Today was Aiden's birthday. Instead of throwing a magnificent party at the castle, Andria had planned to visit the carnival that was being held in the next city.
She told she wanted something different this time. Her husband, Shane flew down here last night to be with his son and wife.
He was tall in person with sharp grey eyes, quite a charmer and a gentleman. He was a patient and a loving father I could say by looking at the way he spoke to Aiden and carried him everywhere not putting him down. At first, he was reluctant, but when Andria convinced him, he gave in. Not to forget Ruka and Sebastian accompanied us too. In short, all of us had come to the carnival now.
Ruka wore a simple plain shirt and a brown jacket on that with his jeans. It was a casual wear and he looked gorgeous in it looking like a model. He wore sunglasses to hide his purple colored eyes. Nobody even noticed that the royal family was here in the fair.
"I'm so excited," Lizzy exclaimed happily.
"Me too," Bella agreed to it, "It has been such a long time since I've visited there."
"Now where's the counter," Andria pondered looking around, "Ah there it is," she said spotting a counter that had people standing in a queue.
Aiden looked cute, holding hands with his father. As we walked towards the counter, he tugged at his father's shirt
"What is it Aid?" Shane asked looking at Aiden.
"Papa," Aiden pointed his hand in one direction. It was a shop that sold cotton candy in pink, blue and orange colors. It was cute the way he looked up at his father with hope-filled eyes.
"Why don't you guys go get us that while we ladies get the ticket," Andria suggested.
"Alright honey, stay here any trouble contact us," Shane said to which Andria smiled.
"We'll be fine," she kissed him. All men left leaving us behind.
"Argh, this place is so tacky," Megan said wrinkling her nose with disgust. Oh did I forget to tell even she was here, yeah she was there whining every few seconds how dirty and crowded this place was.
"You're free to go if you want to," Lizzy said annoyed with her.
Megan just huffed at it and walked with us to the counter. It had been almost fifteen minutes since we were standing in the queue. It looked like the guys too had to wait to get the cotton candy because of the rush.
Megan left us later, telling she was tired standing for such a long time and that it did not suit her, waiting in the queue. Well, we were quite happy to bid her goodbye.
"Thank god she left," Bella exclaimed sighing when she left.
"Seriously!" Lizzy said, "I was this close to snapping," she showed her hand closing the distance between her thumb and her forefinger.
"This is taking forever," Andria said placing one of her hand on her hip. Finally, we got nine tickets. While turning around, by mistake I bumped into someone's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry," I apologized to the person. It was a guy who looked like he was in his twenties.
"No problem," he smirked looking at me, " I'm Phil, what's your name?" he asked. He was trying to flirt.
"It's mind your business."
It was Ruka; he came and stood next to me glaring at the person named Phil. If looks could kill, he would be six feet under the ground.
"A-ah I'm sorry, I didn't know," Phil replied looking scared and went away.
"Come," he said cooly placing one of his hand on my back and taking me from there. I kept quiet for the time and walked. I took the blue colored cotton candy and ate it.
Shane, Andria went to play the mini rides with Aiden. Later we went on the Columbus, the car race, shooting the balloons and many more. We later went to a restaurant to get some food. It was evening and we rode almost everything except for the Ferris wheel.
"Louis!" Lizzy said pulling his arm, " Its fun I promise," he didn't want to get on it.
"Go away Liz," he said pulling his arm.
"Don't be such a baby," she said playful, "Bella and I, Andria, Shane and Aiden, Loui and Seby, lastly Ruka and Eve," she said pairing us up.
"You can't win against her at this," Sebastian patted Louis on the back.
"By the way how many rounds do we get?" Bella asked the person who was standing near the counter.
"Five miss," he replied to her.
"After you," Ruka said as we came near the Ferris wheel. I got inside first and he later got in sitting next to me. We were somewhat in the middle as everyone was getting inside each compartment and it began to move.
"I had fun today," I told him to which he smiled.
"I'm glad you did," he said tucking a loose hair around my ear. We were at the top now and I could see the sunset.
"Beautiful isn't it," he said.
"Yeah," I replied to him. The wheel began to move down slowly. My stomach felt light.
"Do you feel it?" I asked him as he sat there next to me having a soft smile on his face.
"You mean the weightlessness? Yeah I do," he said raking his hair back with his fingers, " I want you to close your eyes Eve," he said looking at me.
"Okay." I felt his hands go around my head and then felt a cool thing on my neck.
"You can open them now," he said moving his hand away. I opened my eyes slowly and touched my neck, looking down to see a thin silver necklace which had a locket of blood-red stone in it.
"It suits you perfectly," he said bringing his hands up and checking the locket, "I won't be here for a week due to some work. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday actually but I don't think I'll get the opportunity to do that. And now seemed perfect."
"You didn't have to, but thank you," I said to him having my finger tracing down the neck piece. He wouldn't be there here on my birthday, I felt dejected listening to it. I wanted him to be there.
"I'm sorry love. It is an important situation that needs my presence," he told me and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.
