/ Movies / Harry Potter and the Price of Being Noble by DriftWood1965
Hey Guys, this story is written by DriftWood1965 on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied DriftWood1965's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter Veela's Embrace), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on Patreon. Again, it just pisses me off.
Art is by Sopina by MetitArt on DeviantArt
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling, I do not own these characters, I just choose to play with them in my sandbox. This chapter contains direct verbiage from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Why this story came about. I have read several Harry/Multiple Girlfriend/wives stories and they all seem to turn to where Harry controls them or pure smut at sometime or another. I want to try to write a story that actually looks at the issues that might arise in a situation like. I will be keeping this T rated, so don't expect lemony scenes. Yes sex in general will be discussed, but it will not be graphic in nature. I expect to hit the upper ceiling of T but I want to keep it out of the M rating.
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