Leo wondered what it might feel like to be an earth giant watching puny creatures destroying his home. Nope, he was drawing a blank.
"Seriously, I'm starting to feel like the bad guy here," Leo sighed.
That was an understatement. They were the invaders this time after all.
It had started with the two thirty-foot giant guards that might as well have been wall decors for all the good they did trying to stop Morgana and Pride, two people who have gotten along pretty well after their initial kerfuffle. Leo guessed that their shared love for causing calamities brought them together.
The two giants fell swiftly, lowering Leo's expectations of what a giant's strength should be.
As they continued on their way along the canyon path, the trio was attacked repeatedly by another pair of earth giants at intervals. Each pair fell to Morgana's and Pride's attacks, leaving Leo a passive spectator to the death.
Greetings, fellow reapers!
Next chapter: Morgana versus the Earthborn King... with Leo backing her up. XD
That's all from me today as I've got the sniffles. ;P Have a good weekend everyone!