98.22% Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan / Chapter 276: Reality Invasion (Part 1)

章節 276: Reality Invasion (Part 1)


"What have you done?" Asked Daishinkan, who felt something extremely strange and unpleasant around him

It's like everything is the same as before... but at the same time everything has changed…

"You feel it right?

Everything has started to change..." Answered Brol as he walked slowly in the air towards Daishinkan, with the feeling that everything was under his control right now

And Daishinkan, as he watched as Broly slowly approached him, examined with all his divine senses the suspicious and uncomfortable changes he… and everything was undergoing [I feel as if everything I know has been mixed with something totally alien...

Everything became weird]

"What you are experiencing is an offshoot of my supreme KIEN ability.

With this ability I am able to superimpose my reality with any other reality in which I come into contact

It doesn't prevent you from using the skills that you are capable of using in your reality either due to of your ability or authority… at least not entirely...

However, it allows me to use almost perfectly everything that I can do in my reality

And in my reality I am the absolute sovereign!" Broly said as he continued advancing towards Daishinkan with tranquility ... the tranquility before the greatest of storms

As Broly advanced towards his last great fight in this reality, he activated his KIEN abilities to his greatest level…

Spatial Invasion, an area around Broly that can be activated with the True Saiyan's transformation with the ability to interfere with the laws of space by bringing these laws from Broly's reality… and increasing the gravity of things weaker or equal than Broly in function with the difference of power

Time Invasion, an area around Broly that can be activated with the Super Saiyan's transformation with the ability to interfere with the laws of time by bringing these laws from Broly's reality… and slowing the time of things weaker or equal than Broly in function with the difference of power

Causal Invasion, an area around Broly that can be activated with the God's Saiyan's transformation with the ability to interfere with the laws of causality by bringing these laws from Broly's reality… and decreasing the effect of every cause of things weaker or equal than Broly in function with the difference of power

And finally…

Reality Invasion, an area around Broly that can be activated with the Migatte no Gokui transformation with the ability to interfere with the laws of reality by bringing these laws from Broly's reality… and imposing the laws of Broly's Reality of things weaker or equal than Broly in function with the difference of power

[The laws of space ... of time ... of causality ... the same reality ...

Have been modified?

No… he has imposed some new laws] Thought Daishinkan, one of the primordial beings of this reality who used it's laws directly... as he watched as Broly approached him

Among all those who were in that dimension right now, only him and Zeno-sama ... totally traumatized and crying behind his chair ... were able to feel that change and only he was able to begin to understand its consequences.

And he understood that Broly was even more dangerous than he had ever imagined

That abominable monster that he had almost before whom he seemed to have been born with the sole purpose of taking over this reality... hadn't left any loose ends...

And that monster, after walking triumphantly from top to bottom... finally came within inches of Daishinkan, whom was still looking down on "Do you want to say something to your future boss before your job interview starts?"

"There's a point in prolonging this situation?" Daishinkan said as he floated vertically up to talk to Broly face-to-face, preventing the invader with superiority complex from looking down on him, literally and figuratively…

Daishinkan, unlike his sons, has infinite physical stats just like Broly, therefore they were both on equal terms, at least only considering that. If anyone had the audacity to catch up with Broly Migatte no Gokui in fighting capacity, he was only one

And Broly as he rubbed his long imaginary beard, after thinking about it for a moment replied "Maybe not but…

What about…










The combat began with...

"What the hell was that?" Asked everyone…

Nobody understood anything!

Neither of them moved and yet there was an explosion that practically destroyed the same space and time.


This was the result of seeing beings with infinite and incommensurable speed move at their maximum speed. The cause and effect perceived by the observers with ordinary abilities becomes chaotic.

It was as if both fighters were fighting in stopped time, in the past and in the future at the same time.

Sometimes they perceived the effects of the battle that came from the past but that happened in the future, sometime they perceived the causes but not their inexistent effects, sometimes they perceived millions of effects at the same time without any cause, sometimes they…

Sometimes they were unable de perceive anything… and everything at the same time…

"This battle is beyond..."




This is the result that occurs when two beings of infinite and power clash each other. Every punch, every kick, every head butt, every tail hit, every bite… destroyed, created and transformed the fabric of space-time and the same reality In ways no mortal mind could even imagine

The only reason the viewers hadn't died yet due to the collateral damage from their confrontation… the only reason why all the dimensions of this reality hadn't been swallowed up by a giant black hole created by the clash of their unstoppable and immovable powers...

