16.66% GOKU-THE KAMI / Chapter 1: Becoming Kami of EARTH



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章節 1: Becoming Kami of EARTH

"What's up, everyone? Welcome ! Today's scenario isn't even weird because it's something that almost happened in the series. If you remember from the ending of the 23rd World Tournament—which, let's be honest, I know a lot of people skipped—but you're missing out! Anyway, at the end of that tournament, Kami did offer Goku the position of Guardian. Obviously, he turned it down, but what if he didn't? What if Goku actually did become Kami, as in the Guardian of Earth? Because Kami is also a title, not just his name. And that's what we'll be exploring . With all that out of the way, let's begin discussing what might have happened if Goku became Earth's Guardian."


Our story begins after the 23rd World Tournament. Kami offers Goku the position of Guardian, and this time, he accepts it. ....NOW LETS START....

"Goku," Kami said, "becoming the Guardian of Earth will allow you to train under higher beings. There are gods even above me."

Goku's eyes widened in excitement. "Really? Even stronger than you, Kami?"

"Yes, Goku. I can't tell you much about them, but I can at least get you access to King Kai," Kami replied.

This news excited Goku. He knew that training under Kami had made him very strong, so the idea of even greater teachers thrilled him.

"Alright, Kami. I'll do it! I'll become the Guardian of Earth," Goku said with determination.

"Excellent, Goku," Kami responded, a hint of relief in his voice. "There will be a late start for you becoming Guardian, though. You need to train more, and I will make the necessary arrangements with King Kai."

Goku nodded eagerly. "I can't wait to meet these other gods and see how strong I can get!"

Over the next few weeks, Goku prepared himself for his new role. He trained harder than ever, knowing that he had to be worthy of the title of Guardian. Kami guided him, teaching him about the responsibilities and the history of the Guardians.

One day, as they were training, Kami brought up an important point. "Goku, as Guardian, you will have to protect Earth from any threats. This isn't just about becoming stronger; it's about being wise and responsible."

Goku listened carefully, his usual carefree attitude replaced with a rare moment of seriousness. "I understand, Kami. I'll do my best."

Kami smiled. "I believe in you, Goku. Now, let's continue your training. We have a lot to cover before you can meet King Kai."

The anticipation of meeting King Kai and training under him kept Goku motivated. He knew that the future ahead would be challenging, but he was ready for it(his saiyan blood as you guys know). His journey as the new Guardian of Earth was just beginning, and he couldn't wait to see what is ahead.

Kami didn't want Goku to watch over Earth immediately, but he had promised him the position, so he decided to let Goku train first. Knowing Goku, it would take a while, as he would train as much as he could. Kami pondered that a few decades of training was worth it if it meant Goku would keep Earth in good hands for centuries. However, Kami had a concern: Goku was human and might not live long enough to serve as Guardian for a significant period. Most humans didn't live past a century, so Kami needed a way to prolong Goku's life.(Because he did not have knowledge about Saiyans. )

Kami thought about different methods, knowing that the Dragon Balls were not an option. There was one perfect person who could help Goku extend his life: Master Roshi. Goku wasn't too concerned about living longer, but if it was part of his role, he was willing to do it. Plus, more years meant more training, which he found exciting. Kami and Goku decided to visit Master Roshi at Kame House to seek his advice.

When they arrived, Master Roshi was surprised to see them.

"Kami, Goku, what brings you here?" Roshi asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Roshi, we need your help," Kami began. "Goku has accepted the position of Guardian of Earth, but we need to ensure he lives long enough to fulfill his duties."

Roshi stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Ah, I see. You're talking about the herb I use to extend my life."(here Certain Person Jackson look a like searching for herb Haiyaaa)

Goku's eyes lit up. "You mean there's a way to live longer and keep training?"

Roshi nodded. "Yes, there's an herb that I consume periodically. It prevents me from dying of old age and helps me retain my current age. I can show you where to find it."

Goku grinned. "That sounds perfect! Let's go on a quest to find this herb."

Kami smiled at Goku's enthusiasm. "Thank you, Roshi. This will help Goku serve as Guardian for much longer."

Roshi led them to the location of the herb, a secluded area in the mountains where the rare plant grew. After gathering enough for both Goku and Kami, they returned to Kame House.


