“Narasha, the dragon of the sages, servant to my loving husband, the dragon that Frey...my twin brother gave to me as my wedding gift, my servant, hear me, come serve this man and answer me where my husband Odur is in this world,” Freya asked once more.
“I’m sorry my lady… The whereabouts of the master are unknown to me. Only when he calls for me that I get to see him. The last day I met him was when he was in that ice field to the north where the flowers turned into mirrors. If your love is strong and true...you shall meet again,” the dragon replied.
“How much longer do I have to hear this god’s family drama?” Tan complained.
“You idiot… This explains what’s happening in the game. Pay attention… It will point to the next card in Freya’s series. Did you not see that Freya’s card has the word ‘quest’ on it?” Nicki reprimanded her guild’s leader.
“Oh... You’re right...” Tan looked as if he had just realized that.