack Voldemort had appeared, came Dumbledore and Grandma Elaine, with the petrified body of a huge snake.

"Put your wand down and surrender Voldemort. There's nowhere to escape." Dumbledore said. "Perhaps you can gain some merc—"

"Stop right there!" Happy interrupted the old professor with stern eyes. "No mercy to the enemy of the world, no mercy to the enemy of mankind! He dies today, no matter what."

Happy took out his expansion pouch and, one by one, revealed some artifacts. "This is Helga Hufflepuff's goblet, and this wretched failure of a human turned this into his own Horcrux by murdering Hepzibah Smith! Today, I shall destroy it."

Happy wasted no time and poured a drop of his own blood on it. Promptly, the cup shined, and screeches came from it, as if someone was in pain. Voldemort, who saw it all, knew he had to do something and tried to attack Happy.



However, Voldemort's own Death Eaters, including Wormtail, used their wands to attack Voldemort, shocking the man beyond belief.

Happy laughed. "Haha… you think your fear is enough to rule their minds? Money is the god of this world—Tom Marvello Riddle."

Happy then took out Salazar Slytherin's locket, "If you thought that was enough, then you're wrong. This Voldemort split his soul more than once, to make multiple Horcruxes—this locket is the second one, which he created by killing a homeless muggle. Now, I shall destroy it!"

In front of more than two hundred wizards, Elaine, Dumbledore, the French Minister for Magic, as well as countless other important people; Happy obliterated what many considered to be the most sinister magical artifact ever crafted.

"I destroyed one of the Horcruxes in my second year already, when I and Professor Snape fought the Basilisk. The diary I destroyed was a Horcrux, a creature made by murdering Myrtle Warren, a student. But there's more… he turned Rowena Ravelclaw's Diadem into a Horcrux as well, which he made by killing a peasant."

Every time Happy showed them a new Horcrux, the crowd gasped louder, since it was unimaginable that one's soul could be split so many times.

"Next is Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, which belonged to Voldemort–-Tom Riddle's family. He killed his father and grandparents to make this." Happy destroyed this Horcrux as well, and then noticed the marks of the Resurrection Stone in it.

Just for good measure, he walked over to Harry, still held firm by the statue, and placed the ring on his finger.

"The next Horcrux is the snake—her name is Nagini, who was once human, but is now a snake due to Blood Maladictus!" Happy announced and took out a vial from his pocket. He walked over to the petrified Nagini beside Dumbledore and forcefully fed the potion to her mouth.

He wasn't sure but hoped that it would work. As far as he had learned from the information he had gathered after spending millions, she was once a human with a sad life, used as a circus exhibit for the ability to turn into a snake at will.

"Happy, what are you doing?" Grandma Elaine asked him.

"Trying to cure the Blood Maledictus." Happy replied and just watched the snake's body, hoping it would work since he had made some changes to the initial cure he had made. Moreover, there was something else he had experimented with.

'It should work… It will…'

No matter if Happy was speaking or staying silent, nobody made a sound in the crowd other than Voldemort, who was arguing with his so-called faithful followers. The man had returned to life but only to realize he should have stayed hidden.


Just then, Happy noticed cracks forming on Nagini's skin. She seemed to be in some pain while her body wriggled and her eyes shined. Her sharp fangs came out, hissing everywhere. But, Happy just watched it in silence.

Slowly, her body began to dry up, and the once-gleaming skin lost its luster. Her eyes looked dead, and her fangs fell out as the muscles lost their strength.

"Grandma, Professor, please free her on the ground." Happy requested.

So both the old and the strongest wizards carefully released Nagini to move at will, but it was impossible since she seemed to have died. The scales of the snake had dried up as if her body had aged by years and continued to do so.


"Not dead, Professor." Happy told Dumbledore. "Have some faith."

Slowly, the scales completely dried up and started to turn into fine powder. But, there appeared bumps in the body of the snake, and the bumps were moving.

A moment later, the movement increased, shedding all the dried and dusty scales, and a human body rose from the body of the snake. Thin and malnourished, but undoubtedly human. It was a naked body of a woman with Asian features and black hair. Her eyes looked at Happy with newfound light, and her mouth twitched to speak, but nothing came out.

"Oh, dear." Grandma Elaine quickly removed her long coat and draped it over the woman. "You've suffered too much… come aside and sit down. We'll get you fit and fine in no time."

Happy smiled and gave a small nod to Nagini. The woman also nodded at him, somehow understanding each other.

"Wonderful! Now it's time for the last Horcrux!" Happy shouted and grabbed everyone's attention once again. "This Horcrux was created as a mistake by Voldemort, and even he didn't know he made one."

Dumbledore instantly became alert since he had known about it. "Happy, you can't suggest we…"

Happy shook his head. "Harry Potter! Is the last Horcrux! That mark on his head is the proof… Tell me, Harry. Haven't you been seeing visions of Voldemort lately?"

"I-I… I did." Harry replied.

"No worries." Happy walked over to Harry and got him released from the statue, and handed him a vial. "This has my blood in it. It will destroy the Horcrux, but you might feel some pain as well."

Harry glanced at the vial. "Y-You want me to drink it?"


Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, trusted the Boy Who Eats as much as he trusted Hermione and Ron. Having been friends since before the first day of school, he had seen Happy doing great things all the time.

"Got it." Harry drank the whole vial without a second thought and abruptly fell down while holding his forehead. "Aaargh!"

Happy patted Harry's back. "I know. It will probably burn around your curse mark. But it will likely be healed after this."

