/ LGBT+ / FRay

FRay 原創


LGBT+ 50 章節 6.1K 流覽
作者: Li Walt


簡介 目錄


Until he crashlands on the Wynne Farm near St Anne, Alderney, Edmund Bolton will have insisted the most prudent thing about himself is his medical degree and his willingness to fight fascists. But of course it’s that island, and that farm – and that family.

Aidan Wynne is tortured by the shame of others and tormented by a freedom he feels he can never possess. Until the handsome military doctor with far too much understanding and far too little self-preservation comes to turn his life on its head.

The war makes fighters of all affected, but none so much as the lovers and those who must love quietly. Often, the fray has less to do with weaponry and bloodshed, and everything to do with keeping tame a passion that seeks to send the world up in flames without burning oneself up in the process.

”Once more into the fray,
into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day,
live and die on this day.”

Fray is created by Li Walt, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.


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    作者 Li Walt