92.3% Harry Potter - Carry On Wayward Son / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: What Box? I Don't See A Box

章節 24: Chapter 24: What Box? I Don't See A Box

November 1st, 2011 – Morning

Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Sirius and Remus were marching through the lower levels of the Ministry making their way towards the Head Office of the DMLE.

One of them was mad.

The other was madder.

"Can you believe that moron in check-up had the nerve to look at you like that Remus?"

"Look at me? He practically reached for a bottle of Purell after he touched my wand. He just looked at you like you were some sort of toxic spill off that shouldn't be approached?"

Remus noted Sirius confusion, "Oh right, Lily didn't really cover everything in the Muggle world when we were growing up, and you've been out of the loop. Purell is a Muggle hand sanitizer to prevent sickness by killing germs, and toxic spills can be summed up as hazardous potion by-products."

"Ah," nodded Sirius, "but in all fairness do you expect from pure-bloods?"

Sirius actually paused at that, "I can't believe I actually said that."

Remus pushed his friend forward, "Yes, yes – we will debate your moral quandary later. But in all fairness, I agree with you. We passed by who knows how many agents and by smell alone, I can tell that there are too few Muggle-born and Half-bloods here in the Ministry. That's not even considering their position."

"You can tell them apart by smell? Can werewolves smell magic?"

Remus actually raised his brows at that, "No, no, it's just that based on how they live."

Both men approached the secretary outside the office. She noted their name tags. Well, in reality, she only glanced at Sirius's before blanching, "Oh, forgive me, sir. I'll tell her you are here."

Sirius nodded and waited as the girl went into the office, "What do mean 'how they live'?"

Remus shrugged, "Pure-bloods usually stick to the Wizard World which means that they don't interact with certain things associated with the Muggle World. Half-bloods are a toss-up but all one has to do is look at them and tell. Basically, the more… archaic I guess they smell… the more likely they are Pure-blood."

Sirius thought about that, "Have you ever been wrong before?"

"Once or twice."

Sirius was about to inquire further before the office door opened again, "She will see you now."

Both thanked the secretary before entering the office of one very annoyed looking Amelia Bones. Although with the amount of paperwork she was going through this early in the morning, anyone would be annoyed.

She gave Sirius a glare, "Sirius, I don't have time to entertain you right now. The fiscal budget is due soon which I don't have time for nor the patience to figure out what cuts will have to be made. I have more complains from rookies about the 'low-ranking' people they are paired with. And now I have to deal with…"

Sirius raised his hand, "Before this goes any further Miss Bones, I should first state that I am here as Lord Black of the Ancient and Noble House of Black with Remus C. Lupin, Advisor and Deputy of said house."

Amelia actually froze at that, "You took up your lordship I see."

Remus pulled out two chairs for them.

Sirius sat down and smiled, "Well Prongslet did return the title to me after he used, who was I not to take it up again?"

Amelia smirked and looked at Remus, "And him?"

Sirius smiled, "Well with my extended stay in Azkaban, and I didn't feel like I would be taken seriously if my decisions as a Lord were questioned due to possible influence and trauma caused by my extended stay in Azkaban – despite Healer paperwork stating otherwise. Also, turns out I am still virile so points there."

Remus rubbed his brow in annoyance, "He is pulling a prank."

Sirius frowned, "It's not a prank – it's me solving multiple problems in an unexpected manner."

Remus sighed.

Sirius turned to Amelia, "I offered him a room in Grimmauld, he refused charity. I offered him a job as basically my secretary, he accepted."

Amelia thought about it, "I don't see how that's an issue."

Remus slightly growled, "What he didn't mention however is that by giving me the positions of both Advisor and Deputy, he made it so that I could basically sit in for him in Wizengamot Sessions with the full authority of House of Black behind it."

Amelia spit out the coffee she was drinking, "Wait, WHAT! I thought the anti-werewolf legislation prevented them from having such a position."

Sirius smiled and raised a finger, "Not necessarily. There is a loophole since the legislature prevents them from having one position – no one imagine that a werewolf would have two."

"The secretary thing is spot on as well," frowned Remus, "if anyone wants to approach Sirius or set up a meeting, they have to go through me first. And seeing as how most look down on werewolves, I am not going to enjoy that."

Amelia bug-eyed look slowly deflated as she considered this, "Wait a second… are you telling me that you basically created a character test in the form of your werewolf bodyguard?"

Sirius chuckled, "They always forget that werewolves are stronger than us even in their human form. And yes to the character witness thing – it's only if they are open to dealing with werewolves or not, but that usually means that they are open to ideas. Plus, I plan to do my work out of the limelight as it were. For example," said Remus as he reached into his pocket and plopped a satchel on Amelia's desk, "consider that my donation to the DMLE for the work they have done."

