100% FNAF - The Night Guard's Job / Chapter 15: Chapter 14

章節 15: Chapter 14

It was just the perfect plan.

She stayed in the bathroom. She ensured the guard who worked during the day was busy enough that he ended up pretty tired afterward and didn't focus on having to look at all the places. With that, she would be locked in the bathroom, no one would bother, no one would enter, and no one would check anything. Just in case, she stole some pizzas and some sodas to be able to survive without having to go hungry.

She had fallen asleep after drinking and eating everything. She had no idea what time it was, but it must have been night. It was a bit dark. Only a faint light illuminates this bathroom. Indeed, she had fulfilled part of her mission. Now all she had to do was look around the place and be very sure that she had seen something this afternoon that shouldn't have happened.

"Well, well," this girl was just coming out of one of the bathrooms. She looked at herself in the mirror for a few moments. Brown hair, light eyes, a slightly pale complexion, nothing to worry about. "It's your time to shine. It's time to see if these animatronics move strangely like they did today," she nodded very happily. "You're going to prove that this place hides something very strange…" and by demonstrating that this place is weird, she can get it to close down. Does it affect her in something? No, but considering how perturbating this is, if these animatronics really move on their own and are capable of doing those kinds of things, then so be it. "Now it's just..."

Her plan failed.

A guard was standing at the bathroom door. She found out because she tried to get out and bumped into him. She sat down on the ground. She grabbed her butt because the little fall hurt. She looked up. A tall blond man was standing in front of her. He looked… pretty handsome. She was a little embarrassed, but she was also very upset.

"Why are you in the girls' bathroom?" She asked like it was nothing.

"You're an intruder." He just didn't get carried away by anything. John had to get this girl out of here. Not only because she is an intruder but also because, taking into account the strange behaviors of the animatronics, it is very possible that something bad will happen. "You better come with me."

"I am not going anywhere!" She smacked away the hand that was going to lift her up. She was able to get up herself without anyone's help. "I must prove that those animatronics are alive!"


"Yes! Today I have seen how they strangely move their eyes! It was… it was as if they were searching for someone with their gaze. They're not programmed to do that, are they?" She paused. She stared at the guard. "You must know something. You're the one who works at night, I'm sure of it. You have surely seen things that no one else has not. Come on, tell me. Is it true? Do they move at night?"

But instead of answering, John grabbed her by her hair and dragged her a little further.

"That hurts!" Said the little girl who did everything to free herself without any success. "Stop pulling my hair!"

"I don't want to risk anything here, girl," he answered coldly. "You'll come with me whether you like it or not." This was as kind as he could possibly be. According to his contract, dictated by Francis, who explained everything to him, he has the right to shoot to kill if he has a firearm. They cannot allow people to enter at all, be they children, be they young people, be they, adults. You don't have to tempt fate. You never know what might come through this door... "And you're lucky. If I had a firearm, by law and contract, I am required to shoot you."


"Yes, that's what I thought." He heard that startle and that groan. It was cute scaring kids sometimes. "So shut the fuck up, and everything will be fine."

Though she doesn't know how well things can turn out if she's taken this way… her hair, speaking of her hair, clearly.



Security office, 02:50 am



Minutes passed by.

John was first surprised because he had to open a door that he didn't know was closed because it was consuming his energy. For a change, it wasn't long before everything turned off due to there being less than 20% power remaining. On top of that, he now has to deal with a girl who doesn't know how the hell Francis failed to notice.

He sighed because things were getting more and more complicated.

"Why can't I leave?"

"Why should I-"

"I am twelve."

"Should I let a 12-year-old girl walk around alone with the dangers of the night and more in a city like this?"

"Hey, I know how to defend myself very well. There isn't a man who can't resist a minor either… and suddenly, BOOM, I surprise them with this." She pulled out a knife. "If you only knew what this knife has done to those pedos!"

"Wow, a prostitute at 12?" That bothered the loli a lot. "To then stab people and then rob them… um…" He raised his eyebrows in thought. "Of course, I would have taken advantage of my experience in the army to do the same," he murmured. It seemed like a better source of income… but very risky. He applauds that he at least took this job… but at what cost? "Anyway, I'm going to ask you a favor, okay?"

