99.66% God succession system / Chapter 590: Errands, Hypocrisy, and Power

章節 590: Errands, Hypocrisy, and Power

"Well that's handy." Alex stated as he immediately arrived in what felt like a hospital directly from the headmaster's office in Hogwarts, St. Mungo's.

Meanwhile, floating in the air behind Alex before he recalled it was a portal that was invisible to all others around him. Or more accurately, a gate.

It was the ability he gained from killing Rose, making him something called a Gatefather. In short, Alex now had access to tens of billions of gates that he could use and place wherever he pleased.

And through acquiring the ability, Alex learned that the gates would heal whoever passed through them, and interstellar travel using them strengthened those who used them via cosmic energies. Just like how Alex observed when he and Hermione had been pulled from the Myriad Realms of Revelry.

They were something interesting that he was quite excited to test further.

But any thoughts Alex had regarding his new ability quickly vanished as he was approached by a pretty young witch dressed in lime-green robes, which also had an emblem stitched onto them of a bone crossed with a wand.

"Sir, there is no Apperation within these walls." The witch told Alex in an official tone, which was ruined when she saw him up close and turned rosy from being taken in by his looks.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just here for a quick visit." Alex apologized before spreading his senses throughout the hospital.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that visiting hours are-"

"Healer Roslin, come quick! A miracle has happened!" Another healer called out, drawing the girl's attention away from the mystery man before her.

"What is it?!" She demanded impatiently, but before the other healer could explain another commotion grabbed their attention.

"I'M CURED! HAHAHAHAHA!". Cried out a man who, moments before, had been completely blue. His skin, hair, eyes, and even his robes had all been blue when he came in for treatment, but now everything of his had returned to its original color.

"IT'S BACK! HAHA!" Celebrated another man who was patting himself inappropriately. "FUCK YOU DEBBY YOU FUCKING CUNT! FUCK YOU AND YOUR BITING KNICKERS!"

"What is going on?" Healer Roslin uttered in confusion, as one after another each of their patients became miraculously healed.

Meanwhile, Alex was wandering the halls of St. Mungo's on his own while completely invisible, thanks to his Devil Fruit much to the Invisibility Cloak's chagrin. Unfortunately for it, Alex got his Devil Fruit powers first so they got priority.

As he wandered the halls, he idly healed everyone he came across for no other reason than because he could. Some needed Regeneration magic, others Spirit magic, and some required him to draw upon the divine authority of magic itself.

Soon Alex arrived on the fourth floor, where the hospital's long term/semi permanent residents resided. It was also here that he would find the person he was after.

As Alex walked down the hall completely unseen, a woman who had been sitting in her bed in a daze, her eyes completely unfocused, blinked suddenly as they regained their clarity for the first time in nearly twenty years.



She and the man beside her uttered at the same time, before focusing on each other for the first time in years. Ever since they were tortured into insanity by Death Eaters.

While the husband and wife regained their sanity, Alex entered a certain room to find its sole occupant sitting up in bed with a pile of pillows behind her back, staring ahead vacantly with a line of drool dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Again, Alex grew angry at what Rose Evans had done as he gazed upon none other than Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress of Hogwarts, and the one who should have become headmistress upon Dumbledore's passing.

While known for being strict, McGonagall was an amazing woman who still nurtured and fiercely protected those under her care. She was fiercely loyal to Dumbledore and then Harry in the original timeline, and Harry returned her loyalty with such respect that he readily tortured a man into unconsciousness for spitting in her face.

And such a woman was now here, drooling over herself without a single thought going through her head thanks to Rose, who realized that McGonagall was starting to catch on to the things she had been doing.

With the healers preoccupied with all of the miracles he had produced, Alex sat in the chair beside her bed as he also cured her via Spirit magic.

The effect was so quick, that Alex could literally see the second that clarity returned to her eyes before her entire body tensed.

"Where am I? What is going on?" She immediately demanded while hurriedly wiping the drool off of her chin before trying to make herself look presentable before her guest.

"Good evening professor McGonagall, it is my genuine pleasure to meet you. My name is Alexander D. Morningstar. I have various titles to go with my name, but we can just skip those for now."

"Well, it is an honor to meet you mister Morningstar. But would be so kind as to tell me where we are, and what we are doing here?" She asked again.

