47.36% Elden Ring: Advent of the Game-Given (SI/Multiverse) / Chapter 8: First Dungeon Dive (2/2)

章節 8: First Dungeon Dive (2/2)

Chitter, chitter.

Hiding behind a wall, I used {Observe} on a pair of rats right around the corner, facing away from me.

Stepping quietly out of my cover, I quickly snuck up to the one closer and activated the first skill I'd gotten from the class change.

{SP: 95/100}

Feeling my dagger arm strengthen, I raised the dagger and struck its skull as hard as possible, penetrating its brain and killing it on the spot.


{Critical Hit! | -400 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

As I struck, it made enough sound to draw the attention of the other rat.

It screeched, leaping at me as it tried to rip out my neck like the other rats. Sadly, it wouldn't get the opportunity to do so.

Just as it came within half a meter of me, I leaned to my left and activated my second skill.

{SP: 85/100}


The rat landed on the ground, confused as to why it missed, but it didn't get the chance to ponder, as I slammed my leg into its side, sending it flying away.

{-13 HP}

It hit the wall with a thump and fell. 

I was on it within seconds, making sure not to give it any time to recover as I used my skill again and stabbed its skull.

{Critical Hit! | -400 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

That's 14 now.

Standing up, I dusted off my robes, before wiping the blood off my dagger.

Looking at the two disintegrating corpses, I couldn't help but marvel at how easily I was able to dispatch them, compared to before.

Man, I'm glad I took Rusty's suggestion.

X – X – X – X – X – X

[Half an hour ago]

So, how do I use this thing?

[You just have to toss it, and it'll work.]

…That's it?

[Well, it is a token for beginner classes only.]

…Fair enough.

Following his instructions, I flicked the coin with my thumb, tossing it high.

Once it reached the peak of its trajectory, it suddenly disappeared into thin air, as a new panel appeared in front of me.

{{Beginner Class Change Token} used! Commencing class change…}

{Choose a class.}

{{Warrior} {Mage} {Ranger} {Summoner}}

Warrior, Mage, Ranger, Summoner… hold up, are these classes from Terraria?

[I suppose you could say my creator sought inspiration from other sources while creating me.]

A man of culture, I see. Anyways, could I get a preview of all the classes?

{Class: Warrior}

{Path of courage. Test your mettle, put your life on the line, and engage enemies head-on in close combat.}

{Increases VIG, END, and STR by 1 for each level you gain.}

{Available Skill(s): Slide-step (Novice), Heavy Strike (Novice)}

{Class: Mage}

{Path of knowledge. Grasp the secrets and truths behind everything, and gain the power that comes with it.}

{Increases MND, INT, and FAI by 1 for each level you gain.}

{Available Skill(s): Mana Manipulation (Novice)}

{Class: Ranger}

{Path of insight. Perceive the wind, the earth, and the seas entirely, and let nothing escape your sight.}

{Increases DEX by 2, and END by 1 for each level you gain.}

{Available Skill(s): Sharpshot (Novice), Arrow Time (Novice)}

{Class: Summoner}

{Path of leadership. Loyal allies await your orders, willing to forge your path to greatness at your command.}

{Increases VIG, MND, and INT by 1 for each class you gain.}

{Available Skill(s): Summon (Novice)}

Hey Rusty, do all of these skills start at Level 1?

[Yes, they do.]

Reading through the entire thing, I couldn't help but lean towards the {Warrior} class.

Yeah, it was the riskiest of all the classes, but logically speaking, it made the most sense.

But at the same time, I also want to summon armies and throw around magic and shit! I mean, it's magic! Do I need to say more?!

Ahh, I can't decide! Rusty, do you have any suggestions?

[Well, {Warrior} would best suit your current situation.]

And your reasoning is…

[I suggest it because of its skills. {Ranger} wouldn't work as its skills require a ranged weapon, and although {Mana Manipulation} and {Summon} have a much higher potential in the long term, they would still require time and practice to raise them to a level usable in combat. Hence, this leaves only {Warrior}, with weaker skills, but easier to use.}

Is that so? Then {Warrior} it is.

Taking his advice, I chose to walk the path of the courageous.

