95% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 19: Chapter 19-

章節 19: Chapter 19-

two braced themselves, knowing that a lot of people would judge them. It was time for dinner, the two walked towards the great hall. Many people widened their eyes when they saw them, a few even jumped and ran the opposite way.

"Bloody hell" Harry shook his head "it's not like I'm going to kill them just because I feel like it"

"Sweetie, I'd like to remind you that you tackled the most feared werewolf off of a cliff when you were no stronger than a muggle" Ginny replied "before and after that you killed about half of all death eaters in the country. You've removed heads from necks and put bullet holes in bodies, people are going to be scared of you"

"Doesn't mean I have to like it" Harry responded "at least you're here"

"You're stuck with me Harry" Ginny grabbed his hand "but you're worried about the others"

"I spent all this life trying to keep my brothers and cousins away from violence" Harry replied "I'm hoping that they don't end up hating me for being a hypocrite or something"

"Harry, they look up to you" Ginny said "in their eyes you could do no wrong, you could slaughter a kitten in front of Bellatrix and she'd believe that you have a good reason"

"Sort of sounds like Granger with Dumbledore" Harry commented

"The difference between you and Dumbledore is you value people more than plans, Hermione was book smart and that was the only reason Dumbledore even paid her a bit of attention. You pay Bellatrix attention because you care about her"

"True" Harry conceded "I just hope they don't hate me"

The two arrived in the hall, everyone stopped and looked at them. Not a sound was heard, some feared that they would die if they move too quickly. Harry and Ginny looked around, taking in the general population before they looked for a few specific faces.

Dumbledore looked calculating, as if he was waiting to see how Harry would react. Harry's eyes found the marauders, his grey eyes almost pleaded for them to not be mad at him. Sirius and the marauders looked at him, and slowly, they each gave him a small smile.

Harry looked at the Slytherin table, he searched for his family and he was relieved to see then smile at him. He looked at Ginny who gave him a look that said 'we know you're going to do it anyway', Harry stretched his arms out and addressed the hall.

"I'm back bitches!" Harry shouted, many of the hall began cheering for him. While Harry may have taken many lives, in most people's eyes he was the vampire slaying, werewolf defeating, death eater stopping hero who saved many lives that day.

Harry gave Ginny a kiss and made his way to the Slytherin table, she went to the Ravenclaw table and he sat in-between Regulus and Bellatrix. Regulus pulled Harry into a tight hug, Bellatrix did the same.

"Hmm" Harry wrapped an arm around the both of them "you two alright?"

"Us?" Bellatrix let go, Regulus did the same "you're the one who fought vampires, werewolves and an army of death eaters!"

"Technically it was only one werewolf" Harry grinned "and I made it out okay"

"How's your chest?" Regulus asked "You're not a werewolf are you?"

"Nah, unlike a bite, getting scratched isn't a guaranteed way of turning someone into a werewolf. I'm fine and even if I wasn't, there is a cure. I should know, I invented. As for my chest, I've got permanent scars there but that's it."

"Aw" Andromeda spoke "I'm sorry, that sucks"

"Nah" Harry shook his head "girls love scars"

"Ha" Bellatrix snorted "glad to know you're alright"

"Harry" Narcissa said "you survived the killing curse, how did you do that?" Many people listened in, obviously hoping to learn his secret.

"Cissy" Harry said softly "if it was teachable then I would have taught you guys already, but as for your answer, I'll tell you another time"


"Not sure yet, when I fell ready, I guess" Harry replied

"Mr Black" Professor Slughorn walked up "how are you?"

"Feeling good sir, yourself?"

"I've had worse days" Slughorn smiled sadly "you are fine Mr Black? You do not need to talk with me about anything?"

"No offense sir, but I much prefer to talk with Ginny then yourself." Harry smiled back

"Ah, completely understandable" Slughorn laughed "now, I am terribly sorry about this my boy, but the headmaster wishes to speak with you"

"Of course he does" Harry shook his head "May I eat first?"

"Of course" Slughorn nodded "come to me when you're finished and I'll guide you up to his office. Oh and Professor McGonagall has asked me to tell you that Slytherin has lost ten points due to your language" Slughorn turned and left.

