27.84% Gamer of the Seas / Chapter 22: The Quest Part 1

章節 22: The Quest Part 1

{Quest time remaining: 23 hours}

Sky took a deep breath. He had to act soon to complete his quest. The reason he didn't want to wait until the last minute is due to his fear of something happening: what if the Warlord ran away? What if the Warlord wasn't at his island? So many possible outcomes. 

There was something he does regret, the two-handed weapon that belonged to Victor.

Sky wanted to piece the sword together again using Jericho's magnetism. Jericho did piece the sword, but it wasn't the same.

{Heavy two handed sword(broken)}

For some reason it was broken despite it looking fixed. Jericho has torn the sword and pieced it together again, and again but to no avail.

No one knows the reason why it doesn't work anymore, but Sky had his hopes high Jericho could fix it. 

{Sky Rouge}

{Level: 121}

{Shells: 9.6m}

To his surprise he got an additional level from killing pirates, and the Warlords men. Sky tended to avoid capturing neutral exterminator ships (out in the open) or Caribbean ships, or any other ship that wasn't associated with the Warlord.

He didn't spare those groups out of the kindness of his heart, he just didn't want to get into trouble that might hinder his quest. 

{HP: 7,240/7,240}

{Mana: 3,205/3,205}

{Stat points: 15}

{Str: 100 + 80. Dex: 120 + 50, Spd: 121 + 130, Int: 200 + 50, Mind: 114 + 50, Vig: 200 + 50} 

The new title Sky received granted him a boost of 50+ to all his stats if it is equipped. His strength and speed stat were higher because of the items Sky wore, his viking helmet that granted him a 30+ to his strength stat, and his boots that granted him 80+ to his speed stat.

However he also lost some items that were important to him, his strong shirt that granted him HP and strength, and his alligator pants that granted him swimming speed and HP. This made him deeply regret selling off his extra alligator pants to the Merchant.

{Naginata mastery: lvl 4: 40% increase damage. 40% increase critical chance and damage}

As his naginata mastery grew, so did his familiarization with the weapon. 

"Let's see… I command a total of… 27 ships. 13 of those are slave ships, 13 are fighter/exterminator ships, and the last one is a battleship. Honestly, I think "warship" suits the name of the ship better, what do you think? Jericho? Hmm?" 

Sky didn't notice Jericho wasn't behind him anymore.


Jericho was on the side of the battleship throwing up.

"What's wrong?" Sky asked, concerned.

"I think I'm gonna be sick. Just the thought of attacking the Warlord makes me feel… BLEGH!" 

"Oh, you're nervous. Yeah, I get it, it's like those times my dad forced me to play the violin in front of all those people. I think I threw up once when I was forced to play in a talent show in school."

"Are you seriously comparing what we are about to do with stage fright?" Jericho looked at Sky angrily.

"Yeah, you're right, this and that are two entirely different things. This is by far the hardest thing we are about to do."


"I'll get you some clean towels and some water."

"Thank you…" 

"And when you're done, I need to tell you something, it's about the position of quartermaster and I feel like I should give it to you."

"Quartermaster? What? BLEGH!"

The discussion of quartermaster would later be discussed…

{Quest time remaining: 21 hours}

Sky got a blue scroll and summoned the Merchant again.

"Well, tomorrows the big day!" The Merchant seemed happy, he even greeted Sky with open arms.

"You seem happy."

"Nah, I'm actually bipolar!"

"That explains a lot."

"Or am I actually bipolar?" If the Merchant had a face he would be grinning.

Sky examined the quests. At a glance one quest caught his eye because of its appearance.

Ordinary quests are usually pieces white paper with yellow tint. Special quests have the appearance of blue paper. But the one that caught his eye was a white piece of paper.

{Personal quest!}

{My sister, Michelle, was fascinated with one of your abilities 'Card Sealing Transformation' . After hearing about it I was curious about it. After studying your world a bit and your abilities I really want that one ability of yours. I know it is an evolved skill so I just want the un-evolved version since the evolved version does not exist in the form of a scroll. We have seen many abilities like yours, but I am just fascinated with cards}

{Give a {Card transformation} to the Merchant to complete quest}

{Quest reward: 3x green scrolls}

{No punishment or time limit}

"Uhhhh… so what I got from this is that a personal quest is a quest personally issued to me."

"Correct." The Merchant answered. "But there is a catch, if they want a quest from a specific person, like you in this instance, they have to pay three times as much as they would for an ordinary quest. Which explains why the reward is generous." 

