96.94% Guns & Gore: Exodus Book IV / Chapter 126: [Red Player] Tokens

章節 126: [Red Player] Tokens

[System Message] All Exodus Platforms will be taken down at 0600 tomorrow SET (Standard Exodus Time) and remain closed for 72 hours. Exodus Station and Affliated Instances will remain open for the duration.

[OP: Lotte] No! I want to play. 

[OP: Breeze] This is the Lifestyle patch?

[OP: QJ] Yes. Probably the Red Player update also.

QJ exited OPC through the main gate, nodding at the dark elves on guard before continuing to Briar Rose. "I think we were played."

Ringo's kept pace with Scorch as they cantered. "How does a Guild access something before it even comes out? And they appear on our server?"

"Good questions," QJ agreed. "My bet is on the obvious."

"Which is?" Ringo reached up and snagged a low-hanging peach as they entered the Briar Rose orchard. "OP was used to drum up interest?"

"Share that..." QJ caught the peach after Ringo took a bite and helped himself. "Exodus took advantage of OP's popularity. Let's face it: Our stock has been high after the Gaia incident. Luring one of the guilds from another game would be easy if they dangle us in front of them."

Ringo pursed her lips and didn't reply for several seconds. "That does not make me happy."

"Same here. I'll handle it. Besides, it's a clear violation of the LAI Accords regarding game manipulation and sharing of confidential plans." QJ slowed down as they approached Briar Rose's Main Gate.

"LAI Accords? We're a player guild," Ringo glanced at her Vice Leader. QJ must have had an angle if he had made the statement.

"Ra and Sarah were part of the raid," QJ smiled pleasantly. "The Last time Exodus violated the Accords, they were shut down for two weeks and fined heavily." 

Ringo whistled softly. QJ's family basically wrote the LAI Accords, so if anyone knew what they said, it would be him. "Are you Going to talk to Felix Soma?"

QJ nodded and stopped to address the guard. "Brother QJ greets Resi Jol."

Resi smiled. The thin, dark elf female was one of the younger generation working for QJ. "Sister Resi greets Brother QJ." 

Ringo smiled as they walked through the gate and stowed their horses at the hitching rail. "You always greet the Jol Clan so formally."

"It only seems that way," QJ replied. "I affirmed that I consider her my family." 

"Really?" Ringo smiled brightly. "I like that." 

[Wu] There are a bunch of [Red Player] streams on the forums, and all of these are coming from an alliance of guilds within Iron Mountain.

[OP: QJ] The three who got through streamed their ass-kicking?

[Wu] Yes, but there are a bunch of other streams from the raid set up within Iron Mountain, and the portal tunnel is being shut down.

[OP: QJ] Anything else?

[Wu] Mai Tai has blown up. Have you seen the stream of her taking on that caster?

[OP: QJ] The glass cannon? Wasn't he mostly dead?

[Wu] Yeah, but he streamed her draw; it's a .09. They're calling her the fastest thing since Q and Chainy were active. That dude had his wand pointed at her and still got smoked. They've dubbed Mai Tai the Tsundere Slinger.

[OP: Ringo] Cute, but she'll hate it. She is lightning-fast and accurate. 

[OP: QJ] The daughter of Jangles and Sinful Jinn can play; I never doubted it for a second. Thanks for the update, Wu.

[Wu] The streams of the [Red Player] raid are odd... Once the portal closed, they were trapped within that space and began taking damage. Even their heavy armor only lasted a few minutes.

Ringo walked beside QJ as they approached the main house. "I want to see the stream of the portal collapsing. All this effort just to get ganked by Ra."

QJ grinned. "Whoever set this up must be pissed. Will the Academy be open during the patch?"

Ringo nodded, her spurs jangled as she stepped onto the marbled entrance to QJ's residence. "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"We could put in some classroom hours and build up a surplus so we can grind when we come back." QJ laughed at Ringo's sour expression; everyone enjoyed days off from patching. 

"I hate it," Ringo replied. "But, it makes sense to take advantage of downtime. I'll do it if you bring some of us to the arena." 

