28.57% Gamer: Dimensional Mercenary / Chapter 4: Harry Potter 3

章節 4: Harry Potter 3

Standing in front of the fireplace in Filius' office, Michael turned to the short Professor.

"So, I take the green powder, step inside, then throw the powder and say where I want to go?" Asked Michael, doubtful of this transportation system. Just opening a portal or straight up teleporting seemed much more simple that this.

"That's it." Confirmed Filius with a nod. "Just make sure you say the name of the location properly. Otherwise, you might end up somewhere unknown. As a reminder, we are going to Diagon Alley."

Seeing that Michael was still hesitant, Filius took some of the green floo powder. "I'll even go first. Just make sure you mimic what I do." He stepped inside the fireplace afterward and threw the powder down. A green fire erupted, but it didn't seem like it was harmful.

"Diagon Alley." Intoned Filius, and with that, he was gone.

For a moment, Michael hesitated, thinking he could just leave and go start studying his new Aura or focus on Meditation and Occlumency. However, he had a feeling he will get bothered until he went and got his school supplies. 'I suppose I should get this done and have it out of the way.' He thought and repeated Filius' actions.

The green fire surrounded Michael and he felt being thrown. Suddenly, he came out of a different fireplace and stumbled, almost falling on the wooden floor. 'Yeah, portals are much better.' He thought, feeling slightly dizzy.

"You handled that much better than I expected." Said Filius, who was waiting for him to the side.

"I'd rather not have a repeat. Isn't there some other way of transportation?" Asked Michael and looked around. They seemed to be in some kind of a tavern with very few wizards and witches inside it. It was still early morning, so most of them were probably asleep. The ones inside the tavern however, were all reading newspapers while sipping on their cups. Behind the bar, there was a bald man, who looked ready to swindle him out of every gold coin he had. Not that Michael had any.

"There are a few more." Nodded Filius. "However, this is the only one that can take you from or to Hogwarts directly. The castle is guarded from the rest."

"So anyone can just enter the castle as long as they have a fireplace?" Asked Michael. This seemed like a security breach to him. What was the point of guarding Hogwarts from any other kind of magical transportation when one could just infiltrate the castle by simply using a fireplace?

"Oh, no, no." Replied Filius, shaking his head with a smile. "You have to be keyed in to Hogwarts for that. Only the Professors and some members of the Ministry of Magic are. Trusted people only."

"Trusted people only? What if they were compromised somehow? And how did I use the fireplace?" Asked Michael.

"Ah… well, I keyed you to the floo network of Hogwarts once you stepped inside my office. I'll remove you from it after we return." Answered Filius, conveniently ignoring the first two questions.

"Anyhow." Said the short Professor before Michael could ask more questions. "We'd best be going to Diagon Alley. Follow me, please." He turned around, leading him towards the back end of the tavern.

"Good Morning, Tom." Greeted Filius as they passed the man behind the bar.

"Morning, Professor Flitwick." Replied Tom before looking at Michael. "Showing one of the new students around, ay?"

"Yes." Confirmed Filius. It wasn't an unusual sight for a Professor to show a new student around Diagon Alley. Usually, they would wait for at least some to gather as a group, but sometimes there were exceptions, and Michael obviously was one.

"Well, a good day to you then, Professor." Said Tom kindly. "And you enjoy Diagon Alley, lad."

"And a good day to you, Tom." Replied Filius with a wave and continued towards the back of the pub.

"You're not much of a talker." Stated Filius as they reached a bricked wall.

"No, and I don't like talking with people that look as if they would swindle me out of my soul." Replied Michael, causing Filius to chuckle.

"Oh, Tom wouldn't do that. He's a kind one. But not the goblins. They will take everything that you own if given the chance." Said Filius, laughing joyfully.

Michael wrinkled his nose. He remembered little of the goblins of this world. The first thing that came to his mind was that they were bankers. Knowing about the ones from Liorderat, that was surprising to him. The goblins there were good for nothing pests that ate anything they could get their hands on and bred faster that rabbits. The people of Liorderat had tried culling them numerous times, but even if just a few of them survived, they would repopulate their population shortly after.

