“You don’t have to be worried. Edward is rich and has a lot of cards. Especially with you looking so pretty, he'll help you for sure,” he said.
The girl immediately raised her head. “He won't have a problem with me, right?” Lin asked.
Tan smiled and replied. “Absolutely! We’re the same team! Let’s clear this quest so we can meet them.” He turned and walked forward. “Edward, I’ll leave the rest to you,” he said quietly and shook his head.
“Okay…! I’ll do my best…” A sense of hope filled her. “I’ll do everything I can to join your party…”
Tan heard what the woman behind him said even though he was quite far away from her. Hearing that loud and clear, he smiled. “Gotcha…We now have a supporter. She’s quite dangerous. Is Edward going to be alright? She’s young and innocent.”