"Well, looks like someone gets to have another meeting with the headmaster" Regulus deadpanned

"Yippee" Harry said with false cheer "I think it's nice that I go through that 'horrible ordeal' and then end up having to spend an evening chatting with an old man instead of my girlfriend"

"One who you killed a werewolf for" Andromeda pointed out "I bet she liked that"

"Well, she punched me in the arm for being an idiot then she pulled me into a kiss. So…I'd say she was pretty happy"

"You know you're making things more difficult for the other boys in school" Regulus said "I heard one girl ask her boyfriend if he would tackle someone off a cliff for her, he said no and she ripped him a new one"

"Maybe I'm just an old fashioned guy who doesn't like people insulting this he cares about" Harry shrugged "either way, I'd best finish eating"

"Yeah" Bellatrix said as Harry started eating "you're going to need all of your strength"

"Don't worry, I'm currently strong enough to toss the old man out the window if he gets too annoying"

"That's not what she meant" Narcissa said

"That was exactly what I meant" Bellatrix replied

Dumbledore was sat in his office, McGonagall was with him, Slughorn would soon be bringing Hadrius into his office. He was very worried, the person he saw in those pensive memories was a ruthless and dangerous killing machine.

His strength was unimaginable, his speed was incredible and his magical power was amazing. What really upset Dumbledore was all the lives that Hadrius took, this already upset Dumbledore but it wasn't the only reason he was upset. He was upset because in his eyes Hadrius was more than capable of simply stunning or binding up those death eaters. Injuring them, Dumbledore could forgive, understand even. But Harry mercilessly killed them without a second thought.

The door swung open, in Harry entered along with Professor Slughorn. Dumbledore realised that he had two different choices to make, he could continue with the kind grandfather routine or he could express his disappointment in Harry.

"Minnie" Harry ignored Dumbledore and turned to the deputy headmistress "how are you? You're looking lovely today"

"Thank you Mr Black" She replied "please, take a seat" Harry moved forwards and picked the seat up.

"What would you like me to do with it?" Harry asked, pretending to be confused

"Please, sit in the chair" McGonagall rolled her eyes

"Oh, okay" Harry let the chair go, it didn't drop, it simply chose to float in mid-air. Harry jumped and landed on the chair, he leaned back and smiled as he sat on a chair in the air.

"Mr Black, please put the chair on the floor" McGonagall sighed

"Sure thing Minnie" Harry replied as the chair gently lowered itself to the floor

"Mr Black" Dumbledore spoke

"Dumbles" Harry said by way of a greeting

"Mr Black, I have a few questions for you" Dumbledore said

"I suspected as much, you just couldn't back off" Harry sighed "that's your problem Dumbledore, in your world everything is either with you or against you. Nothing is ever just there"

"I have no idea what you're on about Mr Black"

"Do you not?" Harry said in a voice that showed he already knew the answer "see, I think you do. In your mind I'm either with Tom Riddle or with you, I can't be anything else despite me claiming numerous times that I wished to remain neutral."

"About that, how did you know about Tom" Dumbledore avoided the question

"I know a lot of things Dumbledore" Harry replied "I know spells you haven't heard of, I know ancient magic that has become lost to our world, I know Voldemorts identity and heritage. I also know that Grindelwald is alive because you didn't kill him"

"What?!" McGonagall burst out in shock as Dumbledore stiffened

"His currently in that little prison you left him in, isn't he?" Harry asked

"How did you know?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes

"I know a lot of things headmaster, did you know that leeches have thirty-two brains? It's a very interesting fact if I do say so myself"

"Mr Black, I've brought you here to discuss your actions when you left school"

"Not really your job or jurisdiction but go on then"

"Mr Black, you killed many people that day. Many people will begin thinking that you're a dark wizard, I would recommend making a public apology"

"Apologise? What for?" Harry asked "So some people that I don't know like me? They can think what they want, I know what I did and I know who I am."

"Mr Black, while you had good reason your methods were unacceptable"

"My methods?" Harry repeated

"Mr Black, you decapitated and disembowelled people. You've also shot them with arrows and that spell that you have invented, one person you turned inside out and you fried a great many with lightning"

"And I do not regret a single thing" Harry responded "I did what I did because I needed to do it, I did what I did because those things deserved what I did and I did what I did because I liked it. I have to be honest, I rather enjoyed it and I'd gladly do it again."