"We're in St. Mungo's, their long term care ward to be specific. Tell me, what is the last thing you remember before waking up just now?"

"Well, I was doing paperwork in my office, making my usual preparations for the coming term. I then took a drink of my tea, and then...."

As McGonagall trailed off Alex nodded slowly while she obviously tried to wrap her head around what was going on, before telling her, "Rose Evans put you here because she realized you were getting too close to realizing what she was doing to the students. But don't worry, she has already been taken care of."

In an instant there was a fire in McGonagall's eyes as she recalled the vile things she was beginning to suspect their headmistress was up to, and she turned her attention back to Alex as she asked, "and how exactly has she been 'taken care of', if I may ask mister Morningstar?"

"I killed her." Alex said plainly and without hesitation, to which the witch before him didn't even flinch.

"After I revealed everything she had been doing, she tried to kill me in an attempt to make everything go back to the way it was before. Naturally, she did not succeed. And because of that, I ended her life in return due to the fact that she was too dangerous to try and take captive."

"I see." Professor McGonagall said, seeming neither distressed or pleased by the news.

"Also, just so you're aware of what else is going on, the Minister of Magic was also killed in the conflict between Rose and I, leaving the position open for the moment. Though I have it on good authority that his place will be taken by Amelia Bones."

"The Minister was killed?"

"Tragically, yes. Rose used a wide area attack that would have instantly killed those caught within it. I tried to save everyone else around me, but he and his poor undersecretary were still caught up in it."


"I see." Professor McGonagall said, having spent enough years raising and teaching children to know complete bullshite when she heard it.

Deciding already to verify everything Alex was saying with her fellow professors after she was released by the healers, McGonagall then asked, "what of Hogwarts? How are the students? Has a new headmaster or headmistress been chosen after Rose was dealt with?"

"Hogwarts is fine, the school hasn't been destroyed yet. The female students are fine, but unfortunately all of the male students are going to need treatment after the things Rose made them do. All the way down to the first years. As for the situation regarding the headmaster..."

Alex then detailed his becoming the owner of Hogwarts to professor McGonagall, stunning her that such a thing was possible, before explaining how he planned to get rid of the governors and to install someone as headmaster, or deputy headmaster, to run the school on his behalf.

"And would I be correct in assuming that you being here, along with my miraculous recovery, was to give me a job offer?" She asked once Alex finished explaining everything.

"Of course." Alex readily confirmed.

"Then I shall accept, and will return to the school at once!" She declared with fire in her eyes as she reached for her wand, and waved it to transfigure her hospital gown into a set of emerald green robes for herself.

"Then I'll leave you to it since I have a couple more appointments to keep." Alex said as he stood, pulling out his magic compass as he did so to locate his next target, before opening a gate that led to the destination given to him by it.

For a moment the recently recovered professor watched the space Alex had been occupying a mere second before, wondering about the man who was basically her new boss.

Her observation of him was that he was....raw.

He didn't hide who he was, or raise himself up on laurels, he simply did as he pleased and seemingly expected everyone to go along with him.

McGonagall very much hoped to be there when he dealt with the governors to see their faces. The old misers had been the cause of many a headache for the teaching staff and Dumbledore himself for years, especially due to them controlling the school budget and making decisions about things like the Triwizard Tournament. And they had been ESPECIALLY annoying when one knew that people like Lucious Malfoy were amongst them, making his son Draco act as if he owned Hogwarts itself.

She also hoped Alex had more....restraint than Rose did after. After all, she had never seen someone wear robes open in the front while being starkers underneath, or possessing a physique like Alex had.

McGonagall silently chided herself for her brief school-girl fancies when she had been talking to Alex, while a small part of her also silently wished that she was 80-90 years younger...


In another part of wizarding Britain, a certain man awoke in his bed at the sound of his proximity alarms going off, telling him that someone was in his house.

The man immediately grabbed his wand and crept out of bed, torn between fighting and flying.

But, if it were merely someone wanting to talk to him rather than being hostile, then he knew he would be acting silly.

So, while still keeping his guard up, the man slowly made his way down the hall until reaching the sitting area, where he found what could be considered to be the most 'beautiful' man he had ever laid eyes on sitting in one of his chairs.