Amelia opened and satchel only to see a never-ending hoard of gold. She stared shocked at a basically nonchalant Remus, "I should mention that it's my combined donations for all the years I've missed while in Azkaban."

"Sirius, there must be…"

"Millions, yes. Turns out Granpappy Arcturus thought the same way as James did and basically allowed the goblins to do whatever they wanted with the gold… even if the current Lord was unavailable."

Amelia paused at that. "How much…"

"Enough to last several lifetimes and enough to say unequivocally that I can literally bitch-slap Malfoy with a bag of gold, leave it behind, and not care if he took it."

"That doesn't really qualify as much since you basically bankrupted him and he disappeared after that fiasco in Hogwarts."

"Speaking of which," interrupted Remus, "we came in about that in fact."

Amelia put away the satchel and crossed her arms as she leaned back into her chair, "You suspect something Hogwarts?"

"I should explain. A week ago I got a letter from Fred and George Weasley…"

"Arthur's boys?"

Sirius nodded, "The very same. They were inquiring about the difficulties and fallout of them being accepted back into the Black Family."

"Really?" leaned in Amelia. "I also forget that Arthur has rather strong Black blood. Didn't know he was considering it."

"He isn't – but that's not the important part here. They may or may not have mentioned that something would happen in the school on Halloween."

"Which was yesterday."

"Right. And since the Hogwarts bylaws prevent anyone from coming in unless invited – including parents – I figured you would have made way for Susan to reach you somehow in case of emergency."

"I did, I left her a medallion that she can press if she feels an emergency has come up. In fact, I am waiting it's pair right now, and nothing is…"

As if fate was listening, the amulet started glowing in sporadic patterns, shocking everyone in the office. Remus noticed a pattern to the blinking, "Morse code… rather brilliant Amelia. Not something is known by wizards and easy enough to use in such a charm."

Amelia held out a hand to stop him from talking, "Attack… School…Troll…Owls…Not…Leaving?"

Sirius whistled, "Looks like Dumbledore let a troll slip in and now he is preventing the kids form saying anything via owls. I willing to bet my left nut that this what the twins were talking about."

"That's not actually what worries me," spoke Amelia as she hurriedly started getting dressed, "Susan writes in code to me so that her letters can bypass most wards that search for key phrases and the like. The fact that she resorted to this means that Dumbledore must be blocking all letters."

Sirius got mad, "Why do I have a strong suspicion that one way or another this will be thrown under the rug somehow in any way possible?"

Remus frowned, "Potions and spell?"

Sirius got up as well, "I've seen it done before. A little-diluted amnesia potion here, some ignorance spell there, teaching contracts to prevent the staff from ever raising the issue again…"

Amelia paused, "Sirius, this is Albus Dumbledore were are talking about here."

"And he wouldn't be the first nor last Headmaster of Hogwarts who had to cover something like this up. I spend a lot of my childhood talking to my Grand Uncle Phineas's portrait. You want to know why he was so unpopular? Because he never hid his 'dirty laundry' – if someone screwed up, student or teacher, he made sure it was known. Didn't make him popular with pure-bloods used to having their trash swept under the rug, but he held everyone to higher standards. Now that I think about it, I think it was after he left that Slytherin standards started failing."

"Now is not the time Sirius," interrupted Remus, "we have to get to Hogwarts."

"Indeed," interjected Amelia as they all left the office and she turned to her assistant, "Sarah, cancel all my appointments today and get a small squad on standby. I will reach you for further orders."

"Do you want the attack squad or a search & destroy?"

"Search & destroy please."

"Will do, Mam."

As the trio left the elevator and exited the ministry, they ran into someone unexpected.

"Pardon me, Misses Bones?"

Everyone stared to see a tall red-headed lad of early 20's walk up to them.


"I was ordered to meet you here by boss from Gringotts. He said and I quote, 'I would be needed on your trip.'"

Sirius chuckled, "and you are?"

The boy bowed – a proper pure-blood introduction to one of higher stature – and replied, "I am William Arthur Weasley, Lord Black. I work as a Curse Breaker with a sub-specialty in Ward Analyses."

Remus openly gawked, "You're joking. What goblin is your boss?"

Bill rubbed the back of his head, "Well actually, it was at a request of another through my boss. See, I was getting ready to be deployed to Egypt when I was requested to meet Miss Bones here at just for this one assignment."

Amelia frowned – she didn't like coincidences. "So what goblin did request this?"

"Griphook, Miss Bones."

Sirius started laughing, "Griphook – as in the current manager of the Potter Accounts? Oh, this is rich."

Amelia slapped her boyfriend in the back of the head for that. "Guess we will need you then, Mr. Weasley."

"Please, call me Bill. And where are we going?"

"To the last place, anyone expects one of your profession to go."

November 1st, 2011 – Noon

Hogwarts Great Hall

"So…" started Hermione, "are we really not going to talk about the elephant in the room?"

