"So that is my answer, Liu Xueyi. I may sound wicked and all, but that is it. I was hurt most by everything."
"Hmm, a complicated answer but it is okay. I understand you."
"However, what pains me the most, sorry to say, is actually how well Wu Bai used you. Like really. He used your talents so much."
She could see it in his eyes, that he was pissed by everything. Anyone who heard all of this would be pissed.
"I know. I cannot really kill him for it. At a point in time, I reduced the designs I sent him."
"After all, since Beatrice is the best, she should trend herself, but when the company began to drop, he persuaded me again."
She shook her head, resting it against her palm as she sighed in frustration.
Both of them kept quiet for a long while and no one spoke while they battled with their worries.
Sorry this took long, lmao. I hope you love their chemistry?