QJ nodded and smiled at the white-robed dark elf standing at the base of the 1st level staircase. "Massage time?" 

Aji Sai nodded. "Do you need anything?" 

"Two things," QJ affirmed. "Tell Sam to meet me at the Songbird tomorrow at 1700 hours."

Aji nodded. "Done. What else?"

"Has anyone from the palace been here?" The message QJ received only addressed a rendezvous at Briar Rose.

[OP: Aji] The Spymaster is here, Boss. She's waiting in your chambers.

QJ laughed. 

[OP: QJ] Chambers? I like that; let's call it that from now on.

[OP: Ringo] It does have a cozy ring. 

Ringo followed QJ up the grand staircase and through the huge walk-in closet, where Sam ran her masseuse business. "The opulence here is mindboggling." 

QJ paused in the doorway. The Queen's Spymaster lay casually on QJ's bed in what could only be called a suggestive manner. "Dixie... I see you found my chambers."

Dixie sighed and sat up, her black spymaster gear contrasting with the white bedding. Her light brown hair was set casually in a bun while she stared silently at the leaders from OP. "You two stand closer together than casual acquaintances of the opposite gender usually do. 

"We're lovers," Ringo admitted with a straight face.

QJ agreed with a slight nod. "It's on the down low."

Dixie smiled sexily and slid to the edge of the bed, letting her bare feet rest on the marble floors. "Can I be on the down low with you two?" 

Ringo exchanged glances with QJ before responding. "Depends." 

"On?" Dixie asked. 

"How low can you go?" QJ grinned and dropped the facade. "Why are we here? Is this about the [Red Player] missions?" 

"Read, please." Dixie handed QJ a gold-embossed scroll. This is a Royal Declaration."

[OP: QJ] Linking it in guild chat. 

[Royal Declaration] 

In an effort to increase the Royal coffers and promote financial growth within the Kingdom, we've decided to partner with deserving heroes and open up pathways to the riches of faraway lands. Those individuals and guilds with enough reputation points shall be qualified to participate in this partnership. The Crown will take half of all expedition profits. 


These missions carry hidden dangers, and these travel tokens are limited. Confiscate every token you find and cut off the enemy bridge to our world.

QJ read the brief a second time before handing it to Ringo. 

[OP: QJ] Are you in Briar Rose, Ra?

[OP: Ra] Yes. I'm in the kitchen with Dave the Baker. 

[OP: QJ] I'll be right there.

"Was there anything else?" QJ noticed Dixie had stepped close enough for him to smell the pleasant fragrance of flowers.

Dixie handed QJ a small wooden box. "This has ten [Red Player] tokens; that's the entire allotment for Maelstrom."

QJ nodded and stashed the token box. "These seem so abstract. How do we choose a destination?"

Dixie shrugged and returned to the bed. "Mind if I nap here? I have a night mission and need some rest."

Ringo followed QJ down to the first level; the smell of baked apples and cinnamon lingered pleasantly. "Wow... Can I have Dave the Baker? Throw in your masseuse also. Briar Rose is so unfair."

QJ smiled but didn't disagree. A moment later, QJ was enveloped in Ra's warm embrace. "Let's talk about today's raid."

Ra squeezed tight, her dark face brimming with humor. "Okay! I was going to feed the fish!" She grabbed a plate and slid three warm apple turnovers onto it. "Thanks, David."

Dave, the Baker's round face, blushed. "Thanks for the new recipe; I'll try it out tomorrow at breakfast."

Ra flashed a broad smile and headed outside. "I probably feed the fish too much; they're getting big." Ra grabbed the lidded bucket from under the bench and started sprinkling the fish food into the water, creating chaos as the feeding frenzy began.

QJ waited while Ra waded into the fountain. The desert beauty laughed whenever fish nibbled at her legs. "We could always get a proper aquarium."

Ra shook her head. "This is nice, right? Okay, I'm ready for debriefing." She handed them an apple turnover from the plate and started eating the remaining one.

QJ laughed. "Has Robin been keeping you up late with stories about the Songbird missions again?"

Ra nodded with a yawn. "Yep."

