Aeternus has come a long way from that humble high-rank demon he used to be. His highest attack rating back then was for his spirit at 396 while his chaotic power was at 315. He could push his chaotic power to 1071 by using Accumulation to raise his state of existence from 5 to 17. Now he doesn't need to. He has traded his Accumulation in for a permanent state of existence of 21 making his chaotic power rating 1512 even without the boost from his other abilities.
His evolution came with a lot more cool things as a demon king apart from the obvious addition of another stat to his stat screen. The new stat AUTHORITY determines the boost he gets from his THE POWER OF AUTHORITY ability. It is a common ability that all demon kings have. Each level of Authority grants him a boost to his power rating. Since he is level 1, he gets a 10% boost. If he had another crown, his boost from THE POWER OF CROWNS ability will make it 15% and a third will make it 22.5%.
I released 3 chapters because of the dumping of stats info in the previous chapter. Someone already complained about it last time so I didn't want you to waste your time by making it the bulk of what I release today. I know details like this can be boring but I thought it very important that we see what is special about a demon king. Aeternus is the first king that we see in the book. I promise to limit the info of other demon kings to just stay from here on. This is the last you will see of it.