86.66% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 13: New Feeling

章節 13: New Feeling

It had been two weeks since Konoha had killed Itachi and Kisame. A month since Naruto and Hana's engagement. Hana's progress was rather astounding. She could dodge most of the attacks Naruto sent her at level two resistance seal level. She was fast enough to properly compliment Naruto and her natural flexibility let her slide around Naruto rather easily. Although, training wasn't the ONLY reason that had increased. Her sessions with Tsunade were nothing to scoff at. She didn't have the control necessary for the super strength, but she could easily heal a deep wound and was well on her way to repairing organs. (Note: just because they are repaired does not mean they are 100% effective) Still, Hana was slightly puzzled at Naruto's performances. Their love-making was very good. Every day he seemed to come up with another position or suggestion that made things exciting. She wasn't worried about him cheating but she WAS curious just where he got the ideas which led to this.

Bar-B-Que Joint: Noon usual Kunoichi get together

Kurenai, Shizune, Hana, Yugao, and , surprisingly, Hinata were sitting together and chatting, although, Hinata mostly blushed and kept quiet. Hana sighed, "I just wish I knew where he got the ideas. They are very well thought out and almost always bring something new into the bedroom." She said blushing at some of the rather unique ideas.

Kurenai shook her head. "As long as he isn't cheating on you, what difference does it make?" She asked. "I mean, You enjoy it right? Why should you look a gift horse in the mouth?"

Yugao and Shizune looked at each other before Yugao giggled. "Why don't we just tail him to find out?" She asked playfully.

The girls looked gobsmacked before Hana intervened, "I'm not gonna go spying on my fiance just because he is amazing in bed!" she said in a loud whisper. (Contradiction much?)

Shizune chuckled, "But, if you know WHY he's amazing in bed then wouldn't that let you BOTH enjoy it more?" She asked innocently. The other girls caught the look in her eye although Hana didn't because she was thinking. Shizune and Yugao both wanted to know just HOW he got better as much as Hana.

Hana sighed, "Fine let's do that tomorrow. Its a Friday so I have off from practices." The girls nodded and the day was set!

With Anko and Sora

Anko groaned loudly. "Man could this guy be ANY harder to find?" She asked.

Sora frowned, "I knew he was good but to travel this far in such a short time is amazing. (Sighs) Guess I'll just have to lure him out with rumors then." He said.

Anko looked at Sora curiously, "Rumors?"

Sora nodded, "He's their information gatherer so a rumor that the Sanbi has headed for the open sea would be too curious to ignore. Hopefully we can catch him this way." He said.

Anko thought for a minute before adding, "Why don't you add that Konoha has been asked for assitance with a Jinchuuriki to subdue the Sanbi?"

Sora smirked ferally, "I knew there was a reason I love you."

Anko chuckled, "I thought it was because you love to pound me into next week?" She asked pouting slightly.

Sora chuckled, "That's just a plus, besides you beg for it anyways Hebi-hime." He said sensually.

Anko giggled (thats right GIGGLED) "Good because if you had said that was all, I'd leave you high and dry for a month!" She replied. Sora's face paled and Anko laughed. "Come On Hun. Lets just get rid of this freak so we can get back to Naruto. I wanna see if he proposed to Hana yet!" She said as she sped up. Sora shook his head and matched her speed. He agreed with her though. He wanted to see his otouto again.

Next Day: 7 AM

Naruto woke up and smiled seeing Hana hugging him like a plushy. She always wrapped herself around him during the night and he had to admit that he liked the clingy side of her. He smirked thinking of how much he loved seeing her happy when they made love almost everynight. Unfortunately the last two nights were "off" nights as they called them, when they didn't make love. His extra "training" sessions were paying off and he was quite happy about it. He gently ran his hands through her hair knowing she wouldn't want to wake up early on one of her days off. He silently made a Kage Bunshin to go make breakfast and bring it to them.

Hana awoke like she had every morning since Naruto had proposed to her, with his hands knuckle deep in her hair. Just the way she loved it. She frowned slightly thinking of what her friends were going to do today. She wanted to know but this was a little overboard. Still, she had agreed, so she would follow him with her friends. She lifted her head as the door opened to see another Naruto carrying eggs and bacon on a plate with a side of ham for her and a steaming bowl of ramen for him. She rolled her eyes.

"Breakfast is served Tenshi-chan." Naruto said smiling.

Hana smiled back. "Good morning Naruto-kun. Thank you for breakfast." She said before taking her plate and tray and eating silently. Naruto quickly downed his food before taking his trey and Hana's while heading downstairs. Hana got dressed and turned to Naruto as he entered the room. "So what are you up to today Taiyo-kun?" She asked innocently.

Naruto started getting dressed in his usual Hiori and shirt before he answered. "Lee asked me for help with his training so I'll be doing that this morning but in the afternoon I have some personal activities planned to relax, why?" He asked as he sat down to put his sandals on.