Eventually, a mist-like thing came out of Harry's curse mark, and the pain subsided. The Boy Who Lived looked up, and asked, "How long have you been planning all this?"

"Since the first day of school." Happy smiled and raised his wand toward Voldemort. "I knew the ghost of my family's past would come back to strike me someday. So I had to plan to break free—I had to ensure Voldemort's demise."

Voldemort was in utter horror, unable to think of what to do next. Certainly, splitting one's soul so many times was bound to mess up one's mind. Besides, he couldn't apparate away either, since wards were already placed.

"Wands at the ready!" Happy shouted.


Happy's hundred wizard army and other hundreds of Aurors raised their wands toward Voldemort. It was absolutely overkill, and Happy loved it. Heck, the Death Eaters were doing the same.

However, Happy still couldn't attack yet. He knew that for everything to go well, the first spell had to be fired from Voldemort, so anything that would come later could be seen as self-defense.

So, it was time to be petty, and annoy Voldemort. "Tell me, Tom Riddle, son of a muggle and a witch who used a Love Potion. Why did you claim to be a Pureblood? The savior of the purebloods?"

Voldemort was in a frenzied state, brandishing his wand. "I never made such a claim."

"Then what did you tell your followers? Why did they follow you? Didn't you want to make a new world with the purebloods at the top? But if that was the case, you'd be a second-class citizen—so I guess, you lied to them?" Happy replied, hitting the man where it hurt. "Tell me, is your mental capacity so flawed because your mother used a Love Potion to seduce a muggle?"

Voldemort's hand trembled, gripping the wand, "Do not speak of them again!"

Happy smirked, having found the cord that hurt the most. "Why? You killed your father, didn't you? I reckon you didn't love him much. You haven't even seen your mother since she died in childbirth… I truly pity her. If only the Gaunt family hadn't disowned her, we might have never gotten a Voldemort.

"She's probably crying in heaven, seeing her son commit such acts… killing innocents and torturing them for no reason. She probably hates you, Voldemort… Your mother wouldn't have loved you even if she was ali—"

"ENOUGH!" Voldemort's mouth opened wide like a demon, and he boomed. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

A brilliant green light erupted from Voldemort's wand, shining bright and aimed at Happy. But, just in the nick of time, Happy flicked his wand and made it so that Wormtail tripped in front of the spell.

However, Voldemort didn't care and flew into the sky. "I'll kill you, Lestrange! All of you!"

"WRAAAA!" However, just then, Lady Snow, the dragon, also took to the sky and spewed intense flame at Voldemort, forcing him to retreat back to the ground.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort continued shooting the spell at his nearby enemies. "It all started with you, Potter!"

'Now the time comes for the hero's sacrifice.' Happy mumbled and dived right toward Harry. 'Shouldn't kill me, honestly.'

Woosh!—Happy cast a few spells while bracing himself for the impending killing curse.


The vivid green light struck Happy's body, and threw him backward with great force. So much so that his body collided with Harry's and was thrown back. But Harry was fine, and Happy was 'unconscious'.


A hundred wizards who worked for Harry roared and felt enraged. Without hesitation, they unleashed their wands, casting an unrestrained barrage of spells at the Dark Lord. Following them, others joined in, sparking a chain reaction.

It seemed like bright fireworks of various colors and intensities. It all flickered toward Voldemort at the center and decisively struck him. It was a nonstop volley of spells, and soon a small cloud of dust formed where Voldemort stood.

His initial shouts of rage turned into cries of pain, and then those also subsided. However, the wizards didn't stop and kept blasting curses and spells continuously for ten minutes. Even the dragon roared flames just to make sure the creature was dead.

Dumbledore couldn't do anything to stop so many people, and Grandma Elaine's hand on his shoulder stopped him from taking any action. The old man had fought the Dark Lord once and had failed, and it was time for someone else to finish the job. Not to mention, she believed in Happy more than anything.

At last, when the rain of spells subsided, Voldemort's body was seen silently turning into dust and vanishing away. His eyes looked horrified and confused. His plan wasn't supposed to go that way, but there he was now—dying.

"Happy!" Dumbledore rushed toward Happy, not bothering with Voldemort dying anymore.

"He's breathing," Harry told them quickly. "He… Just before he was hit, he said he wants chocolates when he wakes up."


"Haha." Grandma Elaine chuckled. "Oh dear, that's Happy for you."

Dumbledore looked around himself. Not even he could muster such a massive army of so many powerful wizards after so many years of his life as a teacher, professor, and more. Yet, a single young boy brought them together to fight against a Dark Lord. Not just wizards, but also a dragon, and the Dementors were there too… It was almost frightening, as well as reassuring. Because Happy's character was something Dumbledore had no questions about.

Vanquisher of Dark Lord, and Devourer of Food—the title suited the boy better.

"Quick, we must bring him to St Mungo's." Dumbledore picked up Happy in his arms and looked around. "Thank you for coming today. I'm sure Happy will contact you after he's awake."

Without another word, the wizards apparated away one by one. The crowd was soon reduced to just Happy's loyal soldiers and the beasts.

The night came to an end the way nobody had expected. The revelation of why Voldemort didn't die, and the fact that a boy planned it all for so many years was something they all wanted to think about deeply. Of course, some wished to be the first to sell the story to the closest newspapers and make some money.

Though many just felt that they had failed as wizards. They found themselves outshined by a mere boy. They felt the need to reflect on their careers and the amount of hard work they put into studying.

next chapter
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