Neville looked up from his soup, "The elephant in the what?"

"Muggle phrase Neville," said Harry as he ate his salad, "basically means asking the question that's being avoided."

"Oh, which one?" snarked Neville, "The one with the missing DADA Professor, the exorcised History Professor, or the fact that all owls are suddenly checked up for sicknesses?"

"Yes," said Hermione.

Harry – while maintaining his uninterested charade – was laughing inside. Getting rid of Quirrell on Mímir was fun and all – despite the fact that neither knew what was actually possessing him – but getting rid of Binns? BONUS!

The ghost of history past was grading on Harry's last nerve. So when he saw the teacher STILL monologuing to a class that wasn't there as he made his way back to the tower, Harry lost it. A quick REAL Enochian exorcism – unlike the one the boys heard in Blue Earth (1) – which worked beautifully. Binns didn't even feel himself move on. Which brought an interesting philosophical discussion in Harry's mind if witches and wizards go to regular Heaven or whatever Pagan Heaven they believed in. He would have pondered this more, but he had to make a run when he sensed another ghost approach. Whether or not this was coincidence or because they felt the ritual was too up for debate.

In any case, Dumbledore suddenly ordering all owls to stay within the castle was a bit too much. Did he really think that one way or another someone hasn't gotten the message out? This is a society of wizards – despite their backward nature, they must have considered some sort of secret way to talk, right?

As if hearing his musings, the grand doors slammed open as a furious woman walked in followed by three men. Two of which he recognized immediately…

"Aunt Amelia!" shouted Susan as she ran up to her.

Well that's one, thought Harry.

"BILL!?" shouted all the Weasleys – minus Ron who was too preoccupied with his food.

So that's how the Heir Apparent looks like. Way to go Griphook.

Before leaving his initial meeting with Griphook, he brought something from the goblins that not many took advantage of. While no word existed outside of Gobbledegook – a somewhat demeaning term that was given to the Goblin tongue long ago – it was merely called Goblin Owling Messanger. While its primary use was checking letters and parchments for charms, jinxes, potions, compulsions and what not, Harry primarily used it to teleport his parchments directly to Griphook without anyone in Hogwarts being the wiser, mainly since he openly used a rented owl frequently to message Bobby and the boys. How the birds made the trip across the Atlantic he didn't know.

In any case, expecting the worst possible fallout from the troll attack and two teachers missing, Harry send out a quick memo informing Griphook of what has transpired. Getting Bill Weasley must have been his decision.

Sirius and Remus though… were they here for the twins?

After hugging her niece, her smile and demeanor quickly switched to professionalism as Amelia approached the staff table, "So Headmaster, what's this I hear about a troll in the castle?"

Harry actually saw Dumbledore twinkle disappear. Perfect…


"That's Director Bones, Dumbledore. This is not a situation where you can use my first name. Now answer my question before I start asking more question, such as where your DADA teacher is?"

Dumbledore stood up, "Perhaps we should take this in my office."

Amelia nodded, "Let's. And make sure all the teachers are there with you."

Dumbledore nodded and looked at Sirius, "Are you with her, Sirius and Remus?"

Sirius almost growled at Dumbledore, "That's Lord Black and Consigliere (2) Lupin, Chief Warlock Dumbledore. And we are here on family business."

This actually shocked everyone more than expected. "I see. Would you like a room to talk with Nymphadora Black?"

Harry actually heard the gold-plated cup shatter from the Hufflepuff table.

"She doesn't like to be called that, and you know it, Headmaster. No, I am here to talk with the other Blacks of Hogwarts."

Severus raised a brow, "Other Blacks? Did you or your sister sire a child we were not aware of?"

Sirius looked at Severus and actually took on a calm appearance, "Ah, Master Severus…"

Tableware and cups fell while some actually did spit takes.

Sirius actually looked around in shock, "well I can't exactly call him Professor! Plus, he is the youngest recipient of a Potion Mastery (3), so I can call him Master without any actual sexual overtones."

Remus did his best not to laugh.

Other failed.

"Now… as I was saying… Master Severus, if I can have a moment of your time at your earliest convenience. There are matters I wish to discuss with you in private."

Severus's eyes narrowed, "Are you going to be there as Lord Black or as Sirius Black?"

"The latter."

Every table looked at their potion teacher, wondering the distinction.

"Then I shall meet you later tonight, at six if our meeting with Director Bones isn't held up."

Severus nodded, and Sirius returned the gesture.

"Now where was I?" pondered Sirius

Remus leaned in, "Other Blacks."

"Oh right, that. The other Blacks I wanted to talk to were the Weasleys."

"WHAT?" shouted Ron in shock. He was not the only one.

Some actually fainted.

Harry looked around. Holy s**t this is hilarious!

