43.9% Dragon Ball: Back in Black / Chapter 36: Fight for Survival

章節 36: Fight for Survival

"This is the Super Saiyan? I expected you to be older." He said, laying his head atop his fist. "After all, the tales of your exploits are most impressive."

As he was speaking, my eyes wandered away from him and towards my immediate surroundings. In the corner was King Vegeta, looking a little worse for wear as he struggled to even stand on his own two feet.

The Saiyan helping him was no better, only he wasn't the least bit injured. His struggle to stand was due to the overwhelming fear of being in the same room as Frieza.

"Ah, don't worry about them." Frieza said, waving his hand dismissively. "The King was just in need of a little correction. Weren't you, King Vegeta?"

Seeing that Frieza's focus is had now shifted to him, the King flinched back and quickly nodded his head.

"Yes, Lord Frieza..." He said pathetically, shaking like a dog who was afraid of getting chastised his master.

My eyes narrowed at the sight of the shaking King. As much as I want to condemn the cowardly act he's putting on, it's something I probably would've done if I knew it would work.

But I have a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn't.

"Hmm?" Frieza hummed as he looked at the face I'm making. "Oh my, why such an expression, young one?"

"You want all of the reasons or just one in particular?" I asked.

My gaze narrows even further, looking at the tyrant without an ounce of fear or submission. Frieza raises an eyebrow at this, which causes King Vegeta to suddenly chime in.

"Zyleth, prostrate yourself!" He yelled, his authoritative tone trying to make it sound as though he's ordering me to do it.

I look at the King with an uncaring eye before looking at Frieza and crossing my arms.

"It seems the young pup is in need of some discipline." Frieza grumbled, his deranged smile shifting to an emotionless gaze as he held up his finger.

"W-Wait, Lord Frie--"

Frieza fire off a beam straight towards my shoulder, but I immediately deflect it and send it towards the ceiling.

"Oh?" Frieza muttered with curiosity.

I look at the back of my hand and see that it had a small burn scar on the back of it. That beam wasn't at full power, it didn't even look like he put any effort into it whatsoever, yet it still managed to damage me.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

"What's wrong, young monkey? Realizing the errors of your bravado?" Frieza asked mockingly. "If you grovel and plead for forgiveness, I might be kind enough as to let you live."

The King's eyes widened before quickly shouting, "Zyleth, bow down and beg for Lord Frieza's forgiveness!"

I shake off my growing nervousness and look towards the King.

"I knew that you were a fool, but I never expected you to be a full-blown idiot."

"W-What?!" He exclaimed.

"There's no amount of begging or pleading that either of us could do that would placate him." I told him before looking back towards the tyrant. "You've made up your mind to destroy me long before coming here, haven't you."

I probably could've groveled and walked away scot-free if he hadn't called me a "Super Saiyan" when I walked in. If there was any chance that he would have spared me, it flew right out the window once he had said those two words.

I knew Frieza was afraid of the Super Saiyan. Deathly afraid. Enough so that he would destroy the Saiyans, and the entirety of Planet Vegeta over it.

If there was even a one percent chance of me being the Super Saiyan, he wouldn't hesitate to put me in the ground.

My statement causes Frieza's eyes to widen for a brief moment before he suddenly began to laugh. "Ho, ho, ho! How utterly unexpected! A monkey born with power AND brains?" He asked rhetorically, his face shifting to one of dark merriment.

Frieza then stood up from the throne and walked over to me slowly. Even though he was still in his first form, his height still dwarfed me by more than a head. Those eyes of crimson burrowing deep into my soul.

"Are you sure this is the right course of action, young monkey?" He asked, his mouth curving into a small smirk.

"No." I answered honestly.


Frieza was suddenly blasted out of the castle wall by a red beam of energy, flying through the air at very high speeds. Teleporting into his path, Zyleth brought his foot up and struck down on Frieza's collar bone, sending the short tyrant into the ground.

Not letting up the pressure, a familiar red glow formed around Zyleth he as brought his hands together and sent another Kaioken boosted blast down towards Frieza.


Down below, Frieza landed on one knee and turned his attention towards the sky, seeing the dark purple beam closing in on him.

"Arrogant beast." He seethed before charging into the beam.

Coming out on the other side, Frieza struck Zyleth right in the jaw with a heavy kick, sending him flying away.


Down below, all of the Saiyans living near the castle had heard the sudden commotion and went to check it out.