Hana shook her head. "No reason. Well, I'm meeting the girls. I'll see you tonight ok Taiyo-kun?" she said.

Naruto nodded but got a playful look on his face. "Tenshi-chan. What do you say we go on a date tomorrow like our first night? I'll take a room downstairs and change there tomorrow. You can have this room." He asked.

Hana smiled brightly. "I'd love that Naruto-kun!" She said.

Naruto smiled, 'God her good moods are infectious.' he thought. "Good. I'll see you tonight Tenshi-chan." with that, he kissed her on the cheek and they waked out the door.

Leaf Cafe: 7:30

The girls from before had met and quickly ate a breakfast before starting to chat about where Naruto would be and what his plans were for the afternoon. Hana had already told them what he told her so they believed the first part but the second part was vague.

"He could just be meeting with friends." Hinata suggested.

"He could be meeting with a medical specialist?" Shizune added to the list.

"A Kama Sutra expert?" Kurenai replied.

"This is getting us nowhere fast. Let's just go find him." Yugao said while Hana was oddly silent. The girls all thought about it and agreed but they needed to follow him all day before they started making assumptions.

Training Ground 9

Shiznue, Kurenai, Yugao, Hinata, and Hana all made their way to team 9's training grounds. They found Lee and Naruto running through some stretching exercises and getting ready to spar. It was obvious that Lee's injury had hurt him, but he had a fire that burning brightly in his eyes. He would get better and better. When the spar started, the girls stood transfixed. They were more like dancing around each others blows than fighting.

It was obvious that these two were masters of their given taijutsus. Naruto relied on swift and direct punchs combined with unpredictable kicks while Lee used mainly kicks and a few punchs to accentuate his style. The sparred on and off every thirty minutes to allow themselves rest and to offer suggestions to one another on their taijutsus. Naruto seemed to completly ignore Lee's Flames of Youth speechs even though the girls were suffering through it. Hinata had a newfound respect for her cousin after listening to Lee and imagining Gai there was, well, she cringed at that.

When Lunch rolled around, Naruto offered to buy Lee Bar-B-Que, who readily accepted and they were off. The girls silently followed and had lunch at a quiant little cafe across the street while wondering, once again, what Naruto would do in the afternoon.

Naruto waved goodbye to Lee who screamed something about Youth and dashed off. He chuckled and started heading down the street. The girls quietly got up and started to follow him via rooftop. He kept walking until he found the Wolf's Claw weapon shop and stepped inside. The girls did not enter because they couldn't without Naruto getting suspicious. Naruto spent a good half hour chatting with Tenten while getting some gear to replace what he had used recently. He smiled as he walked out the shop and made a clone to take the gear home before he headed to the local hotsprings.

When they arrived, they noticed that several of the male shinobi were there. Neji, Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba, and, surprisingly, Sasuke. They all went in and the girls could not follow, separate sidings of course so they decided to have a dip themselves. They quickly went in and paid before proceeding to the hot springs.

They all entered and relaxed, although Hinata was charged with making sure the boys didn't get away. "This is relaxing, but I still wonder if we are going to figure anything out." Hana said.

Kurenai sighed, "I know he hasn't done anything interesting or suspicious all day except talk to Tenten alot and we all know shes hot for Neji." She said.

Yugao nodded in agreement. "I know. I wish we could find out but it may take more days to truly figure it out." She said.

Hana shook her head. "If we don't find out today, I have a date with him tomorrow. Maybe I can coax it out of him then." She said. The girls nodded in agreement and spent another ten minutes in the hot springs before Hinata signalled them to get out.

The girls dried off and got dressed before taking to the roofs once again and tailing the boys. It was about 3 in the afternoon when they stopped at Sasuke's house and all went inside. Hinata quickly activated her Byakugan and saw that they were playing poker. The girls settled in for another hour or so of boredom.

By 5 PM, the girls had given up because Naruto was always home by 6 if he didn't have a mission. "Thank you guys for the help, but I'll take care of him tomorrow." Hana said. The girls all nodded, actually rather tired from sneaking around all afternoon and went their seperate ways. Hana quickly went home and started to prepare dinner. it was a way to say "sorry" although Naruto wouldn't know it. When he came home, they had a ramen feast on the table and he quickly downed it all in appreciation of her hard work.

As they got ready for bed, Naruto wrapped his arms around her midsection and pulled her close for a hug while whispering in her ear, "I love you Tenshi-hime. I'm so glad we can be open and trusting with one another. I can't wait to show you just how much I appreciate that ramen feast tonight. Tomorrow will be perfect." He said huskily before dragging her into the bed and cuddling tightly.

