94.33% Dragon Ball Oneiron / Chapter 50: Episode 22: (Son Goku Saga) The Midnight Visitors R:2

章節 50: Episode 22: (Son Goku Saga) The Midnight Visitors R:2

Dragon Ball – Scene 22.0: Earth, Southeast Mountain Area, September 6th, Evening, Age 749


"One week has passed since Goku, Voidotte and Mauka left their home. Along with Bulma and Stockings, they have collected 4 Dragon Balls so far, but they also become targets of the villainous Yamcha and Puar!"


Puar pours a cup of tea to Yamcha and as he drinks it, he tells Puar on his plans to steal the Hoi Poi Capsule, but Puar tells him that he's not good with girls and there are 2 of them there as he didn't notice Mauka. Yamcha reassures Puar that he has a way to take care of it which puzzles Puar. Later that night while Bulma is taking a bath, Stockings is cleaning and rearranging the double-decker motorhome, she finds that Oolong has 1 type of special outfit sets for women in his wardrobe that at first she gave Mauka the benefit of the doubt: Oolong is a creep, but since her maid outfit has taken a beating thanks to Wesker's Monsters, she decides to wear one of his playboy bunny outfit. The fabric of the bunny costume is so comfortable, Stockings fell in love on how it feels that she wouldn't mind wearing this under her maid any day from now on and even use it as Pajamas, but is conflicted as a Maid needs to maintain appearances of professionalism and a Bunny Girl outfit is only for a different type of profession; but she is still fuzzing on how to wear it and still look professional, so she can't wear it during her duties. Meanwhile Goku and Voidotte is with Oolong that he cannot spy on Bulma taking her bath. However while no one was looking, Mauka sneaks out the motorhome as soon as Oolong showed Bulma the bath to look for Yamcha; and she does so with her Scouter turned off so the noise it gives out doesn't draw any attention to herself and have Yamcha attack her. Later that night, 2 mini-mechs arrived nearby from the opposite direction: It was Mai and Shu as they were ordered by Pilaf deal with Goku and the others. They plan to blow up the motorhome, however unlike in the original timeline that they are startled by Yamcha & Puar, this time around they are startled by Guyver III as he quotes a similar line he said to the Hyper-Zoanoid Zerbebuth before cutting him down: "I Will Use Them Not You. DIE YOU STINKING RATS!!!" and activates his Dual High-Frequency Swords on his left forearm, but not to kill them, but to scare them away and he succeeds as in the process Shu accidental glues the bomb onto his hands like in the original timeline. Luminescence looking at this along with Ark, Chronoa and the others in the White Void of the Dreamscape, laughs as they all wonder is it all right allowing someone like Agito take part in this.


Before Mai and Shu got there, Mauka didn't need to go far as she senses Yamcha & Puar nearby that she hides behind a stone pillar to confirm if it is them. As soon as she sees them, Mauka behaves likes a nervous schoolgirl and sees Yamcha with rose-tinted glasses imagining him as Dashing Warrior Prince running through the desert which Mauka starts behaving like Bulma when she's thirsty. For the first time in her life, she felt as Giddy Earthling Girl in love that she is too scare to approach her crush. But she reminds herself to be a Saiyan Princess and should stand tall that she punches herself hard that leaves a bruise in-between her eyes that she bleeds slightly from there, but doesn't notice it as it falls across her face as she is more focused in meeting Yamcha directly that she jumps in his way. Normally Yamcha would be stunned by her and falls over because of his fear of girls, but there are a few factors on why he doesn't behave like this: 1 – The Saiyan Armor which is the same model Vegeta uses during the time he will fight Frieza on Namek which is pretty bulky. 2 – Her Muscular Build is a very rare sight for Girls her age on Earth. 3 – The Blood from the Injury she gave herself. 4 – Since she psyched herself as a Saiyan Princess, unconsciously her voice gets slightly lower and raspy when she gets serious. 5 – Her Spiky Long Hair is not common among Female Earthlings as most who have long hair tend to have it Smooth and Silky, Curls or in Drills if they are blondes. These factors are why Yamcha's Phobia isn't reacting as usual as he sees Mauka as "Not A Girl".


(Teen) Mauka:

Hey! You're the guy who fought my little brother.



(Serious Stare)

You are that kid's older—?


(Teen) Mauka:

That's right! Behold! For I am the Great Mauka-Sama!

