“Hey, Edward…” Tan’s voice rang out from behind Edward, making everyone turn to look at him. “Cat was actually right,” he said, before turning to look at his calculator screen which showed the exact number as Cal’s answer, causing Edward to gasp.
“What?! How did you do that?!” The man asked in a high-pitched voice, then stared at Cal who shook his head at the question. This kid seemed to have it easy. “Wait…!” Before Edward could say something else, he thought of something and turned to look at his guild leader. “Tan! You just pulled out a calculator and solved the problem like that?!” He narrowed his eyes at the person he yelled at.
The man being stared at burst out laughing before answering. “Well, I wanted to know what the answer was,” he replied.
“That was too fast too!” Edward moaned.
“I brought it up since you said ‘yeah’ after Cal asking if you had a problem,” replied the man in a long black robe.