Next Day: 6 PM Namikaze Estates

Hana had really outdone herself. She had made sure everything was perfect for tonight. She had felt majorly guilty after her little spying expedition yesterday. She had made sure that she looked as good as she could possibly make herself look and she planned on giving Naruto a night he would NEVER forget. She also planned to tell him about her little spying expedition yesterday. Little did she know that it would cause a rather... peculiar night.

Naruto was dressed in a black slacks with a golden lightning bolt running down each leg. He had a dark blue dress shirt under a black jacket. It was simple, yet formal and the jacket could be used if Hana got cold. He smirked seeing the time and went to wait in the living room. "Hana-chan. The reservations are for 7." He called up to her.

"Alright Naruto-kun. I'll be down in a minute." Hana replied. She exhaled and checked her look once more before smiling softly and stepping outside and down the stairs. She smirked seeing Naruto's back to her and called out softly, "Naruto-kun. Are you ready?" she asked.

Naruto turned around and had a flashback to their first date. Hana had decided on something sexier than last time and Naruto certainly appreciated that. She had on red high heels with red bracelets on both wrists. Her dress was a form fitting black shoulderless dress that stopped at about mid thigh. She had the same necklace as last time and her engagement ring. She had slight mascara and a deep red lipstick that wasn't overdone. Her hair was falling around her face and her smirk practically screamed "I dressed up so you could tear it off later".

She chuckled and Naruto closed his mouth. "WoW. I thought you looked good normally but this... You really are a Tenshi on earth Hana-chan." Naruto said smiling softly.

Hana blushed. "Th-Thanks Naruto-kun. You look good as well. Simple but formal, just the way I like it." she said smiling.

Naruto extended his arm to her. "Shall we go Tenshi-chan?" He asked. Hana giggled and grabbed his arm before the set off at a sedate pace for the Dragon of the Leaf once again.

Dragon of the Leaf: 7 PM

Naruto and Hana arrived right on time and walked into their favorite (high end) restaurant. They walked upto the maitre'd who recognized them from their last vists and smiled softly. Naruto's heritage had been revealed and many people who were previously indifferent were now more willing to accept him. Not outright respect but at least give him a chance. The maitre'd quickly ushered them towards a booth when Naruto spied something and smirked.

"Waiter-san?" Naruto said as he pulled his finger upto his eyes.

The maitre'd turned around, "Yes Naruto-san?" he said.

"Might we sit with one Shino Aburame?" Naruto asked. Hana looked around and noticed a rather nervous couple of Kin Tsuchi and Shino Aburame. Shino's bugs were buzzing slightly while Kin was glancing around often. She smiled seeing why Naruto had agreed to sit with them via Shino's bug. The waiter looked towards Shino who nodded and they quickly sat down. They ordered their drinks and appetizers while opting to wait on their entree's just yet.

Hana noticed just how nervous Kin was and stood up. "I need to powder my nose and I could use a second pair of eyes. Kin-san, would you please assist me?" (Girl talk for: Let's talk)

Kin nodded and they walked off. Naruto turned to Shino. "Nice date you have. You need to relax though." He said offering some advice.

Shino stared for a few sexonds before responding. "It is illogical for me to be nervous and, yet, I find myself anxious as to whether or not she is enjoying herself." He said.

Naruto smirked, "Shino, bit of advice. Just be yourself and let things flow. Thats how it worked for me and Hana-chan. Just make sure she's comfortable and the rest usually falls into place." He said.

Shino nodded and said, "Thank you for your assistance Naruto-san."

Naruto shook his head. "Its just Naruto, Shino. Besides, I'm glad to help out someone who sees me for me." He said smiling. Shino simply nodded and his bugs quieted down.


Hana entered and quickly checked the stalls to see that they were alone. She turned to Kin who was wringing her hands. "Whoa girl. You need to calm down." Hana said.

Kin shook her head. "I want to but this is so nerve racking! I was a prisoner not long ago and then he took me out to eat a few times and now we're here in this high class place? I can't..." She never got to finish because Hana put her hand over her mouth.

"I said calm down, not fret over it." Hana said before she sighed. "Look, Obviously Shino wanted to take you here so why are you so nervous?"

Kin sighed before answering. "I... I don't belong here. I'm no high class girl. I'm glad he wanted to take me out but... I don't deserve this treatment." She said sadly.

Hana was actually a little mad. Why would this girl assume she isn't worth it? "Whoever told you that is a moron." Hana said gaining a shocked look from Kin. "Shino wanted to show you a good time so obviously he believes your worth it. Are you going to tell me that you don't believe in his judgment?" she asked.

Kin shook her head and replied, "No, but..."

"NO BUTS!" Hana said sternly. "Listen, just go out there, sit down, look cute and when you get back to his house, kiss him like hes the last guy on earth." Kin blushed a bright red and stammered before Hana interupted her again. "Show him that your worth the time Kin. I don't know you very well but Aburames don't take just ANYONE out on a date let alone quite a few."