(Thinking, Annoyed, Blushing)

Why am in my Full Saiyan Princess Bragging Mode here?



I don't remember seeing you there…



That's the person with those girls, Yamcha-Sama.



(Looks At Mauka)

You look pretty cool. But why are you looking for me? Are you out for revenge?


(Teen) Mauka:

Nonono! I'm here to talk. I'm not interested in revenge or anything. I have to admit that your Wolf Fang Fist technique is impressive. I wouldn't mind if you taught it to me.



Sorry, pal. But I don't give away my secrets.


(Teen) Mauka:

But it's really a cool-looking skill and my physical technique is weaker than Goku's. I hit him as hard as possible, but in the end it's my hand that ends up hurting after I smack him one and I always make sure he doesn't notice. As his older sibling, I can't show him any weakness, now should I?




I like your style, buddy! Tell you what! I'll teach you my Wolf Fang Fist in exchange you tell me any weakness you little brother has.


(Teen) Mauka:



Sorry, Goku but I always keep telling you to train your tail so it doesn't be used against you. It's high time you learn to listen to me in that aspect. Also…


…I never thought I would be attracted to someone like him. In all my years on Earth, I have never met such a dashing rogue like this guy before. Not even on either Planet Brench or Vegeta. I mean…Salza-Taichou is cool-looking and all, but I respect him for his skills as a commanding officer. But Yamcha…there's something about him I find…alluring. I can't tell what it is exactly…





It's because of his bad boy phase. There's someone that caught my eye that behaved like that, but it wasn't a phase, but his entire personality.




I think I know who you are talking about.




Certainly not you, you fossil!




Normally I'd be angry for that remark, but seeing you go on the defensive is enough for me to laugh it off.



Why You—!!!


Everyone (Except Goku, Bardock, Vegeta, King Vegeta):

(Thinking, Amused Stare)

These two really have a thing for each other…



(Confused, Whispering)

Hey, Vegeta…Why can't they keep getting along? When they are around Mauka, they actually get along, but when she's not around…



(Annoyed, Whispering)

If you can't figure it out by yourself, then what is the point telling you!? Fool!




Come on! Don't be like that.



I'll only give you a hint. Compare them with the way your wife treats you…or how Bulma treats me.



What does that mean?



(Annoyed Sigh)

You are such clown I feel like I should just go back to my training. But…

(Looks At Mauka Having Fun With Yamcha, Furious)

I can't do that right now seeing her fawning for that moron.




Even though she's not really our sister, you really care for her, huh Vegeta?



She reminds me of Cabba in a way and…myself.



Really? How?



Let's just say I had someone show me an alternate timeline of myself. What if…I went to Earth with you along with Raditz and Nappa. Even though I retained some of my traits, I saw that I behaved in an almost similar manner to you as Mauka in this recreation does.



And Raditz and Nappa?



I can't speak for Raditz since you already have an idea, no matter how inconceivable that it is; but Nappa became a gardener and gets married a widow. Never expected him to stop being a warrior and settle down. The Earth really have a strange power that changes the hearts of people. All of your enemies…even yourself have changed living there.



Maybe that strange power can make Mauka change for the better too.







From the time they met up until 3 AM, Mauka, Yamcha and Puar became close friends that most of the events of that day have been altered: All of the details involving Yamcha and Puar failing to sneak into the motorhome and Oolong trying to sneak a peek at Bulma while she sleeps never come to pass, as Voidotte is keeping tabs on the pig in a very lovey-dovey way; and as soon as he sees Stockings in one of the bunny costumes he owns, he decides not to cope a feel from Bulma as a "MILF" in a bunny costume is far more alluring than what a naked teenager can produce, so he doesn't use the sedatives on either of them as Mai and Shu did managed to reset the timer on their bomb just like in the original timeline. However Yamcha does find out about the Dragon Balls because of Mauka while in the Dreamscape, Vegeta facepalms annoyingly on what Mauka did. Luminescence laughs saying that "A Girl In Love Is Like An Open Book" which pisses him off to no end; even more so when both Bra and Bulma agrees with Luminescence.