Was because Broly and Daishinkan were mitigating the damage they caused and could cause around them at the same time that they fought transcending the same logic.

"This battle is beyond our understanding…"

They hit each other before attacked ... they moved before accelerated ... they healed before were wounded...

A battle incomprehensible to the minds of mortals and beholding deities. It was as if they were ants trying to understand a space war... no matter how much they saw, no matter how much they heard, no matter how much they suffered the collateral effects of that war…

Even if someone explained the them every strategy, technology and meaning behind every action they were unable to understand anything at all, something totally alien to them, like imagining a 69-dimensional reality for three-dimensional beings like them...




However, that was only the tip of the iceberg...

They, although incomprehensibly, could only perceive certain physical causes and effects produced by Broly and Daishinkan…but weren't able to perceive the almost infinite metaphysical skills the two almighty gods were using

In an immeasurable fraction of time Broly and Daishinkan, before they could physically hit each other, performed abilities that cancelled the actions of another, abilities that cancelled those abilities, abilities that transcended the defence of the other, abilities that disabled all attacks, abilities that changed the perception of the other, abilities that abilities that changed in the mood of the other, abilities that automatically countered other abilities…

All this happening without pause in such a minor interval that it even seemed not to exist where Daishinkan and Broly planned their movements in advance based on the predictions they made of the opponent, as if it were a complex chess game instead of a combat

There was simply no way of understanding or words to express everything that was happening

"This battle is beyond our understanding…

Our father never showed us what he was capable of, just like Broly ... they've only played with us until now...

As living beings they are in another dimension compared to us" Said Kusu to all her brothers and sisters as she tried by all means to understand even if it's just an infradecimal fraction of what was happening around her

And while mortals, gods, angels, Broly's team and even the two Zenos's tried to understand the combat that had started a few seconds ago …

In the same place, but as if it were a separate dimension Broly and Daishikan kept fighting

An extremely even combat that although it started a few seconds ago for the others, for Broly and Daishinkan, whose speed surpassed every obstacle it was like it lasted an eternity

"This is the first time that I can fight with all my power against someone ... something that I never thought possible even with any of my children" Said Daishinkan, praising Broly, his only rival until now, while he kept fighting.

And Broly, who's a gentleman above all else, answered like a gallant "I have the same opinion...

I have never been able to fight at this level against anyone except you...

Although, unlike you, I do hope that my children can reach this level at least"

"When you have more children, like me, you will realize that this scenario is extremely complicated, even with your direct help" Said Daishinkan boasting of having more children than Broly, something in which he undoubtedly beat him and with which he would surely anger the narcissist of his enemy

Something that angered Broly a little, but not too much, after all he had time, energy and motivation more than enough to surpass Daishinkan in this matter, that's why he said "Yes, whatever…

Don't try to compare your past failures with my future successes"

Both kept fighting, on a physical, metaphysical and mental level for a short and at the same time infinite interval of time, so long that even Broly and Daishinkan had time to talk about life and even become friends while hitting each other indefinitely

Broth trying to beat an opponent with an extremely similar level while playing by the same rules… until both determined that they already knew all the strengths and weaknesses of the other after that long fight

"I had a great time, but if we continue like this we will never end.

Since we started we've barely been able to hurt each other" Said Daishinkan, who despite having fun like never before with this match with his new… friend... it began to get too repetitive and long

"What do you want me to say...

It's difficult that beings of our level can be defeated by such a primitive kind of combat... but that's what makes it exciting.

At the end of the day in this reality it's the usual way to fight... and in which you specialize

I would like to beat you this way..." Said Broly, openly stating that his intention was to beat Daishinkan on his own ground, so that there would be doubts about who's the best at absolutely everything.

Intentions that Daishinkan understood pretty well. He was proud to know that Broly recognized his power, especially since he was unable to defeat him… although he couldn't defeat Broly in the same way "Certainly this would be the most appropriate way, but ...