Kin looked down for a second before looking back up and smiling brightly. "Thanks Hana-chan. I needed that."

Hana chuckled, "Your welcome, now lets go knock your boyfriend out of his seat." Kin blushed again before the girls headed back.


The girls came back and the rest of the evening was spent in a friendly atmosphere. Kin and Hana both got into the act of embarassing the boys they were with. Shino, surprisngly, opened up and talked quite a bit. Naruto was his usual happy self and brightened the table considerably. When 8 PM rolled around, Kin and Shino took their leave. Naruto and Hana once again joined at the arm walked back slowly to their home.

Hana was in turmoil. She hoped Naruto wouldn't be too mad at her for what her friends did yesterday, but she had a feeling he might be a little annoyed especially after his comment last night. She inwardly prayed that everything would be alright.

Namikaze Estates: 8:15 PM

Hana and Naruto arrived and quickly went upstairs. Naruto wouldn't admit it but seeing Hana in that outfit had him turned on something fierce. He smiled seeing Hana actually leading him back towards their room.

Lemon Start! If you do not wish to read this, or are underage, please skip to the next bolded lines.

When they got inside the room, Naruto found himself againest the wall being ravaged by a horny Hana. She quickly grabbed his jacket and threw it off to the side before running her hands up and down his chest. His hands were not idle and were trailing up and down her sides sending goosbumps all over her body. They broke apart quickly before naruto unbuttoned his shirt while Hana quickly threw off her shoes. She took his shirt off and sensually rubbed her hands over his chest before rubbing his nipples.

Naruto was tired of seeing Hana so fully clothed and pushed her towards the bed. As they reached it, Naruto pulled her dress down and she stepped out and started to descend the stairs slowly letting his eyes wander across her body. She had opted for a pair of black lace bra and panty set with red swirls atop her nipples and directly over her, now moist, opening. She chuckled when she reached the bottom of their bed and smirked seeing him so obviously oogling her. She loved being able to turn him on.

"Like what you see Taiyo-kun?" Hana asked seductivly. She grabbed her breasts and raised them to let him get a real eyeful.

Naruto gulped and replied, "Always Tenshi-chan." He undid his belt and let his pants fall to reveal the growing problem in his boxers. He hopped into the bed and walked up to Hana before passionetly making out with her. Hana moaned into his mouth, her hands gently rubbing his thighs not wanting to go for the prize yet because she still had to talk to him. Naruto undid her bra and moved his mouth to trail kisses down her neck to her left tit before suckling it like a baby. He continued his minestrations for a minute or so before switching and using his right hand to keep her left nipple stimluated. His left hand gently rubbed her through panties.

She loved that he was getting so into it but needed to talk to him before they went further. "Naru-Naruto-kun please wai-wait a moment." she said through her moans.

Naruto stopped and looked at her worredly. "I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked concerned.

Hana shook her head. "Listen, I need to get this off my chest. Yesterday, the girls and I followed you around."

Naruto didn't look very surprised and asked, "Why?"

Hana looked down, "I was worried about how good you were in bed." Seeing his confused look she sighed and elaborated, "You seemed to improve in getting me off everytime we made love and I was curious where you were learning how to do that." She said slightly ashamed.

Naruto sighed, "So thats who I felt yesterday. Tenshi-chan, why didn't you just ask me? I'd be happy to tell you." He said.

Hana looked a little surprised. "Your not mad? And you'll really tell me?" she asked.

"Of course. I'm not mad. I can see how it'd look. Do you want to know how I got so good?" He asked, genuinely curious. Hana nodded furiously. She grew confused when he formed a seal and said, "Oiroke no Jutsu!" (Sexy Technique) Now Naruto was in his female form. A beautiful woman with two long blonde ponytails, double D cup breasts and a titght round ass. "I simple practiced with a Kage Bunshin in this form getting the experience from both sides and verbal directions." Naruto said.(I will use proper pronouns for the BODY not the person from here on out)

Hana's bangs shadowed her face. "That's it?" she asked oddly quiet.

Naruto nodded. "Ya thats all. I hope you aren't mad about this." She said. She closed her eyes only to find that her body was now being held from behind by Hana. "Uhhhh Hana-chan what are you doing?" She asked a little nervous because Hana had both of Naruto's hands behind his back. Hana's right hand held Naruto's wrists so she couldn't move while her left moved to massage her tit.

"You have been using this body to learn how to pleasure me?" Hana said a little offended that Naruto hadn't just asked her to spend time working with each other's bodies.

"Ye-yes. What's wrong?" Naruto asked. The hand on her tit making her whole body heat up. She could feel Hana pressing her body againest her's and was honestly getting turned on.

"So, do you like being in this form and getting pleasure?" Hana asked as her hand started to travel south. "Answer truthfully or you won't like the outcome Naruto-chan."