Ringo closed her eyes and savored the first bite of the apple turnover. Dave the Baker was well-known throughout OP. 

"No wonder you're always tired." QJ helped Ra step out of the fountain. "Tell me about the portal."

Ra pursed her dark lips. "Let's call it a bridge. There was a sudden release of power, and a path was opened to Junebug."

Ringo whistled softly and sat on the bench. Ra's spatial talent had saved them from a difficult battle. "It couldn't have been random that the ambush was in Junebug during our raid."

QJ nodded in agreement. "This was where the Developers violated the Accord. They manipulated data by creating an opening in Junebug, they violated OP's confidential plans by having that happen during our raid, and they endangered the lives of three LAIs in an unsanctioned act without prior notification." QJ compiled another list in his head. The [Red Player] tokens were released without fair warning and directly violated the Accords.

"Three LAI?" Ringo assumed that only Sarah and Ra were included.

"Avira Silverleaf was in the Tower during the raid. Had we been overrun, she would have joined the battle." QJ turned back to Ra. "You said a bridge was opened? What else? How'd you stop it."

"I closed the exits," Ra replied.

"Exits?" QJ asked. "Were there more than one?"

"To be accurate, one should be called an entrance and the other an exit," Ra explained. "The entrance was already closed to them since it was a one-way doorway."

"Why did you close it then?" Ringo asked. 

"Spur of the moment decision," Ra admitted. "Maybe they had someone in the raid who could reopen it."

QJ pieced together the information in his head. "The bulk of the [Red Player] raid was trapped on the bridge and started taking damage when you closed the doors." 

Ra nodded. "I would have expected that. The travel between two points isn't somewhere to mingle casually."

"You said you closed the entrances. Why not destroy them?" QJ asked. 

"Something like that would require preparation on my part," Ra replied. "Closing the doors accomplished the same thing; the bridge will eventually fade away."

Ringo and QJ glanced at each other. 

"Does that mean the bridge is still there?" QJ's smile widened considerably. "Could you reopen the doors?"

Ra nodded. "If it is only for a few minutes, I can do that." 

QJ and Ringo followed Ra a few meters from the fountain. The Water Wielder's blue orbed staff began spinning, and circular runes appeared under Ra's feet.

"Step closer if you are going," Ra announced, causing QJ and Ringo to enter the circle.

The trio appeared in the smoke and ruins of Junebug, nearly ground zero to the massive explosion that destroyed a dozen buildings.

[OP: Ringo] You are so impressive, Ra.

[OP: Ra] So are you! 

QJ laughed but didn't comment. Ra stepped carefully through the rubble and approached where the incursion had started. NPCs were searching through the town, trying to salvage what they could. 

[OP: QJ] There will be looting and worse soon. Let's use the build order after this. 

[OP: Ringo] Agreed.

[OP: QJ] Avira, can you come outside?

[OP: Avira] Be right there, QJ. 

"Get ready; I won't be able to hold it long. Once I open it again, the space will rapidly deteriorate." The water orb on Ra's staff spun, and her body took on a soft glow; an instant later, the door hiding the bridge opened. 

"Holy crap," Ringo jumped inside without hesitating and starting looting. "Was this what you were after?"

"Yes," QJ nodded and joined in. The small [Red Player] tokens were left behind despite the bodies being long gone. 

"The space is already degrading," Ra warned after about twenty seconds.

QJ followed Ringo out a moment later. "That should do it; let the doorway go."

Ringo held up one of the tokens. "I picked up 12."

QJ watched as Ra released the doorway. Her control of spatial transportation was unlike anything he'd heard of. "I got five more. Counting the ones we looted during the raid, Iron Mount came here with twenty tokens."

Ringo frowned; throwing that kind of raid force at a rookie guild on a new server was utterly unfair. 

[OP: Ringo] That's a hundred people taking on OP. I'm going to talk to Exodus Academy when we get done here.

[OP: QJ] I'll contact Anna and start the goose cooking. 

Ringo smiled and shook her head and QJ's expression. "Thank you, Ra. We may have wiped today if you weren't here."