"Good evening, Horace Slughorn." The man said, putting Slughorn on the alert even more since he did not recognize him.

"Who are you?" He demanded tensely, despite the other man being completely at ease.

"I am Alexander D. Morningstar. And there's no need to be so tense Horace, I only came here tonight to make you an offer." Alex said, before lifting his hand slightly and a chair appeared that literally swept Slughorn off of his feet before positioning him in front of the man, Alex.

"W-what kind of 'offer' is this?" He demanded, trying to hide his growing fear.

"To return to your old post as potions teacher at Hogwarts of course." Alex said as if it were obvious, stunning the elderly professor somehow.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, that's right. You see, there has been quite a bit going on tonight starting at Hogwarts. In the commotion, Snape abandoned his position before I could personally.....deal with him. So I need a new potions professor at the school, as well as a new head of Slytherin house. I hope you will be up to the job."

Slughorn was, understandably, silent as he tried to process everything he had just heard, not even knowing where to begin. But he knew there was a lot Alex hadn't told him.

Then, as if he had been reading his mind. Alex added, "I don't necessarily need an answer right this minute, and the details of what happened will be in the morning edition of the Daily Prophet. But the short of it was that there is a MASSIVE scandal that was exposed involving Rose Evans and the students/staff of Hogwarts, as well as many within the ministry. As the person who is now in charge of Hogwarts, I want to make sure the school can continue running as smoothly as possible."

Though they had just met, Slughorn was a Slytherin through and through. If there was one thing he excelled at, it was reading people and forming connections with them.

Even now, to one side of the sitting room, there was a case full of moving photographs and memorabilia from several of his favorite students, many of which went on to do great things after leaving Hogwarts thanks largely to himself. And no, that was not Slughorn patting himself on the back.

His many connections allowed him to help his students who showed promise by opening doors and making introductions, putting them on the fast track to success. And they all knew it too.

So as they sat there, he read the man before him for any falsehood and deception in his words, as well as determining who he was. And Slughorn's finely honed intuition told him that the man sitting in front of him was somebody VERY powerful, both politically and literally, VERY wealthy, and VERY connected.

He could smell a new age on the horizon, and this man was basically offering him an in beforehand.

"IF I accepted your offer..." Slughorn finally began, pretending to seem reluctant, "then I have some requests regarding things like my office and pay."

"Of course!" Alex said, seeming to have expected this as he pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill.

"For starters, how does five times your previous salary sound?"


Slughorn felt as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head and his breath caught in his throat at the sudden unexpected offer. But apparently Alex misread his reaction.

"Not enough? FINE! I guess I can go up to ten times your previous salary." Alex said dramatically while writing the information down on the parchment, as if Slughorn were driving him a hard bargain.

The elderly professor however was busy trying to keep his heart working as he thought about what he was going to do with so much money. And the negotiations had just barely began.


Sitting in a tavern in the middle of Bulgaria, a mysterious figure clad in a black cloak looked up worriedly when he heard the door to the tavern open, only for a squat wizard he had never seen before to walk in before chatting with the barkeep in Bulgarian.

The tension eased from his body, just the slightest bit, and the man returned his attention towards the drink sitting on the table in front of him.

He was tense, incredibly so, and knew that he was in deep, DEEP, shite.

His mind raced as he tried to figure out what he was going to do now that Rose was defeated and his misdeeds were, more than likely, exposed. And this time he didn't have Dumbledore to protect him.

"How's it hanging, Snivellus?" Asked a voice that made him tense even more as he reached for his wand, before the speaker threw an arm around his shoulders to hold him in place.

"Now now Snivellus, let's not try to do anything hasty." The speaker said, not at all trying to keep his voice down. And surprisingly, no one in the tavern looked in their direction.

"I'm gonna be frank with you Snivellus, you disgust me." The speaker said bluntly, making his fear and anger rise even further. He was even tempted to actually grab his wand to hex the other man, but refrained from doing so solely due to the fact that he recalled the scene of even Rose's killing curse bouncing off of his body.

"I mean come on!" The speaker continued, seemingly ignorant of the turmoil going through him. "You get bullied as a child, and instead of it making you stronger and better as a person, you spent your entire adult life bullying children in return! Who does that?