"Remember," Roshi instructed, "you need to consume this herb regularly. It will extend your life and keep you young."

Goku was excited about the prospect. "Thanks, Roshi! This is going to be great. More time for training and protecting Earth."

Kami also decided to take the herb. "I'll see if I can make it more potent somehow. We need you to be alive and well for as long as possible, Goku."

Goku laughed. "No problem, Kami. I'll do my best."

With the herb in their possession, Goku and Kami returned to the Lookout. Goku continued his rigorous training, knowing that he now had more time to become stronger and protect Earth. Kami felt relieved, knowing that Goku would be able to fulfill his role as Guardian for many years to come. The future of Earth seemed brighter with Goku as its eternal protector, training under the guidance of higher gods and always ready to face any threat that might come their way.

Kami knew they couldn't have a Guardian who might die in a few decades, so Earth now had a new god in training. Goku was preparing to meet King Kai, but first, he had to pass Snake Way. This was a dismaying task(I dont need to explain in this ), especially since he couldn't fly well yet. To prepare, Kami trained Goku rigorously for a few months, making sure he understood the scale of the challenge ahead.

"Goku, this journey is unlike anything you've faced before,"Kami warned. "Snake Way is long and dangerous. You'll need to be at your best."

Goku nodded, determined. "I understand, Kami. I'll do my best."

Before leaving, Goku equipped himself with a Senzu Bean, knowing it would sustain him throughout the journey. The training he underwent brought him close to the power level he would reach during the Saiyan Saga(Around 8000 powerlevel). This intense focus on training meant that Gohan might be born a bit later than originally expected. However, Kami, Mr. Popo, Chi-Chi, and even Ox-King, who joined them as an honorary guest, made a happy family up on the Lookout. They ensured everything was taken care of, especially when Goku was away.

Eventually, Goku began his journey on Snake Way. The path was arduous, and flying for long periods drained his energy(flying which he learned in this time). Yet, with the Senzu Bean and his training, he managed to keep going. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally reached King Kai's planet.

King Kai was puzzled when he saw Goku. "I thought Kami was sending a human," he said, eyeing Goku curiously.

"I am a human," Goku replied, scratching his head. "Didn't Kami tell you?" (he didnot know he is saiyan).

King Kai shook his head. "Kami mentioned training a new Guardian, and I assumed it would be a human. But you're a Saiyan."

Goku looked confused. "A Saiyan? What's that?"

Realizing Goku didn't know his true origins, King Kai decided to explain. "Saiyans are a warrior race from another planet. You might have ended up on Earth by accident."

This revelation shocked Goku. "So, I'm not from Earth?"

King Kai nodded. "That's right. Saiyans were known for their strength and brutality, but most of them are gone now. You're one of the last survivors."

Goku processed this information slowly. "That explains a lot. I always wondered why I was so strong and eat too much."

King Kai smiled. "You're different from the typical Saiyan, Goku. You're kind-hearted and fight to protect others. You're also about to have a child, right? Your child will be half-Saiyan, half-human."

Goku brightened at the mention of his child. "Yeah! My kid will be born soon. Does that mean my kid will be strong too?"

King Kai nodded. "Most likely. But remember, strength isn't everything. It's how you use it that counts."

Goku's time with King Kai was filled with training and new knowledge. He learned not just about his heritage, but also about the responsibilities of being Earth's Guardian. King Kai taught him powerful techniques and gave him insight into the broader universe, preparing him for the challenges .

Back on Earth, Goku's family awaited his return. Chi-Chi, Kami, Mr. Popo, and Ox-King supported each other, excited for Goku's eventual return and the birth of Gohan. The Lookout became a place of learning and bonding, ensuring that when Goku returned, he would find a loving and supportive environment.

Months later, after completing his training with King Kai, Goku returned to Earth, stronger and wiser. He was ready to take on the role of Guardian and to protect his planet and family. With his newfound strength and knowledge, Goku felt confident that he could keep Earth safe for many years to come.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey do you like this if yes then give ,e power stones(i dont know what they are but many were asking for that in their fanfics so why not give me too LOL)and also please give me some ideas to this NOOB AUTHOR.

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