Phase 1:

Dream Link 2 – Vs. Zoalord Griselda


After bonding with Mauka, Yamcha believes they can be long time friends but he's afraid to betray her trust as he wants the Dragon Balls to get the rid himself of his fear of girls so he can get married, unbeknownst to him he's been talking to a girl in Mauka. But because of her personality, looks and armor, Yamcha doesn't see her as such as he thinks she's another "Weird Yet Rowdy Guy". In order not to betray her, he decides to ask her about the Dragon Balls in a more open discussion…





(Teen) Mauka:




You really meant that with these Dragon Balls…I can wish for anything?


(Teen) Mauka:

That's what the legend says.



What is it you want to wish for since you are looking for them?


(Teen) Mauka:


I want to—



(Distorted Echoed Female Voice)

It seems you two have created a bond of friendship in such a short amount of time. How fascinating.


(Teen) Mauka:

Who are you? Show yourself!



(Appears Out Of The Shadows)

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zoalord Griselda and I'm here to kill you.


(Teen) Mauka:

Are you one of Wesker's lackeys just like Hemlock?



I'm only loyal to 1 man and that's not Wesker nor Hemlock. If you survive this encounter, then you will face him soon enough.


(Teen) Mauka:

(Activates Scouter, Surprised)

Your power level is 1? Wait! What is this? Is my Scouter broken!? What are these readings!?



It is not. The analysis you made of me is not as far-fetched as you believe it is.


(Teen) Mauka:

What are you?



Neither enemy nor friend. We come from a world where such words are meaningless.


I should be thankful to Frank Jaeger for teaching me that quote long ago.


(Teen) Mauka:


Your Power Level is 1 and this unreadable weird signature around her, but…these readings aren't normal. Even Wesker's Monster's have a Power Level of 50 to 100.



As I stated, I'm not associated with Wesker. But if you are curious of my power, then face me.


(Teen) Mauka:

Puar. Take cover. This creature is not what she appears to be.




Yes, Mauka-San!


(Teen) Mauka:

You too, Yamcha!



No way! Even if Gohan was your grandfather, I can't just let you face this ugly creep.



You do realize I am a woman, correct?



Not in my book. I know what a woman is and they don't look anything like you.

(Thinking, Looks At Mauka)

And even if you did looked like one, I don't think I'd run away. I don't abandon my friends.


Mauka and Yamcha prepare to battle Griselda, but she disappears into thin air and reappears behind them as she kicks them both on their back. Mauka notices that Griselda moved at super speed and the power behind that kick would have been strong enough to kill a normal Earthling, but since she's a Saiyan she can withstand it, but she's worried Yamcha couldn't; fortunately she sees that he's alright. Mauka quickly rushes the Zoalord with everything she has, but Griselda's body withstands all of it like it is nothing as her body has a High Injury Resistance, making her body stronger than even the dinosaurs she fought before. Seeing how sturdy her body is, Yamcha unsheathes his sword and manages to actually injure Griselda. From a distance, Guyver III notices this and wonders if Yamcha's Sword is on the same level as his High-Frequency Swords to manage an injury on Griselda. Yamcha smiles confidently, but is surprised to see Griselda heal her injury by touching it. Mauka wonders if they are fighting an immortal being if she can heal herself with a simple touch, so she figures to use an attack powerful enough that Griselda won't be able to heal herself fast enough. At first she thought of self-destructing in a powerful final explosion, but doesn't want to leave Goku alone until they find Gine and Hanasia. So she decides to use Grandpa Gohan's technique who he only taught her, a move she didn't want to use because Blade also uses it: The Kamehameha. She tells Yamcha to keep her distracted while she charges her attack to deal with Griselda. He nods in agreement as Mauka starts charging her Kamehameha as much as she can while Yamcha tries to keep up with Griselda, but her high reflexes makes it harder for him to successfully land a hit on the Zoalord. Seeing this, Mauka needs to predict where Griselda is going to move in order to take her out. As soon as Mauka sees an opening, she yells to Griselda which Yamcha moves out of the way and so to Griselda as Mauka managed to predict where she would move as she succeeds in blasting the Zoalord. Mauka's Kamehameha is powerful, but not powerful enough than what Goku can produce when he becomes an adult, nevertheless it got the job done and Griselda is defeated as she lies on the ground motionless. Both Yamcha and Mauka celebrate Griselda's defeat that Yamcha thinks Mauka's weird on the way she hugged him as he notices she behaved quite feminine as lifted her left leg in joy as he thinks Mauka is a guy like him. Mauka and Yamcha approaches Griselda's body, but as soon as they got a few feet close to her, she gets up slowly that surprises them and Puar that the Zoalord still lives…


Phase 2:

Dream Link 3 – Vs. Guyver III


(Teen) Mauka:


How can you survive that!? I used my full power into that attack!