"Well, Arthur Weasley is the son of Cedrella Black so by extension all of his children are Blacks."

Harry noted A LOT of pure-blood heirs suddenly panic. Oh Hallelujah, Christmas came early!

Sirius clapped his hands, "So, as I was saying, I would like a room in private to talk with the Weasley clan currently in school. Bill, you being here is a lucky coincidence, so you can join as well – I don't think Director Bones needs just yet."

"Indeed I do not. But I will require his assistance later. Now Headmaster… your office."

Dumbledore looked around, "All students, please return to your House Dorms until further notice – all classes for later today are canceled."

Rather than cheering, all students quickly gathered their things and ran off. Even the Muggle-born understood that there was a powerplay happening right now and all the half-bloods and pure-bloods would be preparing letters to send to their parents as soon as the owls were free.

Only Harry calmly gathered his things and smiled as he walked out the room.

If he weren't smiling, he would have paid more attention to the odd reaction of two people in the room.

Remus with his nose, and Bill with something on his neck.

"Come in, come in," waved Sirius as five redheads entered an unused classroom on the fifth floor. "Remus, if you could?"

Remus nodded and silently began casting charms around the classroom while the twins started doing the same thing to themselves. They noticed everyone but Remus – currently focused on his task – look at them in surprise.

"What? Do you know how often we get tagged…."

"…by tracking and listening charms by the staff?"

Sirius smirked, "Is Mim still using the old styled spells or has she modified them?"

Fred and George looked in surprise, "You know about them?"

"Yeah. My friends and I got marked by them a lot when we were in Hogwarts. Moony there was the one who always removed them though since Prongs was better at Transfiguration then charms."

Fred and George froze. "Moony? Prongs?"

One of the twins quickly pulled a parchment out of his pocket and presented it to Sirius.

"Well, would you look at that," smiled Sirius. "Hey, Remus! Check this out."

"What," approached Remus after finishing placing privacy and anti-listening charms. "Well I'll be – looks like they found it?"

"Found what?" asked Bill curiously.

"Yeah, it looks like a parchment?" pushed on Percy.

"Should I do the honors, Moony?"

"The honor is all yours, Padfoot."

Sirius took out his new wand – dogwood, rigid 10 ½ inches, with a fang from an actual Grim – as his old one was snapped and waved it over the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Even before the map finished changing, the twins were already on their knees bowing, "We are not worthy! We are not worthy!"

Bill watched as a map of Hogwarts appeared on the parchment and little footsteps that moved shuffled along the surface. As a curse-breaker, he quickly realized what it was, "Is that what I think it is?"

"If you mean a parchment that me, Sirius, James Potter, and the traitor made while we terrorized this school with pranks as the Mauraders to show the location of everyone in school and its secret passages, then yes," answered Remus smiling. "And before you ask, no I don't remember what spells we used in making it. Hell, I but with the knowledge, I have now I can probably make a better one with less effort on my own. A lot of the stuff we put into that were redundant or interfered with each other."

"Such as?" asked Percy as he pulled Fred and George up, suddenly realizing how his brothers manage to get away with everything and stay one step ahead of everyone.

Sirius inspected the map, "I tried putting in something to show if someone was a virgin or not, but the wards of Hogwarts would allow me."

"WHAT?" shouted everyone sans Remus, who was only covering his ears – damn his enhanced hearing.

"Yeah, though it be useful if some love-struck girl played the 'virgin card' to try to sleep with one of us – didn't matter though. I got to say though, the map seems to be much more reactive and detailed than before."

"Really?" Remus looked over, "Huh, seems it is. Someone must have strengthened the wards within Hogwarts while we were gone." (4)

This caught Bill's attention, "Hogwarts has wards for this?"

"Oh certainly. Supposedly it used to have wards for damn near everything, but they allegedly died off. When Phineas was Headmaster, he used to hire ward master every once in a while to check up on the school to make sure everything was in pristine shape. Knowing Dumbledore though… I have a feeling he insulated this school and has been doing the checkup himself. And with his schedule, there a good chance a lot of the wards are failing."

"Would explain why he used the pictures around the school as spies," replied Remus. "Harder to manipulate and less likely to fail."

Sirius looked at Bill, "When Amelia comes for you, she'll most likely ask you for your opinion regarding the wards so be prepared."

Remus gave the map back to the twins, "So… you are the new generation of Mauraders? Only two?"

Fred and George glanced at each other, "There is a third, but he hasn't really joint us yet – he sort of on probation until he pulls off a prank."

Sirius nodded, "And your names?"

"We don't have any." Answered one of the twins.

Sirus rubbed his brow, "I told you, Remus, that we made finding the packages too hard."

The twins perked up, "Packages?"

Sirius put out his hand, "That's all I will tell you. I will say that it involves the map and a scavenger hunt. I told you more than enough as it is. Consider it your test to become true Mauraders. Then you will understand our names."