Knowing he won't get a response, Filius turned to the wall and tapped a few of the bricks with his wand. It then opened up, revealing Diagon Alley and all of its glory. A slightly curved cobblestone path led ahead with tightly placed shops on each side. Very few wizards and witches could be seen on it and most of them were sluggishly walking around.

"Our first place of visit is Mostar's Magical Trunks. Carrying all of your school supplies without one would be a bother." Said Filius leading him to their first destination. "We'll grab you a simple one, enough to carry everything that you need with a bit of free room."

And with that, Filius started leading Michael around the various shops, purchasing a cauldron and ingredients for potions, quills and scrolls to write on, telescopes for astronomy, and clothes…

"Your robes and other garments will be done in less than an hour." Said Madam Malkin kindly, the owner Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

Michael had mostly stayed quiet during their shaping trip, but he couldn't help but ask. "Do I have to wear robes?" They didn't look that bad, but he already knew he will be uncomfortable wearing them. Moving around with them would be… hard. He'd much prefer something more tight fitting that offered greater protection.

"That's standard wizarding attire. Everyone wears them." Replied Filius. "Is there something else you'd rather wear?"

Michael didn't answer as that much was obvious. The next shop they visited was Flourish and Blotts to purchase all of his school books. Filius quickly picked them all up, already having quite the experience with that. "Those should be all." He said.

"Only those?" Asked Michael.

"Something caught your eye?" Asked Filius, to which he nodded. "Well, the Headmaster said you could pick anything that you deem would be helpful."

Michael didn't hesitate and immediately started taking books from the shelves. One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, The Book of Charms & Spells, Duelling 101, Ward and How to Break Them…

Filius just stared as Michael gathered books that totaled over 100 galleons. He shook his head as it was his own fault. After all, he did say 'pick anything that you deem helpful.'

'At least the Headmaster is paying for all of them.' Thought Filius as they checked out.

"Well, we have one last stop before we go and grab your garments and return to Hogwarts." Said Filius, leading him towards Ollivanders.

Entering inside the narrow shop, Michael was greeted to the sight of numerous shelves that reached up to the ceiling with thousands of boxes on them. A lone old man was sorting through them and he quickly turned towards them once they entered.

"Ah, I wasn't expecting customers this early." Said Ollivander, his wide, pale eyes shining bright as he studied them.

"Professor Flitwick, 13 inches, aspen with a dragon heartstring. A perfect wand for a Duelling Champion. I hope it has served you well." Continued Ollivander.

"It has, it has." Nodded Filius. "I couldn't have asked for a better one myself."

"Even if you had asked, it wouldn't have mattered. It's the wand that choses the wizard and not the other way around." Said Ollivander and looked at Michael.

"Oh, my. You're an interesting one." Intoned Ollivander, his eye sparkling in delight. "I assume you've brought him for his wand?" He asked the short Professor.

"Indeed." Confirmed Filius.

"Your wand hand?" Asked Ollivander, looking at Michael. He had to think about the answer. Michael was right-handed, but that was his sword hand. He preferred holding his weapon in that one. So, with that in mind, he said. "Left."

"I see, I see." Said Ollivander as tapes floated off a nearby counter, flying over to Michael and taking his measurements. Meanwhile, the old man turned around, not even waiting for the magical instruments to finish their measuring, as he started picking out boxes.

"Let's see this one. 10 and a half inches, ash with a phoenix feather core." Ollivander handed him the wand. "Wave it around if you would."

Michael held the wand in his left hand, getting a feeling for it. He shortly did as told, and the wand gave off a brief spark, followed by a puff of smoke, as if it had short-circuited.

"Oh, my. That one doesn't seem to like you, young friend." Said Ollivander, taking the wand from Michael and gently rubbing it, as if trying to sooth it.

"No biggie, I'm sure there is wand waiting for you in my shop." Continued Ollivander before handing him another.

This continued on, with Michael trying various wands with different cores, but most of them just didn't work for him. He was starting to feel none will work for him, but Ollivander seemed to be getting more excited with each failed one.

