92.85% Harry "Doom" Potter / Chapter 13: HD-12

章節 13: HD-12

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, which is owned by JK Rowling, nor do I own Marvel Comics. I also lay no claim to the characters of Harry Potter, Victor Von Doom, or any other character I have used in my fic, except for the completely OC characters I introduce.

This is a work of fanfiction, not made for earning money, but just to satisfy my hobby of writing. There is also no guarantee that I will finish this work of fanfiction, so keep that in mind before taking a look inside.

Yours faithfully, HelloDarkness07.


A small light slowly blooms into existence, chasing away the darkness of the night.


The room turns dark again, disallowing me from seeing anything.


Another burst of light, this one decidedly faster than the one before, brings sight back to me.


And darkness reigns once again.





"Lights." I intone, turning the actual lights inside the room on.

This was my first foray into Wanded Magic, or as it is called in theory books and maybe even Academic circles, Wizardry. Three sets of distinct tries using the same amount of Magic, same amount of effort from my side, with three results recorded.

The first try was with no wand in my hand, with my finger raised up. The Second one was with my mother's wand, Willow wood with the core of a Phoenix feather, around 10 inches long. The Third on the other hand was from my father's wand, Mahogany, 11 inches long, with an as of yet unknown core.

Taking my mother's wand back in my hand, I once again say, "Lumos," and watch as the wand tip lights up. It was a bit faster than before, but that was because of a greater effort from my side. 

Turning the wand around in my hand I say, "My first step into Wizardry has shown.. interesting results. Using a Wand is not that dissimilar to using Magic without a wand, the feel of the Magic is exactly the same in both cases. It is in the effort I need to make that the situation changes, even further when I use different wands."

As I speak three floating cameras keep me in their sights, one from the top and two from my 10 and 2. My first computer sitting on the ground behind me recording everything that is fed to it by my cameras.

The computer is one of my own design, although I did follow the general shape and form factor of the computers available today. A 2.3 gigahertz processor, 16 gigs of ram, 2 terabytes of SSD storage, and with no need of a cooling system of any kind because of my magic. All this, powered by the powercell made out of the Demon magic I have in abundance. The display, unfortunately, wasn't much since I have yet to actually create one for myself. It is just the television screen that I usually use to keep an eye on the feed my many cameras provide.

Bringing the wand close to my eyes, I say, "Surprisingly, the results are not as I expected. I had expected it to be easier to use magic with a wand, considering the amount of people who refuse to use Magic without one, but on the contrary my magic takes approximately 20% more effort from my side than without a wand. With my father's wand on the other hand it is marginally easier at 18% more effort than without one."

I do not know if the fact that they're not made for me has any correlation with the effort I need to take. 

Keeping both the wands away from me on the table I say, "Lumos," while willing my father's wand to light up. Nothing happens. I try the same with my mother's wand to the same result.

Making a mental note, I point my hand forward and extend a tendril of my green magic to cover the two wands, albeit still keeping them separated from one another. Almost immediately the wand tips light up before I even say a single word.

"Ah, so it is not necessary for me to hold the wands in my hand for them to work. My magic just needs to connect with them. Secondary observation, using two wands at a time to cast a single spell shows neither any amplification nor any diminishing."

Getting off my chair I approach the computer set-up on the ground behind me, and save the recorded video files. After turning the computer off, I pick up the Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1, and start reading from the start.

The Lumos spell was just to see how Magic behaves with different wands, and how it does without one. Not that different I have to say, although I did expect the revelations to be different than what I actually saw. Magic being easier without a wand than with is not something I saw coming.

There can be several reasons for this result of this particular experiment. The most probable being the ownership of the wand. My mother's journal, which is where I found what my mother's wand is made out of, mentioned that she had to go through several wands at the wand store before she found herself a perfect match. It is possible that if I match with a wand suitable for me, that the channeling of Magic gives better results than even without a wand.

A second reason could be the fact that I have been using magic without a wand for years now, almost half a decade even. Mayhaps my body has gotten used to using magic without the need of a wand, and therefore considers any other channel to be inferior.

I shake my head, not caring too much. If my wand, one made for me, is better than using magic wandlessly, it still doesn't mean that I'll grow to become reliant on the wand. No, I will still strive hard to stop any weaknesses before they even begin.

And besides, I will only use my wand, and even my parents' wands, as a tool for learning and not as a weapon. I do hope that no spell in these books absolutely needs a wand to cast.