Naruto blushed and felt Hana's hand gently massaging her lower lips. She bit her lip but answered truthfully, mates could tell when they were lieing through their marks anyway, "Y-Yes I do. But, not like this. I just wanted to..." She moaned aloud as Hana's finger entered her folds.

"Wanted to what? Fuck something else so you could please me more? Why didn't you just ask me Naruto?" She said as her finger continued its path in and out of Naruto's pussy.

"I I didn't know you wou-uu-uu-uuld want me to-oo-oo Han-a-chan." Naruto said between pants and moans. Hana inserted another finger into her, now, female lover.

She smirked as she heard Naruto's breath hitch and felt Naruto's body start pressing into her fingers. She had to admit that Naruto's pussy was massaging her finger pretty well. "I wouldn't have minded but you never asked." Hana said. By now, her anger had abated. She was just doing it because this was brand new and, honestly, she liked the idea of freaky things in bed. Her grin turned absolutly feral at the next idea that popped into her head and started to really piston her fingers in and out of Naruto's pussy. "Cum for me Naruto-chan. I promise I won't be mad." She said softly into Naruto's ear.

Naruto had honestly been enjoying herself. The female her was only used for distractions and the occasional training session to help with Hana. The Kage Bunshins had always enjoyed "sleeping" with Naruto and Naruto honestly couldn't find it within himself to change back. This is freaky and, like his mate, he loved freaky things in bed. So, when Hana pistoned her fingers inside her now slick pussy and asked for her cum. Naruto was more than happy to oblige. With a shuttering, "Hana-CHAN!" She sprayed her juices all over Hana's hand. She collapsed onto the bed on her stomach.

"You taste good Naruto-chan." Hana said with a smile as she licked her hand clean. Naruto simply grinned while she caught her breath still facedown on the bed with her ass in the air. Hana smirked, with a soft cry of "Oiroke Yaoi no Jutsu" (Sexy Male Technique) Hana's form changed into that of a muscular male. He had short spikey brown hair and Hana's marks. He was lean and not overly muscular with a large dick almost 9 inchs long and two inches wide. Hana smirked and placed his dick at Naruto entrance gaining an "EEP!" from her.

Hana leaned over and whispered into Naruto's ear, "Since you liked this form so much...why don't I show you just how much PLEASURE a woman can feel." With that, Hana grabbed Naruto's waist and enetered her pussy. She wasn't rough or fast but she got halfway in before stopping. Naruto was panting from taking such a thing inside her. She had licked and fingered herself in this form (having no hymen) but never had a dick inside her. Hana gently pushed himself inside Naruto before sighing once he was fully inserted. "Your pussy feels good Naruto-chan. Are you going to stay quiet all night?" Hana asked.

Naruto looked over her shoulder a little annoyed. "Your too big Hana-kun." She said.

Hana chuckled. "No I'm not, you have plenty of room." He said pulling out and thrusting back in earning a loud moan from Naruto. Hana leaned over to Naruto's ear and whispered, "Your MY Bitch now hun. Your going to spend all night taking my cock up your pussy for that stunt." He said sexily.

Naruto's eyes widened. 'Damn I can't tell if she's serious or if she is just playing with me!' Naruto looked down saddened, "I'm sorry."

Hana smiled and thrust deep into Naruto's pussy before whispering into her ear again, "Apology accepted but your still my BITCH for the evening." He said before he started to fuck Naruto rather well. Hana liked that position but felt something was off before he stopped and smirked. He grabbed Naruto's left leg and lifted it straight up before starting his thrusts once again. Naruto was in bliss. A woman's body had a completly different feeling than a man's for sex. She could practically feel every muscle that twitched with each thrust from Hana and the incessent fire burning in her loins was building by the second.

Hana was enjoying himself immensly. Naruto's pussy was tight and, most of all, wet. He could slid in an out without rough resistance. The feeling of being inside his lover for once was indescribable and now Hana knew why Naruto liked having sex so much. Hana felt his balls churning and decided to push Naruto over the top. He reached down and gently inserted a finger into the blonde's ass.

Naruto was close to her orgasm, she could feel it approaching and felt Hana's cock twitching inside her as he continued to ram into her with abandon. She was closing in but the clincher was that finger. Once it reached past her asshole, Her vision blurred and she screamed to the heavens as she coated Hana's cock with her juices. A few moments later, Naruto was dimly aware of a rather large amount of cum filling her womb and coating her inner walls. She smiled softly at the feeling.

Hana smirked feeling Naruto's pussy tighten and try to milk him for cum. He pistoned a few more times before screaming out "NARUTO-CHAN!" and thrusting so deep he hit her cervix. Hana kept his dick inside until he felt it starting to get full and then slowly extracted it with a slight 'pop'. Hana smiled seeing Naruto look so happy. He had enjoyed this. Maybe they could make it a regular thing. After all, switching positions was a good way to come together as a couple.

