“The money Rui has put in the pool is much more than 3 billion, so let's get it,” the young man said with a smile. As for the man named Rui, he only looked at the speaker but did not say anything.
“3.3 billion from Hope Tycoon!” The host, seeing the signal, called the price and extended his hand toward Edward, but that was only a few seconds as the young woman named Rui began to raise the price.
“3.5 billion already, audience!” The senior host smiled brightly while all of the participants at the auction house, even high-level gamers, had doubts in their hearts. The priceless low-level card Edward's bid for billions was highly questionable, but at this time, someone raised the price to 3.5 billion among thousands of other players.
Once again, there were hushed conversations, but none of them joined the bidding fight between Edward and the girl who looked like Rui.
"3.5 now, Tan, what do you say?" Edward asked again.