77.27% DONT CLICK THIS / Chapter 17: 37 (2)

章節 17: 37 (2)

Grinning, Naruto nodded and scratched the back of his head, a habit of his whenever he was nervous or embarrassed. "Yea, I guess I'm lucky that way."

"So I've notice" Tsunade remarked, frowning slightly, since her son did indeed have a talent for finding trouble, even when he was sent on a simply C-rank escort mission. "Perhaps you can fill me in on what exactly happened?"

Nodding, Naruto spent the next twenty minutes recounting the events of his mission. When he finished, Tsunade was quite pleased with how well Naruto had handled himself on the mission, especially since he had recovered her Granduncles sword."

"I trust that the traitor Aoi is safely detained?"

Smiling Naruto nodded again, "Yea, Ibiki-san was really eager to get him to the interrogation centre."

"I can imagine" Tsunade remarked, where a small smirked formed on her lips, knowing the history between Ibiki and Aoi. But before she could comment further on it, Naruto took out the Raijin no Ken and placed it on her desk. "Here Kaa-chan, this belongs here, where it'll be safe."

But to Naruto's surprise, instead of taking it the sword, Tsunade shook her hand and pushed the sword back to him. "No, it's yours now, you earned it."


"You were the one who defeated Aoi and recovered it, and from what I understand you need a replacement sword, given how your previous one was destroyed in the fight, so you should have it."

"Really?" asked Naruto with some awe, not believing that his mother was actually going to let him keep the Raijin no Ken.

"Really" said the smiling Tsunade. "The sword should stay within the family, and I think the Nidaime would approve of you having it."

Ecstatic at being allowed to keep the sword, Naruto quickly picked it up before moving around her desk and hugged his mother tightly, thanking her repeatedly.

Smiling, the Senju matriarch hugged him back and told him he was welcome.

-In Ame no Kuni (Rain Country) -

In an old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Amegakure, a group of Rebel Ame Shinobi were gathered together in the large open space of the warehouse, planning their next move against their village's tyrannical leader, Hattori Hanzo more commonly know as Sanshōuo no Hanzō.

But as they were going over their plans, a hail of Shuriken and Kunai suddenly shattered through the windows of the old warehouse, causing the group to duck for cover.

At the same time, several smoke bombs were thrown in and exploded, filling the building with smoke, blinding the group of Shinobi and causing further confusion.

Moments later, a large company of Shinobi entered the building by jumping through the broken windows and engaged the Rebel Shinobi.

"It's a raid!" cried one of the Rebel Shinobi.

"Take defensive measure and force them back out!" ordered the Rebel leader, rallying his men to him, and engaging the enemy Shinobi.

Shortly after the smoke began to dissipate, revealing that their enemy were not only Shinobi loyal to Hanzo, but many of them were also from the Hattori Clan…Hanzo's Clan.

As the fight continued, several Rebels felt the ground beneath them tremble, but before they could even wonder what was causing it. A giant mouth suddenly burst out of the ground underneath them and swallowed them up whole.

Turning to the direction of the three Shinobi, the Rebels were shocked to see a giant reptile emerge from the hole.

"Is that a giant Salamander?" asked one rebel.

"That isn't just any Salamander that's Ibusa!" turning to his men, the Rebel leader quickly started shouting out orders to his men. "Quickly, all of you put your masks back on, if Ibusa releases his poison gas in here, we're all finished!"

While putting his breathing mask back on, the Rebel leader began to curse silently. "Damnit, if Ibusa is here, so Hanzo!"

As if hearing his name, the leader of Amegakure burst through the warehouse roof, and landed on the ground, accompanied two other Shinobi. The first was his right hand man Kandachi and the second was a hooded figure carrying a massive broadsword on his back.

No sooner had Hanzo and his companions arrived, the famed Shinobi took out his trademark Kusarigama and immediately went into action, wrapping his chain around a Rebel Shinobi, and cutting said Shinobi's head off with his sickle.

"It's Hanzo, RUN!" cried another Rebel Shinobi, before he was stabbed in the back by Kandachi

After removing the Rebel Shinobi's head, Hanzo caught sight of another Rebel racing towards him from behind.