"Mr Black!" Dumbledore was getting worried "Surely, you can't be serious"

"No, that's my brother"

"Mr Black, this is not the way" Dumbledore ignored his joke "these criminals need to be sent to Azkaban to be redeemed"

"You really think that works?" Harry laughed

"Yes" Dumbledore nodded "it works at school, bullying has gone down thanks to people having detentions"

"You mean those detentions that I had to practically force you into making?" Harry smiled "You don't know as much as you'd like headmaster"

"What does that mean?" Dumbledore asked

"It means that you're bullying problem has gone down thanks to me" Harry replied "those students, they didn't stop bullying because of the threat of lines or cleaning cauldrons or being locked in a room for an hour. They stopped because I put a stop to them"

"How did you do that?" McGonagall asked

"Simple, I actually put in some effort" Harry answered, glancing at Dumbledore when he said the word 'effort' "I made friends in the other houses, I encouraged unity and friendship, and I threatened those who didn't listen"

"You threatened then?!" Dumbledore repeated

"Believe it or not, the threat of me works better for student behaviour than lines" Harry smirked "I imagine even more so now, people think I'm just going to go around and kill whoever I feel like. Not my style, I'm a big believer in getting what you deserve."

"Mr Black, are you proud of your actions that night?" Dumbledore asked

"I don't know about being proud" Harry replied "but I have no regrets"

"No regrets? None at all?"

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have fought a werewolf while effectively turning myself into a muggle but apart from that no regrets" Harry replied

"Those lives you took, they don't mean anything to you?!" Dumbledore demanded

"I didn't know them" Harry shrugged "as far as I'm concerned, they were just threats that needed to be dealt with"

"Just threats?! They were people! People you murdered!"

"I remember those people, the same people who were about to carve up little girls. The same people who rape, murder and steal all they feel like. The same people that are ruining this country from the inside and the same people that you're letting ruin this country.

I sent a message, how many people are likely to join the death eaters when they saw what I did and learnt the truth about Tom Riddle? A whole lot less, and I can sleep happy with that knowledge"

"They had families!"

"So do their victims, I remember saving Lady Longbottom, her son is in my year. Should I have let him become an orphan because a bunch of cowards thought it'd be a good idea to team up and kill the woman? As far as I'm concerned, those people made their choice and I made mine. They chose to hurt and kill for their own gain or pleasure, I chose to hurt and kill for others."

"Hadrius I…"

"Let me stop you right there" Harry stopped him right there "we can go back and forth on this all you like, you won't be able to convince me that I'm wrong because I'm about the only person on this planet that is more stubborn than you. Move on to your next topic or dismiss me, because I do have better things to do than argue with you"

"Fine" Dumbledore growled "I would like to know how magic has given you permission to do whatever you want"

"As I'm sure many do" Harry responded

"You will tell me" Dumbledore ordered

"Why?" Harry asked innocently

"Because I want to know"

"Why? What do you plan to do with that knowledge?" Harry asked "if you're planning to somehow stop it then I should let you know that it is irreversible and permanent, if you're planning to get magic to do the same then I should let you know that it won't work."

"Why not?!" Dumbledore demanded

"Because it won't, either way I'm not telling you"

"If you don't tell me then I will put you in detention!" Dumbledore threatened

"Albus!" McGonagall interrupted "You can't put him in detention for not revealing his secrets!"

"Yes" Slughorn agreed "Mr Black isn't breaking any rules by refusing to tell you, even if he was he cannot be punished, remember?"

"They got you there" Harry smiled "my secrets are my own, if you want to learn them then I have to either tell you or you have to rip them from my mind. I wouldn't recommend the second one unless you wish to spend another day in court, but if you do then I don't mind. I'd love to have another duel with you"

"How? How are so powerful?" Dumbledore asked "You should not be this powerful!"

"I am not going to answer that" Harry replied "though, I will say that it wasn't through dark rituals or anything like that. Next question please"

"How did you survive the killing curse? It's impossible for anybody to survive it, you will tell me"

"So you can apply the same method to yourself? Sorry Albus, but it's not teachable. If it was then I would've taught my entire family, I might tell you someday, but not today"

"Mr Black, why must you insist on keeping secrets from me?!" Dumbledore snarled "I am the leader of the light! I need this knowledge to help win the war"

"War" Harry scoffed "you're not interested in the war"

"Of course I am!"