"And don't even get me started on your obsession over Lily! Yeah, I understand you loved her, but MOVE ON dude! And don't try telling me you did, because the girl you 'moved on' with was the spitting image of Lily when you two were younger! Not to mention her younger sister! How many times did you call her 'Lily' while you were fucking her? Maybe not so much after she surpassed Lily's age, but I'm sure you called her that all the time during her first and second year at least. Maybe even her third?"

With each word the man spoke it increased the hatred and fear that was broiling inside of Snape, as it was evident that everything he had done was exposed. Even a few gulps of his drink did nothing to settle his nerves, the beverage instead being completely tasteless as it passed over his tongue.

"So yeah, to me you're a disgusting piece of shit that I need to wipe off my shoe. The only question is, what would be a suitable punishment?"

Even if he hadn't been able to taste his drink, it was apparently still effective as Snape's vision began to blur. It was strange, as he didn't think he'd had that much to drink.

"Throwing you into Azkaban for the rest of your life was tempting. But knowing you, you would barely be affected by the Dementors and just sit there stewing in your misplaced anger. Meanwhile simply killing you just seemed so.....quick. So I had to try and get creative, and here's what I decided."

By this point, the man's voice sounded far away while Snape's vision was definitely spinning now while growing increasingly dark. A sense of urgency filled him as he realized this, but by now he could not even move his body either.

"What I decided on, was that I would first take your magic. Now you will never again be able to cast another spell, and your wand will only ever be a worthless piece of wood, serving only as a reminder of what you once had.

"After that, I'll take your sense of taste and ability to speak, so that you may never use that tongue of yours to hurt others or enjoy anything you eat or drink again.

"Then I shall take your sight and hearing, leaving you blind, deaf and dumb to the world around you. And finally I shall take your ability of choice, making it to where you will never be able to take your own life no matter how badly you wish to end it."

With each word spoken, Snape could feel the changes taking effect as one by one he was robbed of his senses, until he was sitting there in complete darkness and silence.

Even when the pressure let up from his body, Snape couldn't see or even hear anything around him. Leaving him well and truly alone in the world for the rest of his life.


Though it was now the middle of the night, dozens of witches and wizards had gathered in the Ministry of Magic after hearing of some great story that would shake the entire wizarding world to its core.

Though a few were from the Daily Prophet, or magazines such as Witch Weekly and even that quack that wrote the Quibbler, there were even numerous foreign witches and wizards ready to take this story back to their countries if need be.

Amongst the many gathered, there was one witch who stood out and was the subject of many mutterings and dirty looks.

She had bright blonde hair that was styled into stiff curls, more than a little pudge in her cheeks, thick fingers adorned with numerous gemstone rings, and an acid-green quill in one of them.

She was, of course, Rita Skeeter, one of the most infamous and influential reporters in the entire world.

There was no one safe, no topic too taboo for her to write about. And more often than not, her writings were more fictional than nonfiction.

The only exception to these rules was the headmistress of Hogwarts, Rose Evans. As, almost immediately after her appointment as headmistress, Rita received a package from Rose that was a beetle, pinned and neatly arranged on a piece of cardboard.

Needless to say the message was well received by the infamous reporter, and she scarcely wrote anything about Hogwarts since. If she did, they were pieces about how well the school was doing and the significant improvements made by headmistress Rose.

Now there were rumors floating around the Floor network that there was a change that happened in Hogwarts and the ministry, one that warranted the mobilization of numerous healers from St Mungo's. And now they were being gathered here, at the ministry in the middle of the night for some major scoop that no one was spilling the details of.

Thankfully, Rita and the rest of the reporters didn't have to wait long.

"Thank you all for waiting." A soothing voice stated, drawing everyone's attention to a group that was arriving from within the ministry.

Of the group, the only ones known by anyone present were Mad-Eye Moody, the infamous Auror, and Amelia Bones, the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement(DMLE). Aside from them though, there were four figures that were undoubtedly the most beautiful people Rita, or anyone else present, had ever seen.

Flanking the group on the right side was a woman who was obviously oriental in descent, most probably Japanese, with long straight purple hair that flowed down past her butt. Curiously, she also wielded a katana that was sheathed at her side instead of any magical mediums, that Rita could see, while her eyes swept the crowd with a predatory gleam.