{Changing class to {Warrior}...}

{Acquiring new skills...}

{Congratulations! You have gained a new class!}

{Quest Completed!}

{Quest: Class Change}

{Objective(s): Use the {Beginner Class Change Token} to gain a new class.}

Reward(s): A new class.}

Pulling up the {Skills} panel, I focused on the new skills I received.

{ – Skills – }

{Slide Step (1/20 | 0%) (Novice) (Active): Move parallel to the surface your foot is in contact with, in the direction you are leaning towards, covering a certain distance nigh-instantly.}

{Current Range: 1 meter}

{Cost: 10 SP}

{Heavy Strike (1/20 | 0%) (Novice) (Active): Tense your arm and strike, dealing increased damage to opponents.}

{Damage Increase: 50%}

{Cost: 5 SP}

{Heavy Strike} will be quite useful in shortening the time to kill a single rat, while {Slide Step} would keep me on the move and help me escape sticky situations.

All in all, it's a good investment, I'd say.

Now all that's left, is to experience them for myself.

X – X – X – X – X – X

After that, it took a few minutes and a broken nose to get the hang of both skills.

But it was worth it!

After waiting a few minutes to recharge my SP, I headed deeper.

Soon enough, I came across another group of two rats just minding their own business.

As soon as they saw me, they responded predictably, and I dealt with them as I dealt with any other.

Hitting a quick {Observe} on both, I ducked under the closer one as it jumped at me, using {Slide Step} to get closer to the other rat.

{SP: 90/100}

My body accelerated rapidly, the skill ending just as I got the rat within range of my dagger.

Using the generated momentum, I activated {Heavy Strike}, shoving the dagger into the rat's open jaw, the blade's pointed end exiting from the back of its skull.

{SP: 85/100}

{Critical Hit! | -400 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

Hearing chittering behind me, I instantly used {Slide Step}, moving a meter forward as I heard the rat land where I was moments ago.

{SP: 75/100}

I did a 180 and kicked off the ground, dashing back to where I was while dragging my dagger across the wall, generating barely visible sparks.

I rewound my leg, preparing for a drawn-out kick. Following my movements, the rat opened its jaw, preparing to bite it off.

However, just as I brought it down, I relaxed my body, bending my knees and exerting force simultaneously, jumping over it instead.

It missed its attack, its teeth clamping down only on thin air.

Using that chance, I slammed my leg down on its tail, trapping it as it screeched in pain.

I quickly shut it up with a succession of quick stabs, starting from its back and ending at its neck, some of them empowered by {Heavy Strike}.

{-12 HP}

{-50 HP}

{-69 HP}

{Critical Hit! | -297 HP}

{SP: 60/100}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

Letting the corpse disintegrate, I bent over, my hands on my knees as I took in deep breaths.

I could feel traces of exhaustion beginning to set in as my SP went down.

It was something I learned while testing out my skills.

The fatigue I experienced was directly tied to the amount of SP I had. The more SP I used, the more tired I got.

However, the silver lining was that utilizing skills was the only way to deplete SP.

This meant that regular movements did not use any SP, no matter how intense they were.

So theoretically speaking, since running regularly doesn't consume SP, I could run for hours without getting tired or running out of breath.

That would be insanely useful as I could train for long hours without getting physically exhausted.

And yes, It is possible to increase my attributes through training and exercises, as confirmed by Rusty.

Letting my SP recharge again, I targeted the next group, swiftly dispatching them.

As soon as I dealt with the second rat of the group, a new panel popped up, notifying me of the level-up of my new skills.

{{Slide Step} has leveled up!}

{Slide Step (2/20 | 0%) (Novice) (Active): Instantly move in the direction you are leaning towards, covering a certain distance within moments.}

{Current Range: 1.0 → 1.5 meters}

{Cost: 10 SP}

{{Heavy Strike} has leveled up!}

{Heavy Strike (2/20 | 0%) (Novice) (Active): Tense your arm and strike, dealing increased damage to opponents.}

{Damage Increase: 50% → 50.5%}

{Cost: 5 SP}

It was a welcome sight, seeing me become stronger in real-time. 

Letting my SP refill, I moved on to the next group, the next, and the next, and within a few minutes, I ended up killing six more rats.