The next day in the evening, I sit on my chair in the Living room, with my feet propped up on the coffee table. There was an open book sitting on my lap, supported by my left hand, while my right held my mother's wand.

In front of me, just in the corner of my vision, I can make out an apple moving slowly through the air, rotating around me, while slowly changing colors. It would go from the red of the apple and shift gently towards the blue end of the spectrum before shifting back to red, again and again.

The color changing charm, or Colovaria, is a simple spell that when cast changes the color of the target entity. Alas, I found it to be limiting, and I've already found a way to make it an 'On Demand Change' spell. With a single look from me, the apple stops shifting colors slowly and starts rapidly shifting between the three primary colors.

It is still edible, of course. Changing the color of a food item does not make it any less edible.

But it wasn't aesthetic enough. I need an ambience to read peacefully and the strobing light show provided by the apple reflecting the sunlight doesn't give me that. So I turn it back to the spectrum transition and continue reading a subject in which I'm already a master.


The Magical art which gave Cynthia Doom, and even Selena Redwood, their Magical powers. My mother in my previous life, and my great-grandmother in this one, the latter of whom passed on said knowledge to my mother Lily Evans.

This singular book that I inherited from Lily Evans is not the one I inherited from Cynthia Doom. Even the handwriting is different, and yes, both books were completely handwritten. All 3000 pages of them, each.

The book in front of me has no title on its cover, nor any author signature. The first page just ominously says, "There is no turning back once you begin.." and then it starts with the introduction to Witchcraft, with the first Ritual.

This did not change with my change in Universes. Even Cynthia's book had such a warning followed by the same ritual. 

The Ritual to contact the goddess of Witchcraft, also called Witchcraft, and take her learning before beginning to learn Witchcraft.

The similarities end with what knowledge the books contain, but the way the spells work is different. As I had already expected, the rules of Magic in this world are far from the same rules in my old one.

For example, the same Ritual to contact the Goddess of Witchcraft had different requirements for ingredients as well as other temporal and astrological requirements. One needed fresh chicken blood, while the other needed the blood of the Witch that wanted to learn. One worked with a full moon, while the other needed a Blood moon. You get the idea.

I haven't gone through the Ritual, of course, because I am still not sure if I need to. I've been able to use Runes of Witchcraft without any problem, but it can also be blamed on me being a Wizard. Maybe my Witchcraft blessings carried over after my rebirth, or maybe Wizards are already blessed by Lady Witchcraft.

Huh. I should try and see if I can find a Book of Witchcraft that doesn't use this Language of Runes from my old life.

Putting a mental note, I continue reading.

Not for long however, as at around 6 PM my wristwatch buzzes from its spot on the coffee table. Closing my eyes I connect to the cameras still flying around my house and find someone standing in front of my house gate. The person in question has his hand extended, a wooden wand raised as he taps the barrier around my house twice in a mockery of a knock.


The taps are heard all throughout the house, making me sigh as I get up. Keeping the book hidden inside my shirt pocket, I walk towards the front door and open it. As I walk towards the gate, I see the man in front of me smiling genially at my appearance, which widens when I open the gate and say, "Professor Dumbledore. Come on in."

Headmaster Dumbledore merely drops his head in a short nod, and says, "I hope I'm not intruding by coming here unannounced."

Snorting, I say, "Coming unannounced is far better than following me around the village, as your Aurors are wont to do. Saying that, I do expect a letter before you come knocking the next time."

"Of course. Although I do wish to inform you that they're not, as you put it, my Aurors. I'm merely the Headmaster of a school." Dumbledore says, as he starts walking behind me into the house. "You've been decorating." He says, as we enter the front hallway.

There were a couple paintings that I had brought from my Vault just for this reason. They moved, all of them, but they were fairly normal. A ship at sea, which would occasionally be troubled by a storm, and a forest with a few animals and birds running or flying around. Along with that were a few items and trinkets that I'd taken a liking to during my visit. Not anything truly precious, or course. Just something that would impress any visitors.

Turning to look at what had caught his eye, I smile and say, "Treasures of my family. They were just sitting around in that Vault, so I brought them here."

Dumbledore leans down to look at the item he had been staring at closely, and asks, "Do you know what this is, Mr Potter?"