Once there, they could hardly believe their eyes as they saw Zyleth taking on the malevolent tyrant, Frieza.

"Zyleth's taking on Frieza!"

"What the hell?! Is that kid serious?!"

"That's right, Zyleth! Kick that overgrown lizard's ass to wherever he came from!"

"Hey... Doesn't it look like he's losing?"

"As if! One kick isn't gonna take that kid down!"

While the Saiyans below argued with themselves, the others who knew Zyleth personally were all showing up one by one.

Bardock, Gine, Team Black, Team Bardock, Paragus, The King and Queen...

"Bardock..." Gine muttered, clutching her husband's arm.

"I know..." He nodded with a solemn expression, wrapping his arms around his wife's shoulders.

"Damnit..." The King gritted his teeth at the sight of the two.

This was something he'd hoped wouldn't happen. Not this soon. He knew Zyleth was strong, but he wasn't sure if he could take on Frieza as of this moment.

"Father, what's going on?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

All of the team members from Team Black were looking at their respective authority figures. Vegeta and Turles looked towards King Vegeta, Broly looked towards Paragus, and Raditz looked at his parents.

All of them wondering what was going on.

They all looked towards each other, wondering what they should say. The Queen crouched down to say some words of comfort before she was suddenly interrupted by her husband.

"Watch closely..." The King said as he turned his gaze back towards the two titans. Even though injured, he was determined to see this through. "This battle will determine the fate of the Saiyan race..."


Damn, that kick felt like it broke my jaw!

Feeling myself flying through the air, I quickly slow myself down and look towards where Frieza was.

The bastard was floating in the air, holding his hands behind his back as he smiled at me without a care in the world.

He went through a Kaioken boosted Kamehameha as if it was nothing.

I knew that I was still an ant, but to be outclassed this much while he was in his first form was embarrassing.

If I remember correctly, his power level was around five-hundred thousand. My power level at this point was only around eighty thousand.

My only hope was to transform, but that could end up being worse for me. There was no way he was going to let me get off a Power Ball. And even if I did, there were a bunch of other Saiyans around that could possibly get in my way. And I have no doubt that he would transform into one of his other forms before I could finish him off.

There was also the possibility of him cutting off my tail.

I had no way of knowing if it would grow back if I lost it somehow, and I couldn't chance it.

My only hope was a long game. Stall him out for some time as my body powers up more and more through the fight. Kaioken can increase the pressure and shorten the time, but I'm going to need at least a times seven boost to keep up with him.

"Are you done putting your affairs in order?" The tyrant sounded off. "I'm a benevolent ruler. If you bow and plead for forgiveness, I'll be sure to give your last words to your family after I send you to oblivion."

There is one thing I can do...

"How fucking magnanimous..." I said sarcastically.

"Of course." He shook his head and closed his eyes. "I expected nothing less from a mindless--"

I quickly activated Kaioken and sent my foot right into his gut.

"UUUAAAAHHH!" He yelled in pain as he flew back towards the castle.

Feeling the strain starting to take hold from the seven times boost, I quickly shut it off before flying right towards him.

The switching technique Vegeta developed could be my saving grace here. Vegeta would switch from Super Saiyan God to Super Saiyan Blue right at the point of attack, taking advantage of the speed of God and the strength of Blue.

The same could be applied here. Switching from my base to Kaioken, taking advantage of the increased in power while minimizing the strain.

Seeing me close in on him again, Frieza gritted his teeth and struck out with a punch. Activating Kaioken once more, I block his attack and counter with a punch right to his jaw.

"You dare strike the mighty Lord Frieza?!" He yelled out.

As he flew skyward, Frieza wrapped his tail around my arm and pulled me along with him until he did a flip and sent me flying right back down towards the ground.

My back hits the ground so hard that the Senzu Bean that I had preemptively put it my mouth had flew out and landed on the floor. Before I could even try to regain my footing, Frieza came crashing down on top of me with a stomp right to my gut.

The pain was so immense that I blacked out for a brief moment before another jolt of pain brought me back.

"Oh no, you don't get to pass out just yet!" The outraged Frieza yelled as he wrapped his tail around my neck and started to pummel me with heavy punches.


Blood pools in my mouth as I feel my bones break down into pieces. My vision gets darker and the sounds of my screams fade. Realizing that my body is starting to shut down, I raise my power to its maximum before activating Kaioken once more.

Sorry Vegeta. I'm stealing this as well.

