“Sapphire is a gemstone. In fact, sapphire comes in many colors, but the name usually refers to the color blue. The ancients believed that sapphire was the crystal of the sky. They believed that our world was based on enormous sapphire crystals, so when the sun shone down, it reflected off into the blue sky…” Mira, looking at the Sky Sapphire, spoke up. She smiled a little before looking at the blue sky. A gentle breeze blew, causing her silver hair to flutter in the gust of wind. The girl brushed her hair with her hand before turning to smile at everyone.
“I like the sky,” she said, smiling broadly at everyone there.
“This is it…a smile that makes all of us in Twelve Wings follow her. She has an amazing smile, like a goddess,” Rain said as her gaze continued to stare at Mira. Everyone looked at her sincere smile and felt comfortable. Edward looked at her without blinking. At that moment, a voice rang out, causing everyone to turn their attention.