This Form…is like an armor…this is not…my real appearance. Nevertheless…that…was a good…attack from someone…that refuses to use said technique. To answer your question…I have a high level of Injury Resistance. I can withstand attacks that would kill a normal human and tolerate even severe physical injury as when my arm and head blades were severed by an enemy more powerful than me. Not only that…I also posses a Healing Ability…



I noticed that when we were fighting. All you did was touch your injury and it was fully healed with no scarring.



Unfortunately there are…limits to what I can do…even though I'm a Zoalord…I'm also Human.


(Teen) Mauka:

Zoalord? So you really aren't with Wesker. I never heard of that word until now. He always use the term "B.O.W.s".



You finally noticed. Congratulations…You pass my test…now you have the right…to fight someone stronger than me…


(Teen) Mauka:

Who would that be?



(Distorted Echoed Male Voice)

That would be me.

(Comes Out Of The Shadows, Control Metal Glowing, Respirator Steam)


(Teen) Mauka:

(Serious Stare)

And you are?


Guyver III:

I have no name, but in my world I am known as "Guyver Unit III".


(Teen) Mauka:

Guyver…Unit 3? What about 1 and 2?


Guyver III:

Guyver I is retired. As for Guyver II…let's just say he got too confident for his good while fighting Guyver I.


(Teen) Mauka:

So he's dead.


Guyver III:

No need to mourn him. He was a monster and a murderer. No different than your nemesis, Wesker.


(Teen) Mauka:

By the sound of how you speak of both Guyver II and Wesker, that means we're not enemies.


Guyver III:

That doesn't make us friends either. The term "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend" is just betrayal waiting to happen…usually when said alliance has concluded. Just because our goals align, that is not enough for us to join forces together in the long run.


(Teen) Mauka:

I see that by you sending Griselda after us. What are you? You look like you are wearing armor too, but it looks…odd. Same for her.


Guyver III:

Allow me to tell you of Griselda first. She is a Zoalord. A type of Supreme Zoaforms intended to be the generals for the armies of biologically-engineered soldiers. The Guyver Units are mysterious bio-organic suits of armor that bond with a host at the genetic level, enhancing their innate capabilities and granting them an array of advanced bio-organic weaponry. Now I ask…judging my appearance, what are my weapons?


(Teen) Mauka:

Right now all I see are the blades on your forearms. I can tell you might have more than the obvious.


Guyver III:

Very perceptive. Nobody likes surprises in the middle of a battle, but that is normal in these circumstances, so do not hold it against me if I catch you off-guard and you end up dying.


(Teen) Mauka:

Yamcha. Let me handle this on my own.




But Mauka, Griselda said that this guy is stronger than her. We couldn't take her on without working together.


(Teen) Mauka:

Don't worry. I have a good idea how to deal with him.


I really don't, but if this Guyver Armor this guy is wearing is an advanced bio-organic weapon, then my Scouter can pick up some type of signal when he activates one of his weapons. I might as well rely on it to help me out, but on how fast Griselda was moving, this guy must be faster, I need to move the instant my Scouter gets even a blip in its readings or I might end up losing an arm here or worse – My Very Life. I really hope my Scouter isn't broken. 1 Wrong Glitch at the Wrong Time won't end well…I don't want to die without finding Gine-San & Hanasia and reuniting them with Goku. I know that Gine-San might be at Mount Frypan if what Oolong said is true about a beautiful short-haired woman with a tail. The only time I will die is when I know Goku will be safe and happy with his family.