"I understand," I said pressing my lips together.
"If you want, you can go visit your parents before your birthday," he offered. It was the third round in the Ferris wheel now.
"In Hawaii?" I asked shocked. Not that I didn't want to, it was far away from here. But I did want to meet them.
"Yeah, else I could fly them down here," he said. We were sitting pretty close now, our faces just a few distances apart.
"Would you really do that?" I asked eagerly.
"That's the least I could do," he said. I felt his gaze on my lips and I did the same.
I could feel a very light pressure from the chain as Ruka pulled the locket near him closing the distance, I felt his cool lips press on my warm ones.
My hands were clutching on his shirt as he kissed me gently moving his lips on mine. Due to the shock, I did not move first but then kissed him back. One of his arms went around my waist while the other left the locket and held my face angling it.
I felt him trace my bottom lip softly and my toe curled at the feeling. He then broke the kiss and looked at me his eyes burning intensely.
"Don't keep your mouth shut love while you kiss," he told tapping on the lips and placed back his lips on mine when I opened my mouth to talk. He slipped his tongue inside my mouth and deepened the kiss coaxing and making it more passionate.
He broke the kiss after few seconds, his forehead pressed against mine. I was trying to catch my breath while he looked at me intently.
"It was much better than I imagined it to be," he said after a while with a grin and I blushed furiously. He moved back then linking his fingers with mine. I felt a tingling feeling as he did it skipping my heart a beat at the gesture.
The Ferris ride came to an end and we got out our fingers entwined. Lizzy and Bella had this big grin on their face which told they knew what happened. Sebastian just wiggled his eyebrows at our hands, the rest of them gave us smiles.
We later got back castle and I went straight up to my room, flopping on my bed. I touched my lips still feeling Ruka's lips on mine. Grabbing a pillow I buried my face in it. I had been kissed today. My first kiss, I grinned widely like an idiot. I don't think I would get an ounce of sleep today.
Here I was, sitting under a tree on a cloudy afternoon in the school campus. I had no classes, so I decided to spend some time here before calling Augustus. It was a relaxing place. Many trees surrounded where I sat and there was grass which wasn't dried ones.
I felt as though I was sitting in a park. Feeling the cool breeze blow, I closed my eyes. Good thing I tied my hair today else it would have turned into a birds nest for sure.
Often my mind would drift off to the time when Ruka kissed me. It wasn't just any kiss, but a French kiss! In the castle, whenever I saw him my face would heat up thinking about it.
I didn't have to tell Lizzy or Bella about the details as they had seen it live which was even worse.
My cell phone beeped altering me, it was a call from my best friends.
"Hey Eve," Rini and Jessi both spoke.
"Hey Jessi, Rini," I replied.
"How have you been Eves? I miss both you and Jessi in college," she said whining.
"I miss you guys too," I said, "How's the responsibility of the pack going on?"
"Well, it's going hectic. Who knew there were so many laws in the pack," Rini sighed.
"Ahem," it was Jessi.
"Hehe, you can talk Jessi," Rini laughed in the phone.
"I thought you guys forgot me," Jessi said in a fake hurt tone.
"Of course not," I replied laughing.
"We called to say that we'll be visiting you on your birthday, it's alright right?" Jessi asked me.
"That would be really sweet of you guys. I would love it," I said excitedly.
"Yay," Rini squealed, I am sure she was jumping up and down, "At last we'll be meeting. But still Jessi how did you convince William about you coming?" she asked Jessi.
"You know, I pulled some strings," she replied, "We both mated by the way".
"Congratulations Jess," I wished her, "Am I going to be an aunt any soon?," I asked her joking.
"Yeah Jessi, how was it?" Rini was giggling.
"Fantastic and that's all the detail you people get," Jessi replied, "And no Eve. How are you doing there? Is everything fine?" she asked going to the elder sister mode.
"Yeah, everything's fine but..." I trailed off thinking whether I was going to tell what happened.
"But?" Jessi prompted.
"What is it, Eve?" Rini got all worried now.
"I kissed," I said softly waiting for their reply.
"You did what?!" was their reaction, pretty much what I expected.
"What's his name? Is he a student there?"
"Oh my god! Is he a human or supernatural?"
"Is he hot? How was your kiss?"
I would have answered if they would stop firing questions on questions.
"No he isn't a student here, yes he's a supernatural and hot," I replied to their question and smiling at the last part," The kiss was good," I told keeping the details to a minimum.
"How did it happen?" Rini asked me.
"It's a long story, I'll tell you guys when you come here," I said. Ruka had told not to tell anyone about us being mates but they were my friends and I trusted them.
"Okay Eve, just be careful I don't want you to have a heartbreak you know how people can be," Jessi warned me.
"Aye aye captain," I replied laughing.
"I'll see you guys there. Love you take care," Jessi said.
"Love you too," both Rini and I said together.
Flipping my phone, I put it back in my bag, leaning my back on the tree. Taking a deep breath I let out a sigh, at least I had one thing off my chest and my mind would not bug that I was keeping secrets from them.