"No, I don't like blondes," she was already denying him. John didn't understand… yet. "Besides you're working, how professional are you asking a 12-year-old girl for sex? I'm going to report you and yes, they're going to believe me, yes. I've done this several times, my friend..."

"John! John! Look! Look!"

The little girl had to remain silent and was also frozen in place by this.

She saw how an animatronic, precisely Foxy, came running very desperately, having a big smile on her because apparently, she had something to show. This, seeing this, proved that she was right. It's not normal, no, it didn't have to happen with an animatronic running like nothing at night and even more coming to look for the guard. Seeing how she had that big butt and how her breasts bounced, she took a quick look at herself and looked up at Foxy, feeling enormous jealousy and wondering when she would have a body like that.

Quietly, she looked.

"What's... happening?" He still remembers Fredica and how she made him hers. The fact that she was by his side and continues to pretend that she knows nothing is tremendous. Maybe she doesn't really know anything. "What... do you want?"

It was kind of awkward for him. Let's add that he has a child now in his office, which makes things a bit more complicated.

"I only came for what belongs to me..." she said very mischievously. "Also, I had a weird dream… but it was lovely." She leaned closer to John, smiling. "It was you and me, together, forever. You didn't abandon me, and you didn't leave me alone… it was…" She looked melancholy and with a certain touch of love. "It was the most beautiful thing in the world..." She played with her hook, "and to think that this dream can be fulfilled…"

Foxy, out of the corner of her eye, noticed something strange.

At that moment, Foxy could see out of the corner of her eye a girl who was sitting on that sofa. It was… no, it wasn't weird, not at all. The moment she saw her, everything inside her completely changed. She didn't look at John for an answer. She stared at her, intently, with eyes that were gradually losing their light completely.

"Uh… John?" The girl then managed to call the guard's name, looking a little terrified. "Why... why is Foxy looking at me like that?"

John walked over to face the girl. He looked at Foxy's eyes, and yes, her eyes, her eye more than anything, were slowly changing color. It was… it was something like a crimson color. "I have no idea…"

"Someone other than staff has been detected within the hours not allowed for civilians," John heard that robotic voice from Foxy. He turned to see the girl and tell her that it was precise because of that. Then he went back to see Foxy, who for a few moments, felt something wrong. "Applying security protocol."

"Security protocol?" said the young girl. "Is that bad?"

"I... have no idea."

"You work here, and you don't know?!"

"Nobody came in before to want to do stupid things like you…"

"John…" Foxy spoke. Looks like now, she traded that hook for her knife. Both John and the young girl fell silent at that tone. "John...why...? Why are you doing this to me…? I thought that you and I… you promised me that you would never leave me… but why? Why do you have a new girl now? Why? Am I not enough? Am I not a good girl?"

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, Foxy, wait!"

"You don't love me? Are you… planning to leave me?" She ignored John. She was crying right now. She looked at John with a lot of pain... although that pain and that sadness little by little were changing to something else. "Are you thinking of leaving me? Are you thinking of abandoning me despite having promised me that we would be together forever? Will you leave me despite saying you'll take care of me and tell me every day that I'm a good girl?" John reflexively placed the girl well behind him. He was already a little scared by how she seemed to be behaving, and he can't let her hurt the girl in vain… first it would be him… so, he can't let something bad happen to her. Foxy… she was getting angry. "I…I can't allow this…I can't…" She looked past John. "I can't... I can't... that's why... I must kill her... yes, kill her... and then... then I'll kill you... and keep your body... so that you never... never leave me..."

"Foxy, wait, I-"




Man's Bathroom, 03:30 am



"Oh my God, oh my God!"

"Could you shut up?! Try to be quiet!... Ugh..."

"I, I, sorry but… but…"

"Shut your mouth, please. You'll make her find us... even though... shit, it hurts... even though she can see in the dark..."


"Just, shh..."

It was... complicated.

Right now, both John and this damn girl were in the men's bathrooms, hiding in mere darkness, only illuminated by a small flashlight that he decides to turn off at times when he hears slight sounds outside the bathroom itself. He was clutching the side of his stomach, putting pressure on his fresh stab wound, all courtesy of the beautiful Foxy. At least, he believes, that it didn't get to touch the kidney, otherwise, it would be a serious problem... but if he doesn't get medical attention, he will be in trouble.

