Andromeda spent the morning there and later when Liu Xueyi was done tending to some important things, he came back to chat with her and take her around his house.
It was at this stage that she understood he lived alone and would only have a maid come in to clean up and leave.
He loved his privacy so much but for Mrs Chou this was the first time she had seen him bring someone into that particular house ever since the time of his last relationship which was more like ages ago to everyone.
Of course, in all their tour, he gave her one of his tennis shorts to put on to cover up properly before the clothes he ordered for her arrived.
Once they came, Andromeda was dazed by his fashion sense and his keen sense of picking out her exact size but most importantly, the prices on the clothes were enough to make her eyes budge out.
"Xueyi, this is too much. Who spends this much on an outfit?"
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