"No" Harry said calmly "you're not. If you were then you would have gotten off your arse and went after Riddle"

"I'm needed at Hogwarts" Dumbledore insisted "Tom wants the school, I need to defend it"

"So you decide to stay here and defend a school instead of going straight up to the problem and killing it or sending it to Azkaban? Good to know, unfortunately I have a different plan"

"And what would that be?"

"I'm going to go and kill Riddle" Harry answered "this war has gone on long enough, I'm going to find him and I'm going to shoot him in the face"

"You can't do that!"

"Fine, the neck" Harry sighed "either way, Riddle will be dead soon"

"You can't kill him! How can he be redeemed if he is dead?"

"He can't" Harry emotionlessly responded "and he won't be redeemed, even if he lives long enough to regret it. Some people can't be redeemed Dumbledore"

"Everybody can be redeemed" Dumbledore insisted

"I disagree, I especially disagree with offering redemption at the price of others. Does Tom regret his actions? I don't think so, countless people have been murdered by him and in his name. I'm not going to risk more lives on if a madman decides to admit that he's wrong."

"To kill makes us no better than them!" Dumbledore argued

"The same thing applies if we allow it to happen" Harry argued "we have the responsibility to help people, allowing one person to cause suffering is the same as condoning that persons actions. If Tom was a simple thief then I could understand, if he got into a fight or two, or had an alcohol problem then I could understand.

But there are times when it's better to just take old yeller out back and put him out of his misery. At least, that's how I think the story goes, never actually watched it. Anyway, you get my point, Tom needs to be put down before he hurts more or at least be put in a position where he definitely can't hurt people again. He agrees with me"

"Who agrees with you?" Slughorn asked

"Moody, he's right in that corner" Harry pointed behind Slughorn, everyone turned to the corner. Moody pulled off his invisibility cloak and walked straight towards Harry.

"How long did you know I was there?" Moody said in an amused voice

"Ever since I entered the room" Harry answered honestly

"I noticed you looking around when you entered" Moody commented

"I like to always be aware of my surroundings" Harry responded

"Good lad" Moody praised him "perhaps you should teach some of my aurors that, they're hopeless sometimes. They lack something important that all aurors should have, can you guess what that is?"

"Constant vigilance?"

"Yes" Moody laughed "yes, you'd make a fine auror. Providing you can follow orders"

"I don't mind following orders, I just tune out stupid ones" Harry responded "now Mr Moody, you agree with me, don't you?"

"Matter of fact" Moody turned to Albus "I do, the kid's right Dumbledore."

"Alastor?" Dumbledore began gaping

"You're too defensive" Moody said "we should be taking the fight to them"

"And that's exactly what I plan to do" Harry said "with or without the order"

"How did you know about the order?!" Dumbledore turned to Harry

"Now, now, that would be telling" Harry stood up "I know a lot of things Dumbledore, for example I know that with the way your leading the people, the war is going to go much longer than necessary. I plan to spend some more time here before I leave and finish this war for you, hopefully you would have gotten your head out of your arse by then" Harry turned and walked out of the room.

"Alastor" McGonagall spoke to Moody "what were you doing in that corner?"

"Dumbledore wanted me to check the boy out" Moody replied "see if I could see anything that hints at him being dark, for all it's worth, he looks clean to me. I couldn't find any dark objects on him but I don't really think that being dark is the reason why he's so powerful"

"What do you believe the reason to be?" Dumbledore asked

"Training" Moody replied "someone has been training the boy"

"What…what do you mean?" Slughorn spoke

"The boy entered the room and the first thing he did was look around and assess the dangers" Moody responded "I've been trying to drill that into my aurors for years. The way he sits also suggested that he was ready to spring to his feet at a moment's notice, he also constantly kept his eye on Albus."

"What does that tell you?" A confused Slughorn asked

"Well, either he's into old guys or he wanted to keep the biggest threat in the room in his eye line" Moody answered "you've all seen the pensive memories that they showed in court. Those memories tell me that the boy is trained in archery and hand to hand combat, that was clear by the way he moved.

The boy also knows some serious magic, he used spells that I ain't ever seen. He was fast as lightning and strong enough to push a group of vampires back, he killed them vampires in seconds. Who knows what he's capable of?"

"Mr Black once said to me that his limits are where he places them" Slughorn spoke "I'm inclined to agree, I mean wandless magic and inventing a new potion and a new spell. The boy is capable of more than we could ever dream of."