Opposite her on the left was another woman of presumable Japanese descent, this time with long black hair that was tied up into a ponytail. And similarly to the woman on the opposite side, she possessed a katana that was sheathed at her side. Unlike her though, she did not possess the borderline murderous and predatory look in her eyes.

And then picking up the rear of the group, but no less noticeable for it, was a woman with scarlet red hair and an intense look in her eyes that made even Rita shudder as they swept over the crowd. Unlike the previous two though, who were dressed in a tight leather outfit and a kimono respectively, this woman was dressed in literal blue and gold armor unlike anything Rita had ever seen before. It even had a wide window in the front to display the entire middle of the woman's chest, including most of her breasts. Meanwhile, she held in her hand a halberd taller than she was instead of a katana like the other two, one that looked as if it existed for the sole purpose of severing heads from their respective bodies.

And finally was the fourth stranger that stood at the head of the group, the most alluring one of all of them. This time they were a man, the most eye-catching and beautiful man Rita had ever laid her eyes on.

Not only did the man walk with the aura and bearing of a god, he had the appearance of one too with his robes opened to allow them all to see his chest and abs, accompanied by a wild mane of black hair that matched his intense eyes.

Even as he stepped up to the podium, before the man had uttered a single word, Rita's Quick Quotes Quill had already scribed more than a page of parchment since the moment the group appeared. It was almost entirely a description of the three women and the man, but she also had the quill include various speculations regarding their relationship and other seedy ideas. After all, she believed it was the job of a reporter to entertain the readers rather than being entirely truthful.

And with such beautiful women, possessing such impossibly seductive bodies, it would be impossible for Rita to not include a few seedy spectulations regarding what they did behind closed doors to ensure alliances. She could already see the owls flocking to proposition them for a night together from various important wizards regarding things like alliances and what not.

Rita's imagining of the women being used like the whores they undoubtedly were was interrupted as the man finally spoke to them, his voice ringing loud and clear to all.

"Greetings, and thank you all for gathering at this rather unholy hour. My name is Alexander D. Morningstar, otherwise known as the Dragon Emperor, and I would not have called you all here at this time if it were not important. I am aware that rumors are already circling about various events that have taken place, and now I intend to put them to rest.

"Firstly, numerous scandals regarding the previous headmistress of Hogwarts, Rose Evans, have come to light. Scandals regarding her engaging in a sexual relationship with the entire male student body of Hogwarts, several professors, and even numerous individuals in the ministry. On top of that, with the aide of Severus Snape she also induced a state of control upon them, not only to make them keep quiet about what they were doing with her, but to also make them more subjective to her whims and desires. Amongst them was even the Minister of Magic himself, Cornelius Fudge.

"After a short battle between her and I, Rose was slain while the Minister and his undersecretary were both, unfortunately, caught up in one of her attacks that resulted in their untimely deaths. That is why, I have magnanimously taken ownership of Hogwarts and will also be declaring the entirety of magic Britain to become a part of my Asoran empire."


Of course everyone was stunned, with jaws dropping while eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. But Alex wasn't done yet.

"And my first act as owner of Hogwarts will be to remove the governors from their position, striking any authority they possess from making decisions regarding the school. Not only will I be personally bankrolling the school, but any and all decisions regarding its running will be made by myself, Minerva McGonagall, and the actual faculty of Hogwarts. You know, the people that ACTUALLY have the best intentions in the interests of the students.

"Meanwhile, my first act as the new emperor of magical Britain is that I hereby name Amelia Bones as the new Minister of Magic. She will have complete control over magical Britain in my name, and will be reporting directly to me in the future. My second act, will be the purging of dark wizards and witches across the entirety of magical Britain.

"Whether during the wizarding war against Voldemort(many people flinched at the name), or since, far too many dark wizards and supporters of Voldemort have been allowed to roam freely. As such, my people will investigate all rumors of dark magic use regardless of social class. No more will dark wizards and witches be allowed to go free, simply because of their deep pockets and 'generous donations'.

"While there is more that I plan to accomplish, those three are the main goals I plan to accomplish within the next couple weeks, with more on the horizon. Now if there are any questions, you may ask them."

Immediately there was a cacophony of noise as everyone tried to ask their questions of the Dragon Emperor, while Rita just sat there with a smile growing on her lips.

