83.33% Didn't I say make me famous in my next life? / Chapter 1: “The 1”

章節 1: “The 1”

Inside his bedroom, the smell of incipiently brewed coffee, a loud advertisement emanating from his TV, and the gelid breeze of the AC gusted across his face, Luca narrowed his gaze at the clock.

"Today is the day." He yelped, waving his hands above his head.

It's the day where his favorite idol group will have a live stream of their performance.

"Arghhh, they said it'd start at 12:30 PM?"

Exasperatingly, Luca madly probed over the cyber world. Then, while surfing that felt like for hours, his phone rang harshly. Luca flinched in surprise, throwing his phone across the room. He mouthed a feral blasphemy, and when he flipped his phone, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

And yes, the screen is broken.

A familiar name and logo catch Luca's attention upon opening his phone. "UNCANNY FAN CLUB" appeared on its small and broken screen. Determined to answer the call, he reached the pencil above his desk and used it rapidly to swipe left on his broken phone. Finally, with a clicking sound, the caller responded.

"Hi, Luca! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately, management canceled the live stream for today due to technical problems, and it will be rescheduled for tomorrow. Furthermore, those who bought the paper view for the concert, they were having a meeting about a raffle for..."

"You gotta be jokin'!" Luca tossed his phone at his bed and scream.

"I've got everything ready for this day, canceled by dentist appointment, had a shopping spree, bought all the merchandise even faking my sickness for me not to go to school, the worst part is I have a practical exam today!"

While sighing all the things he has done just for this day, he heard the sound of multiple push notifications coming from his back; he pivots his body in its direction. Then, imitating Sadako Yamamura's movement and sound, Luca crawled toward his computer.

"It's from Uncanny management." Alertness in the eyes, behind the glasses that sat crookedly on his nose Luca gasped while covering his mouth, a heavy feeling formed inside his stomach.

"Is this about the raffle?" He mumbles before kneeling and intertwining together his hands. "God, can you hear me? God, I know I'm not your greatest devotee nor your greatest masterpiece, but please, please grant me this opportunity; you can take everything from me, please make this wish happen!"

Luca said his little prayer very devoutly. Then, he opened the email, all things come through desire, and every sincere prayer is answered.

"KYAAAAAAAA! Is this for real?" Effusive imprecations flooded the room. He squealed like a little girl and jumped on his bed while reading the email.

"Hi LUCA YASHIMA! CONGRATULATION, you've WON a VIP ticket for TOMMOROW'S CONCERT! Please claim your ticket to your nearest stadium. For more information, please call 184-2..."

"I won the ticket." He screamed.

Disturbed by his loud mouth, Luca's neighbor knocked on the walls and yelled.


With no care about what transpires around him because of the news he received, Luca closed his eyes, put his arms on his chest, and expressed his gratitude.

"God, I'll never doubt you again,"

Staring into the distance, he stands up, gathered all the necessary things he needed. He then called out to his Mom and before faking his cough.

"Ough." He fakes his cough repeatedly. Her Mom, Aiko, quickly came to his room with a concerned look.

Talking in a sweet and calming voice Aiko, pat her son's forehead to feel his temperature. "Oh dear, are you feeling all right already? I heard you shouting a while ago, and why are you dress up like that? Where are you going?"

Luca feigning his sickness, faintly reply.

"Mom, one question at a time. Yes, I feel much better today, that because of the food you prepare this morning! Thank you for the ramen and udon. I think it boosts my system. I was planning to take my medicine, but there's no stock left in there when I checked the cabinet. So So I'm planning to head to the pharmacy to grab some ibuprofen.

Half true.

Aiko smiled and hugged his son like a scarf wrapped around a boy's neck during winter.

"Your dad's departure left me empty… alone. Life turned gloomy, confusing even. But you…" She smiled warmly, "you've always shone like a little sun, brightening up my life day after day, chasing away the loneliness and confusion. You became my everything. And even when you gained your independence, you still took care of me. For that and many more reasons, my son, I love you."

She refrains from adding.

("I wish you could relax from time to time and learn to rely on me, your mom.")

Luca seemed about to speak, but his mother's emotion eluded him.

"Hmmm...Haha, what's with you and your mid-life crisis today? Hahaha...you know I always got your back, Mom. Right?" Laughingly, Luca replied while wiping her mother's tears.

Aiko nodded, but it took her a moment to find her voice. Finally, she hurriedly grabs her coat to follow Luca on his way out.

"Son, wait for me. I'm coming with you."

Luca looked back anxiously and smiled at her Mom.

"It's okay, Mom, I'm well now. I can do this on my own. Besides, I don't want to bother you. I know how busy you are lately" Luca accepts eternal death while opening his eyes wide.

Aiko clung her arms around her son's waist and looked at him.

"Don't you want to spend a day with your favorite mother?" Her tone was wary but cheerful.

"Of course, I want to!" Luca replied to his mother with a sheepish smile.

Yes, he lied again

Aiko talked so much Luca felt it was like drowning in a verbal Niagara Falls. The heat of the day was already lamentable, sapping any energy Luca had to spare, but stepping into the sunlight was far worse. The sun was so intense that he looked at his arm to see if his flesh was crisping under its relentless rays.