"He's also the world's youngest animagus" McGonagall said "top of his class in every class for every year he has been at Hogwarts"

"What to do?" Dumbledore stroked his beard "We must find a way to convince Mr Black to join the light, with his help we would be invincible"

"If I was you Albus, I'd leave him alone" Moody suggested "the kid doesn't seem to like you"

"Understatement" McGonagall snorted "Albus, Mr Black has been aware of your games and intentions from the moment he has met you. He may be young in age and can behave like his age, but when it comes down to it the boy can act more like an adult than most of the teachers in this school"

"Minerva! See sense!" Dumbledore begged "With Mr Black at our side, the war could end so much quicker!"

"Looks to me like he's going to end the war on his own" Moody commented

"At what cost?" Dumbledore asked "He needs to be guided by me so he can end this war in a way that limits bloodshed"

"I don't really think he cares" Slughorn replied "Mr Black is my favourite student, not just because of his skills but also his intelligence. He's thought things through, he must have, he's been trying to reduce violence in this school ever since he got here and he wouldn't start harming people without reason."

"Surely you all can't condone killing!" Albus was starting to panic, why was nobody agreeing with him?

"Albus, he'll do it no matter what" McGonagall responded "he's stubborn and powerful, a dangerous combination. He's also above the rules, magic itself has given him free reign, who are we to argue with that?"

"That must be impossible!" Dumbledore insisted "If I cannot be given free reign by magic then how could Hadrius Black be given free reign?"

"Another mystery for you to solve" Moody said "but personally I think we should be working with the kid instead of against him, he could be one of the best aurors ever and he could definitely help out in this war. Don't make enemies out of people you don't want as enemies"

"Hadrius Black always said 'why have enemies when you could have friends?'" McGonagall commented "Words I think you should consider Albus"

"I'm not trying to make him my enemy" Dumbledore argued "I simply want to pull him away from the dark side and towards the light"

"Who says he has to be either?" Slughorn asked "Mr Black made a good point about your 'with me or against me' attitude"

"Yeah" Moody agreed "the lad's clearly not light if you look at his method, but he's not dark either as he took out death eaters. He's definitely not on their side and that's the most important thing for me, as long as he's not against us I don't mind how he wants to fight the war."

"Listen to yourselves!" Dumbledore shouted "You're supporting a boy who had taken more than a hundred lives in one night!"

"No Dumbledore" Moody growled "I'm agreeing with the closest bloody thing to Merlin because he is not my enemy and he is not trying to harm me or any other innocent lives"

"And I" McGonagall spoke "am not supporting a ruthless killing machine, I am supporting Hadrius Black. The boy who lets his friends call him Harry, the boy who supports inter-house unity, the boy who stops bullying, the boy who looks after the younger students and the cheeky boy who affectionately calls me Minnie even though he knows it irritates me.

That boy has done nothing but protect people ever since he got to Hogwarts, this is just another example of him doing the same thing. I'm sure that Professor Slughorn agrees with me"

"Oh yes" Slughorn immediately agreed "Hadrius is not just a genius or a good student. He's made things much better for muggleborns and students in general, the younger years look up to him and he treats the children like his family.

It's also my understanding that he has been raising his brothers and cousins in a way so that the dark side doesn't appeal to them, and I don't think a dark wizard would make a cure for werewolves of all things and give a free sample to a friend. The boy is many things, dangerous and deadly included, but he is a good boy and one that I am proud to call my student."

"Aye" Moody nodded "the boy's already famous, people talk about him like he's the next Merlin. He also doesn't seem the type that could easily be persuaded, I'd back off Dumbledore, for your own good."

Dumbledore was seething! What was wrong with everybody?! He just couldn't understand why everyone was treating Hadrius like he's Merlin's heir, he didn't know that Harry actually was, but if he did then that would probably make him more furious.

He just couldn't understand, he was Albus Dumbledore, leader of the light and defeater of Grindelwald! While he would admit that Hadrius was an extraordinary young man, he did not agree with the amount of attention that the boy was receiving.

The marauders were talking in the common room with Lily, somehow they had gotten in an argument about if blind people could see their dreams. Which then lead to the argument of 'can deaf people hear their thoughts' which lead to Remus and Lily telling Sirius and James to shut up.

