24.82% Drezo Regalia / Chapter 71: Recollection of a Dream (III)

章節 71: Recollection of a Dream (III)

Samuel turned towards Konnor and placed the red crystal petal onto his outstretched hand. "This will be enough to create one high-class accessory."

Konnor looked down into his hands and felt a small rush of magical power that engulfed him into a peaceful state.

"I don't have the time to be all touchy with nature. It's all about results," replied Konnor with a humph.

"I'll be sending a group of my people here to watch over this dungeon," Samuel replied. "This area is too precious to be just mined as items. The natural amount of energy here is extraordinary. In the future it will be vastly stronger than it is now."

"You elves just take out the fun of everything." Konnor clicked his tongue and crossed his arms.

"Think about it. In another hundred years, the energy of these crystals will become stronger than what it is now."

Konnor eyes glowed with greed. "Really now."


"Fine. My people will be taking over and keeping this place safe. This is on our turf and it will be done on our Dwarven honor." Konnor clasped his hands against his chest.

"That would be wonderful." Samuel eyes twinkled with mischievous grin. "I know I can count on you to keep this place well protected. It would have been difficult if my people traveled all the way here. Someone of your talent would be better in keeping it safe."

"Kuheuheu, the amount of money we will be raking in…" Konnor said, his hands rubbing against each other with the thought of getting possibly more profit and better equipment in the future.

Lilith covered her smile with her hand. "You did that on purpose, didn't you," she whispered to him as she leaned towards him. "You slowpokes hurry up and come on. We don't have all day," yelled Cello in a gruff voice. He was already pounding on the hut door with such force that the door fell forward.

"I can't believe you just did that." Lulu sneaked a peek behind Cello's large body. "We're going to have to fix that."

"Hmph. I don't fix anything. I destroy things."

"We can all see that."

"Hello? Anyone here?" Drake hollered and stepped in through the door.

Inside the small hut were shelves of thousands of small vials neatly packed in rows. Herbs and different dead animals were hung up on the ceiling walls. Placed in the middle in the room was a black coffin with intricate gothic designs.

"Is that a coffin? What's it doing here of all places?" asked Lulu. She went over it and curiously peered around it. "I don't see a hatch. Is there possibly some kind of great treasure in it?"

"Back up, Lulu," Drake shouted. He pulled out his bastard sword and placed it in front of him. Lulu skittered behind him, wondering what was wrong. Everyone else raised their weapons in alarm.

A creaking sound was heard as the lid of the coffin slowly opened. A white hand pushed the lid all the way open. Inside the coffin was a beautifully handsome man covered in red crystalized roses. His pearly white skin glistened under the crystal light. His long black hair fell backwards as he sat up slowly like a zombie. The sleeping man opened up his eyes and stared upon his visitors.

"Welcome to my humble hut." Gently getting out of his coffin, he stood up and bowed to Drake's party. "Do not worry; I am just a humble vampire alchemist."

"A vampire? A vampire!" Drake was alarmed at what was in front of him. "Everyone get back. We need to take him down before he takes us down."

The group was ready to charge forward if the vampire even moved a muscle to harm them.

"No, no. Please. I do not harm weak creatures," the vampire said. "Oh? Is that what I think it is? A female here in this humble house?" His eyes sparkled when he saw Samuel who was standing next to Lilith. In a blink of an eye he rushed over to Samuel.

"Beautiful lady, would you become the blood donor for this great vampire? I shall keep you alive and give you beautiful things for all eternity." The vampire bowed and kissed Samuel's hand it. Samuel stood there in shock, turning white like a ghost.

Lilith rushed over and punched the vampire squarely in the face. "He doesn't have time for your cliché lines. He's mine."

Everyone stared at Lilith, dumbfounded.

"You hit the great Alchemist Vampire Dion?" Dion stuttered with his hands against his face. His cheek was bruised purple from Lilith's punch.

"I'll give you another knuckle sandwich if you hit on my fiancé again." She threatened Dion with an evil glare.