"TIMES TEN!!!!!!!!"


The red aura of the Kaioken spread across throughout their surroundings. The sheer amount of power that Zyleth was exerting caused the entirety of Planet Vegeta to shake.

"The red glow from the stories were real?!" One of the Saiyan spectators yelled out in shock.

Those spectating were stumbling around, struggling to focus on the fight as they also struggled to keep their footing.

"What is he doing?!" The King exclaimed as he fell to his knees. "If he keeps this up, there won't be a planet to save!"

Meanwhile, the others could only stand and watch as the child's aura... grew another aura? From within the red light, yellow was now starting to appear, lighting sparking as energy he released was growing more and more suffocating.

Zyleth spread his arms out before suddenly pointing both of his hands towards Frieza's chest. The yellow aura now turning completely white as lightning began to arc across the entire area around him.

"ENOUGH! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" King Vegeta yelled out, seeing that if he continued with this attack that he would destroy the entire planet.


The point-blank blast engulfed Frieza entirely, a bright flash of yellow and blue blinding everyone in the surrounding area. The force from the resulting blast sent everyone flying back. The ships still flying overhead were now crash landing on the planet as their instruments were starting to malfunction.

"LORD FRIEZA!" Zarbon yelled as he and Dodoria tried to fly towards their master, only to get blown back as well.

"Zyleth!" Gine yelled out for her son, about to be blown away as well before she was suddenly caught by Bardock.

It was like a natural disaster had just struck Planet Vegeta, and was now about to rip apart the entire world.

After a few more seconds, the wind finally died down along with the bright light. Once the smoke had cleared, those spectating saw nothing but a huge crater, Zyleth lying in the middle looking battered and bruised.

"Did... did he do it...?" One of the Saiyans asked, looking around and seeing no sign of Frieza's survival.

Without any hesitation, Gine pried herself from Bardock's grip and ran towards her fallen son, cradling him in her arms.

"Zyleth?" She muttered her son's name, looking over his broken with overwhelming sadness. "Zyleth...?"

Zyleth laid there motionless, not responding to her voice. She quickly placed her ear on Zyleth's chest and listened for any sign of life. She stayed like that for several seconds before tears started to pool in her eyes.

"BARDOCK!" Gine called out for her husband.

Rushing over, Bardock quickly grabbed Zyleth from Gine's arms and placed his ear on his chest. Hearing nothing, Bardock eyes widened before placing Zyleth on the ground, gathering his energy into his palm, and placing it on his son's chest.

"C'mon, Zyleth..." He muttered, trying to jumpstart his son's heart. "C'mon..."

Raditz slowly made his way towards the crater, kneeling down beside his brother and grasping onto his hand. "Big bro...?"

"C'mon, damnit!" Bardock yelled in frustration.

Team Bardock, Vegeta, Broly, Turles, all of them made their way into the crater, circling their fallen friend and companion. Broly knelt down beside Raditz and shook Zyleth on the shoulder repeatedly, tears falling as he tried to wake him up.

"Please... Zyleth..." Bardock whispered desperately as he realized more and more that this was it...

His son was dead....

He ceased his movements after a few more moments and he gritted his teeth in anger and sadness. "Damnit... Damnit..."

Gine latches onto Bardock, her sobs filling the air with nothing but grief.

It wasn't just her.

Fasha knelt beside the motionless Zyleth and stroke his head softly. "Hey... Brat... It's enough already..." She said as tears began to fall. "Wake up... Just... Just hurry up and wake up..."

Tora placed a hand on Bardock's shoulder, trying to support his grieving friend and captain. Borgos and Shugesh looked on at the fallen Zyleth with pride and sadness. He had killed Frieza... but it wasn't worth this...

Sela couldn't look at the sight of Zyleth's lifeless form and turned away, trying to pull herself together as she desperately tried to keep her tears from falling.

Seeing his mentor lifeless on the ground, Vegeta's eyes started to shed tears before he shook them away and knelt on the ground.

"Wake up! I know you're not dead! You... You can't be dead!" He yelled, slumping over and pounding on Zyleth's chest. "You promised to show me a technique! You're not allowed to die yet!"

Turles tried to pry Vegeta off, but he was pushed back by the grieving Prince.

"You have to wake up! You have to..." Vegeta muttered, as a few tears finally broke through the barrier. "You have to..."

Zyleth remained motionless, his eyes closed and heart still.