"Hmm. Hmm. I'm starting to see the pattern." Said Ollivander. "How about this one, 10 inches, willow with a unicorn hair core?"

This one finally had a different effect, shooting of a weak, pale red light from it. Ollivander however, quickly took it away from him.

"Yes, yes. We are finally on the right track." Said the old man while picking a few new boxes.

"11 inches, willow, phoenix feather core…"

Michael checked more and more, until he got one that shot out a brilliant white light from it. "12 and a half inches, willow, dragon heartstring core."

"What a lovely connection you two formed." Clapped Ollivander, delighted by what he saw. "I hope you polish your wand regularly and keep it in tip-top condition, young man."

Michael just looked at him with narrowed eyes. 'Is that supposed to be some kind of sly innuendo?' He thought.

"That will be 7 galleons, like any other wand in my shop." Said Ollivander and Filius quickly handed him the gold.

"Thank you for your help, Ollivander." Said the short Professor before they left the store.

Ollivander watched them go. "Willow wands… the owners are usually insecure, unwarranted most of the time, however well they may try and hide it. But my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow. And with a dragon core at that. My, my, I wonder how much you will achieve young friend. Or maybe I should call you, old friend. That seems more fitting for you, doesn't it?"

After they picked up his garments, they were ready to leave Diagon Alley and return back to Hogwarts. However, Michael had something to ask before that.

"Are there… any shops that sell weapons here?"

"Weapons? You already got one." Said Filius. "Your wand."

"Other weapons. Enchanted ones maybe?" Asked Michael. His body was still too young to properly wield a weapon, but it wouldn't hurt to have one. He could at least practice his forms with it.

"Enchanted weapons?" Filius asked with a raised eyebrow. "Can't say I know a place that has, let alone sells enchanted weapons. The closest thing would be ones made out of goblin silver."

"And how can I get my hands on one?" Asked Michael. He was disappointed enchanted weapons didn't exist, but he was thankful one of the books he picked was about enchanting. Maybe he would be able to make is own in the future, but this goblin silver intrigued him.

"Pah." Laughed out Filius. "Good luck with that! Only goblins make those and they will never sell one to a wizard. Not unless that wizard has more gold that they can store in their coffers."

'That's disappointing.' Thought Michael.

"Goblins are a war-loving race. They value strength above all else. In their eyes, wizards and witches are nothing but weaklings, undeserving of their goblin made weapons." Continued Filius, giving a faint hope to Michael.

"What if someone who wasn't a wizard asked for one?" Questioned Michael. He might spend time studying magic, as it would be a useful tool for him, but he will never consider himself a wizard. At most, he would be a magical swordsman. Or Sword/Blade Mage as they were known in Liorderat.

"Hmm." The short Professor's eyes sparkled with his goblin blood burning inside him. Michael's words confirmed his earlier theory, and he said. "Well, then that one would have a chance. Though, he would have to prove he is worthy of wielding a goblin made weapon. Like I said, they value strength above all, even gold. Besting one of their best in combat is the only way to prove oneself to them."

Filius was very much aware of that. After all, that's how he received his own goblin axe. Though, him having goblin blood in his veins did help.

'In my current state, I will have hard time fighting. In a few years, I might try going to the goblins and asking for one. Maybe even earlier, depending on how my Aura works.' Thought Michael as they returned.

Once back inside the castle, he quickly went back to his room. Finishing the Occlumency book was a top priority, but figuring out his Aura was even above that. After leaving his trunk next to his bed, Michael closed his eyes and focused, quickly finding the bubble of energy within him. Bringing it out, he was enveloped by dark purple shroud with black stripes. In a way, it was similar to the Aura Michael was used to, but the color had changed as it used to be white before.

'Is this the color of my soul? It almost looks… evil.' Thought Michael, but quickly got over it. Evil or not, it didn't matter to him. He had to figure out what he could do with it, and if it using it was dangerous or not to him.

Meanwhile, Filius went straight towards Dumbledore's office. He'd learned much today and had a lot to discuss with the Headmaster. Michael was very intriguing and he took a great interest in the white-haired boy.

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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