Ruka's POV:
"So..." I said. Once Eve had left I had pulled the boy named Trent in my room. I had crushed both his hands completely. It would take a month to regenerate the bone as he was a lower rank vampire.
A lower rank vampire had the same lifetime as the humans, the only thing was they survived on blood and stronger compared to the humans but not as strong as the higher ranked vampires did. It was like a half-breed.
"Enlighten me why you were asking Eve to come with you a few minutes back," I told looking at him. I could see him trembling slightly, making me smile internally.
"I-I was just joking," he stuttered, I could make out he was lying.
"You know Trent," I said taking his hand and he winced at what I might do, "I hate people who lie."
"I didn't know she was your mate," he said in fear.
"Hmm let's make sure you don't do it again," I twisted his arm back and he screamed in pain. After inflicting some more pain on him I told him to get out.
My wolf wasn't pleased with such small torture, he wanted blood but at the same time please his mate. Eve had asked not to kill him.
Louis had informed me about yesterday's events. He gave an up-to-date information about whatever happened, be it inside the school or outside. The whole area we were in was an anti-ground for werewolves and vampires. Witches had put a spell making our eyesight and smelling senses of no use.
Lizzy had piqued an interest in Eve regarding the cave. My clever cousin had asked her to get permission from me as none of the teachers had given the permission. Looking at her brown innocent eyes I had them go.
I went up to her room and saw they were playing cards. Looking at me she folded the cards and got up, walking towards me.
"Is he still..." she asked me carefully.
"Yes," I replied putting my arms around her and she sighed.
"I'll be going out for some time," I told to which her head rose to meet my eyes.
"Out?" she asked her eyebrow knitting together.
"Yes, my wolf needs a run," I replied to her and saw her eyes lit up.
"Can I come too?" she asked me eagerly.
"You want to?" I asked her and she nodded her head happily, "Let's go then," I kissed her forehead.
We were walking on the grassy fields and had come far away from the camping site. I began taking my clothes out making Eve turned around quickly in other direction and I laughed.
I felt my bone cracking and in a few seconds, I had transformed into my wolf form. Eve had her back turned on me; I went near her and nudged the side of her leg with my head, making her gasp in surprise.
She turned back and looked at me. My fur was pitch black and my wolf form was big.
"You look gorgeous," she said in awe, I laughed at her comment, which came as a bark.
Getting down she ruffled my ear earning a low growl from me, I nuzzled her face when she came near, earning a giggle from her.
She sat down near a tree, while I ran in wolf form. After that I went and sat next to her, placing my head on her lap.
"I always wanted a mate," she spoke as she brushed my fur lovingly," Wondering if I did have one, would I get a vampire or a werewolf. I got both of them."
"Can you not publicize me being your mate, like it'll be awkward during school hours," she said softly.
I heard her speak as she went talking about her childhood, listening to her intently. At one point she spoke how she found me hot. Later grabbing my clothes, I changed back from my wolf form. I swept her off her feet then.
"So my mate thinks I'm hot, huh?" I asked smirking slightly and she nodded smiling. Using my vampire speed we reached the site and let her down.
"Eve, I need you to get ready and meet me an hour later," I informed her.
"Where are we going?" she asked me.
"I need to meet someone for some work. I would like it if you came along."
"Okay," she said leaving. I would feel at ease having her near and didn't have to worry.
Eve's POV:
We had arrived at the palace after an hour where Ruka was going to meet a person called Benjamin Arrow. I had worn a collared shirt and skinny jeans.
"Ruka," a curly-haired man greeted whom I assume was Benjamin.
"Benjamin," Ruka said looking at the man.
"How can I help you," Benjamin asked with a smile, he was a tall man and looked at me, "And who might this beautiful lady be?"
"This is my mate, Eve," Ruka introduced me while his hand was on my back.
"Mate? That's new," Benjamin said curious and bowed slightly," My Queen."
"Hello," I said awkwardly.
"I needed you to work on the attack that's been occurring lately in the west," he spoke.
"Why not send Leo?" Benjamin suggested.
"His hands are full guarding the school," Ruka replied.
"Hmm," Benjamin thought for a while, "Let's discuss in our study shall we?" as we walked I tugged Ruka's arm.
"What is it, love?" he asked me.
"Can I look around?" I asked him, I would be bored for sure if I went inside the study.
"Okay," he agreed and kissed me before leaving.
I roamed around the palace taking my own time admiring it. I wonder what attacks was Ruka talking about and I had no idea Leo was looking after our school. Louis was excellent with his studies; I guess he is around for the same reason.
As I walked I felt someone's presence behind me, I turned around ready to swing my hand.
"Eric?" I asked shocked, "Oh my god it's you," and jumped on him.