"What I don't get is why don't they buy it themselves? They clearly have the money to afford multiple scrolls as a reward."

"Sky, they're in a different universe from you. Their world doesn't have magical scrolls. Heck their world doesn't even have an ocean because it dried up! If people could actually pay to own certain abilities or items from other universes, many of them would end up with their own universe destroyed."

"People can have their entire universe destroyed? Is there such a thing?" Sky asked.

"No, Sky. I have seen other universes where with a snap of their fingers can erase the entire universe's population in half. I have seen eldritch gods that with a single look can make you insane! I have seen individuals so fast they could run to the end of the universe in a second! I have seen a triangle god with a top hat and a bowtie alter reality, time, and space as he pleases! And no, I am not exaggerating one bit."

"Hmm… I feel like I should be freaking out, but I'm not."

"All thanks to your {power of the mind} so yeah, if they could buy your ability, they would, but they have to rely on you since you are the only system user in this world."

"The only system? You know what, I'll talk to you about that later, right now I need to prepare for the quest. But, first I accept that quest. It's the only good one anyways."

{Quest accepted}

Sky was lucky that yesterday he got a copy of the card transformation scroll. He handed it to the Merchant.

{Quest complete}

{Rewards: 3x green scrolls}

{Green scroll: Adds 4+ Dexterity}

{Green scroll: Adds 15+ Mind}

{Green scroll: Adds 10+ Strength}

(Authors note: I always use a random number generator when a scroll is present since practically the beginning of the story)

Sky ripped all three scrolls. He cannot believe he got so lucky and got three scrolls that increased his stats.

{Str: 110 + 50}

{Dex: 124 + 50}

{Mind: 129 + 50}

"Haa… another ability for this family to exploit slaves."

"You really hate that family, don't you?" Sky asked.

"Hate? No. Every universe is different and thus they all have their own beliefs, ways, values, opinions. I've seen way worse. I just don't like them, that's all."


"Sad to see there are no other good quests available. But check the items before you go!"

Of course Sky checked the item shop.

{Plastic bag full of drugs: 20,000 shells}

{Gunpowder barrel: 5,000 shells}

{Slave chains covered in old blood: 200}

{Silver ring: 500,000}

{Mermaid eye: 9,000,000}

Sky inspected the silver ring and the mermaid eyes before buying them. After the incident with the 'love note' he will not buy anything before inspecting it.

He didn't bother buying gunpowder. He had an abundance of gunpowder after plundering and stealing from many ships.

{Silver ring: perfect for warding off vampires and werewolves}

{500+ HP when worn. Wards off vampires and werewolves}

"What are vampires and werewolves?" Sky asked.

"Um… that's the first time a system user has ever asked me that question. But just know it's nothing you have to worry about, I think." 

"Okay. I'll buy it anyway for the HP boost."

{Mermaid eyes: It is said a mermaid's eyes and tears are valuable for making the best potions effects. They are sought out by many}

The mermaid's eyes did not appear like a fishman's or a human's. A fishman's eyes are black. The mermaid's eyes had some similarities to the human eye but they were clear, like crystals.

"Mermaids have eyes made out of crystals?" Sky asked the Merchant. He has been living in this world for all his life and he has never heard of that.

"They have the appearance of crystal but it is not made out of crystal. Once you buy it and feel it for yourself you'll know."

Sky groaned in disgust. Nonetheless he bought both of them. He bought the ring purely for the 500+ HP boost, but he bought the mermaid eye solely to complete the quest. 

Which begged the question, why was a single mermaid eye so valuable?

{Shells: 823,144}

"Guess I'm back to being poor again." 

{Quest complete: 10,000,000/10,000,000 shells spent on items bought from the Merchant store}

{Quest reward: 5+ new items in the store OR 3+ new quests} 

{Choose which reward do you want?}

"Obviously I'll take the 3+ quests."

"Excellent choice!" The Merchant clapped once and the board's quest was extended to nine quests.

{The number of quests on the board has reached the maximum number}

"So nine quests is the max?"

"It looks like it is."

Out of the three new quests Sky accepted two of them.


{Earn 1,000,000,000 shells!}


{Rewards: 1 new title: 3x player coupon}

{No punishment or time limit}

{Quest accepted: Clear 10 red dungeons}

{Quest reward: 3x red scrolls, 1 red grade item, 10,000,000 shells, 7,000,000 exp}

Such quests could not be completed any time soon. Perhaps in a few months or in a few years Sky would be able to complete them.

"Since that's everything, so long!"