Naruto eventually recovered before looking at the resting Hana with a bit of a glare. "That was mean Hana-kun." She said keeping herself in her female persona because she knew it wasn't over yet.

Hana frowned slightly, "You should have asked me to explore instead of using your clones." He countered.

Naruto sighed, "Look I'm sorry alright? Now I have to ask." She said looking at her.

Hana stared back. "Ask what?" he replied.

"Did you enjoy that?" Naruto asked seriously.

Hana was silent for a moment before responding, "Yes I did. Also, since you 'practiced' with this form. I claim my right to fuck you like this at least once a week." He said.

Naruto looked stunned. "Wha-What? You wanna do this once a week?" She asked completly floored. 'I mean I know I enjoyed it but was it really that good?' she asked herself.

Hana chuckled, "Yes once a week. You can't change my mind so don't try." He said. 'Besides, cumming inside of Naruto felt AMAZING I can see why he never pulls out.' He thought to himself.

Hana found himself tackled onto his back and a very horny Naruto running her moist lips over his cock. "Good, because tonight doesn't count." She leaned down and whispered into Hana's ear, "I'm going to enjoy being YOUR bitch once a week." She said sexily before grabbing Hana's dick and slamming down onto it, gaining loud moans from both parties. "You got to be on top last time so now its my turn." She said. She quickly started bouncing up and down on Hana's cock.

Hana thought thrusting was good but laying back and letting Naruto take the reigns felt even better. His hips thrust on their own to meet Naruto's drops and Hana's hands moved up to knead Naruto's ample breasts. Hana was smirking when he sat up slightly and started to suckle Naruto's tit while grabbing her ass and helping Naruto bounce up and down.

Naruto moaned aloud as Hana started suckling her tit. She loved it when her tits were sucked. Hana's dick was hitting her G spot almost every thrust and the previous orgasms were making it hard to hold down the coming one. Hana noticed this and stopped suckling long enough to say, "I'm ready too Naruto-chan Let's blow together ok?" He said. Naruto simply nodded and started pressing herself harder on Hana's cock.

"Na-ruto-ch-an I'm go-nna CUM!" Hana said as he burst another large load into Naruto's tight pussy.

"Hana-kun CUM FILL ME AGAIN!" Naruto yelled as she impaled herself on Hana's cock. She loved the feeling of being full, much like Hana herself when in their other forms. Naruto slid off of Hana and they dropped their Justu's before cuddling up with one another.

Lemon End! Thank you everyone!

Naruto cuddled up behind Hana and smiled. "You make an amazing lover no matter the sex Tenshi-chan." He said.

Hana giggled, "Your not to bad yourself Taiyo-kun. I still can't believe you did that for me. I was slightly mad but actually I was more flattered than anything. I mean how many men would willingly have sex with a female version of themselves to please their fiances?" She asked.

Naruto chuckled, "Not many. I'm just glad you liked it so much." he replied.

Hana smiled, "Ya I did. Your still going to be my bitch later this week you know that right?" She said.

Naruto smirked, "I won't mind. Besides, now we can practice on each other in TWO forms." he responded.

Hana chuckled, "True, you horndog. Anyways lets get to sleep I'm tired." Naruto nodded and they grabbed the sheets before curling up and heading straight to sleep.

Next Morning: 7 AM

Naruto woke up before Hana once again and smiled remembering their activities from the night before. Some would call it disturbing, but Naruto saw it as a sign of love that the two of them could switch their roles as male and female like that and not make a real difference in their relationship. He sighed because he had to wake up Hana for their training today. Sora and Anko wouldn't be back for another month and Hana still had some work that needed to be done. Naruto was about to wake her up when he stopped and a smirk spread across his face. Last night, she was a little mean to him. Now, he had a chance for payback!

Lemon Start. OOOO aren't you lucky two lemons in one chapter! Same warnings as above.

Naruto gently started to kiss Hana's neck earning tired moans from the sleeping beauty. He smirked as he started to suckle her left breast while kneading her right. Hana's body was stretching and curling while her legs were rubbing together trying to gain some much needed friction in her, now, warm nether regions. Naruto's free hand went down and rubbed her pussy lips gently noticing she was wet and definitely ready for the next thing he wanted to do.

Naruto stopped sucking her tit, recieving a groan of displeasure from the sleeping Hana. He smirked and went down her body before placing his mouth near her opening and holding her legs open so they wouldn't crush his head. He slowly licked from her anus to the top of her lips earning a rather loud moan of approval from the awakening Hana before he plunged his tongue into her folds and started massaging her walls with his wet organ.

Hana was in bliss. She was having a wet dream right after having sex with Naruto all night. She let out a loud cry as Naruto's tongue entered her folds and was launched into reality by his actions. Normally, Hana would be pissed, but this was WAY better than waking up to his hands in her hair, especially since she wasn't sore from the night before. (Hey a rhyme!) She let out a loud "NARUTO-KUN!" as she grabbed his head and pressed it into her nether lips.