A lightbulb suddenly went off in Percy's head, "An Animagus… Padfoot… forgive me for asking this Mister Lupin, but perchance are you an Animagus as well?"

Lupin smiled, "Nope – werewolf." (5)

Ron – who hasn't said anything during this whole conversation – backed away as far as possible from Remus. None of the other red-heads reacted the same way. They were surprised, however.

"And your name is Moony…"Percy rubbed his chin.

Seeing where this was going, Sirius gave him an extra push, "The haunting regarding the Shrieking Shack only started when Remus attended Hogwarts."

Percy snapped his fingers, "You were all Animagus! Prongs were James Potter, meaning he was something hoofed, Wormtail was something a tail, Padfoot was you as some kind of dog, and Moony was Remus as a werewolf. You all became Animagus to help him out during the full moon and used the Shrieking Shack for that."

Sirius actually smiled, "Beautiful deduction! Yes, James was a stag, I am a Grim, Remus is a werewolf, and Wormtail was Peter Pettigrew and a rat – literally and metaphorically. Don't know what happened to him though."

"Speaking of which," Percy turned to Ron, "did you find Scabbers yet?"

"No, the old thing ran off somewhere. It's been over a week – he will turn up though. He always does." (6)

"We seem to have gotten off topic here," interjected Bill as he pulled out his wand and summoned some seats for everyone. "Perhaps its best if Lord Black tells us why he wanted to meet us."

Sirius waited for everyone to sit down before proceeding, "As you know, I've been re-organizing the family tree as it were. I've already returned my cousin Andromeda back into the family as evident by her daughter, who-shall-not-be-named 'Tonks' Black. Narcissa is already under my protection and is settling I nicely. I already banished Bellatrix from the family. I started sending out feelers for any surviving squibs or descendants. The only one left is Arthur Weasley. I was planning to meet with him in person about this, but the twins beat me to the punch. I figured I would talk to his kids first before I went on that road."

Percy, Bill, Fred, and George all nodded along and actually understood where Lord Black was coming from. People like Bellatrix have given the family a rather lousy reputation, even disregarding their 'Dark' associations. Asking their opinion on the matter was sensible.

Ron didn't consider this.

"Why in the bloody hell would we want to be acknowledged as Blacks? You are all 'Dark'!"

Sirius frowned, "First of all, if Arthur accepts, you would all technically be renamed Weasley-Black. Secondly, 'Dark' and 'Light' sides have gotten a rather bad connotation due to the war – no thanks to Dumbledore. Before the 'Dark' Families were associated with Voldy and his ideas, they were initially associated with families who favored keeping the Wizarding World the way it was. As in supporters of keeping wizarding culture the wait it – accepting and studying all magic, following old traditions, power to the old families, and the like. The 'Light' side used to be about progress, power to the masses, and acceptance for all, until someone started twisting into limiting what magic could be studied and double-talk. You ever notice that despite all his promises about equality and the like, not much has really changed since Dumbledore came into power? Seriously, look it up. I mean, he had a few good decades before Voldy came along and one more after he passed and nothing had changed except how the sides are perceived (7)! Before the war, magic was just that – magic! There was no such thing as Light or Dark magic. The only thing that matter was the intention. Heck, before the Cruciatus Curse was twisted into the form we know today, it used to be used by Healers to reactivate nerves in those who regrew limbs. Same for the Blood Boiling Curse – it was used to treat hypothermia!"

"Muggles have a saying about knowledge: there is no such thing as advancement without fallout," agreed Remus. "Almost every discovery made by them has been twisted in some form or another. The same can be said for magic on some level."

Ron just fumed while the rest of the Weasley's agreed with what Sirus said.

Sirius clapped, "So – Weasleys joining the Blacks: yay or nay?"

Bill spoke first, "If I know Charley, it won't really matter to him: as long as he has his dragons, he is happy. Personally, I don't mind. I already have a job in Gringotts, and they don't care about family names – only what one can bring to them."

Percy spoke next, "I honestly don't know. I wish to work in the Ministry one day. While the Black name would open some doors, it carries too much baggage – at least for now anyway. I am afraid I must abstain."

"A completely fair decision, Percy, nothing wrong with that," nodded Sirius.

Fred and Geroge looked at each other before one spoke, "We don't really care, so we are in, but Mom will put up a fight."

"It's not for Molly to decide – this is Arthur's decision, not hers."

Bill laughed, "Shows what you know. She wears the pants in the relationship."

Sirius chuckled, "All women do. You will discover that one day as well, Bill."

Bill smiled while Sirius turned to Ron, "I already know what you are going to say…"


Ron slammed the door on his way back. Every other Weasley looked down in shame.

Sirius just nonchalantly shrugged, "Remus, if you could?"

