“Nelf?” Tan repeated her words once again but when he saw her facial expression, he changed the subject abruptly. The young man turned to look at the little girl who moved closer to him and smiled. “You’ll get to meet them… I’ll take you to them,” he said before stroking her blue hair.
The girl turned to look at him with a smile and shiny eyes. “Master must let me grow quickly, or else I’ll embarrass myself when I see them,” she said.
Tan was surprised, “Your friends are bigger than you?” he asked.
The girl nodded before answering. “Yes, master… Every one of the awakened is bigger than me, especially Nelf… I think Nelf is above level 200 already,” she said in a serious voice.
“Whoa…” Tan’s voice expressed a little shock. “But everybody will max out at level 255, is that right?”