Let these mongrels snap and bark for scraps, she would go where the REAL story was.

Placing her quill and parchment back in her handbag, Rita rose and exited the hall with none being the wiser to her departure. And once out of sight, her figure rapidly shrunk until she became a tiny beetle on the wall.

Said beetle spread its wings and took flight back into the hall, unnoticed by all as it flew directly at Alex and his entourage with the intention of sussing out ALL of his dirty little secrets for the world to see.

As she got close to the group though, the purple haired woman suddenly looked directly at her.

Before Rita was able to even flap her wings, she saw the woman's hand twitch and her vision began to split, before both halves of her bisected body fell to the ground.


"HA! HA! HA!"

*PA! PA! PA!*

While the ministry and St Mungo's were abuzz with everything that was happening, moans of Ecstasy and cries of carnal pleasure could be heard coming from within Hogwarts, as the Dragon Emperor indulged himself with several of the female students.

After his meeting with Amelia and the others, Alex had proceeded to separate himself into three. The first clone went to meet with McGonagall, Slughorn and Snape, while the other went to handle things at the ministry. Alex's main body however remained behind at Hogwarts with Hermione.

The know-it-all promptly brought Alex to the Gryffindor common room, where they collected the female sixth and seventh years and brought them to the Room of Requirement.

As promised, the room provided everything Alex wanted as they entered it to find a massive bed that could fit all of them, a shower and vanity area, a large bath/hot tub, and even a study area filled with what Alex knew to be tomes on spells, potions and so on involving sexual pleasure.

Of course, none of the girls were actually so 'easy' as to swan dive right into Alex's bed despite never actually having a conversation with him. Normally.

For the last several years though, they had been unknowingly building up quite a lot of stress due to the lack of attention from the boys.

Of course they would chat and do schoolwork with one another, but the boys had all seemed completely uninterested in the girls ever since they started puberty. This had annoyed and frustrated the girls to no end, especially after Hermione and Harry started dating. It was like a slap in the face to the rest of the girls that couldn't get any attention from the boys.

The reason, of course, was Rose, who had started grooming the boys even years before the girls knew what dating and sex were.

So Alex, being the extremely helpful, generous, and amazing person he was, decided to help. By plowing each and every one of them like they were cheap whores.

That was how he ended up in his current situation, on his knees behind Ginny Weasley as he plowed both her shithole and tight little twat with his dual cock technique.

And Ginny loved every single second of it.

It could be said that Ginny was feeling far more frustrated than the others due to her long-time crush on the Boy-Who-Lived himself, Harry Potter.

Not only was she not getting her feelings acknowledged like the other girls, but Harry was also the only guy that had a girlfriend for the last several years. So Ginny was forced to watch Hermione enjoy what it was she herself longed for so dearly.

And then Ginny learned that the boy she liked was not only shagging his own aunt the entire time, but also most likely the majority of boys in the castle. That was the proverbial straw that broke the proverbial Hippogriff's back.

Now however, that same Ginny was happily having her twat and arsehole stretched beyond comprehension, and two meat rods scraping, probing and violating her insides in ways she never thought possible.

Ginny had already lost count of how many times she had cum, and still had no idea what she was in for as Alex gave a couple last thrusts, before unloading a torrent of semen into her bowels and womb.


Ginny cried out as the burning hot cum filled her, triggering her largest orgasm yet as her bum and twat spasmed and seized Alex's cocks with unprecedented possessiveness.

It was only when the last drop of cum exited his urethra that Alex began pulling out of Ginny's tight and lovely holes, triggering another series of micro-orgasms as he did so from how overly stimulated her body was right now.

The result was Ginny arching her back downwards, like a cat, with her butt in air pointed at him.

For a moment Alex indulged in the image of Ginny with cat-like ears and a tail, his attention lingering on her long enough that she noticed when she looked back at him.

"What is it?" She asked tiredly, thinking Alex was staring at her arse specifically.

"Oh, just imagining you with cat ears and a tail." Alex said jokingly, making her arch a brow.

"Is that actually a thing where you're from?" She asked him.

"Oh definitely. There's even an entire small nation of them in Asora." Alex confirmed as he thought of the Khajiit.