"Now you die HANZO!" roared the Rebel Shinobi. But before he could reach the masked man, he was intercepted by the hooded figured who accompanied Hanzo and Kandachi and blocked the Rebel Shinobi's kunai stab with his massive sword, while holding it with just one hand.

"That's as far as you go" said the hooded figure.

"Who the hell are you?!" growled the Ame-nin, before he looked underneath the mysterious figure's hood and saw his face.

"You're…" but before the Rebel Shinobi could even finish his sentence, the hooded figure pushed the man back, and with one mighty swing of his sword, cut the man in half.

"Huh, Trash like you aren't fit to even speak my name."

After dealing with the Rebel-nin, the hooded swordsman turned and saw three more enemy Shinobi heading towards him.

Lifting up his massive sword with his one hand, the hooded swordsman channeled his Chakra into it and with yet another swing of his sword, created a powerful shockwave that blasted the three Shinobi away, and into the building wall.

Before any of the men could recover from the attack, the hooded swordsman formed a single hand-seal and spat out a massive stream superheated fire, turning all three men to ash.

Seeing three of his men being burnt alive by the hooded figure, while the rest were being slaughter by Hanzo and his followers, the Rebel leader knew that any further fighting was pointless. "Everyone, fight your way through and make a break for it, meet up at the emergency escape point!"

After hearing their leader's orders the remaining Rebel Shinobi attempted to fight their way to freedom. Most though were ruthlessly cut down by Hanzo and his forces, including the Rebel leader, who was killed by the hooded swordsman.

Not long after, the battle ended, and Kandachi walked over to lord.

"Sitrep" growled the elderly man, while he put away his Kusarigama.

"Twenty-four Rebels dead, four capture" reported Kandachi.


"Five dead, six wounded, three of them are serious, the rest are minor, our medics are taking care of them."

"The group leader?"

"Here" spoke hooded swordsman, while throwing the severed head of the Rebel leader at Hanzo's feet.

Nodding in satisfaction, Hanzo looked around the ruined warehouse, littered with dead Shinobi.

"Where is Mai?"

"I'm here Hanzo-sama" spoke the girl, dragging two unconscious Rebels into the warehouse. "These two attempted to escape after they fought their way out."

Nodding his head, Hanzo then took another look around the carnage before him, as if looking for something.

"With this now destroyed, the Rebels have lost all their major bases and their ability to fight has has been severely crippled" said Kandachi, who seemed rather pleased with everything.

"Perhaps" said Hazno, "But we have yet to find their leader, their true leader, the one they call Pain."

"I'm beginning to believe that he does not exist, and is just something these Rebels tell one another to give them false hope" the hooded swordsman remarked. "For the past month we have hit over a dozen of their bases and inflicted heavy losses on them, and he has yet to make even one appearance. Furthermore, none of the prisoners we have taken have ever met him, or even know what he looks like, all they do is go on and on about how powerful and great he is, like he is some sort of god."

"But we do have a description of his lieutenant" interceded Mai, who decided to join the conversation, ignoring the annoyed looking stares she received from Kandachi. The hooded swordsman on the other hand seemed somewhat amused by her brazen attitude, Hanzo though did not seem to care, and choose to say nothing about it

"Huh" scoffed Kandachi, "You're referring to this Tenshi (Angel)? A woman with beauty that cannot be compared, with hair as blue as the sky, and white wings that allow her to soar up into the heavens…If you ask me, she just something else these Rebel scum made up."

"Possible" remarked Mai, "But even so, we cannot simply ignore the possibility that she does exist."

Before Kandachi could respond to Mai's comment, her grandfather suddenly spoke, "Mai is correct, we cannot take that chance, you will both continue your search for this Pain."

Nodding his head in acknowledgement, the hooded swordsman spoke again. "If this Pain really does exist, he is either a coward or a weakling, letting his followers do all the fighting, never showing his face to us or them."

"Perhaps" said Hanzo, "But even if the stories of him and this Tenshi are nothing but fantasies dreamt up by the Rebels. The fact is, someone is behind this new faction of fanatical Rebels, controlling them and filling their heads with dreams of peace and of a better life. So as long they're alive, they're a threat to us and this village."

