The dark magic created a black mist. Tear danced through the air to open the dimensional portal. Something that broke from another dimension facing the World Slicer, causing all players to be terrified. Even though the Dark Fairy could summon the great force for a moment, the thing being called back from death ten years ago... was terrifying.
The Creator Number 000 and Number 001 are summoned to the battlefield for five seconds… Diamanta Capricorn and Nova Taurus have spawned…
Both of them resemble Forgotten Gemini before transforming into the World Slicers. The two Creators wore different masks. Diamanta Capricorn looked like a mountain goat. It had a long horn pointed straight but twisted into a spiral. The other one had a helmet in the shape of a bull. Its stalwart body was supported by its four legs standing on the ground.
“Raging Taurus!”