“Sold! This gentleman got it! The final price is 2.2 billion Gil!” He announced the victory by pointing to Kaiser. The winner sat back down with a big smile on his face.
Edward shook his head and said to his team. “Let’s leave,” he walked ahead out of the auction house. The rest of them looked at one another and hurried after him.
Edward was taking a deep breath in front of the building. When the others arrived, Kit spoke first.
“Hey… don’t just rush out like that. You could have died. The reason you want me here was to prevent you from getting killed after the auction, wasn’t it? Come on...you already got that heart thing. We can negotiate and trade with the Kaiser guy,” the knight tried to help but he was rejected.
“No… Winners cannot have their items stolen from them for two whole days,” Edward explained.
“It’s alright, Edward. I’ll adjust my deck. I’m sure I can manage without that card,” the lady in her priest outfit said, worried.