I have another specialty apart from hand-to-hand fighting"

"Oh ... is cooking?" Asked Broly partly sarcastically… although he really would like it to be so, he would like to have an assistant at his level

However, obviously Daishinkan wasn't talking about cooking, but about another discipline parallel to his favourite martial arts…


"Fractal Sealing" Daishinkan said while making a strange hand gesture

And suddenly after doing that... Broly's body began to light up, with strange marks that looked like runes

Even Broly showed surprise at being the target of this strange ability "What the hell…"

However, no one had time to enjoy Broly's surprising expedition, because suddently…

Clanc… Fiu!

Broly disappeared as if he had been swallowed by a drain... but in this case, the drain was himself...

And after five seconds of great tension and perplexity ... Broly still didn't return...

Had he been defeated? How? What's that?


But before his children bombarded him with questions, Daishinkan answered "This is the most powerful sealing ability in existence

Fractal sealing…

An ability that marks an enemy's body and seals it on itself, making it to disappear from existence.

Or at least technically…

Broly now has become a fractal of his own concept, being sealed over his very essence in an infinity of layers of himself, without any concept of time or space, only himself and his great ego…

And in the unlikely event that he manages to breack a seal and escape from one of those fractal layers he will need to do the same with a fractal infinite numbers of seals... making it impossible for him to escape from himself.

A fitting fate for someone so narcissistic"

"I haven't understood anything

Can someone explain it to me?" Said Goku, this time representing everyone who doesn't know what the hell a fractal is

However, apart from that there were also productive questions and comments, such as Whis's "One moment father!

Broly has countless other bodies, sealing just one of them isn't enough.

We have to..."

"Don't panic Whis, the Fractal Sealing is considered the most powerful sealing ability not only for its power, but also for its range.

The runes that I inscribed on Broly as we struggled to create the seal weren't only etched on his body, also in his soul and concept itself.

If all Broly bodies share only one of these characteristics they must have been affected as well.

All the Brolys of this timeline ... and of all the other timelines, since as he said in his case they are a single entity…

Have been defeated by and unknow ability for him

After all is the first time I use it with someone…" Said Daishinkan, satisfied after having done his job perfectly.

He had managed to eliminate the greatest threat to his reality since reality itself had existed in a single movement

Now he just had to worry about Broly's soldiers, that although some could pose a threat to the Hakaishins and even his children they didn't pose a threat to him, eliminate Future Zeno brainwashing and…

Investigate about the other realities that Broly had mentioned. This had been the first attack from an alien reality, however, nothing guaranteed that it would be the last time… after all for now they know nothing about other realities, not even where to start investigating, much less how to create countermeasures to prevent others ...

However, one thing was clear, they would have to totally change their priorities.

And while Daishinkan began to make plans about how to organize and strengthen this reality to prevent, detect and counteract other cases like Broly… Zeno-sama, who until now was hiding behind his throne, finally poked his huge melon head and asked with fear as he looked from side to side looking for the bogeyman with three eyes "Has Broly gone? Will he no longer come back?"

"That's right Zeno-sama, you don't have to be afraid

Broly is gone forever" Daishinkan said to reassure Zeno-sama and all other deities and mortals

However... those of Universe 7 weren't calm at all …

Not for having lost one of its inhabitants, friends, family, chef, inventor, advisor, investor, teacher, pornography dealer, YouTuber, comedian, student, enemy...

Not for having to explain to Bulma what had happened or for the possible retaliation against them for having raising the worst criminal in the history of all this reality.

But because they didn't believe this was the end…

[This has been too easy ...

... I refuse to believe that Broly lost in this way...] All the members of Universe 7 thought, regardless of whether they were deiades or mortals, sympathizing or detractor of Broly

They had lived with Broly long enough to know that his twisted mind would have devised a plan in the event that he fell victim to such an ability, besides… the face of Future Zeno and the other members of Broly's army didn't show any concern …. and the mark on their forehead with the shape of a third eye was still there...

For all these reasons they couldn't help but think while looking from side to side [Something isn't right…]

And they were right…

"What's up, doc?" Said Broly, who appeared behind Zeno-sama stroking his melon head with his feet's

Meralman Meralman

During this week I will publish chapters practically every day until the story ends

I don't usually ask for it, but ...

I would be very excited to see my book in the top positions of popularity these last two weeks

If you could vote for it in mass in the same way that I am publishing it you would make me the happiest fanfiction author in the world!

Everything end this week

next chapter
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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C276
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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