He awes about his neighborhood is how it subsists despite the rapid growth of information and technology development of the civilizations. He can't believe how dirty these streets are; everything is changing, constantly shifting form. Yet, the deafening chaos did somehow kept sustained.

He can't stop but to ask his mother. "Mom, is our neighborhood always this crazy and dirty?"

"Yes, as far as I know, this place has always been like this. Maybe you didn't notice it because you're always up early to school and be back at home at night, and besides, on your free day, you're not leaving your room."

Luca scratched his head and agreed with his mother's logic.

"I know it's been a while since the two of us go out together, and since the meeting has been canceled, I'll take this opportunity to spent time with my baby boy." She squeezed Luca's cheeks with both her hands.

Embarrassed by her mother's action, Luca smiled and whispered to his Mom.

"Mom, stop embarrassing me; theirs a lot of people looking at us. Can you please walk like a normal human being? It's a voice that could cut glass for a mother's ear.

Hurt by her son's words, all she could only do was to stare at him. In contrast, she was hiding her face with her handkerchief. "I'm so sorry for embarrassing you, son." She mumbled while trying to smile.

The awkward silence continues until they reach the pharmacy. Hearing his Mom's careful tone, Luca felt the guilt welling up inside of him. She was waiting for his son to speak up. Eventually, Aiko breaks the silence before walking inside the pharmacy.

"Luca, I'll fall in line at the counter and buy all the necessary medicine that we need. Can you please purchase some refreshments over there? She asked.

Luca focused his gaze on where her mother was pointing and saw a small booth blue tent packed, eagerly awaiting customers for their orders.

"Okay, mom... I'll be quick." His voice was soft and measured like a guy trying to overcome a stutter. When her Mom enters the pharmacy, Luca quickly hugs her Mom from behind before heading towards the refreshment store.

"I feel shitty for making my Mom feel like that, and I didn't mean to hurt her. I should apologize and be more supportive around her." While crossing the road, he noticed a big willow tree, and lights from traffic signals were flickering.

("Hmmm, I know I'm no mechanic, but there's something off about that. Well, it's a problem for some other person; I have to grab some refreshments and grab my ticket at the stadium quickly")

The second he reached the store, he quickly ordered some refreshments and sprinted out instantly as he received his orders. Eventually, Finally, he set foot in the stadium; It thrived as people went about their daily business, some walking, other ordering, and eating popcorns.

The sound of shrieking children mingled with the busy crowd. The slanted morning light from the windows gave everything a genial look as it passed through the fresh air. He used his pencil to dial the number from the email he received.

"Pick up... Hurry up... I have to return to the pharmacy immediately, and I need to tell my Mom how much I love and thankful I am for all the things she had provided me."

After the third call, the fan club finally answered.

"Hi! It's Luca Yashima; I'm here at the stadium to claim my ticket... Where should I get it?... Hmm (inaudible voice from his phone)...Okay, at the front desk, right? Thank you, and have a good day!"

Running like a hungry cheetah, he scrammed his way up until he reached the third level of the stadium. Then, panting, a shy voice left his lips towards the lady at the front desk who's talking with her colleague.

"Haaah...Haaah...Hi!" A breathy explosion of words. But the woman didn't seem to notice him. Gathering up all of his courage, he approached the woman.

"Good afternoon." He said it too fast and too loudly.

The woman faces his direction."Hi, good morning! How can I help you?

"I won the Uncanny VIP ticket for tomorrow's concert. My contact said that I could claim it here?"

The woman smiled and browsed her emails.

"Are you Mr. Yashima?" Cheerful tone.

Luca, hearing his voice, smiled ear to ear before he opened his bag.

"Ma'am, here's the email that I received and my detailed information." He stutters.

"Can you wait for a while? Will I have to confirm this before giving you your ticket? But, while waiting, do you like some cold water, sir?"

Luca finding his voice at the moment, just grabbed the bottled water and sat at the nearest chair he could find.

As the allotted time draws near, the steady summer heat becomes far less bearable. The breeze coming from the AC is not enough, so he curled his fingers around the thin fabric of his shirt, waving it in and out to create just a little airflow, but it's not enough, like an ice cube into hot soup. Finally, after several minutes, Luca heard his name and walked towards the front desk.

"Hi, Mr. Yashima! I'm sorry if it takes too long. Here's your ticket!"

Luca vowed to the woman, put his ticket in his pocket, and gave his farewell.

A chorus of four-letter words exploded from his lips as he remembered her mother.


By the time he exits the stadium, the sun stared at the world without pause through the crystal-clear sky. Fragile ornamental plants withered under the glare of the fiery orb while the trees sagged as if exhausted. The heat radiating from the streets soon created an atmosphere of an oven. Many people sought comfort from the heat by eating ice cream or drinking chilled beverages. Sweat rolled off their foreheads like liquid beads, darkening their clothing.

"FUCK." He swore fluently. "It's hot out here, and I'm sweating in spots I didn't know I had." Then, dropping the last three words of a sentence to a grumble.

