Broly, Raditz and I walk into the canteen, the bags under our eyes a testament to how little sleep we've had since the beginning of our journey.
"I'm so tired..." Broly said as he rubbed his eyes.
"How long do we have to put up with this?" Raditz asked with a yawn.
"Three months." I replied, my eyes barely able to keep themselves open.
Raditz and Broly both groaned in defeat before followed me to grab our food.
The living situation on this ship was an absolute nightmare. Dozens of Saiyan sleeping in such close proximity to each other was problematic.
How was it problematic? Was there infighting? Were Saiyan politics in full affect?
Yes, but that's not why we're tired.
Endless. Snoring.
All night. Without failure. Too loud to tune out.
And it was driving me and my whole team insane. Well, except for one of them...
As we grabbed our trays, we spot Vegeta eating at our usual table. The piece of prideful shit looking quite rested. Unlike rest of us who had to deal with the constant snoring of the other Saiyans, Vegeta had his own private quarters. Leave it to the royal family to find a way to piss me off without even consciously trying to do so.
"I'm going to kill him..." Raditz grumbled as he glared at Prince.
"Get in line..." I told him.
I wasn't kidding.
I'm not a good person. Well, considering the fact I legitimately massacred an entire race of people and took over their planet, I was pretty sure that I crossed the boundary 'not good' and headed more into art school reject territory. But again, I'm not a good person.
And I'm even worse when I haven't had any sleep. So when I said for Raditz to get in line, I didn't mean it as a joke or clever comment. I honestly wanted to beat the shit out of him.
Enough to give him a maximum boost of a Zenkai type of beating too.
"Why are you all staring at me like that?" Vegeta asked with a raised eyebrow as we sat down at the table and gave him dirty looks.
Yes, even Broly.
I don't know whether or not this is his Z Broly Arc, but I was too tired to care at this moment in time. If he wanted to go all 'KAKAROT!' on Vegeta, who am I to stop him?
"Don't worry about it." I told him as I laid my head on the table, instantly falling asleep.
Vegeta looks at Zyleth with furrowed eyebrows, but he just shook his head and decided to move on.
"Did your dad say anything about what that 'extremely important' thing actually is?" Raditz asked he let out another yawn.
"No." Vegeta answered as he shook his head. "Whatever it is, he's keeping it secret from everyone."
"Great..." Raditz groaned.
"I see you all are having a good time." A voice sounds off from behind them.
The three Saiyan look over and see Team Bardock sitting at the table beside them. They could tell that Shugesh was the one who had spoke to them, because he was the only one not focused in on his food.
Shugesh looks at the exhausted team, minus Vegeta, and couldn't help but chuckle at the state they were in. "I see that you're all looking rested."
Raditz and Broly look at him with annoyed faces, causing him to laugh even harder.
"Leave them alone, Shugesh." Bardock told him with a bored tone of voice.
"What? They all know I'm just messin' around. Isn't that right, Zyleth?" He smiled widely as asked the unconscious child.
"I'm gonna rip your head off..." Zyleth muttered in his sleep.
That caused Shugesh to flinch back a bit before looking at Zyleth more closely. "Is he actually asleep?"
"I'm gonna rip your damn head off, grandma..."
That caused everyone to go silent, with Bardock and Raditz looking at him with confused expressions.
"We... We don't have a grandma..." Raditz said, wondering why Zyleth was dreaming about ripping the head off someone who was supposedly related to them.
"Eh, I mean he's not wrong for wanting to. Your grandmother was a real piece of work." Bardock told him.
"Yours or mother's?" Raditz asked.
Before he could question any of that, they were interrupted when another Saiyan Team had approached them with cocky smirks on their faces.
"Well, well, well, look at this. The Legendary Super Saiyan in the flesh!" One of them said, the supposed leader of the outfit. "It's such an honor to meet you!"
His sarcastic tone made everyone either roll their eyes or glare at him.
"Legendary Super Saiyan? What are you spouting?" Vegeta asked the man who was annoying him more and more the longer he had to stare at his face.
"We saw the fight with Nappa. Everyone on Planet Vegeta probably has by now." One of the members said this time, her voice just as infuriating as the leader.
"We all saw how this... child went and defeated Nappa in just three blows. Good stuff. Really astonishing." The leader said, his voice dripping in even more sarcasm. "Everyone's saying that he might be the coming of the Super Saiyan of Legend."
"What do you want?" Bardock asked, tired of beating around the bush with these guys.
"We don't want anything. We just wanted to meet the Legendary Super Saiyan." One of the other members said in a mocking tone.
"Mhm. And I can honestly say... he's not as impressive as everyone makes him out to be." The leader said as he looked at Zyleth with a pitiful gaze.
"You've got some nerve, asswipe. Who the hell even are you?" Fasha asked, looking at them all with a heated glare.
"I'm Ocuro." The leader introduced himself before introducing the other members of his team.
The woman was named Rhuba and the male who had spoken out earlier was Orko, he and the leader were related. The two that haven't spoken up yet were both males going by the names Matoto and Chiva.
"Altogether, we make up Team Ocuro." Ocuro said with a cocky smirk.
"Never heard of ya. Get lost." Tora said, his head motioning towards the exit.
"Come on now, no need to be so rude. We just wanted to meet the child everyone's talking about. And I've got to say, I'm very disappointed." Ocuro said with an obvious look of fake sadness as he shook his head.
"Luckily for me, I don't really give a fuck about your disappointment."
Looking towards Zyleth, everyone saw that he was now awake and stretching himself out.
"Oh, my apologies. I didn't--"
"Save your fake sincerity for someone dumb enough to fall for your bullshit and just hurry up and tell me what you maggots want." Zyleth asked with a bored expression that perfectly mirrored Bardock's.
Hearing this, Ocuro's face grew uglier as he glared at both of the teams before regaining his earlier cocky expression.
"We want to challenge you."