Sky turned around to face an island, the island was the kingdom of Harbot's.

"DAMMIT!" Sky punched his ship. It was a fighter ship because the battleship drew too much attention.

He arrived at Harbot's with one purpose in mind, to buy more ships. Perhaps with the 9 million shells he had he could have bought two or three more ships. But now he can't.

Sky was betting that the new three quests would give him more money, or an item that would have given him an edge in the upcoming battle.

"Nine million shells gone! Well… as long as I find out what the mermaid eye does, maybe it's not so bad." Sky looked at the eye in his inventory.

He wanted to feel it but refrained from doing so, not out of disgust but concern he might break the eye, only then could he say that nine million shells were really thrown down the toilet.

Jericho looked at Sky from the side unsure what to say. After Sky gave her the position of quartermaster she was familiarizing herself with it. 

There was a reason Sky needed Jericho as a quartermaster.

"Jericho, remember what I said! If you get in trouble contact me immediately and immediately summon all the ships!"


As a quartermaster Jericho had access to the crew's inventory, ship controls, kicking or inviting people to the crew, and more.

Sky got on his speedboat and drove to Harbot's with a different purpose in mind. He didn't bring Jericho because she would be recognized from her wanted posters.

{HP: 7,740/7,740}

Sky increased his HP by placing his silver ring in his finger.

Sky walked towards the Harbot's gates like he did in the past.

'Feels weird being back here after one month. A month ago I wasn't nearly half as strong as I was. How time goes by.' Sky smiled.

"Name please? Oh, it's you." A familiar face greeted Sky. Behind him was the little boy slave that helped him do his job properly.

"You remember me?" 

"There aren't that many people with your curly hair. You can go in."

Sky walked a bit faster than usual. There is one store that he wanted to go to, a potion store. Before, Sky was poor and couldn't afford potions. Not that he wanted to buy potions, apart from being expensive they weren't any good.

Of course he wasn't going to buy a potion, but make it with the mermaid eyes. As for how he was going to learn to make a potion? Even he doesn't know.

The potion store was grand. Inside were many syringes, as well as small plastic bottles. 

The syringes are also potions but are meant solely for underwater usage. There have been cases of people fighting monsters underwater and needed a potion while underwater. It is possible to drink potions underwater, that's how people did it before syringes were made.

But humans wanted to make their lives easier, and thus syringes were born.

Although they are called syringes they have the appearance and function of an epipen. The reason they are called "syringes" is because that is what they were hundreds of years ago. But after research and studying humanity was able to develop a new type of never seen before syringe, an auto-injector. Using an auto-injector was faster and more convenient to carry compared to a syringe, the name stayed however.

The best part of auto-injectors is that they are reusable like the old models. Due to their function they are expensive, about 10,000-20,000 shells each.

"Hey, can I make a potion?" Sky asked.

It was an old short man with gray hair. The center of his head was starting to go bald. On his left side was a tall woman, white skin, huge breasts, revealing clothes, and a chain around her neck. She was a slave of the old man. Her attire was meant to attract customers, which has worked many times.

"I don't allow anyone to use my potion shop! I only sell potions!"

'This is gonna be difficult.' Sky thought. 


{Earl Great}

{HP: 810/810}

{Mana: 40/40}

{Str: 7, Dex: 50, Spd: 3, Int: 8, Mind: 10, Vig: 80}


{Sera Sinclaire}


Sky thought that the old man or slave would have some sort of potion talent he could use. But it didn't seem so.

"I was gonna buy your potion station for 300,000 shells, but I guess I can take my money elsewhere." Sky proceeded to walk out.

"Meh." The old man shrugged his shoulders and continued reading the newspaper.

'Thought reverse psychology would work.' Sky left the store nonetheless. There are other potion shops so he wasn't worried. 

"Now that I think about it, maybe there's a slave out there, or someone out there with a hidden talent! Identify!"

The talent of that fishman was still fresh in his memory. 

'If only that fishman wasn't a fishman but a slave… that would've been better for me.' 

Sky used {identify} on every person he came across in Harbot's as he strolled to the slave shop.

{Skill has leveled up}

{Identify: lvl 5 → 6: Able to see the description of many items. Able to see the stats, abilities, and personalities of people}

Sky never bothered using the identification much which is why it was still at level six.

On the way, he saw no one with any talent. Until he made it to the slave shop.

"Welcome, valued customer, how may I help you today? Would you like to buy or sell?" 

The shop was surprisingly clean. The one who greeted Sky was a middle-aged, fat man with a short beard. 