Something she could have done, well, something. The girl presumes to know the streets but can't do a little basic first aid. Therefore, in pain, he tried to attend to his wound. It's kind of deep. He can't stop the bleeding, and a lot of pressure can't do it. The pain is tremendous, and using one hand alone is even worse.

He was sitting. He was sitting against the bathroom wall, almost sitting on his blood. The trail might draw someone. The smell itself can make Foxy realize where they are… although at the moment, he thinks she won't come… that's what he thinks.

"It's true…" already coming out of her little trance, she entered another one. This girl could see that her suspicions about these animatronics doing things they shouldn't be true. She's seen blood and all firsthand, but how do you act when a sweet, kind robot like Foxy is supposed to come and try to stab you? How do you take this? How should you behave? She does not know. "it's true…" but then she looks at John, who was very calm… well, he was suffering a bit. "Hey!"

"What?" He had a hard time speaking. He was trying to catch his breath. "What do you want?"

"Are you okay?" She came closer. She was trembling. Now she was very worried. Foxy's words echoed in her head over and over again. She's surprised at how the blond is… calm. "H-hey… what the fuck is wrong with Foxy?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"It's the... first time... first time... that I see her like this... It hurts, it hurts a lot." He breathes deeply. His broken wrist rested on top of his somewhat tended wound. He has to make sure he gets out of here alive. "I…" His ear twitched. He then looked at this girl and then handed her a gun. "Take this."

"What are you doing?"

"Shh, slowly," he said. "Someone is outside. Go into a bathroom stall. Don't come out until I find you." She was surprised by what he said. "And don't shoot that weapon... come on, go in there," she, with doubts and with her weapon in her hands, a small pistol that John always had and that this beautiful country seems to let you have one at 15 years old even, she went into the bathroom and stood up in the toilet so as not to be seen. He could feel her fear. He would be acting the same way if he experiences this for the first time. Maybe she's used to people, not animatronics, who have beautiful bodies. He turned off his flashlight then. "Well... whatever God wants..."



Security office, 02:50 am




Foxy threw herself against John no matter what.

John couldn't dodge Foxy, which rushed at him at full speed. He was in a bit of a trance to see her like this, but even when he tried to react and do something, it was already too late.

A small, cold pain began to feel in his stomach. He lowered his head, and Foxy had clearly stabbed him. He didn't scream, he couldn't either. He saw that eye of hers, and that crimson color seemed to glow over and over again, it seemed to be pulsing as well. She, with her hook that became a knife, moved it inside him. The pain he felt was worse than ten bullets hitting his body. She moved it and tried to get deeper.

"It hurts? Yes, it does... die... DIE FOR ME HAHAHAHAHA!"

Pain dominated his mind. He must not get carried away by the shock of this moment. He grabbed that arm of Foxy hard. He was holding it tightly, also holding the blood that wanted to come out of his mouth. Moving, even him with a knife inside, was very painful.

Adrenaline began to hit him. He made every effort to walk with her, who couldn't break free but could move the knife inside him. It hurt, it hurt like hell. He led her to the entrance of the office where she had entered.

"Let go! I can't kill you like this!"

John turned to see the petrified girl. Blood was pouring out of his mouth. As he led Foxy to the door, a trail of blood lay on the floor. "The… bu… button…" he said as best he could as he battled against Foxy so she wouldn't pull out her knife inside him. "…the button…"

The girl was in the grip of the moment. She couldn't move at all. She couldn't move. Everything was happening so quickly. She did not know what to do. She's seen blood, and people stabbed... but never in her life did she think she'd see an animatronic do this.

John saw that she did not move.

He was afraid to activate this, more because it was stopping Foxy from doing something else. He had to do something. She couldn't let go of him… but this girl doesn't seem to be aware of the situation. He sighed and touched the button on the door.

