"Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead"- Benjamin Franklin
Where am i!?
Noah couldn't see anything as he kept trying to open his eyes or atleast move, yet he felt like he had forgotten how to function properly
I can't see…nor move…am I dead?
a few hundreds thoughts start to rush into his mind as he tried to grasp the situation he was in
Where was I before this?
oh! yeah, i was in my room…maybe this is a dream?
yeah…that must be, so how the fuck im i supposed to wake up!?
With all his strength and will he tried to focus and wake up, but the he feels a lot of pain in his chest, he tried to breath
What's happening!!?
I cant breath..
As he tries to breath for minutes then he takes his first breath, feeling overjoyed to not die
Thanks god!
As he tries to open his eyes he starts to hear voices around him, two males voices and a female one
did i just get fucking kiddnaped? Why me!? i don't even know in what language they are talking
Noah finally gets the chance to open his eyes but he didn't see what he expected,
as his eyes adapt to the light in the room he began to scan his surroundings,
A room well lighted with two windows on the right, there were three people around him looking him with a smile,
Who are these people!??
As Noah takes a glance to his body…his eyes widen in shock and fear…he was in a baby's body! and in a girl's one on top of that!!
Calm down…try to understand…
He closes his eyes and tries to calm down
Did I just get reincarnated or something???
Nah that's impossible…then?
The two men and the women look at each other worried
I'm high? Or maybe this is just a dream, yeah…
Melisa the women with long black hair and beautiful ruby eyes speaks to one of the men in a worried tone
-Is it normal for the baby not to cry?
The man that had some kind of uniform of a doctor from the XIXs shakes his head from side to side and he speaks
-No, but he looks fine…
Both men frown
Noah is still processing the situation but he snaps back to reality
Oh babies cry I almost forgot…should i just cry then?
Noah tries to cry but his masculinity stops him for a moment before he gives up and cries
Melina picks up Noah and starts to rock him back and forth as she speaks again
-thanks god, i really thought she was sick
Melina lets out a sigh of relief and joy before she speaks again
-Look at her Arthur! our baby is so beautiful!
The other man nods his head in agreement and smiles as he speaks
-i wish we had a boy but she looks just as beautiful as you Melina
Noah frowns
I'm a boy though!!!
Noah tries to talk but just nonsense gets out of his tiny mouth, he then feels frustrated as his vocal cords aren't developed enough yet, the doctor decides to speak
-So what will be her name?
Noah stops talking to himself and he looks up to his "parents"
Melina and Arthur look at each other and they both nod at the same time
-Her name will be Kayle!-Melina says in an overjoyed tone
-like in that one tale?-the doctor gave a curious look at Melina and Arthur
-What the hell are they saying?...this feels too real to be a dream though…well, let's leave that for later-
Noah then tries to do his best to understand the strange language but fails miserably,
as he keeps trying, suddenly he feels a headache like none that he ever had, his head felt like it was beaten up by a metal bar again and again, no! it felt more like his head was being liquidated, he wanted to scream but at that moment for some reason he was quiet as some kind of doll, this pain lasted for a few more minutes until it stopped suddenly…
-What was that!!!-Noah felt like his head was still in pain, he felt dizzy and then involuntarily fell asleep
After what felt like three hours he opened his eyes slowly and took a grasp of the room, he noticed he was in a kind of cradle…
No one is around, the room was well lighted as well, one window on the opposite side of the wooden door, similar to European maple wood, the walls were painted white just like the ceiling, he then notice that the room was decorated for a girl, two plushies beside him and even some kids drawings on the wall…he really has become a girl!
-Is this real!?....
His mind goes blank for a moment…he really was a baby again, and a girl one…
-So…does that mean that the eastern religions were right!???...wait, you can't get ahead of yourself…yeah, let's analyze my situation- Noah takes a good look at his body and his surroundings
-Okay…i'm a baby, a girl, and i don't know what language they are talking about…i'm out of europe? no, those people didn't seem asian or anything like that…then where i am!? they didn't speak english, spanish, german, russian or japanese…then what?
As he kept trying to figure out where he was, a thought came to his mind, what if he is in another world!? Even though that seem surreal to even him
-Lets see…-He tries to look for something that could prove he is in a different world, as he looks at the wall behind him he spots a map…it was the map of Europe!
-Wait…I can't read the map…but that's definitely Europe! yes, thanks god, atleast im somewhere i know about…wait- He takes a better look at the map and his eyes widen
-Why is France nonexistent?...and Poland too!? Did a third world war happen or something? No that can't be…-He then tries to stand up but fails multiple times
-This is hell! why is it so hard to walk!?...well, i'm a baby so i guess that's normal i suppose,,,i need to get out of this cradle though…
He thens gather all his will power and tries to climb, he then fell from his crib
-Ouch! that hurts
Noah then tried to stand up but failed helplessly, and as he sighs he decided to just crawl like a powerless baby
-This has to be a joke seriously- Noah then starts to crawl up to the door but then realizes that he can't open it…it was way too high! Noah wanted to scream out of frustration, but then the door opens as the women that was supposed to be his mother appears, Melina looks at Noah now known as Kayle as she is crawling on the floor with a shocked expression
-How did you get here!?- Melina says as she picks up the helpless Kayle and rushes to what Kayle guessed the living room is.
-Joel!? Arthur!?-Melina says as she scans the room in search of his husband and doctor, they are sitting on a fancy brown couch and sipping what seems to be tea as if they were having a casual conversation, then both of them turn their heads to Melina.
-Whats wrong honey?-Arthur got up from the fancy coach and approached his wife, meanwhile Kayle was still processing his situation as he scanned the living room.
-I think we should buy a higher crib for Kayle, i found her on the floor i think she fell off by accident- Melina said in a slightly worried tone, Wait, a higher crib? that would make it even more difficult for Kayle to climb, Kayle cursed himself for letting him get caught by who he had guessed his mother was, and then another thought came into his mind, how could he understand them out of nowhere!? he swore that he couldn't understand them before, why now?
-Sure, but did you really find her on the floor? i didn't heard her crying, so its difficult to imagine that she fell off her crib- Arthur stroke Kayle's head gently wich annoyed Kayle cause he was being treated like he was a baby,
-Yes, i found her in front of the door, lets buy her a crib with the highest bars, i don't want her to hurt herself before the baptism- Melina started to rock back and forth as she held Kayle tightly but gentle, something from that sentence picked Kyle's attention,
-baptisms? I think my history teacher said something about those things, was it something about religion? Does this mean that in this "place" religion still exists? i thought that religion was prohibited by the federation of world peace ten years ago, maybe this is really another world…- that thought alone sent a chill down his spine, Kayle didn't know how to react, excited to find himself in a new unexplored world, or terrified to the possibility of not seeing his homeworld and people again…then he snapped back out of his deep thoughts as he looked at his parents and doctor, apparently Arthur agreed to buy Kayle a new crib, one with higher bars unfortunately, he was again in his crib finally alone away from those strangers that swore to be Kayle's parents, he then took a deep breath to try and collect his thoughts, he was a girl now, and a baby on top of that, Kayle clearly felt a bit uncomfortable with this fact, but he had something more important to think about, and that is that he is in a new world! He had read a few novels and mangas where this happened, but he couldn't just say it's the same thing, he was no protagonist after all, just a 15 year old high school student with a bad personality and bad grades, how did he end up in this bizarre situation!? did he anger an unknown deity or something? he then lays down exhausted of all of these complex thoughts, he clearly needed more information to know what to do next.
Its my first ever work, so have mercy! please? anyways, any kind of feedback is thankful, this is just my hobby btw