Acknowledging their leader's words, the three Shinobi nodded, after which Hanzo decided to head back to his tower, and was accompanied by Mai, Kandachi, the hooded swordsman, and some of his guards, leaving the remaining Shinobi to clean up the mess.

When Hanzo and his company arrived back his tower, a young Ame Chunin made his way over to him.

Seeing him, two of Hanzo's guards stepped in front of their leader, blocking the young man's path.

"Report!" ordered Hanzo, as he stared down at the young Chunin, who was now kneeling, with his head looking down.

"Hanzo-sama, Aoi's Genin team has just returned from their mission in Cha no Kuni without him."

"Was he killed?"

"No, he was captured, according to Oboro, the Genin team leader. The Wasabi Clan hired a Konoha Shinobi to guard their runner from Aoi and his team during the race."

"A single Shinobi defeated Aoi and his team, was he a Jonin?" Kandachi asked.

"No, he was a young Chunin according to the Genin report."

"Hah, I always knew that fool Aoi was nothing but talk!" sneered Mai, she had never liked the arrogant Ame Shinobi, who only became a Jonin because of the Raijin no Ken's power.

"And what of the Raijin no Ken?" Hanzo asked

"That was also retrieved by the Konoha Shinobi" answered the Ame Chunin.

After hearing this, Hanzo frowned; the news of Aoi's capture was no great lose to the Ame leader. At best Aoi's skill level was average, the loss of the Raijin no Ken was more severe, since it was a powerful weapon.

Scoffing at the news of Aoi's capture, the hooded swordsman spoke. "Tsk, that fool got what he deserved, he relied too much on the Raijin no Ken. I don't know why you even let him keep a weapon like that?"

"It was part of the agreement when he agreed to spy for us" Hanzo growled out, now regretting his decision in letting Aoi keep the sword.

"Do you know the name of the Chunin who defeated Aoi?" Kandachi asked, thinking that if they knew who it was, they might be able to recover the Raijin no Ken from him.

"Hai" replied the Ame Chunin, "Senju Naruto."

"Naruto-kun?!" said Mai, whose mood brightened up at the mention of her "fiancé."

"That brat again" Kandachi silently cursed.

"So he defeated Aoi, not bad for a newly promoted Chunin" the hooded swordsman remarked.

"What would you expect?" replied Mai. "There's no way my Naruto-kun would lose to a weakling like Aoi."

Kandach of course was about to remark on this, but before he could say anything, Hanzo intervened, dismissing both Mai and the hooded swordsman, while having Kandachi accompany him to his office with his guards.

After arriving in office, Hanzo took his usual seat facing the entrance to his office, while his guards took their positions around the room, Kandachi in turn stat on a small mat directly in front of his lord.

Looking at Kandachi, Hanzo could tell that there was something bothering his subordinate, and decided to let him speak.

"Something concerns you Kandachi, tell me."

"Hanzo-sama, given what happened with Aoi, I believe it would be prudent for us to act against Tsunade-sama's son. Given his achievements during both the Chunin exam and in the recent Konoha invasion, we cannot afford to leave him alone, especially now that he has the Raijin no Ken."

When Kandachi finished, the Lord of Amegakure nodded in agreement. "What you say is true; the boy has already surpassed even my wildest expectations of him. If he is left alone to fully mature, he will no doubt become a formable foe in the future."

"Then should we send some men to eliminate him?"

"No, with his mother now the new Godaime Hokage, such actions would no doubt cause war between us and Konoha, and given our current internal conflicts, we would not survive."

"But we must do something!"

"I have already taken steps towards dealing with the boy."

"My Lord?" asked Kandachi, not fully understanding what Hanzo was talking about.

"Kandachi, do you know why I sent my Granddaughter to try and eliminate the boy?"

"Well ignoring that she was the right age to enter the exam wihout drawing suspicion, Mai is also one of our most prominent and skilled Shinobi, and was trained personally by you."

"True, but I also sent her because she is Granddaughter" answered Hanzo. But seeing that Kandachi still did not understand what he was planning, he explained further.

"When I sent Mai to kill the boy during the Chunin exam, I knew there was still a possibility that she might lose to him. Given that possibility, I had a contingency plan in place, using one of the old traditions of my Clan."