Mauka readies to fight Guyver III only for him to move a lot faster than Griselda and kicks the Saiyan from would be normally a blind spot on her right side, but she immediately blocks it as soon as her Scouter beeped which gave away the Guyver's location. Both Mauka and Guyver III are glad that the Scouter is working and tracking him as he doesn't want to kill her yet, not only because of his promise to Luminescence, but to another as well. For the first 3 minutes, Mauka feels like Guyver III is doing a Test Of Her Reflexes as he increases his speed more and more as the fight goes on. After the 5 minute mark, Guyver III deploys his High-Frequency Swords and starts attacking her without letting up his speed, but instead he is increasing it more steadily. Yamcha notices this, throws his Azure Dragon Sword at Mauka, she catches it and starts fighting Guyver III at an even playing field. For some reason holding a sword feels far more exciting than the Power Pole Grandpa Gohan gave to Goku. Originally the Power Pole was meant to be passed down to her, but Mauka didn't like how it felt more like a defensive weapon a farmer would use rather than a weapon of war; the moment Mauka held and used Yamcha's Sword, her Saiyan Blood started pumping with excitement as she feels more unrestrained by her limits. Seeing Mauka going all out, Guyver III decides to use most of his bio-organic weaponry against her: Sonic Buster, Head Beam and Pressure Cannon. Mauka is amazed upon seeing the Guyver's bio-organic weaponry that she started to wish becoming a Guyver herself as she imagines looking like a Female Guyver just like Guyver II-F [Valkyria Forsberg Lisker] only in a Dark Purple Colored instead of the original simple and light colored, usually pink/violet and as spiky as Guyver III. The real Vegeta seeing this, finds Mauka's Ideas in becoming a Guyver as an insult to a Saiyan, but before he could voice his annoyances, Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Dr. Hedo start voicing their excitement on how cool the Guyver looks as he appears like a Super Hero. Videl and Mai can't help but to giggle seeing their respective husbands behave like this. The Old Saiyans find this childish, but in a good way except for King Vegeta and Bardock, although Bardock rather let them be as he knows they inherited Gine's Kindness. The Queen has become more open-minded since working with Bardock in the afterlife along with Gine and his squad that she starts understanding the appeal to the way Saiyans raised and conditioned on Earth are like; with his eldest son being the perfect example as a Saiyan Reformed on Earth.


Mauka and Guyver III are evenly match which Yamcha believes he's holding back and he is right as when Mauka manages to injure the Guyver by infusing her Ki onto the Azure Dragon Sword in order to pierce the strong alien armor surrounding him; upon getting injure, Guyver III is forced to battle more aggressively that Mauka starts losing ground in the fight as the Guyver attacks her more violently. Forced into a corner, Mauka decides to use to use her Kamehameha once again to blast the Guyver just like she did Griselda, but unlike the Zoalord, Guyver III just stands there and willing to take it. Seeing this Mauka and Yamcha wonders what is Guyver III planning, but Mauka thinks to herself to not look a gifted horse on the mouth and decides to put in more Ki than before in order to win. As she finishes charging her attack, Mauka is about to fire it only for Guyver III open his right chestplate, revealing an organic-looking lens gathering energy and ready to fire at the Saiyan. They both fire their ultimate attacks creating a Ki Clash between them that is surprisingly evenly matched, however Mauka knows she will lose as she noticed Guyver III only opened his right chestplate and not his left as he's holding back. She decides to blast him with everything she has before he opens his left side, but the moment she did, Guyver III opens his left chestplate which he pushes her blast back hard that Mauka is engulfed by the Guyver's Mega-Smasher powerful particle beam blast that destroys her armor as well as her skin-suit, but manages to survive and is rendered unconscious. Yamcha rushes to help her only to realize then and there that he was completely wrong: Mauka is a Girl as he sees her Boobs due to the destruction of her Armor and Clothes as he says in a state of shock "One Breast, Two Breasts…" just like when he saw Bulma's bare breasts in the original story. However he snapped out of it as Guyver III walks towards her, Yamcha quickly picks up his sword and stands between them. The Guyver sees this and chuckles as he tells Yamcha to keep her safe for the sake of himself and a "Mutual Friend", then walks away. Yamcha is baffled to wonder who Guyver III was talking about, but that mystery had to wait as Mauka needed medical care.