"How much do you want to bet that Hadrius has already had a meeting with the headmaster?" Sirius asked

"Please" James said "he's probably finished the meeting already"

"Hadrius is going to be a thousand times more popular than before" Remus added

"True" Peter nodded "it's not every day that a person kills over a hundred people, including vampires"

"And it's not every day that a person survives the killing curse" Lilly replied "there are going to be a ton of people wanting to know how he did it"

"I don't care how he did it" Sirius responded "he's alive and that's good enough for me"

"Yeah" James smiled "from the looks of it, he's not going down soon."

To say James was impressed by Harry was a massive understatement, from what he understood his parents approved of Harry's actions. His mother said that Hadrius was always her favourite nephew and that if he had to trust anyone from the Black family other than Sirius, it should be Harry.

James could still remember Harry walking while that horde of vampires tried to hold him back. It was unbelievable and awesome! James wished he could be as awesome as Harry was, he doubted it would happen but still wished it.

Peter's hero-worshipping of Harry had taken a new height, Harry was in his opinion, the strongest and most awesome person he had ever met. With Harry's help, Peter had discovered he was rather talented at charms and at healing. He had decided to be his own man, not someone totally reliant on others, didn't still stop him from looking at Harry with awe.

The memory of Harry firing his arrows and saving that little girl from that maniac played over and over in his head , it was one of the most terrifying yet heroic things he had ever seen. Peter wished he could be that heroic, he didn't really have the power or strength to be a fighter, hopefully he's be able to save lives as a healer.

Lily was very shocked at the fact that Hadrius Black, the boy she considered to be the nicest person she had ever met, was capable of murder. True he had a good cause but she was still surprised by the fact that he was so easily capable of doing it. Part of her saw Harry as a dangerous madman, the other part saw him as the kindest soul she had ever met.

She remembered Harry's words from when she asked about James, he made a good point, a point that she'd remember. Nobody is just one thing, yes Harry may be the deadliest person on the planet but he's also the person who stops bullying and helps the younger years with their homework.

Lily remembered Harry taking out death eaters like he had been doing it all of his life, it was impressive and scary. Very scary, but it was Harry and if she couldn't trust him then who could she trust?

Remus had always knew that Harry was a dangerous person, in their first meeting Harry had saved him from a bunch of death eater, Remus would never forget that day. He figured that if Harry had not judged him for being a werewolf then he would not judge Harry for what he did that night.

He realised that Harry had also killed Greyback for him, Ginny as well but him too. During the fight Remus was terrified for Harry's safety, he remembered when Greyback grabbed Harry and raised him in the air. Remus was praying to whoever would listen with the hopes of Harry surviving, Harry escaped and managed to keep fighting Greyback until he eventually tackled him off a cliff.

Remus couldn't help but smile at the fact that Greyback was dead and would never be able to hurt another person again, but it also taught him something. Harry had killed the most feared werewolf in Britain after basically turning himself into a muggle, it was proof that Harry wasn't just born lucky. It was proof that Harry was a skilled fighter, with or without his magic.

Sirius was admittedly very surprised the day he read the headline that said his brother mass murdered a bunch of people, not many could blame him. He wasn't surprised to know that Hadrius had did it to bad guys to protect innocent people because Hadrius did that all the time, though he never thought his brother would be capable of killing people.

Watching through those memories, the one that Sirius remembers the most was not Harry surviving the large amount of killing curses that hit him, even though that was impressive. No, the memory that stuck with him was Harry jumping in front of the two killing curses that were about to kill off Franks mum. It summed up Harry as far as Sirius was concerned, kind but dangerous combined with being uninterested in how reality works. Like he always said, he loved Harry but the guy was very scary at times.

"I wonder who the headmaster is going to call up next" Peter said "do you think it could be one of us?"

"Nah" James shook his head "probably Ginny, she was with him in court and she seemed to know just as much as Harry, or more than Dumbledore at the very least."

James was right, because the next day Ginny was called into the headmaster's office, she sat opposite Dumbledore. Professor Flitwick and McGonagall were also present in the room.

"Ah, Miss Peterson" Dumbledore said "I wished to talk to you about what happened at court"

"No" Ginny said

"No?" Dumbledore repeated

"No" Ginny repeated "you're not an auror and the court business has nothing to do with school"

"I am the chief warlock" Dumbledore argued

"That does not give you the right to question me, unless you also have a job at the DMLE as well. But I doubt that, following orders is not really your style. Something you and Hadrius have in common, admittedly."