Remus quickly sealed the door.

Sirius turned serious and leaned forward, "Not that the bigot is gone, I can discuss my real intention with you lot."

All the boys stood straighter at the tone Sirius… No… the tone Lord Black used. Gone was the playful trickster. Before them was a Lord.

"Before I came here, I looked into BOTH sides of your family – Weasley and Prewett. Did you know I was rather close with Fabian and Gideon? Wonderful men – Molly named you two," pointing at Fred and George, "in their honor. They were brilliant and loyal, hardworking and dedicated to a cause. The day they died so did the House of Prewett – and I mean that quite literally."

This caught everyone off-guard.

"As you may know, every House has their own standard for picking a Lord or Lady to lead the family. Some pass down by choice of the current one. Some let magic decide. And some leave criteria behind that when met, allow one to take up the position."

Sirius reached out into his coat and took out a parchment, "I had my Vault Manager look into possibly locating the conditions set by the Ancient and Noble House of Prewett for Lordship and Ladyship. And lo and behold, they found them."

Sirius passed it to the twins, "And do you know something interesting? It has a special clause in there."

Fred and George both unfurled and read through the parchment. Both froze in shock before Percy and Bill took it from them. They too became shocked when they read the section.

"Magic always finds a way."

One of the twins spoke, "You… you can't be serious."

Sirius raised his arms shrugging, "There is no one leading the House of Prewett. Age doesn't matter in such situation – as long as the criteria are met, anyone can claim the role."

Fred and George looked at Percy and Bill for answers.

"Hey, it's up to you guys. If mom knew, she would have treated you differently," said Bill.

"Honestly, I see no backlash from this. Prewett have never been a name associated with anything – they have no connotation to them. They were just kind of… there. You can basically do whatever you want with the name. It's a blank canvas."

Fred and George looked at each other and started thinking.

Sirius raised a finger, "Can I mention that if you do this, your mother can't object and that you will still be a Weasley?"

The twins looked up with new consideration. They seemed to communicate silently, with hand motions and emotional responses indicating that they were in fact conversing.

Remus chuckled, "If the mental communication isn't a giveaway, I don't know what is."

Bill and Percy looked at Remus, "Wait, they are actually talking?"

"Oh yes, sometimes twins are born who can mentally talk to each other. Quite handy – makes it difficult to break into their minds."

Fred and George finally nodded and turned to Sirius, "So…where do we sign on the dotted line?"

Sirius pointed on the parchment, "Just sign here with this Blood Quill, and the process will begin."

Fred and Geroge quickly signed the parchment. It faintly glowed when they finished.

Sirius quickly furled it up and put it away, "I'll give it to my Vault Manager who will pass it on to the Prewett one. For now, it's not finalized until you meet him in the future," said Sirius as he slowly smiled, "but it doesn't mean I can't congratulate the future Lords Prewett."

November 1st, 2011 – Night

Hogwarts Dungeons – Potion Room

Severus slowly walked through the dungeons. After spending god knows how many hours in the meeting, Albus was finally able to fandangle into convincing Director Bones that auror intervention wasn't necessary and that the troll simply managed to find a weak point in the wards. As Bill Weasley was present, Bones hired him on the spot under her authority as Head of the DMLE to check the wards and to make sure they worked.

She even allowed him to bring in more ward expecters from Gringotts as she promised to pay for it all!

He didn't know where Bones would find – Fudge practically drained that department dry to fuel his lifestyle.

It was funny really; Albus knew about Fudge's habits, but he did nothing about it since he listened to him more often then Lucius. And knowing the public, the next Minister will be just as gutless.

Snape sighed as he entered his sanctuary before he saw Sirius sit on a chair next to his table, with a bottle and two glasses.

Sirius looked up from the book he was reading before putting in a bookmark and putting it away, "Figured you would come here. You always went to the potion room whenever you wanted peace and privacy."

Severus' face was impassive, his Occlumency shields raised. He slowly closed the door and started walking toward his desk, never keeping his eyes off Sirius who remained motionless.

"I am not here to harm or kill you Severus," said Sirius as he pulled out his wand, "Should I perform a magic oath to ease your tension?" (8)

"That is not needed, Black," spoke Severus calmly, noting the wand. "That isn't the same wand you had when we were students."

Sirius looked at his wand before he put it away, "Azkaban changed me, Severus. I am not the same man I was before, and my old wand simply couldn't be used."

(The fact that it was snapped wasn't publicly known since it wasn't mentioned in arrest report – as small as it was.)

This gave Snape pause as he sat down opposite of Sirius, "Truly, Black? I find it hard to believe you have changed."

As Sirius started opening the bottle of scotch he brought with him, he told his story.