With force, the door itself fell. This caused the entire half of Foxy's forearm to be affected. Touching that button to close, both on each side now separated by the door, ended up falling to the ground, both also screaming from the pain they had felt from being thrown down due to the inertia of the door. Foxy was screaming because she lost part of her arm and John… John was crying with pain because not only did the mere movement make the knife aggravate the wound a little more, but the knife inside also moved, and he was very afraid that it would touch a kidney, apart from the blow he received from falling so suddenly. His eyes were turning white. He squeezed his eyes shut and bit his hand so that he could barely move because of his broken wrist. He was struggling to endure this.

"Are you alright?"

"Now you can fucking move?" His tone of voice changed to one of suffering and pain. He wanted to move a little, but he still had the knife inside. Also, he was pissed. The girl was now able to move. How convenient.

"I…" She looked very worried at John. "…I-I didn't know that…" She was looking around now. She wanted to try to do something. Her gaze found a kit. "Let me help you!" She went looking for it. She took it and knelt beside him. "I… I'll help you!"

He motioned for her not to do anything. She complied, her eyes widening. He then ripped off the tie that he wore with his uniform. He made something like a ball to take to his mouth. He sighed. With that in his mouth and clenching hard with his teeth, he grabbed Foxy's arm and yanked the knife out, stifling a loud cry and having slight spasms from pulling it out. The doctors recommend that you never try to remove something embedded, in this case, a knife, without the help of a professional. He was suffering for a few seconds, but he recovered. He was pale. He spat the tie out of his mouth. He looked at the girl in front of him. "Give it to me…"

"NO!" She said quickly. "I…" But she froze again. "I don't know…"

John snatched the kit away. He looked at her badly. She presumes so much that she manages to live alone, but she doesn't know how to do anything. "Pathetic…" he told her. He, with pain and everything, was able to treat the wound a little... although it is very clear that he surely knows less than her. He tried to do something.

The girl was then able to do something. Aside from staying quiet, she could follow a command or two to deal with the blonde who was trying to do everything with one hand. It was very complicated. At least, after a few more seconds, the girl learned quickly and covered part of his abdomen with bandages.

John stood up, very serious. He was pale. The blood wasn't going to stop either. So he pulled that knife out. He no longer thought about the consequences. Right now, it's his entire survival and this girl's, sadly. "Come…"

"But... we can stay here," she said. John pointed to the energy meter. It went down and down, and it wasn't long before it was zero. She concluded that it would be over, and they would be in the dark. In that case, she, somewhat alive, took the flashlight. He had no choice. "I'll follow you…"

At least she understood this time quickly. That's a good thing. He admits it. He made a slight sign for her to follow him. She nodded. She took his hand just in case. "Let's go to the bathroom…"


"There... there is no time... for jokes."

John opened the door. There was no one. There were some traces of parts, but nothing serious. Well, all this is serious. They must hide a bit and see how to continue at this time.



Man's Bathroom, 03:34 am



"Did you really think you could hide from your dear wife John?" Besides... I thought you were a strong man... and look, you're here, suffering because you can't handle a bitch like Foxy... hehehe... you're pathetic..."


"I think I was very clear with you… but, no, you really love that slut… why don't you listen to me, John? Why? I have always been honest with you. I want you, I want you for myself, I love you so much that I would kill for you… but… you keep cheating on me completely… how should I take this? Hey?"

There was no way to hide from Fredica. The music box rang and rang as her eyes lit up from her night vision. The melody that can help you sleep seemed to have a little effect on John because his desire to close his eyes was enormous so as not to wake up anymore. But, that wasn't going to happen, no. She was stomping on where he had been stabbed. It hurt too much, but he wasn't going to scream in pain. He wasn't going to give her that pleasure, not at all. Until the end, he was going to look at her with hate and power, kill her with his sight. Fredica, more than fear, impression by this or whatever, feel excited.

"Hehehe…yeah, look at me that way. You have no idea how much it turns me on when you see me that way, John…" She stomped on John's stabbed part. He wasn't screaming in pain. He endured the screams. He looked at her with more hatred. "How cute… if I loved you before, today I really want to be able to be pregnant with your babies… who knows? We could have little teddy bears…or little boys with bear ears…fufu…" She put her hands to her cheeks, very embarrassed. "Just imagining that…it blows my mind…" She stomped once more. "But… but you had to be with her… you don't just deserve that she tried to kill you…" She leaned down a little and took his arm. You deserve…" This time she wasn't going to twist it or anything. She applied a little bit of force, more than that time. If one could hear clearly, John's arm was completely broken. "Many worse things..."