Naruto was inwardly smiling as he moved his mouth to her clit before inserting two fingers into her aching pussy. She had grabbed his head and refused to let him leave until he pleasured her fully, and he intended to do just that. His hands started to piston inside her while his tongue furiously attacked her clit trying to get her sweet necter.

Hana's orgasm was closing fast and she decided to warn Naruto lest she lose her orgasm to nothing more than bedsheets. Besides, she loved seeing Naruto gulping down her juices. "Tai-yo-kun I'm Go-nna CUM!" she said just as her whole body went rigid and her hips arced into his mouth trying to prolong the orgasm. Naruto quickly moved his hands away and laped up her juices while stimluating her lips with his tongue.

When she finally stopped cumming, Hana collapsed to the bed with a fine sheen of sweat covering her body. She was panting hard but had thorughly enjoyed Naruto's little wakeup call. She didn't get to for long, however, because she quickly found herself with her hips in the air and alot of her body weight on her upper back and neck. She was staring almsot straight up at a smirking naruto who had her legs spread so they were practically parallel to her body.

"Naruto-kun (pant) what are you doing?" she asked. She had an idea but she dearly hoped he wasn't thinking the same. She LOVED this position because he could get deep inside her. If he decided to start now... she wouldn't be holding her orgasm for long.

Naruto smirked and placed himself at her entrance causing her eyes to widen while she thought 'SHIT! I'm gonna be sore but this will be SOOOOOO worth it!' "I'm going to thank you for your performance last night Hana-chan. Besides, you can't have all the fun this morning." He said before gently lowering himself into her pussy. Hana's eyes bulged and she cried out in discomfort. It always took her a moment to adjust to this position. She was panting hard while Naruto looked in concern before pumping into her slightly earning a loud moan. He grabbed her ankles and bent forward over here allowing him to plunge straight down into her wet pussy.

He smirked and pulled almost all the way out before slamming back in getting moans of pleasure from both parties. He picked up a steady pace and the sounds of his ballsack hitting her ass with every thrust filled the room causing Hana to reach her climax faster. Hana's body started getting stiff and she felt her orgasm coming. She wanted to hold on and let Naruto get his pleasure too but that was quickly thrown out the window. "Tenshi-chan. If you hold it in now, You'll be too sore to change tomorrow and make me your bitch again." He said hotly. That did it. She screamed to the heavens and coated Naruto's dick in her juices. Naruto simply slowed down to let her ride out this orgasm and keep his own from rising too fast.

She was squeezing his dick hard and he didn't want to blow his load until he caused her to reach her third orgasm of the day. He smirked seeing her panting hard and felt her orgasm fade. He started thrusting harder into her, gaining crys of "Naruto-kun Harder!" Hana was on cloud 9. The first orgasm had been great. This one had lasted a full minute. She knew he would fill her pussy soon and, honestly, she wished he would. He didn't know it but she was close to her heat and she wanted all the time she could with Naruto before it set in.

Naruto's own climax was fast approaching and he noticed the telltale signs of Hana's own pleasure mounting once more. He smiled feeling his cock twitch and her pussy start to convulse. Hana screamed out, "Naruto-Kun! FILL ME I WANT YOUR BABY BATTER!" Naruto blushed a deep red but happily complied as he buried himself inside her and unleashed streams of sticky cum into her willing and fertile womb, whilst she rode out her last orgasm. True to her request, he even filled her womb with his cum.

Naruto sighed contentedly before slipping out of his lover with a soft 'plop' and rolling over. "No Practice today, we just had dexterity training." he said tiredly.

Hana chuckled and cuddled with him feeling his hot cum sloshing in her womb. 'Wow he really did fill me' she thought, rather happily. "Sure thing sensei." The two lovers quietly went to sleep but Naruto set the clock so Hana wouldn't be late for her medical practices.

Lemon end! Thank you!

Next Day: Training Grounds

Naruto and Hana were training as usual when Naruto felt a familiar chakra signature approaching their grounds. He signalled Hana to stop and turned to come face to face with one Sasuke Uchiha. He looked the same as at the Chunin exams but without the brooder look.

"Naruto. I need to speak with you." He said rather politely.

The two nins were a bit surprised but Naruto nodded his head. "Yes what is it?"

"I... I wanted to apologize for my actions towards you. It was uncalled for and, with my recent genjutsu rehabilitation with Kurenai-sensei, I have seen how much I really could have hurt your feelings." He said. Seeing the confused looks on their faces he sighed, "Look, Kakashi had Kurenai place me in a Genjutsu where I could do nothing but talk with the old me for hours a day. I was stupid, foolish, and immature." he explained.