"F-f-fiancé?" Dion face turned dumbstruck from what he was hearing. "The elf is not a she? I thought the elf was a she the whole time. He looked too beautiful to be considered a male. My heart is already broken into thousands of pieces from hearing such news."

Lilith turned towards Samuel and pulled up his shirt to expose his bare chest. "Do you not see that? No boobs," she said witheringly.

Samuel's face burned furiously red, and he pulled down his shirt.

"The only maiden is me," Lilith continued. "The other one is married and you won't get a chance with her."

"Aha, I have been tricked. This ugly human has shown me an illusion that scars my very heart." He swooned and pretended to faint.

Lilith struck like a viper with her bare hands and pummeled him into the ground. Dion was covered in black and blue bruises. From each punch, Lilith was cursing and stomping on the vampire. The boys and Lulu huddled together in fright as the scene unfold before them.

"I'm sorry, I meant beautiful lady," said Dion with a tiny voice. His lips were cut and bruised, and his eyes looked like a panda's. "How can I help the beautiful lady today?"

"Where is the Krustallos?" Like an evil pirate, Lilith's eyes gleamed with bloodlust as she put Samuel's dagger to Dion's throat.

Dion gulped as beads of sweat appeared on his face. "Please. Please calm down. I have it right here." He pulled it out of his pocket and showed it to them. It was a small crystal gem the size of a walnut. Pulsating power escaped from his hands, warming up the surrounding area.

"Is this it?" Lilith took it out of his hands. "It's so warm." She squealed in delight and held it up to see if it would catch any light.

"I must say. You are the first female to hit me." Dion's hand rubbed his face and winced from the pain.

"You will get another beating if you do anything stupid," she threatened.

"I like a fiery woman." Dion grinned. "Why don't you become my woman instead? You can leave behind the feminine man and instead have a real man like me."

Samuel came from behind and punched him hard on the other side of his face. Dion's handsome gentleman face was turning ugly with bruises.

"What was that for?" Dion turned to face Samuel eye-to-eye, his eyes turning scarlet.

Samuel already had his silver dagger pressed against Dion's throat. A thin line appeared on his neck, and dark red blood that was thick and sticky dripped down his neck.

"Whoa, whoa. Hold up, we don't need to resort to violence here. I was joking. Joking." Dion gulped. His hands were raised up to show that he was not going to do anything.

With a twirl, the silver dagger was gone in a blink of an eye. Samuel stashed it away into his belt. He stood still, watching what Dion would do next. "Let's go. We should get back before it gets worse."

Just when they were about to leave, Dion called out towards them.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Before you leave, tell me one thing. Why do you need the Krustallos?" Dion asked.

"We heard that it could dispel a curse that is set on my village. An oracle stated that finding a Krustallos would help dispel it," Lilith answered while examining the Krustallos. It was unlike any other gem. Its color shimmered from red to green and pulsed like a heartbeat.

"Dispel a curse? The Krustallos can do no such thing."

"Then what can it do?"

"That is a mystery in itself that I do not know. I have been studying this crystal for five thousand years now, and I have discovered nothing more than that it is a living crystal. Yet its growth stopped four thousand years ago. I'm not sure why, and I have never discovered a crystal of its like."

"Have you tried using it before?"

"Yes. It's a fickle crystal. It does not seem to listen to my calling. There seems to be some reactions to Fire and Earth elements, but that's it. The reaction is so miniscule that it's hardly worth using it for that purpose. I have spent countless years living here in the cave, hidden from the world's prying eyes to figure out the reason why it has a peculiar energy around it. I have to admit I have stolen it from a dragon and incurred its wrath. You don't want to know what it's like to meet a dragon. I almost died from its blazing inferno." He breathed harshly, remembering the past like a dream. "But there was a reason why I needed it. Just like you, I too heard that it could do miracles, but it has done nothing. As time went by, living my life in solitude, I researched through countless trials and errors. The only thing I was able to find out was that there is something peculiar about the crystal. It's like it is alive, but still even now I cannot seem to figure out its secrets. Maybe trying something different could help find its purpose. Hmmm…"

Dion paced back and forth, deeply engrossed in his thoughts. "To use this to dispel a curse is unheard of. Pray tell, what kind of curse is set on your village?"