"You know about the Twelve-step program Muggles have for alcohol? Interesting thing really. Lily mentioned it in passing once when she was teaching us about the Muggle World. Never really bothered with it. But as the years went by in Azkaban, I had to find a way to pass the time and maintain my sanity. Shifting into my dog form helped, as did the fact that I was innocent, but it build up over time. So there I was, all alone, with no one but my thought. Spend the first year relearning Occlumency and strengthening my mental shields. Spend the next year figuring out how to do it in dog form. Then I spend the next seven just going through my life… shuffling along, organizing thoughts here and there, knowledge into vaults and what not… And I couldn't help but go into retrospection as I got into my Hogwarts years. And do you know what I realized? That hindsight is a coldhearted bitch."

Severus's brow raised as Sirius started pouring into the glasses.

"We can never go back and change those moments that take us off course. And I made a lot of decision that took me off-course. Many involved being a jackass and what not, but my biggest always came back to you."

Sirius took his glass and swished it around.

"I made a lot of poor decisions in my youth, but none so more then what the guys and I did to you. We made your life unbearable. We harassed you almost every day and tried separating you from Lily, your closest friend. We hanged you to pasture for those Death Eaters to get their claws in you. We made you fall into a life debt to James after he 'saved' your life."

Severus noted the emphasis on the word 'saved' – something felt off about that statement.

"As I sat there, I swore that if I were ever free, I would do something about it. The eight-step of the program was to make a list of all the people I have harmed and make amends with them. you were at the top of the list."

Severus continued staring.

"I know you can never forgive me, but I swore I would make an attempt. So here it is – I was a dunderhead, Severus. I was an egotistical, hormone driven, clueless idiot who thought with his lower brain and did whatever I wanted. I was rash, stupid, and should have at more than one point received my comeuppance. I was basically a psychopath that did whatever I wanted, when I wanted, regardless of consequence. I am a fool, and I am still a fool for not realizing it before I got myself locked up for not thinking things through."

Severus watched as Sirius took out his wand once more.

"I, Sirius Orion Black the Third, swear on my magic, that everything I told Severus Snape was the true and honest opinion of myself, what has transpired during my imprisonment in Azkaban, and I had stated. So mote be!"

Severus watched as a glow bathed over Sirius after which he immediately performed a simple Lumos to show that it took hold.

Sirius put his wand away once more and continued holding his glass, watching for Sirius's reaction. What felt like hours passed before Severus lifted the glass and smelled it, noting the bottle.

"Macallan Sherrywood 40-year-old single malt scotch (9)… it's a start…Sirius."

Sirius allowed himself the smallest a smiles as the clanked their glass and drank down good scotch.

"This doesn't mean there isn't bad blood between us Sirius."

"I expected nothing less – I came not for forgiveness but rather to make my case."

Severus nodded as Sirius began pouring another shot for each of them, "What did you meet with the Weasley's about?"

"Nothing much – just wanted their opinion on whether or not Arthur would accept being admitted into the Black family."

"Yes. Ron Weasley was rather… vocal about it during dinner."

"He was the only one. The rest of the family seemed open to the idea."

"Even Percy?"

"He abstained, but he wasn't against it. How did the meeting with Dumbledore go?"

Severus noted Sirius clenched teeth, "Falling out?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Severus nodded, "Don't worry. You are not the only person who Dumbledore has screwed over in the years."

"Are we talking literally or figuratively?"

"Touché," said Snape as they gulped down their second glass. "Amelia tried to get something out of Albus, but couldn't do much. Despite all her smarts and dedication, Amelia never had the mindset of a politician."

"You can say 'manipulator,' Severus – no one would disagree."

"She was already pulling at strings when she managed to convince Albus to get Weasley and whoever he brought from Gringotts to check up the wards."

"About time."

"Yes… Albus has been rather lax about them. What about the missing DADA teacher?"

Severus frowned, "Dumbledore allowed her to bring in Aurors to search for Quirinus Quirrell – wherever he may be."

"What about the positions for his class and history of magic?"

"Amelia said that she would find a replacement since Albus apparently can't keep his eyes on them."

Sirius chuckled, "Small victory. I'll help her out on that front."

"Indeed. She promised us a replacement for both by the end of the week."

Sirius smiled as he poured a third short for both of them, "Tell me, Severus… how strong are the magics you swore to keep all the secrets you hold when you started working for Dumbledore?"

Severus's paused, "stronger than the ones all teachers but within the same vein."

"So same structure and phrasing as it were?"

Severus nodded as Sirius smirked and started playing with his hands, "Let's play a game Muggles call 'Twenty Questions.' I'll start."

"Wait are you…"

"Do you know what happened to Quirrell?"

"No but…"

"Do you suspect as to what may have happened to Quirrell?"

Severus paused, "Yes…"

Sirius nodded, "Good, good… Do you suspect that it had something to do with the locked door on the third floor?"

"Yes." Said Severus, surprised at his ability to do so.