"You're referring to tradition, where the Kunoichi of your Clan marry only men who can defeat them in battle" said Kandachi, remembering what Mai had said after her fight with Naruto.

"Yes" Hanzo answered, "The plan was to use that tradition, to put political pressure on Konoha, and threaten war if the boy refused. Knowing how eager Sarutobi is to avoid war, I was certain Konoha would agree to the arrangement. Once they were married, Mai would kill the boy quietly, making it look natural and then return to us. But now that the boy has revealed that he has Mokuton, I have decided to change the plan slightly, where I will have Mai impregnate herself with his child before killing him. Allowing Ame and out Clan to attain the Shodai Hokages legendary Mokuton Bloodline limit."

"An excellent plan my lord" said Kandachi, as he bowed to his village leader. "But if I may, what of his mother? Now that she is the Godaime Hokage, she will no doubt resist the union, and will be suspicious of our motives."

"That is indeed possible…but with the right incentive, we may be able to find a way around her. The fact that Mai declared our Clan's tradition during the Chunin preliminaries helps us, since Konoha will be less suspicious of our true motives, and believe we are just following our Clan's traditions."

"Hanzo-sama, if I may, can we actually trust Mai to follow up with your plan?" Kandachi asked. But as soon as hehad said this, the vertain Jonin received a dangerous glare from his lord, indicating that he has crossed a dangerous line.

"Are you saying that "my" Granddaughter would betray me?" Hanzo asked in threatening tone.

Suppressing a cold shiver, Kandachi gathered his courage and spoke, "N-N-Never my Lord, Mai's loyalty is without question. I-I was just suggesting that she may be too infatuated with boy and may hesitate that is all. During the preliminaries she was rather taken in with the boy, and when Oto and Suna attacked Konoha, she got involved in the invasion and assisted him."

"Mai is a loyal Kunoichi, and she will do what she is told, regardless of her personally feelings towards the boy. She wouldn't dare disobey me, and she will come to understand that this is what is best for our village."

Not wanting to anger his leader any further, Kandachi remained silent and simply nodded his head.

Shortly after, Hanzo took out a scroll from a small cabinet behind him and handed it to Kandachi. "Have our fastest messenger Hawk take this to Konoha, it is a letter to Tsunade, telling her that I wish to meet with her to discuss a possible alliance between Konoha and our village."

"You are going to meet her yourself?!" Kandachi said in shock, since Hanzo had not left the Ame in almost twenty years.

"Yes, by going to these talks personally, Tsunade is more likely to accept the meeting."

Nodding his head in understanding, Kandachi quickly left the room to deliver the scroll to the messenger's office.

When Kandachi left the room, Hanzo found himself looking forward to the meeting, and seeing the young Senju heir with his own two eyes. Believing it would be an interesting meeting.


After Hearing Naruto's reason for saving him, Aoi just sneered back at the blonde boy, "Heh, guess those stories about you being a soft-hearted fool were true after all, you may have the talent and skill, but you don't have what it takes to become a Shinobi."

But to Aoi's surprise, Naruto did not get angry at his insults, in fact he smiled. "I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you, in fact you're going to wish I had killed you."

"What do you mean?" asked Aoi, getting a bad feeling, since there was something menacing behind Naurto's smile.

Deciding to show Aoi instead of telling him, Naruto created two Shadow clones, and had them both hold up the Ame Jonin high into the air.

"W-W-Wh-What are you planning to do?" Aoi asked fearfully.

"Oh you'll see" Naruto chuckled darkly, as he moved around behind the former Konoha Shinobi and activated the Raijin no Ken, where the yellow blade hissed loudly.

Once he was in position, Naruto brought the legendary sword up and yelled "Hidden leaf's Hidden Secret Sword Technique: Thunder from Down Under!" as he trusted the Raijin no Ken upwards into Aoi rear.

The instant the sword made contact with the now screaming/crying butt clenching Ame Jonin's anus, it sent the poor, though deserving, Jonin flying high through into the sky. The technique was made even more devastating thanks to the Raijin no Ken's lightning, which magnified the pain of the attack tenfold.

As Naruto watch Aoi soar into the sky, the only think that went through the blonde's head was "Damn, now I have to disinfect the sword!"

next chapter
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