"A couple of my people met a demon in the woods. I searched to slay the demon but none could be found. The following day, my people became sickly. They have a blister-like rash on their skin that itches horribly, and many of them have high fevers and are confined to bed. Almost two-thirds of my people are infected. An oracle came to my village and told me that if I came to this dungeon I would find the answer by looking for the Krustallos."

"This oracle you speak of…Do you remember their name?" Dion stopped pacing and turned towards Lilith, startling her.

Lilith stopped to think for a moment, but the name slipped away from her. "I don't remember. It's a bit foggy. Strange."

"I see." Dion's expression darkened. "There are only a few that know I have the Krustallos, and there are only three that know my location. I'll go with you. Your supposed curse is just an illness that can be taken care of in a week."

"Really? Thank you." Lilith sighed, feeling a huge sense of relief. "You truly have saved my people. Is there anything I may do to repay you?"

Dion's eyes sparkled, and he was quick to andwer. "How about a bit of your blood?" he coyly answered. Samuel was quick to draw his dagger. "Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll just want an exchange for the flower pin on your clothes. I have not seen such an intricately detailed piece for a long time. I love beautiful things."

Lilith touched the pin, a small handmade tulip. "You want this? Are you sure? I have many other things." Lilith was curious as to why he wanted something so simple from her. She had hundreds of other valuable things she could trade with him.

"Yes, this should be sufficient for my service in helping out your village, but the Krustallos must stay with me," Dion replied with a sharp tone. He was not going to budge from this decision.

"Gladly. If this crystal cannot do anything to heal my people, I do not need it. I can't thank you enough." Lilith was relieved with the answer that Dion had given, and she was exploding with joy. "Let's hurry back."

The scene faded out, and the images warped and accelerated to the time when they arrived at the village. The sun was at its highest point, and Dion lagged behind the group with a black make-shift umbrella.

"Can we slow down a bit? The sun is literally killing me with its obnoxious heat." Dion panted heavily. "I don't think I'll last any longer."

"You were doing fine throughout the whole trip. Why now?" Lilith rolled her eyes. "What, do you want to be carried now?"

Dion straightened up and smiled the most angelic smile he could muster. "If you don't mind." He batted his eyes towards her.

"Pass." Lilith went ahead and entered thee village. Dion's face fell into a frown, and Samuel gave him an evil glare. The once densely populated streets were nearly empty. Barely anyone was present to greet the returning heroes. A group of villagers rushed up towards her in worry.

"Miss Lilith!" an elderly women called out, "I'm so glad you have made it. We have lost more villagers since the time you left." The wrinkles on the women made her look older than she was.

"It's alright, Mrs. Dasme. We have brought help." Lilith smiled as she patted her shoulder, giving the elderly women comfort.

"Thank you. I'm so relieved." Mrs. Dasme's shoulder sagged and she let out a huge sigh. "What cure did you bring?"

Lilith waved Dion forward. "Him."

Mrs. Dasme glanced at Dion oddly. "Who is he, may I ask?"

"This is Dion. He apparently knows a way to cure the villagers."

"Really?" said Mrs. Dasme. Her eyes sparkled with hope. "Please, this way." She grabbed a hold of Dion's arm and pulled him forward towards the small hospital ward. Dion faltered after her, trying to keep his balance.

It was a small building that was heavily packed with sick people. From left to right, the villagers were all blue in color with black boils that littered their bodies. The air was foul, so Dion had to take small breaths to not inhale the air.

"Here. Please." Mrs. Dasme pushed him into the building. "The blister-like rash disappeared and instead it has changed into something completely different. If you can do anything for them we would be eternally grateful to you."

Dion scanned the room, examining each ill villager. His eyes turned red, and from his vision he noticed the change in the air. A heavy blanket of green energy lay over the villagers; it shifted and moved like a living creature. From its dense cloud of energy, it gathered into a four-legged creature that closely resembled a dog. The creature was invisible to any eyes but his own.