"Something I realized about our society when I was in Azkaban – despite all the power we hold and all the things, we wizards and witches have no common sense. So I really thought about it and realized that I don't have to get you to tell me anything – all I have to do is ask you questions. Nowhere in the contract does it say that you can't say 'yes' or 'no' nor does it prevent you aiding me in an attempt to discover anything that someone else may wish to keep hidden." (10)

Realization dawned on Severus as Sirius pushed on.

"Do you know what Albus is hiding behind the door?"


"Do the other teachers know?"


"Should I be concerned for the student's safety?"


"Okay, good to know…Where the students ever in danger?"


"Really?... Where the students in danger when Quirrell was here?"


"Where the students in danger because of something Quirrell would do?"


"Was Quirrell himself dangerous?"


"Odd… Was Quirrell a danger to himself?"


"Okay…Was something that Quirrel had dangerous?"


"Was it alive?"


"Was it an object?"


"What the… Was it a thing?"


Sirius paused – the last question was a joke. However…

"Was Quirrell possessed?"

"YES." Strained out Severus, surprised he actually could.

Sirius grabbed the sides of his chair as he leaned toward Severus.

"Was whatever possessing Quirrell after what was hidden in the room?"


"Was whatever that was hidden in the room something the spirit possessing Quirrell needed?"


Sirius started panicking and thinking, "Was whatever that was hidden in the room something I should know?"

Severus didn't answer, "Okay, too broad… Was whatever that was hidden in the room something only Albus would have access to?"

No answer still.

"Was whatever that was hidden in the room something only Albus could get his hands on?"


"Was whatever that was hidden in the room something that only Albus is knowledgeable about?"


Sirius tapped his chin for a few seconds, "Was whatever that was hidden in the room something relating to alchemy?"


Sirus suddenly recalled something he filed away in the deepest recesses of his mind, "Was whatever that was hidden in the room the Philosopher's Stone?"

"YES." Severus basically screamed out.

Sirius started shaking in fear, "One last question… Was Quirrell possessed by a spirit of Voldemort?"

Severus looked at Sirius in total fear, "YES…."

Sirius dropped and shattered his glass of scotch, "Son of a…"

November 1st, 2011 – Midnight

Underneath the third floor room

Harry whistled a jaunty tune as he walked through the black flames. Like they were actually going to hurt him.

Honestly, all these preventative measures were a joke.

The Cerberus? A puppy by Harry's standards – a good steak and a belly rub and he was good.

The Devil's Snare? Set on fire.

The Keys? Why bother – they charmed the door against the Unlocking Charm only. No one considered lock-picking apparently. Thank you, Dean.

The chess board? Like Harry wanted to play against an automaton. Teleporting behind them did the trick.

The empty room? Figured that's where the troll was supposed to be.

The riddle and flames? He was fire-proof.

So here he was – in a wide open chamber with only a mirror in the center. Harry slowly approached, ignoring the reflection and noting the writing on the frame.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi… Really? I show not your face but your heart's desire? That is one screwed up mirror. Hell, it reads more like a cursed if anything." (11)

Harry looked at his reflection, noting that the mirror kept morphing and shifting without settling on anything.

"Huh…Guess I don't have any deep hidden desires… Yay? I guess I should be thankful."

Realizing that there was nothing else happening decided to turn on his sight. Noting something within the mirror itself, Harry into the mirror to find.

"I am having some serious Matrix flashback here."(12)

Eventually feeling something, Harry pulled out a shiny red stone.

"Well hello… what are you supposed to be, beautiful?"

Noticing a tracking charm on the rock, Harry reached, grabbed the spells physical essence, and flicked it off into the mirror. "Don't want that."

Polishing the stone as the mirror finally settled, Harry couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't know why Dumbledore is hiding it here, but he did a poor job doing so… Guess he needs to learn by experience."

Harry put the stone into his pocket and teleported back into his dorm room. He looked and noted that everyone was asleep. He silently opened his trunk and put the stone into one of its many compartments before locking it up once more and going to bed.

"I look into later – maybe Griphook knows what it is?"

November 4th, 2011 – Morning

Hogwarts Great Hall

"Good morning students," spoke Dumbledore. "You may have noticed that we have new additions sitting at our staff table. They will be suspecting the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and History of Magic classes until the end of the school year. They have allocated room their busy lives to teach you. Please give them your full and undivided attention, for you new History of Magic Professor – Lord Sirius Black the Third."

There was polite cheering and clapping from most of the houses as Sirius waved.

"And for your Defence Against the Dark Arts, pleasing give a warm welcome - Miss Pandora Lovegood."

A stunningly pale women with shining silver hair and red eyes stood up, "Hej alla! I hope we all have a good year, nej? Underbar!" (13)

Harry smiled, "Well…never said that this place would be boring."

next chapter
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