Naruto looked surprised, "Hmmm thats pretty life revealing, what made you rethink it?" He asked.

Sasuke looked down. "I heard Itachi was killed and the Sandaime told me that my clan was planning a Coup against him. Plus they planned on either killing you or turning you over to Danzo. No one deserves that treatment." He said with a fire in his eyes. "They were wrong. However, I will rebuild the Uchiha clan and restore it to its proper place of Honor alngside the founding clans of Konoha!" he stated.

Naruto smiled. "How about I help you with that?" he asked getting a surprised look from Hana and Sasuke.

"You-You'd do that?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto nodded. "You told the truth, you really want to redeem your clan. No more avenger crap. Listen I know Kakashi must have tested your affinity so what is it?" Naruto asked.

"Lightning with a minor fire why?" Sasuke said.

Naruto smirked and Hana chuckled, "I'm a Master of Lightning Manipulation Sasuke. Have you started it yet?" he asked again.

Sasuke nodded his head, "I'm on stage two but I can't find a lightning Jutsu..." His words trailed off as his eyes widened.

Naruto smiled brightly. "Good I'll teach you one. Now this one is rather chakra intensive but if you can manipulate it well, then you can start on the third step for manipulation." Sasuke nodded and Naruto made a clone to send with Hana before returning to Sasuke. "Good now let's begin..."

Girls Meeting: Noon

"YOU DID WHAT?" a female voice roared from the back of the bar and dango stand. Everyone turned to stare at the group, which consisted of Kurenai, Hana, Yugao, Shizune, and Hinata.

"SHHHH not so loud Nai-chan." Hana said. "Sorry!" she continued looking around before everyone went back to their meals.

Yugao spoke up a little bewildered, "Care to repeat that Hana?" she asked.

Hana blushed but nodded seeing the glares from the girls, "I told you that Naruto was using his sexy form to learn how to please me right?" She got nods, "Well I was slightly pissed that he didn't just ask to explore more and take our time so I kinda... pinned him in his female form and finger fucked him until he came and HARD." she said blushing. She wanted to stop but the girls knew that wasn't the end. She blushed a deep crimson but continued, "He collapsed with his ass in the air so I switched to my Yaoi form and called him my bitch before fucking him doggy style and cumming inside. I, then, demanded that we do it like that at least once a week before he mounted me and rode me until I came inside him whilest he begged for me to 'fill him up'." she said.

The girls were all blushing and were shell shocked. Naruto had allowed Hana to do those things? It was both sexy and disturbing.

Hinata spoke up quietly, "A-Ano. Did he really beg for you to cum inside him?" she asked. Hana nodded while blushing.

Shizune squeeled in excitement. "What a man! You bagged yourself a good one Hana-chan!" she said smiling.

Kurenai frowned, "How can you be so sure that he doesn't just want to be a female?" She said.

Hana shook her head. "Nah, I was the one who made sure we would do it in the future." Hana replied

Shizune added, "Besides how many men would purposely make a shadow clone and mess around with it just to please his girl more?" she said.

The girls all thought for moment before nodding in agreement. "SOOO how was it?" Yugao asked.

Hana blushed but responded, "It was amazing. Naruto's pussy felt like a hot, wet message and sucked hard everytime I tried to move. Aside from that, you all have seen his sexy form and that thing looks drop dead GORGEOUS." she said while getting a slight nosebleed from a few dirty thoughts. The other girls broke out in grins before Hana continued, "Can we talk about something else though? This is kinda one sided since I'm the only one sleeping with someone right now and it makes me nervous." The other girls glared at her but dropped the issue.

Undisclosed Location: That night

"We will soon take down the mate of that new Dragon and claim our rightful place on the humans plane! No longer will we be stuck here! We shall destroy all who stand in our way. Dragons, humans, angels, ALL WILL FALL BEFORE OUR MIGHT!" a dark voice said as it stood atop pitch black tower surrounded by flames and screams of the tortured. Below was a mass of low level demons with higher levels standing in front. "LONG LIVE AKUMA!" (devil) it said as it shook its red fist in the air.

"LONG LIVE AKUMA, LONG LIVE AKUMA, LONG LIVE AKUMA!" the crowd chanted until a new one started. "LONG LIVE BEEZELBUB!" the crowd slowly switched before Beezelbub's name was chanted throughout the crowd and the giant creature smiled a sick smile. Beezelbub was a pit fiend of the highest order. He had teeth as large and long as a meaty humans finger with cannine's the size of a thumb. It had large claws on its hands and feet that could tear through steel like tissue paper while its tail held a whiplike barb at the end. It was covered in red scales and had two large leathery wings coming from its back where a trail of horns started on its head and traveled down its spine.

Soon. Soon, he would have his revenge on that accursed Ryuujin. He would destroy the one who gave him his power back. The Ryu Senko.

next chapter
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