Dragon Ball – Scene 22.1: Earth, Southeast Mountain Area [Yamcha's Hideout], September 7th, Morning


While unconscious for the first time since Grandpa Gohan's Death, Mauka begins having a nice dream with her wearing a Far Eastern Princess Dress with Yamcha wearing a very stylish Bandit Outfit and Blade next to her wearing a Paladin Armor as the two young men fight Guyver III and Griselda. Even though this is out of character for her, but for some reason it feels right being protected by these two yet she wonders why Blade's here. After vanquishing both Guyver III and Griselda, both Blade and Yamcha start fighting with each other for Mauka's affection which makes her happy beyond belief. However they both approach her and they try to kiss her, she closes her eyes and wonders who will be the one she kisses. When she opens her eyes is when she wakes up and is furious that she woke up from a very nice dream she hasn't had in several years and at the best moment nonetheless. She looks around and she doesn't recognizes her surroundings which turns out to be Yamcha's Hideout. She also notices that 1: She's Naked and 2: She's covered in Bandages. Puar enters the room holding a tray with some tea and rice crackers. Puar is a little worried for Mauka after what happened, but all of his fears are laid to rest as he tells him she's close friends with Voidotte as he reminds her of her best friend. Yamcha enters the room a little nervous now that he realize Mauka is a girl and now that he has a better look at her, he's actually taken aback by her beauty even though she's a tad muscular for her age. It's because of her muscles, Yamcha believes he can approach Mauka easily than other girls and maybe this could help him approach other girls in the long run. They start talking casually like before, Yamcha feels more and more relaxed around Mauka, only it feels different than last night for some reason as it felt really nice somehow he can't explain. Trying to be a gentleman, Yamcha decides to give Mauka a ride back to Goku & the others and once they arrive there, everyone thinks Yamcha took advantage of her that Goku challenges him to a fight for the honor of his Big Sis' Honor, Mauka tries to interject, but her damaged scouter gives out a reading: the Guyver's energy signature is nearby. By the time she tries to tell them about Guyver III, Goku and Yamcha are already duking it out and Mauka knows that when a Saiyan like Goku gets into the groove of battle, nothing can stop him. Goku is getting the upperhand and after knocking a tooth out of Yamcha, unlike in the original story, Yamcha has more confidence in his skills thanks to his fight with Griselda and Guyver III that he continues with the fight instead of running away, especially that he wants to impress both Bulma and Mauka as it seems his fear of girls has gotten weaker. Seeing Yamcha's determination, Guyver III notices that the story of this universe has changed greatly that Goku and his friends will be caught in the explosion of Mai & Shu's Bomb that was planted there a few minutes ago before Yamcha, Puar and Mauka got there. Using his Pressure Cannon to destroy part of the motorhome, they all see that it was Guyver III who did it as he is flying above them and flies away from there.


Seeing that this will set them back by a lot and since he & Mauka are friends, Yamcha gives them a car for them to continue their journey for the Dragon Balls. Yamcha leaves but not before acting cool by telling Mauka they will meet again as he rides off seemingly back to his hideout. Everyone looks at Mauka with worry and Bulma with jealousy as she tells them she will reveal everything on the way, but she needs a change of clothes before continuing their search, since she's only wearing rags and a large bed-sheet over herself, but all of Mauka's Armors are either heavily damaged or destroyed, so she cannot use any of them. Stockings and Oolong recommend the same outfit Bulma and Stockings are wearing: A Bunny Girl Suit. Mauka visibly was disgusted by the idea wearing it, but secretly for a very long time, she actually wanted to wear one ever since she saw it in a magazine while visiting Orange City for her monthly shopping, only that the outfits had 2 restrictions back then: 1 – It Costs Over 240,000 Zeni Total, money she doesn't have even today; and 2 – Only 18-Year-Old Plus could buy and wear them. Since she's 18 now, but never had the Zeni to buy it, she's glad that she can wear it. Upon donning it, she calls out Oolong for being a pervert, but her inner voice is actually thanking him for this and she will keep it with her for the rest of her life wearing it under her armor and as Pajamas just like Stockings decided the day before. They all leave in the car Yamcha gave them as she tells them everything that happened; meanwhile Mai & Shu fumbles just like in the original timeline as they enter the damaged motorhome thinking their bomb went off early only for it to actually blow up when they were looking for the Dragon Balls our heroes have; and just like in the original story the car Yamcha gave them has a bug that lets him track Goku and the others via radar, but unlike the original story, now Yamcha isn't interested in the Dragon Balls, but to keep Mauka safe from Guyver III & Griselda as well as Wesker & Hemlock.


"Unaware that Yamcha is on their trail, Goku's party heads towards Mt. Frypan. What will happen next!?"


To Be Continued…

StarscreamSigma StarscreamSigma

Script by: Starscream Σ

Created By: Akira Toriyama

Owned By: Capsule Corporation Tokyo

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