{{Observe} has leveled up!}

{{Heavy Strike} has leveled up!}

Bringing up the Map, I found only two more groups remaining.

However, the challenge lay in that both groups were composed of three rats, instead of the two I'd encountered before.

But that didn't deter me from moving towards their location.

If I let something like this scare me, I could forget about trying to escape from the Shunning Grounds.

Letting the Map guide me, I moved to where the next group was roaming.

Reaching the area where they were, I didn't find any enemies, despite the map telling me they were right in front of me.

I didn't let my guard down, scouring the area intensely, until I noticed an opening in the ground some meters away.

Walking over to it, I realized why I couldn't see them.

Looking downwards, I found an entrance to a lower level, one stationary, and two moving rats.

My position gave me the advantage: I could get the drop on the first rat and kill it in one strike.

It should be smooth sailing… provided I don't suffer from stormtrooper syndrome.

Spamming {Observe} to verify their stats, I waited for the two other rats to move away.

Holding my dagger vertically, I readied {Heavy Strike} and took a deep breath, letting a few moments pass…


And then I jumped.

Slamming my entire weight onto the unassuming rat, I brought down the dagger on its skull and pierced its brain.

{Critical Hit! | -400 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

My surprise alerted the other two, and they struck with vengeance, both jumping at me–one from the front, and the other from the back.

I swiftly rolled to the side in true souls fashion, not even having to use my skill this time.

Just as I got out of the way in time, the two crashed headfirst, stunning each other.

Using that chance, I killed the one closer to me with a hard stab to the skull.

{Critical Hit! | -400 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

I almost dealt with the last one too, but it recovered quickly, dodging my stab and retaliating, forcing me {Slide Step} away.

{SP: 90/100}

It prepared to give chase, but I took it by surprise, using {Slide Step} once more, kicked it into the wall, and stunned it again.

{SP: 80/100}

{-12 HP}

Using the opportunity, I went for a stab at its skull once more, making sure it connected this time.

{Critical Hit! | -400 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 9 EXP, 30 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x3), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x3).}

With three more rats dealt with, only three more remained. After that, I'd be fighting the Dungeon Boss.

X – X – X – X – X – X

{Lesser Rodents (x3) slain.}

{You have gained 9 EXP, 30 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x3), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x3).}

{{Slide Step} has leveled up!}

{{Dagger Proficiency} has leveled up!}

{Dagger Proficiency (11/20 | 5%) (Novice) (Passive): How well you can handle a dagger-type weapon. As a novice, you have little experience with daggers other than inefficiently slashing and stabbing. Increase damage output with daggers.}

{Damage Increase: 11%}

With a squelch, I retrieved my dagger from the disintegrating corpse of the last remaining mob in this dungeon.

Unable to get any surprise attacks on the last group, I had to deal with three rats simultaneously.

I was forced to rely heavily on my skills, the battle taking its toll on me as I was down to a quarter of my SP.

Breathing heavily, I slumped down by the wall as I decided to hold off on advancing, in favor of letting my SP recharge fully.

I made sure to keep the Map activated to keep an eye on the Dungeon Boss.

Only five minutes passed before something strange happened.

The Boss had started to move, as the Map showed it converging on my location. 

Glancing at my SP bar, I clicked my tongue, seeing it hadn't fully refilled.

{SP: 55/100}

I definitely can't fight it on half my SP. Hell, I don't even know what the level difference between us will be.

This left me with only one choice.

Getting up, I began sprinting in the opposite direction from where the rat was coming.

Perhaps it sensed my use of the Joestar's secret technique, it moved even faster, the red dot on the Map closing the distance between us quicker than I expected.

I didn't get far before it caught up to me, screeching in the distance as it ran at me.

{SP: 75/100}

I was hoping to fight it on full SP… but oh well, I'll just have to make do.

Keeping the pace, it caught up to me soon enough.

Taking a peek behind me, I saw a rat with a hide full of dark, gray fur.

It was twice as big as the ones I'd dealt with up until now, and almost the same size as the one I'd killed with Mehg.

But this time, I didn't have Mehg with me.

Using {Observe}, I closely scrutinized its status bars, trying to guess the range of its stats.