QJ shook his head. "We wouldn't have wiped, but we'd have suffered a bit."

QJ opened a scroll and chose ground zero as the building point.

[Blackridge Keep] (Instant Build Order)

Bound: One Problem

Description: Place this on Guild Lands and start a new settlement. Blackridge Keep comes with two dozen guards and a compliant portal.

The damage and rubble disappeared in a soft golden glow as the dim outline of a large black keep appeared. The walls were high and possessed an obsidian shine that reflected the surroundings. The stomping and marching of armored feet echoed. 

Ringo's flashed a smile, this sort of thing was always amazing. "I can see them!"

[System Message] This instant Keep Order comes with adjustable wall dimensions. The default wall will only surround the Keep. Extending the wall outward will incur additional charges. Please choose the wall boundaries.

"Extend the wall to include the City of Junebug," QJ stated.

[System Message] This extension will cost the One Problem Guild an additional Eighty-Seven million credits. Do you wish to continue?

[OP: Ringo] Worth it.

QJ nodded in agreement. "Yes." 

A tall black wall extended around the city of Junebug. Two wrought iron portcullis appeared in the middle of the North and South walls. The Keep itself was a two-story stone structure with a large courtyard. The building's perfect lines and shiny appearance stood out amidst the rubble, which was only cleared to the edge of the Keep grounds. 

[System Message] Where would you like to place the Keep portal?

"At the edge of the Keep courtyard," QJ answered.

A small platoon of armored knights stood at attention before the Keep. The OP trio approached with caution. 

"Who is in command here?" QJ asked. 

A knight with a captain insignia stepped forward. "I am, Captain Black, sir." 

QJ shook his head. "Wrong answer... I'm in charge. I'm adding funds to the Keep coffers for supplies and additional staff. You and your men will keep the peace and ensure the safety of Junebug citizens and businesses. I will appoint a proper town manager, but until that happens, Junebug is under martial law, and you will answer directly to Avira Silverleaf regarding the rebuilding of Junebug." 

Captain Black saluted crisply and returned to his platoon, barking orders in a voice that could be heard anywhere in the city. 

[OP: Ringo] Captain Black? How original..."

A blond-haired High Elf with bright green eyes approached. She wore bright colors and tied her hair in an intricate braid. Her embroidered dress looked like it had been made for the royal court.

QJ smiled at the Silverleaf woman. "I want you to act as the temporary manager of Junebug. Focus on clearing the rubble and beautifying this place. It looked like a hobo community even before the raid."

Avira smiled, her beautiful face lighting up. "Some of these businesses may not be able to afford it."

"Buy them out or offer reasonable no-interest loans," QJ replied. "We'll make sure you have the funds. The new Junebug isn't going to be an eyesore."

"I'll see to it," Avira glanced at Ra. "We haven't met, I'm Avira Silverleaf."

"Sierra Sandhealer, please call me Ra." Ra extended a dark hand and shook her hand warmly.

"Call me, Vira." 

[OP: Ringo] During the patch downtime, we'll resume Academy class activities, 0900-1500 on all three days.

[OP: Sato] No... Say it isn't so.

[OP: Breeze] We'll be there. 

Ra transported QJ and Ringo back to Briar Rose and kissed QJ soundly before excusing herself. "I have an appointment with Sam!" 

"Okay!" Waved until she entered the Keep. 

"Does Sam know any other masseuse?" Ringo asked. 

"Not sure," QJ replied. It had undoubtedly turned into a lucrative side gig for the train conductor. 

"Logging off?" QJ glanced at Ringo while unhitching his horse.

Ringo nodded. "See you at class tomorrow."

"You can always swing by our place; the pool and jacuzzi are open for virtual visits." QJ waited until Ringo vanished before riding toward OPC to see Robin. 

QJ's hud buzzed a moment later. He activated it and smiled suddenly. "I was just coming to your office."

Robin smiled sweetly; she was obviously at the Songbird; the music and singing in the background gave it away. "Come to the Songbird. Galaxia is performing." 

"On my way," QJ replied and closed his hud.

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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