"I see..." Ginny said as she turned around and looked at him seductively. "Am I at least a pretty kitty?"

Her question earned Ginny a few giggles from the surrounding girls, making them wonder just how professor McGonagall would react if she heard that.

Alex meanwhile smiled widely as he held out his hand, Creating a certain item as he did so.

"Use this, and you will be."

Ginny cocked a brow at the item Alex Created, a cat tail that matched her hair color, and had a curious base.

"Meow." Ginny played as she accepted the tail, before rolling onto her back to display her arsehole to Alex and the others. Then, Ginny began to slowly insert the base of the tail up her arse.

The base was flared at the bottom of the tail, with a short rod made up of rounded bumps to hold it in.

One lump after the other disappeared into her tight little arse as Ginny put on a show for Alex and the other girls, before she finally put the last one inside. And once she did, something happened that actually surprised her.

Not only did the tail begin moving automatically according to her will, but a pair of matching cat ears sprung up from her hair while her eyes became slitted to match.

"Meow~" Ginny mewled playfully after her transformation as she crawled up towards Alex's towering manhood, before sticking out a tongue as she began to eagerly service and clean him of the juices from her filthy holes.

"Oh! Such a cute little kitty~!" Crooned one of the other sixth year girls, earning her a dirty look from Ginny as her hand twitched towards her wand.

"Just ignore them." Alex told her, drawing Ginny's attention back onto himself as she continued cleaning him.

"What about us?"

"Can we cuddle too?" Whimpered a pair of identical Indian witches as they sandwiched Alex on each side, pressing their breasts against his body while trailing their fingers up and down his front.

"Of course you can." Alex said to Pavarti and her twin sister, the only non-Gryffindor present, Padma.

The twins were unique as far as Hogwarts houses go, as Pavarti was in Gryffindor while Padma was a Ravenclaw.

Of course, there wasn't a requirement that siblings and so on needed to be in similar houses, but it was exceptionally uncommon for them to be split up. Even more so when they were twins.

Pavarti however stated that she and Padma intended to lose their virginity together, so Alex had summoned Padma from the Ravenclaw tower to join them as an exception. And then to meet their expectations, Alex used his double cock technique on them before letting some of the other girls try it out.

"You know, something occurred to me a moment ago." Padma said as she twirled one of her delicate fingers around Alex's left nipple.

"Oh? And what was that?" Alex asked while cupping and squeezing both of their butts at the same time.

"Wouldn't it be hypocritical for you to judge headmistress Rose for her actions, when you yourself are doing the exact same thing on your first night in the castle?" Padma asked, making ALL of the girls look in Alex's direction curiously.

"Well let's get something straight to begin with. I didn't need manipulation to get any of you into my bed, and none of you are below sixth year. If I was just like Rose, then I would have brought ALL of the Gryffindor girls here, from first to seventh year.

"Secondly, I'm not exactly sneaking around like she did, nor am I going to bind you the way she did the boys. If you want to tell everyone how much you all liked taking my cock up your asses, go right ahead. I'll even make you all photos to go with your stories as proof."

As he said that, Alex conjured a projection using Regeneration magic that showed a quick montage of the orgy they had earlier, making several of the girls blush due to actually seeing their own orgasm face.

"And finally, I DARE someone call me out on my being a massive hypocrite." Alex concluded firmly, surprising many of them.

"You don't mind being considered a hypocrite?" Pavarti asked curiously.

"Not at all. I mean, who's gonna judge me? And who's gonna do anything about it?" Alex stated, confusing every one of them with the sole exception of Hermione.

The know-it-all was busy studying the various tomes and notes regarding sexual spells and whatnot that the room had provided while Alex was having the orgy with her housemates, as they had already spent plenty of time together in the fake Hogwarts before Rose dragged them here.

But she, more than anyone else present, knew Alex's true standing in the universe.

He did not hide his identity as an emperor, but none of them could grasp what such a title truly meant. Or what Alex actually was.

"Let me tell you girls something. While it is true that some gods and such may exist in various worlds, but in the scope of the Omniverse they mean little to nothing." Alex declared, before suddenly flipping over so that Padma was pinned beneath him.

Her breath hitched in her throat for a second, before Alex plunged his entire length into her hot cunt.