{ – Observe – }

{Dungeon Boss: Greater Rodent}

{Level: 6}

{HP: 1000/1000}

{MP: 30/30}

{SP: 120/120}

Vigor is around 10, Endurance seems higher than mine, and with the speed it is running, probably Strength too.

It'll be difficult to get a critical hit off without distracting it like we did before unless I risk it and trade with it.

Peeking a quick look again, I appraised its large, visible incisors, sharp enough to tear flesh in one bite.

Nope, fuck that, don't wanna become that thing's chew toy if I get caught.

Hit-and-run it is then.

Choosing my approach, I skidded to a stop, doing a 180 and running towards the rat.

Fortunately, its first thought as I came close to it was to jump at me.

Using the chance it gave me, I slid under it, giving its gut a {Heavy Strike}-enforced stab.

{SP: 70/100}

{-50 HP}

"Tch, not deep enough," I muttered out loud.

And that was a reinforced stab too… It's hide is too damn thick. 

I'll run out of SP before I even get through half its health.

Thinking quickly on my feet, I jumped over its rampant tail as it tried to catch me off-guard, getting off a quick stab in return.

{-27 HP}

However, it didn't do much to it, other than causing it to jolt and retaliate.

Jumping backward to avoid a sideswipe, I tried to run to the side, backstepping moments after as the rat leaped into my path, trying to cut me off.

{SP: 65/100}

{-60 HP}

I managed to get in another {Heavy Strike}-enforced stab, right in the upper part of its front, right leg.

It screeched, trying to bodyslam me, but I'd already put distance between us just after I stabbed the leg.

It didn't even take more than a second before it resumed putting the pressure on me again.

Dodge, stab, run, stab, dodge.

It was a repeating pattern that I utilized as I fought the Dungeon Boss, and it worked…

{-30 HP}

{-80 HP}

{-41 HP}

(-70 HP}

{-30 HP}

{-50 HP}

(-40 HP}

Until it didn't–Breathing deeply, I glanced at my SP bar, knowing I couldn't keep going at this pace.

{SP: 30/100}

Though, from a single glance, I could tell I wasn't the only one suffering.

A multitude of cuts and lacerations ran across its body, blood slowly pooling out from them.

Both of us were panting heavily, the fight taking its toll on us.

Throwing a quick {Observe} its way, I was pleased to find half it at almost half health.

{MP: 250/260}

{ – Observe – }

{Dungeon Boss: Greater Rodent}

{Level: 6}

{HP: 522/1000}

{MP: 30/30}

{SP: 120/120}

Fuck, gotta end this quickly before I run out of SP.

Thinking over my options, I thought of a plan. It was an insane, hastily-put plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Backing myself into a wall, I threw my tattered robe into the {Inventory}, placing one foot directly against the wall, ready to act.

The rat, thinking I'd given up, prepared to pounce on me.

Just as it leaped at me, I took out the robe from the {Inventory}, throwing it in its face, blinding its vision.

{SP: 20/100}

Activating {Slide Step}, I leaned backward, sliding up the wall as the rat crashed into it.

Letting gravity take hold of me, I began falling just as the skill ended, right onto the rat's back.

Using the last of my SP, I activated {Heavy Strike}, stabbing blindly at the skull multiple times.

{-80 HP}

{-80 HP}

{Critical Hit! | -303 HP}

{Critical Hit! | -273 HP}

{Dungeon Boss Slain!}

{You have gained 10 EXP, 100 Credits, Greater Rodent Pelt (x1), Greater Rodent Meat (x1), and Greater Rodent Incisors (x4).}

{Quest Completed!}

{Be Gentle, It's My First Time!}

{Objective(s): Clear your first dungeon by defeating the Dungeon Boss (1/1).}

{Reward(s): 100 EXP, 1000 Credits}

{SP: 0/100}

{You have run out of Stamina. As a result, you will be incapacitated until you regenerate at least 1% of your SP.}

{{Heavy Strike} has leveled up!}

Haahh… That was something.

{Congratulations! You have gained enough EXP. Would you like to level up?}

…Maybe later.

X – X – X – X – X – X

next chapter
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