The item that I'd hung on the wall below the painting of the ship, was a ship in a bottle. The water inside of it moved as if it was actually at sea, and so did the ship. Just like the painting of the ship, the ship inside the bottle also went through different weather changes.

I tell him as such, but Dumbledore just chuckles. He says, "You are right in the sense that it is a ship in a bottle. What you may not realize is that it is an actual shrunken ship from the 17th Century."

I raise an eyebrow, suitably impressed by my family, and ask, "What do you know about it?" Repeating his question.

Turning towards me with a smile, Dumbledore says, "Only what your father told me. One of your ancestors was fond of sailing, and had made a name for himself as a successful trader of the time. He had a fleet, I think your father said. When he retired, he did not want to part with his personal ship and so he had this made. I'm afraid you're going to have to look up the details in your family's history books."

Nodding slowly, already making plans to do just that, I say, "Thank you, Professor."

And then I lead him to the Living room, and point at a chair for him to sit.

Dumbledore nods and sits down. As I take the seat opposite him, he says, "I spoke with Bathilda, yesterday."

I raise an eyebrow, curious.

He continues, "She told me that you're a regular visitor at her home, that you bring her something or the other as a gift every visit. Cookies, lunch, dinner. I did, naturally, ask what you speak of during those visits, and she was glad to tell me that you're very much interested in the history of your family, and even the history of this world."

Nodding, I turn to look out the window, and say, "I am interested in History, be it my family's or the entire Wizarding World's. Our ancestors have many things to teach us if we bother to learn."

Dumbledore nods with a smile, and says, "That is an interesting way to look at things."

I simply nod in acquiescence, and turn back to look at the Professor, wondering why exactly he is here today.

Instead of keeping the topic going, or even giving an explanation as to his presence here today, Dumbledore says, "You know, I am a bit surprised that you let me in today."

Sighing, more than a bit annoyed, I say, "Professor I will say this only once. I do not appreciate half arsed conversations based entirely in implicatures. You want an answer, you'll have to actually ask questions."

I really, really don't. And if it was just once, I would have even ignored it, but it was not.

Dumbledore chuckles, annoying me a bit more, and says, "Apologies, Mr Potter. It is a habit of mine. One that I'm sure came with my old age."

Scoffing, I return, "Professor Bagshot has seen at least 20 more years than you and she doesn't speak like that. That's just your belief in your superiority showing itself."

"Could you elaborate on your thoughts?" Dumbledore asks, leaning forward clearly interested.

Looking him right in his eyes, I say, "You've been at Hogwarts for over 90 years, and been the Headmaster for almost half of that. Almost every person you can encounter in the Wizarding World, wherever you go, has either had you as a Professor, or the Headmaster. Not every Wizard or Witch lives to be your age, I know from Professor Bagshot's tales. And because of your history, you're too used to treating them as your students. You're too used to thinking of yourself as their superior. And I assume that this way of talking is used by you to make unruly students confess to their crimes or something of the sorts."

Dumbledore stares at me for a few seconds, wide eyed, before his lips twitch and he chuckles a few times. Shaking his head still chuckling he says, "Ah, you remind me of Nicholas, really. He too likes to remind me that I'm not at school whenever I'm talking down to him."

Nicholas, Nicholas Flamel I assume. Someone I remember reading about even in my old life as Doom. A famous French Philosopher from the 13th century who was credited with the first, and last, creation of the Philosopher's stone. And from Professor Bagshot's lessons, a man who is alive to this day, having taught Dumbledore Alchemy in the early 1900s.

"Right." I say, shaking my own head at the Professor. "Now, shall we start again, while you actually ask your questions?"

Nodding with a smile, Dumbledore asks, "Why did you let me in today, Mr Potter?"

"Because you knocked." I tell him plainly. Before he can say anything, I continue, "I would like to clarify that I won't be permitting anyone who knocks on my door, entrance into my house. But I do not believe that turning you, the Aurors, or even Ministry officials, back is an option."

Chuckling, Dumbledore says, "Alas, it is not."

He paused, and starts looking around. His eyes pause on the Empty portrait that's hanging on a wall to my left, and then moves on to some other stuff. Finally, his eyes pause on the coffee table, on which rests my mother's wand.

Raising an eyebrow, he asks, "You've been practicing?"

"Experimenting." I correct him. "I've been trying to see if there's a difference between using Magic with a wand versus without."