"I would like to browse your slaves." 

"Absolutely! What is your budget?" 


{Shells: 823,144}

"About 800k."

"Not bad. Follow me!"

20 minutes later…

Sky exited the shop disappointed. There were a lot of slaves, but none had a talent.

"Forget it. Onto the other shops!"

2 hours later…

Sky returned to Jericho.

"Sky! What happened?" Jericho had never seen Sky so sad before.

Sky fell face flat on the ship.

"I'm an idiot. I gambled everything for something useless." Sky muttered.

"What did you gamble?"

"I bought a mermaid's eye for 9 million shells."

"What? Why are they worth so much?"

"Apparently if you make them into a potion they'll give you many benefits. I didn't know what the benefits were so I just bought it, but I also bought it to complete a quest which didn't even end up helping me in the slightest."

"I have no idea what you said in the end. But you weren't able to find out what effect mermaid eyes have?"

"Yeah, I did. Depending on the mermaid, the one who drinks the mermaid's eyes can temporarily gain their swimming speed, as well as breath underwater. Apparently some eyes can sell up to 200 million shells, which means I got bad quality eyes."

"That sounds… great if you're having an underwater fight."

"Yes, but how is that going to help us in killing the Warlord?"

"Um… it probably won't."

"Not to mention I don't know how to make potions, even though I bought a potion stand and some recipes. And with my non-existent potion making skill I am just going to screw it up."

"I mean… I have no idea how to make you feel better."

"Just let me stay here with my thoughts for an hour. And set course to the Warlord's island while you're at it."

"Whatever you say, Captain. Wait, already?"

{Quest time remaining: 17 hours}

Sky stood up. It was approximately ten minutes before they arrived at the Warlord's island.

"Nervous?" Sky walked up to Jericho. 

"Kinda. I like this plan of yours but are you sure we can pull it off?"

"I don't know but I hope so. Remember, your safety is of utmost importance. If you think you're in trouble, use a speedboat and drive as far as you can go! We can use our map and chat to find each other."

"Hm." Jericho nodded.

Sky made it to the Warlord's island. 

"There are still two hours left until the sun goes down. Remember, we attack at night. And wait for me to call you. Stop here."

Sky could see the Warlord's island. He plans on using Jericho to make a hole on the iron wall to break through. But first he plans on scouting ahead just in case.

"Ice trident!" 

Sky jumped over the ship and began swimming underground. 

"Be careful!" Jericho said.

Upon touching the water, Sky sensed many figures swimming beneath him. He couldn't see them but their numbers were about 20-30, and they were all fast.


Sky swam then teleported to the top of his ship once he was within 10 meters of it.

"Sky?" Jericho was surprised to see Sky.

"Fishmen! I sensed fishmen beneath us!" Sky was deeply afraid. Those fishmen could very well be as strong or stronger than the one he killed on that island. He couldn't see them because humans cannot see far underwater.

"Like the one on that island? Were they as powerful as he was?"

"I don't know but most likely. I don't think we can take on thirty of those."

"Thirty?" Jericho was surprised and scared.

"Let's wait here for a bit. 

{Quest time remaining: 16 hours}

Once Sky was sure enough time passed he swam to the island, again. It was darker now so it was even harder to see underwater.

{New skill learned}

{Underwater vision: lvl 1: able to see somewhat while underwater}

Sky was glad to have this ability but even so he could not see anything. The ocean was vast, and also… terrifying.

Upon reaching the island he could feel the iron wall. He did sense some people but no one could see him.

{Skill level has increased}

{Static apnea: lvl 3 → lvl 4: can hold breath for four minutes}

He reached his ship again in no time.

"Let's go."

Jericho jumped with Sky and both swam to the island. Once they were close enough they swam underwater. 

Jericho could feel the iron wall. She has never sensed so much iron before, it was a weird sensation to feel metal and to be able to sense so much of it.

'Mana grace.'

{Jericho Haydie's max mana has been increased and recovered by 20%}

Jericho felt her mana increasing. She knew it was Sky's doing.

While she was focusing she made a human sized hole on the wall. The piece of the wall was placed inside of Sky's inventory.

Sky signaled to Jericho to go back to the ship, which she obliged.

Sky swam to the only part of the island where he could sense where there was nobody who could spot him.


 Sky took a couple of breaths before stepping foot on land. He dried himself using his pyrokinesis, now no one could see he just came out of the ocean.

"Now, where are you, Warlord?"

next chapter
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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
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