"Hey Eve," my cousin Eric, hugged me grinning and twirled me in his arms, "I told you, you would see me soon," he said letting me down. I was extremely happy to see him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him surprised.
"I work for Benjamin," he replied smiling, "Did you come with the king?"
"Yeah, he told something about attacks happening in the west region," I told him, "Do you know what it is about?" I asked him.
"Humans have gone missing and some were attacked by vampires for blood, it's a serious issue. Especially when the law clearly states such things are banned," he explained and I nodded my head.
"So how have you been? You look healthy and happy," he said.
"I'm alright, I have been attending Preston's," I told him.
"That's good," he said thoughtfully," It's a good place to learn things, you know- what's that mark on your neck?" he asked me checking it and I saw his eyes go wide, "Who the hell marked you, Eve?!"
"Did someone force on you?" he asked me angrily.
"Eric, I have a mate," I said quickly.
"What?! When did that happen and why didn't you tell me?" he asked shocked now, "Don't you consider me as your brother?" I could sense the slight disappointment in his voice.
"Of course I do! It was supposed to be a secret," I told him, "Its Ruka." Eric stayed silent for few seconds and then spoke.
"So you are his beloved," he said, "I'm glad you have a mate Eve," he kissed my forehead and that is when we heard a growl.
Ruka was standing there with Benjamin, his hand fisted, eyes blazing. In a blink, if an eye Ruka had his hands on Eric's neck.
"How dare you kiss my mate!" Ruka roared and punched him.
"Ruka, stop!" I said trying to pry his hand off Eric's neck, "He's my brother!" Ruka snapped his head at me.
"How is this vampire your brother," he asked me furious and I caught glimpse of his canines that had grown.
"He is, please let him go," I pleaded him, "I'll explain."
He let go of Eric and pulled me in his embrace, taking in my scent to calm himself. Eric was coughing.
"I was adopted by Eve's aunt and have been her brother since then. I assure you I have no interest in her in the romantic sense other than the brotherly feelings," Eric explained.
"So you're a lower vampire?" Ruka asked who had considerably calmed down.
"Yes," he replied and I heard Ruka sigh softly.
"I'm sorry for my behavior," Ruka apologized Eric.
"That's alright," Eric grinned. For a person who's neck was going to snap a few minutes back, he looked carefree, "I'm glad she has someone to take care of her."
"Now that everything is sorted out, let's have dinner," Benjamin suggested.
During dinner, Eric and Ruka spoke a lot about me. I don't even know how many times I rolled my eyes, as Eric told stories about me. Ruka listened to it smiling.
While leaving Benjamin told me I could come and visit anytime I want. Telling bye to Eric both Ruka and me left the place. The trip was over and all of us came back. A week had passed.
I sat in the class now, which was taken by Leo. If you think he behaved soft and nice towards me, then you're mistaken. He was the same that is if you weren't attentive in his class. I felt tired today, my muscles a little achy since I got up.
I had seen Trent in the morning talking to his jock friends. His face was bruised and looked pale. Ruka had done a number on him. When our eyes met, he had averted his eyes quickly.
Ruka was still taking our class, where did he send our regular teacher? I had fun during the trip, especially the time I spent with Ruka. I was so excited to see his wolf. It was beautiful with pitch black fur and his amethyst eyes. His wolf was big and looked lethal.
Though Ruka and Eric had met each other in an inappropriate, I was glad that they got along well after clearing up any misunderstanding.
Someone cleared their throat snapping me back to the class. Looking up I saw Leo with a raised eyebrow. Crap.
"Ms. Whitlock, if you would come back from your dreamland and concentrate," he said.
Later I went to the next class which was Ruka's. I felt dizzy as I walked. Was I catching the fever? It had been long since I had one.
Before I could enter the class, I felt my body weightless and blacked out.
When I woke up, I saw I was in the bedroom.
"You're awake." It was Ruka, he was sitting next to me brushing my hair. He seemed a little tense.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"You passed out in front of the classroom. I got you home," he replied, "You had me worried."
I felt hot as minutes passed by, feeling uncomfortable and an unknown ache forming.
"How are you feeling, Eve?" It was the elder, Annesana.
"I feel hot," I replied to her and she sighed, "Ruka it'll only worsen as time passes by."
"I know," Ruka said looking at me, I scrunched my eyebrows with confusion at her.
"Eve, a mating process has two steps. First is the marking; second is the mating," Annesana spoke," Nature always pushes to get things in the right direction. It is not necessary that you have to mate right away. Its full moon tonight and you being Ruka's mate, your body is preparing for him. As I said, it's not that you have to mate but your soul will call out for him making it difficult to resist each other."
I did hear things as such, I gulped hearing her knowing what it meant and Ruka confirmed it.
"Love, you're in heat."