Stepping forward into the room, he raised his hands towards the dog creature. Static-like electricity enveloped him, creating a heavily dense air that made everyone's hair raise up on edge.

"What are you doing!" Lilith rushed forward. Her voice was raised an octave higher in worry.

Samuel, Konnor, Lulu, and Drake ran forward with swords drawn at Dion.

"Trust me," Dion replied, not flinching from their weapons. He stood confidently with his hands raised towards the villagers. With a shout, a pulse-like energy wave shot outwards, making the heroes stumble. The dog creature shattered into a thousand pieces and disappeared into a wisp of smoke.

"What in the world did you do?" Konnor grumbled. He pushed himself up with a chair.

"I just dispelled your curse." Dion turned towards them and noticed all of them struggling to get up.

"That's it?" Drake asked, stupefied at Dion's answer. "It was that simple?"

Dion nodded his head. "A hellhound has been terrorizing the village. I banished it. It shouldn't bother them anymore. Look. Their skin is returning to normal."

Just like his words, the villagers slowly became healthy. Mrs. Dasme cried out in pure happiness as she rushed over to a young girl.

"Thank you," Mrs. Dasme cried. She wiped away her tears and hugged her sick daughter.

Lilith got up and went forward towards Dion. She gave him a bear hug where breath escaped from his body. "Thank you," she said in happiness.

"It was nothing," Dion squeaked. "If you don't mind, I would like to breathe." "Oh! I'm so sorry." Lilith let go in a rush.

"You know, you are a very strange vampire. I never heard of a vampire that helped out people," said Konnor, while touching his beard. "Especially a vampire that's not dying from the sunlight. Are you sure you're even a vampire?"

"It doesn't matter. You saved the village. You're a hero." Lilith grinned and laughed cheerfully. "To the vampire that saved the village from the curse." She cheered out loudly.

"A vampire?" Mrs. Dasme and the group of villagers stood shocked, watching the scene unfold before them.

"Yes. I am what you call a vampire," said Dion. He folded his arms.

"H-h-he's not going to kill us, is he?" Mrs. Dasme muttered in fear.

"No. I only drink from the finest quality blood, and even then I'm picky. I don't subject my taste buds to the infected, the cursed, or the weak. They don't have great taste." Dion blanched with the thought of disgusting blood. "Rest assured, the village is never ever going to be a target." He scowled. "As for the question of sunlight, and helpfulness, it is because I am such an ancient vampire. My constitution does not have the same weakness as the newer generation." Dion puffed up like a peacock. "Since I am so different from what you know about vampires, I prefer just to be called an alchemist."

Mrs. Dasme winced from Dion's sharp gaze and gulped.

"Don't worry. If he does anything stupid or crazy, you have us. We'll kill him," Lilith said with a straight face. Dion grimaced at Lilith's words.

"If you say so, Miss Lilith, we believe in you," said Mrs. Dasme.

Lilith faced Dion with her hands on her hips. Her stone-cold-killer look was gone in an instant and was replaced with a mischievous grin. "So, Dion. Would you like to join our little group of adventurers for a while?"

"Really?" Dion asked with a gasp.

"You guys don't mind, right?" Lilith asked her group.

"Nope. Just as long as he keeps his stinking fangs to himself. I do not want to be the first living vampire dwarf. That would dishonor my name." Konnor chuckled.

"I wouldn't dare take a sip of your stinky blood," replied Dion with a smirk.

"Oh~ We got a new member. I'm fine with that," squealed Lulu. She was stuck to Drake like glue. Drake nodded his agreement without saying a single word.

"I don't like him," Samuel replied without a speck of remorse.

"I don't like you either," Dion replied flatly.

"But I can tolerate you, because Lilith has brought you into the group. But if there's any funny business, I'll personally cut off your head," Samuel threatened. His hands were the hilt of his blade.

"Same goes to you," Dion replied.

"Okay, with everyone's agreement, we have a new member!" Lilith said with glee. "He's our new walking encyclopedia, and now we don't have to scrounge around digging for answers."

Everyone stared at her response. At that moment they knew why Dion was brought into the group.

next chapter
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