John still wasn't crying or anything... but he wasn't far from it. Little by little, he was losing his will and was afraid. He was nowhere near crying. The pain was worse than before. He couldn't take it anymore. He was nowhere near breaking down over all of this. The blood in his mouth came out little by little. Being like this, lying down and having a metal bear on top of him, was slowly making him choke on his blood. He felt that he was about to pass out. The blood lost, the force Fredica was exerting on his wound, his arm, his wrist, his head… he wasn't far from dying.

He was afraid. He was very scared right now.

Yeah, John couldn't stand it. He was already tearing up.

"Hehe... look... you are crying." She then felt herself on top of him. She was going to ride him but, she put her face against him. "...this...this taste..." She licked away the tears that seemed to come from John. She tasted them and smiled. "This is the taste of a cheater," she said. "And cheating husbands like you deserve to die... but also," she caressed his face, "the good side of all this... is that everything will be alright..." She kissed his forehead. "Your soul… it's not going anywhere…" She patted his cheek several times. "Soon… you and me… we will be together… FOREVER!"

Fredica got up. She put her foot on John's neck who was no longer in this astral plane. He was already being received into heaven. He was already in the afterlife, being evaluated by Saint Peter right now for all the things he has done. He's still alive, but not for long.

A splash of water was then heard.

Fredica looked to the side. She looked in the direction the sound came from. She smiled ghoulishly at what she could hear the fear of another victim.

"Ah...even when you are dying you are with another girl?" She let him breathe. She made a few steps to that bathroom stall. "Every day, you surprise me…" She smiled. She kicked the door with all her strength, it hit the possible person inside. Seeing, when the bathroom door fell, that it was a girl, she grabbed her by the neck forcefully and lifted her in the air to stepping on John again, who was just the same as before. "A child…" Her smile is now worse than before. "Now you're cheating on me with a child...? She looked at John. "You have a woman with an excellent body in front of you. Big butt, big breasts, beautiful thighs, everything… but, no, you like an underage girl…" She pressed her foot harder on John's wound. He let out a gasp. "And you…" She looked at the girl in her hand, "you messed with the wrong woman…" She looked past this one as well. "Ah, a nice toy you seemed to have… hehe… John thought that that was going to stop me… and he confided in you something very important… wow… seriously every day, John, you are more unfaithful to me."


"Yeah, don't talk. I'll kill you... and then, I'll set you on fire. Your soul? Mm… I don't know, surely it will be very far… FAR FROM MY MAN."


Fredica looked very coldly at John. She heard that name. It was… it was a name she dislikes, "How…?"



Something hit Fredica's body.

She began to tremble violently, as she let go of the girl who was clutching her neck and coughing, also feeling severe pain. The bear took a few steps back, trembling, feeling how all her circuits began to burn and some to melt from feeling this strong electrical shock caused by a taser that John had been keeping until now, having to endure all this punishment.

Fredica couldn't move, couldn't speak either. She was suffering so much from this strong electric shock that just like that time, smoke was coming out of her.

After a few seconds, she collapsed to the ground. The smell of burning that emanated was impressive, so much so that one might think it was a delicious roast beef. Her eyes went out as well as her music box. In the darkness itself, Fredica blacked out completely.

The girl tried to find the flashlight as best she could. Trying to walk in the dark, she bumped into something and fell. She hit her face. She grabbed her nose. As if that were not enough, the neck and now her nose.

What can be worse than this?

Oh yeah, John dying slowly.

She switched on the flashlight. The blood all over this bathroom room was impressive. You see this, and you think you've seen a woman on her period.

"John, JOHN!" She yelled at him as she patted his face. "Come on, John, don't fall asleep, please." She shook him a little, knowing she shouldn't do that. "Please, I don't want to be alone again…" Such words were true, with how she felt. Whenever she meets someone who can help her, that person always dies. Feels like it's bad luck. She was crying. She hugged his head and brought him to her chest. "Please…"

His skin was already white. He looked as best as he could at this girl. With much, much pain, he began to get up. He was crying from the pain but… what is he going to do? "Of so many places that I can die… I'm going to die in a fucking pizzeria…" he thought. He was already feeling the arms of death, but if there is one thing he has learned in his short life in the army, it is that others come first, then oneself. It wasn't good advice, but these robots are going to kill the girl if they see her. He did his best to get up.