"And in all of existence, the only thing that matters is power. Karma? Morals? Right and wrong? There is no such thing." Alex stated as he slowly pumped and out of Padma, making her groan involuntarily as he spoke and moved.

"The powers that be may try to control the 'lower' life forms of the worlds they rule, but all it takes is one upstart to flip the entire system on its head. Then they get to decide what is just or not.

"Remember, I am the strongest being in this world and an EMPEROR. I could do whatever I wanted, whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and there isn't a single person or entity who could stop me.

"I decide what right and wrong are.

"If I want, I could declare every single woman and girl in every world I'm connected to my own personal property, without any regard for things like martial status or even age. Or I could kill whoever I wanted indiscriminately without remorse. And since no one could take me down, then I would be 'right' for doing so."

The entire time Alex was going through his little monologue, he maintained complete eye contact with Padma while radiating an intense aura that reflected his godly will and power.

As such, Padma soon found herself experiencing the most intense orgasm in her entire life, which also seemed to never end as Alex continued to plow her.

Soon she reached the crescendo of her continuous waves of pleasure as she squirted vaginal liquid all over Alex's cock and waist, in response to him filling her womb with burning hot seed. Padma's climax was so intense, that she promptly passed out even as Alex pulled his cock out of her, and she continued to leak a steady trickle of fluid onto the bed they were laying on.

"Now then, who's next to be fucked silly?" Alex asked as he looked over all of the remaining Gryffindor girls, who could all feel their quims quivering in anticipation.

It was only many, MANY, hours later that the prolonged orgy finally came to an end, leaving almost all of the girls passed out on the bed after being used by Alex like a bunch of common whores. And they had loved every single second of it, while also managing to ease all of the tensions and frustrations that had been building up in them until now.

Now Alex was seated at the chair of the study, with Hermione on his lap and both of his cocks lodged firmly inside both her cunt and ass as she read the different books she had been looking through before.

"I think this is my new favorite way to study." Hermione commented offhandedly without taking her eyes off of the book, even as she slowly ground her butt into Alex's lap to drive his cocks further into her.

"Is that so? Then I suppose I'll have to join your study sessions more often. Though I also think we would end up putting on quite the show for anyone frequenting Apocrypha at the same time." Alex commented, putting the image of her walking around the realm of knowledge naked in her head as he did so.

"Hmm... I'll have to add that to the list of different things I want to try." Hermione said while pulling said list out and adding his suggestion to the bottom.

As he glanced over the rest of the items on it though, Alex couldn't help but to cock a brow at some of the things Hermione wanted to try.

"Innocent first year is taken advantage of by devious upper year student? Love potion mishap? Stick it where the sun don't shine?" Alex read a few of them out loud, of which there were at least forty other items written down.

"Is there something wrong with them?" Hermione asked innocently.

"Nope. Nothing." Alex told her while shaking his head slightly, though inwardly he was wondering if he broke her more than he'd originally thought.

Once she was done adding Alex's suggestion to her list of dirty desires, Hermione then relaxed her body as she leaned back against Alex tiredly.

"Did you mean what you told the others earlier?" She asked suddenly.


"The part where power is all that matters." Hermione clarified.

"Ah! Well, yeah. When it comes down to it, that is all that matters in the grand scheme of things. Whoever holds the power dictates right and wrong." Alex told her.

"Think of all the times throughout history where a certain group is labeled as monsters, savages, traitors, and so on, because they LOST. Right and wrong are always flip-flopping based on who holds the most power. Just remember this, not a single person considers themselves a villain in their own story. Many see themselves as heroes, even as they commit the most atrocious acts known to man, or they see their acts as justified for one reason or another.

"Just because you BELIEVE you are right about something, doesn't mean you necessarily are."

Hermione was silent as she digested what Alex told her, and simultaneously thought back to all of their lessons in History of Magic. There were numerous examples of non-humans, such as goblins, rising up against the wizards due to their cruelty and mistreatment towards them, only to later be branded the villains after they lost the war.

Even then she racked her brain to try and come up with a counter for what Alex had said, but could not. Every argument she had was basically 'but it isn't right', or 'that's just wrong', both of which would be based around her own opinion. After all, she also recalled all too well just how indifferent people were towards the enslavement of the House Elves.

For once, Hermione found herself at a genuine loss for words.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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