"And you've used spells?" He asks. On my nod of confirmation, he asks, "May I ask what spells you've used with this wand?"

Not seeing any problem with answering, I say, "I've cast the first 30 charms and spells inside the Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 since I began yesterday. Lumos, Wingardium Leviosa, Colovaria, Circumverto, Spongify, Diffindo, Alohomora, Incendio.."

Dumbledore raises his hand to stop me, looking impressed. He even sounds impressed when he asks, "You learned 30 spells with no training at all? In one day? That's marvelous, Mr Potter."

I frown, and return, "That's disgustingly slow as far as I'm concerned, Professor. I have had perfect control over my Magic since I was 7. I can usually have it do anything I can think of, with the only obstacles being the amount of time and effort I can put out. With the wands, however, I find it oddly difficult to cast the simplest of my spells. Not much, mind you, but I abhor inefficiency."

Dumbledore hums, and leaning forward he asks, "Can I get a demonstration of your magic?" When I look at him questioningly, he clarifies, "I'm curious, you see. What you speak of, spellcasting being easier without a wand than with, is absolutely unheard of. I would like to see how you use magic, how you've been using magic all these years before you got your parents' wands."

I take a moment to think it over, but in the end I can't see a problem with it. I may be a Master of Magical manipulation of the highest degree, but one thing I do lack is experience. Which Professor Dumbledore has in droves. Mayhaps, his point of view shall give me a few revelations of my own.

Raising my hand, I start with the simple spells, or non-spells as this is pure Magical manipulation. The apple from before, which had been resting on the table, floats up quickly stopping in front of my face. Another wave of my hand causes it to get cut into two equal parts, which float away from one another while a seed each from the two halves float out towards me. I keep staring at it, and slowly the two halves of the apples start filling up, creating two new whole apples, perfect mirrors of one another.

The seeds, meanwhile, I cause to stick together as a small pot is conjured around it with mud already there. Within seconds the seed sprouts, and slowly grows into a small plant which then hands off another apple which Dumbledore plucks out.

The plant and the pot suddenly explode, turning into green magic sparks that fly around the two of us. The sparks then touch the walls which causes them to start moving away from us, expanding the room's space.

As the sparks disappear, their work done, I turn to look at Dumbledore who looks impressed and say, "That was all pure manipulation of magic. That's not all I can do, of course, but I do need to keep some things for myself."

After my demonstration, Dumbledore leans back and stays silent for a while, running his fingers over his beard with his eyes closed. While he thinks over my conundrum, I go towards the kitchen to finally prepare some tea.

By the time I'm back in the Living room with two cups of tea floating in front of me, Dumbledore has his eyes opened and he's staring at me with an odd look in his eyes.

I offer him the tea, and he takes it with a soft thanks. I ask, "So, what do you think?"

Dumbledore takes a sip, and with a small chuckle he says, "I think you could teach me a thing or two about this magic manipulation of yours."

I just smile, and say, "I'm good, but I'm not that good. There are still a lot of things I need to learn to do before I can even consider teaching a child, let alone a Master like yourself."

Dumbledore shakes his head, smiling, and says, "Mr Potter, I say this from the bottom of my heart. What you just did without a wand, without using any spells, I know of just a handful of people who can do something even close to it. I won't lie and say that I can't use Wandless magic, but what I do is vastly different from what you just showed me. The command you have on Magic is simply astonishing."

I raise an eyebrow, looking at him with a frown. That's.. odd. "So Wizards use just spells?" I ask him.

Dumbledore slowly nods, and says, "You could say that, yes. Although it is not a rule. The School of Wizardry deals with all Wanded magic use. Any direct spells that need a wand, at least in the beginning. Charms, Transfiguration, Curses, Dueling, it all comes under Wizardry. Witchcraft, which is the other half of our livelihood, deals with the subjects that Witches were known for at the time Hogwarts came to be. Runes, Potions, Rituals, Warding. There are intersecting subjects, of course, like Curse Breaking, Alchemy, Broom Flying, Enchanting."

Witchcraft, so Witches were an actual part of the Wizarding World once upon a time? Have the two Schools of Magic merged into one? Is this why I didn't need to gain the Blessings of Lady Witchcraft before using Runes? Too little information, annoyingly enough.