"Wait, wait," she wanted to stop him. "You cannot…"

"Come on…" a weak voice came from him. He was standing. The light from the flashlight made him see something. He looked at a roasted Fredica. Everything was normal on the outside, but inside, she was sure dead... I mean, all her mechanisms must have melted. He pulled out that little bottle of pills. He took all of them. Thanks to the blood in his mouth, he was able to swallow them. "I... I have to..."

"Get me out of here?" At the silence, she could guess that was it. He nodded. No... she didn't know how to help him, but she saw him walk as best he could. "Hey…" but he wasn't listening. He seemed to indicate that she should follow him. She blinked a few times. She decided to shut up. She decided to follow him.

He led her down a long corridor.

Soon they were arriving at the entrance of the premises. She looked at him. The little light already offered by the flashlight, because it seemed to be somewhat broken, allowed her to see a little of his eyes. He was… he was already on his last legs. She didn't want to leave him, but what could she do? Twice already she has done nothing. The enormous fear that she has suffered from seeing these animatronics wanting to kill them both... and even more so that bear who said those weird things... did he seriously have sex with them?

"Go..." John managed to spit out then. He forcefully broke one of the windows of the door with his foot. She was small, she could bend over and everything. "Just go."

Something climbed on top of his back.

He didn't hear anything and didn't see either. The same thing happened to the girl.


Foxy came back.

She hung onto his back and forced John to fall to the ground, then sank her teeth into his neck and shoulder, making the blond let out more groans of pain.


He was dragged by the fox in the dark as he felt how those robotic teeth were digging deeper, and deeper into his shoulder and neck, being able to feel that she was close to ripping pieces of meat from those places.

The girl saw how Foxy took him into the dark.

She got out of there quickly.

She ran as fast as she could.

She never looked back. She ran and ran. She was crying because of what she had seen. A person she doesn't know at all sacrificed himself to give his life for her. Something that surely has no value for anyone but for her it means a lot. She cannot sit idly by.

She ran and ran to find someone, but no one passed by...


This was something like the power of the plot itself. That or maybe, just maybe, there were some cases of robberies in this area. She saw that she had run easy five blocks at full speed and ran into a patrol car. This was parked and with two policemen inside who at the moment of seeing him, a very desperate 12-year-old girl in great shock, looked at each other and left the car.

"Stop right there!" Said one of them. "Wait, girl! Wait! This place is too dangerous for…"

They both came closer. They were two men almost the same age as the blonde from what she supposed. Seeing her, they showed much concern. It's not normal for a girl her age to be in a state like this. She was with her neck marked and some blood on her clothes. She looked at both of them. She swallowed hard, but it hurt. "I need help!"

"What happened?" They both asked, concerned.

She knew what to say. "Someone broke into the robot's pizzeria!"

"Fredica's Fazbear?" One asked. She nodded desperately. "Okay, listen, you're going to have to come with us so we can go to the station and..."

"It is of the utmost official importance! There is a life in danger!" Once again they both looked at each other and began to worry more than necessary about how she said this. But seeing that there was a hint of doubt, she chose to do something very racist. "Do you not understand? Some blacks broke in to steal!"

As the girl said that some blacks broke in to steal, the policemen ran, one stayed with her, in fact, he went to the car to ask for at least ten patrol cars as reinforcements and air support, exaggerating a little the support they were asking for.

"You've done well, girl," the officer said. "Now we're going to take care of it." He drew his pistol. "Thanks for letting us know." He turned to see his partner. "Stay with the girl! I'm going to kill that black!"

"But I wanted to kill him..."

"Nope. This night is boring as fuck, and there's nothing better to brighten up this night than killing a nigger."

The girl was praying, now having an officer who protested because he wanted to go and shoot some blacks, so that John would be alive and that please, by the way, in the future he wouldn't be as racist as he is now.

next chapter
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