"Miss Peterson, I simply wish to ask a few questions"

"Let me guess" Ginny pretended to think "I can guess that your questions will be somewhere along the lines of how did Harry survive the killing curse? How is he so powerful? How has he been permitted by magic to do whatever he wants? Well, I'm not answering those questions unless Harry lets me"

"That's my girl" Harry kissed her cheek from the seat next to her

"Mr Black?!" Dumbledore nearly jumped back in surprise "what are you doing here?! How did you get here?!"

"Questions, questions, so many bloody questions" Harry shook his head in annoyance

"I know" Ginny sighed "he just can't leave it alone"

"True, he has an unhealthy obsession with us"

"More you than me but yes, he should really see a doctor"

"Or a therapist"

"Perhaps he should retire"

"Yes, I think the stress of the job is getting to him"

"I agree, he's not getting any younger"

"No, simply more irritating"

"Mr Black and Miss Peterson!" Dumbledore interrupted "I am right here!"

"He seems to think we've forgotten" Ginny noted

"Perhaps he hasn't learnt that we don't care" Harry pretended to whisper

"Mr Black, if you keep this up then I will put you in detention!" Dumbledore threatened

"Try it twinkly" Harry replied and Ginny smiled "I'm above all punishments and laws thanks to magic itself, you really have nothing to threaten me with. My strength eclipses yours, your popularity dies as mine grows and so does your support."

"Why must you insist on working against me?!"

"You do realise that this is your fault" Ginny said

"My fault?!" Dumbledore dropped his jaw in surprise

"Yes, your fault" Ginny repeated "if you had simply asked Harry then he may have been a bit more forthcoming with his secrets. Instead you tried to manipulate him through me and his family members, you've tried to read his mind and you always do whatever you can to try and convince him to join you"

"Ginny's right" Harry agreed "I grew tired of your games a long time ago, you're attempts weren't subtle and they were annoyingly obvious along with plain annoying"

"They were pretty obvious" McGonagall agreed

"Idiotically obvious" Flitwick also agreed

"What?!" Dumbledore exclaimed in shock "What do you mean?!"

"Albus, you called his family up to your office nearly every chance you got" McGonagall pointed out

"And they were always for incidents that wouldn't result in most people getting called up" Flitwick added

"Mr Black" Dumbledore ignored his professors and looked back at Harry "I just want you to…what are you doing?"

Harry had a bowl in his hand that he and Ginny were eating out of, a rather familiar bowl, Dumbledore reached under his desk and was hoping to Merlin that Harry had not taken his lemon drops. Apparently Merlin didn't like Dumbledore because his lemon drops were definitely not under his desk.

"Lemon drop?" Harry offered McGonagall and Flitwick, both politely refused.

"How did you get my lemon drops?!"

"How did I get your lemon drops?" Harry repeated "How did I get your lemon drops? In full honesty, I don't really want to tell you"


"Touchy, touchy" Harry placed the bowl on the desk and stood up, averting attention away from Ginny who had just quickly hid her wand back into her holster

"Thank you" Dumbledore huffed, his voice showed he wasn't really thankful.

McGonagall and Flitwick shook their heads at the headmasters childishness and obsession over those muggle sweets. Dumbledore put a drop in his mouth, he anticipated that signature taste that he loved .

He was thoroughly surprised when it started moving in his mouth, he spit it out and found a dung beetle had landed on his desk. Dumbledore and the two teachers stared at the bug before looking towards Hadrius and Ginny, they jumped back in shock when they saw that the two were no longer there.

Dumbledore looked at the bowl and saw all of his lemon drops had been transformed into beetles, McGonagall and Flitwick left before Dumbledore let out a primal scream and destroyed his office.

Harry spent the next week or so avoiding Dumbledore and spending time with his family and friends, he took his end of year exams early and after he was done he bid goodbye to his family and friends and told them that he'd be back next year.

Harry left, he would return once he dealt with Riddle. This time Harry wasn't going to drag it out, he was going to find Tom. End him and move on with his life, the only thing he didn't know what to do was what he was going to do after he comes back with Riddle's head.

He didn't know how Dumbledore would react, perhaps he would try and jail Harry or maybe attack him in a fit of jealously. Either way, he'd deal with him quickly as well.

next chapter
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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C19
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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