Shaking his head, he says, "Apologies for the deviation, what I mean to say is.. very few Wizards even think to develop a way to use spells without actually using said spells. It has been known in academic circles that when a person leans towards a certain spell for a large enough period of time, then they may develop an affinity to it. From wanded, loudly invoked spells, to silently cast wanded spells, to Wandless and thought spells, and then based on pure intent. Your magic is already at this last stage, although I'm guessing that for some spells, or for some effects you require more time?"

I slowly nod, having noticed that as well. For simple spells I barely need a moment to bring it into effect. But for more complicated spells, like when I repaired my house, I need a few seconds worth of preparation at least before it starts happening.

In those cases I need to actually extend my magic while making it dense enough to be visible as a green glow, and then focus on the effect I want to bring into existence.

Dumbledore nods in confirmation, and says, "That should become easier as you age and as your control improves."

That, I already knew. As I previously noted, my body isn't strong enough for large amounts of magic yet. It will be, by the time I'm 15, but till then I'll have to suffer this slow speed in using more complicated spells.

"It usually takes at least 20 years of training with a single spell, or a single category of spells, before you develop an affinity for it. Gellert Grindelwald was known to have developed an affinity to Fire to such a degree that his invented spells in that element have remained unattainable to this day. My master, Nicholas Flamel, who himself has an affinity for fire amongst others, said he hadn't seen such a Mastery in an element in all 600 years of his life. I myself focused on Transfiguration, allowing me to transfigure anything into anything with nary a thought." Dumbledore says, to my enjoyment.

He then shakes his head again, and says, "As for the fact that you find it easier to use Magic without a wand than with, it is odd. I would have said that it's just the fact that an unmatched wand is usually harder to command than a matched wand. But you've never used a matched wand, and you won't get it until you're eleven. My educated guess would be that you've.. convinced your magic.. that it is better off without a wand than with."

"Is that possible?" I ask suddenly. "Has this been done before? Convincing one's magic to behave in a way that others believe impossible, I mean?"

Dumbledore smiles widely, and says, "Of course. Magic is a force of Nature, Mr Potter, but it works mostly under your own sense of beliefs. If you believe something to be impossible, it will remain impossible. If you believe that it is possible, then your Magic will believe it, and you won't find yourself disappointed with the results."

A sardonic grin slowly forms on my face, as I say, "Always assume everything is possible with Magic and you will never be held back."

This was something Master Yao taught me.

"Quite." Dumbledore says, and leans back with a smile on his face. He must be enjoying this conversation as much as I am. Turning his head to look at the clock, Dumbledore says, "Ah, it seems I've overstayed. My Deputy will be wroth with me if I am late for our appointment."

As he stands up, I stand with him and as I walk him towards the door I say, "I wish to continue this conversation, Professor. You have.. interesting insights in my use of Magic."

Chuckling, Dumbledore says, "As do you, my boy. Your way of seeing Magic is frankly refreshing to my old eyes. How about next Tuesday, then? I will send you a letter the day before?"

Opening the door, I say, "Sure. Maybe I'll show you a few of my inventions then. I understand you were looking for my Scrying glass today."

Dumbledore just shakes his head with a smile, and says, "What I wouldn't have given to have a brain like yours in my youth." Turning around now that we're out of the gate, Dumbledore offers me his hand, and says, "Stay safe, Mr Potter. And feel free to send me a letter if you have any questions at all."

"Of course, Professor." I say with a smile, and then I watch him turn on his feet, disappearing into the wormhole of Apparition.

Losing my smile, I immediately turn back and walk into my house, his words running through my mind. Once I'm inside the house, instead of returning to the Living room, I go towards my labs, with a new smile slowly forming on my face.

This.. will be advantageous. Getting to pick Dumbledore's mind, I mean. But I have no doubt that he has some ulterior motive in coming here other than to just check up on me. Maybe to see how I'm progressing in Magic? 

Will I be in danger if the Wizards see me as too advanced? Are they in contact with the Sorcerers? And mainly, do the Wizards know of my dealings with the Demons?

I shake my head, and say to myself, "Whatever happens in the future, I will be ready for the worst. But till then, I have Magic to learn and Time to Master."

I should look up if the Wizarding World has done any studies on Time. Mayhaps there lies the solution to my problems.

A/N: Still no job :'(

How would you guys like one shots based on this Harry Doom?

I'm thinking of putting Harry in situations while skipping time till the future. His adventures, to be accurate. Just his adventures.

Tell me in comments, reviews, and even DMs if you want!

Thank you!


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