Vegeta then gritted his teeth and slammed both of his fists down on Zyleth's chest.


Zyleth's eyes finally opened as he took in a large inhale, suddenly sitting up and couching out a small amount of blood.

Gine's eyes widened in shock before she let go of her husband and embraced her son tightly, "Zyleth!"

"W-What happened...? Did I win?" He asked, his breathing labored as he embraced his mother.

Seeing that Zyleth was still alive, everyone huddled next to him, bringing him into their combined embraced.

"Ow, ow! Body's still broken!" Zyleth exclaimed in pain.

"Deal with it!" Fasha yelled.

The Queen watched with a smile adorning her face, wiping away a stray tear.

"You had us worried there for a second, kid." Tora said, breaking off from the hug and ruffling his hair. "Especially your Aunt Fasha."

Without any hesitation, Fasha smacked Tora so hard that he went face first into the ground.

"I was not worried! You can all go ahead and die for all I care!" She exclaimed with a bright red blush, causing every to laugh.

"Such a heartwarming sight..."

Before I could even blink, an overwhelming amount pain hit my shoulder as I felt something pierce me through. Looking down, I see a newly formed hole where a beam had just struck both through me and my mother.


"It makes my stomach churn..." Frieza said through gritted teeth.

Everyone turned and saw that Frieza was somehow still standing, his finger extended towards me with a fading pink light. Frieza was looking worse for wear, as the entire right side of his body had been blown apart by Zyleth's blast.

"No way... There's no way anyone could survive an attack like that at point-blank range!" Fasha shouted in disbelief.

"You think that I'm just some lowly anyone?! I AM LORD FRIEZA!" Frieza yelled out, anger radiating off his in droves. "I'M GOING TO OBLITERATE YOU ALL ONE BY ONE UNTIL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT OF YOUR MISERABLE MONKEY RACE!"

Frieza then started scream out in anger as he began grow even bigger in size and his power skyrocketing to even greater, more terrifying heights


Turning around, everyone saw Zyleth reaching out towards Gine.


"Mom...?" I shook her softly, trying to get her to wake up.

She can't be dead. She just can't be.

"Raditz, get your mom and brother out of here!" I heard Bardock yell.

I look over and see that Frieza was still standing, and about to transform into his second form. But I didn't care about that anymore.

I felt Raditz grab my shoulder and I push his hand away.

"W-What are you doing?!" Raditz yelled.


Raditz looked at his brother with a confused and angered expression as he saw him struggling to get on his feet.

"Zyleth, we have to--"

He was cut off as his brother threw something towards him and started walking towards Frieza.

"Give that to mom and go..." Zyleth told him.

Opening his hand, Raditz saw what looked like to be a small green bean.

"A bean?" He muttered.

Zyleth continued to press forward, walking past all of his friends and family as he headed directly for the transforming tyrant.

"Zyleth! Get out of here, now!" Bardock yelled as he reached for his son.

Grabbing his shoulder, he tried to pull him out of harms way, only to be shocked when he found himself flying back towards the others.

"Bardock!" Tora yelled as he caught his friend and prevented him from flying back even further.

"What the--?!" Bardock exclaimed, wondering what the hell just happened.

Zyleth continued to walk towards Frieza, his hair shadowing his eyes.

The Emperor had finally finished transforming and locked his gaze onto the approaching Saiyan. The one who had humiliated him so.

"Foolish child! Now you're going to suffer the wrath of Lord Frieza!" He yelled before charging at the child with frightening speed.

Aiming his fist at his head, Frieza prepared to smash it like an overripe fruit.


When his hand finally reached its target, he expected nothing but a geyser of blood and brain matter. What happened instead was that Zyleth had blocked the hit and was now holding his fists in his hands.


"What the--" Frieza was suddenly cut off from his own confusion as he felt Zyleth's grip get tighter and tighter. "Rrrrgh, hnnng!" Frieza grunted as he tried harder and harder to pull his fist away, but the grip Zyleth had on him was not budging in the slightest.

"You fucker..." Zyleth muttered.

Frieza stopped and looked at the child, a sudden chill running up his spine as he saw an ominous black and red aura radiating from his body.

Zyleth suddenly tilted his head up at the Emperor, his eyes white and having no pupils, but they somehow showcasing nothing but an overwhelming hatred.

Pure hatred.



Current Power Levels:

Frieza - [1,090,000]

Zyleth - [110,000 --> 27,500,000]

next chapter
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