“Sorry, you won’t get my money! I’m thorough now… I’ve made a lot of mistakes.”
“Tsk…” The newsperson made a sound. Tan clicked ‘No’ then another message offering to sell the information at the same price without the ten million worth of donation appeared.
“Not so smart…I think,” Tan said.
“Such a weak trick… let me repeat,” Cal, once again on the wooden box, said with arms crossed and eyes closed. His rocket-shaped hat wavered in the motion.
“Alright, take it,” the NPC said in an upset voice. He then sent the news to Tan’s personal screen, taking two hundred twenty million Gil.
“Huh… you won’t get me this time…” Tan waved his pointer in front of the newsperson NPC. He turned around and walked back to the first floor then proceeded to exit the store. Tan headed to a spot free of people with a bench and a flower garden. It was not totally empty of people, but those who were there were teenagers. They were chatting gleefully, paying Tan no mind.