Running so fast that he thought his legs were going to explode. Instead, his heart pounded to the beat of his feet racing over the hard ground. Sweat beaded his forehead, causing his hair to cling to it as his throat ached for air, more air. It was his first time running like this.

"HAAAH...HAAAHH.... getting cloooseerrr..(panting)"

A distinct old dead tree went upon the path that meant that he should saw the pharmacy across the road. Forcing his legs to push harder, he kept his sprint, anticipating the relief to saw his Mom and apologized to her. But, instead, his breathing hitched in his throat, making his already screaming lungs just about burst. Luca saw his Mom waving at him across the road; she looked relieved and tired. He waves his handed backed then a sudden breeze out of nowhere went. It blew out the ticket from his front pocket.

"No, my ticket!"

His ticket flew through the air across the road. Not noticing that the traffic light instantly turned green, he followed it with no hesitation. A large hazy shadow overshadowed him. It had to have been a large truck heading toward him at high speed. His mother screamed from the top of her lungs.


The world stopped for a second everything seemed to have been in place when he heard and looked at his Mom; she seemed so concerned and worried about something. But, when he went back to his senses, it was already too late. He slammed into the floor, his head slowly sinking into a pool of blood. The next thing he remembered was the sharp pain that crosses his head and the side of his body, the glass shattered below the ground, and the sound of squealing tires. He huffs and gasps for more air.


The crowd circled him and had a solemn eye.

("I hate this feeling, stop looking at me, please.)

He saw his mother running towards him, yelling yet crying.

"Luca, my baby.... +[$[]!¥.$." Aiko's tears fall on her son's face. Sobbing, face like a wet weekend, down in the mouth to the point where she cannot control her breathing and tend to have trouble taking in the air like a child trying to stop crying.

"You will be okay, son. Anybody! Please help my son! Please, can anybody please help my son?" Luca tried to reach her mother's face, and he smiled but was reduced to tears. His words broke up, and all he could say was stuttering sounded. Hot tears streamed down his face, and he squeezed his eyelids shut in the hope his tears would stop. But, instead, his choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time.

"Mom, I'm s....." Darkness descended on his vision; he was cried as he watched the light fade from his eyes. His skinny, fragile hands turned cold like stone. He exhaled what was left of his sanity. Every second count, he couldn't stop crying as tears fell quickly from his eyes.

He regrets and shame all things he could've done, the times he could've been someone that always wants have been, but he was consumed by his body's insecurities, guilt, and pain.

He could not comprehend what was happening; the thought of dying in this god-forsaken world scared him. Never again would he show how much his mother means to him. What will happen to tomorrow's concert? And never again be called son or darling, a name he's grown to love.

The road was so peaceful and quiet. The sounds seemed to stop, or maybe Luca was slowly losing his sense of hearing; all eyes turned to the dying boy as he drew his last breath. Time froze for the victim's mother's eyes. When his son's hand dropped by her side, she knew he's already gone.


To see the world in a grain of sand, hold infinity in their hands, and eternity in an hour.

Heaven, the most comely of all places; sunshine and happiness fill the air, the hearts, and souls of all of its inhabitants. It will be forever happy with sweet-smelling flowers always in bloom and children playing and laughing in sheer ecstasy. No one will ever wet their face with hot salty tears, just cool sweet rain. A perfect place that only a few will ever see.

There was a massive crowd of spectators on each side of the arena. Everyone was impatient, just like a cat on hot bricks. Eager and anxious to saw the match which waited ahead for them. Spectators filled their faces with excitement, hope, and anticipation for their chosen party. They were holding colorful flowers and cloth. Everyone was in high spirit and was filled with enthusiasm. They were entering with big hopes and expectations that their chosen party had been declared victor; it was gambling after all.

On the walls, there were posters both colorful and vibrant regarding the upcoming match. On the other handed, there were a couple of food stalls below the bench. It was packed with dainty appetizing and the mouth-watering smell of foods cooked there. People flocked around them buying fresh popcorn, saccharine, surgery cotton candy, nuts, and sandwiches. The crowd cheered as one, and the parade began. At the center of the arena, Agon, a personified spirit of the contest, held an Olympics between two deities. A battled of vigor. A battled of strength, an arm-wrestling game. The one on the right was Apollo, the deity of archery, music, dance, healing, and diseases.

"Are you already giving up?"

And the other one was a lesser god known by the name Priapus, the deity of fertility, male genitals, and sex.

"As if I will give up that easily." Scoffed arrogantly.

Apollo chuckled and smiled.

"How about this, let's have a wager. Whoever loses does something for the winner," Said with an enthusiastic tone.

Their warm palms converged, much the same way they had shaken handed the day before the game had commenced. Fingers twisted and wrapped about once again, testing for a better griped. Elbows slid up and backed, making their slight indentations on the smoothed marble table. Armed wrestling, they knew, was a competition that depended less on aptitude and experience than on one's mind and confidence.

He looked up into Apollo's eyes and was ready.

Apollo looked back, smiled, and said softly."Are you sure?" Yawning.

It was not a long match. Priapus had expected himself to be stronger, faster. He was conditioned to win and would not accepted defeat readily. However, after some struggle, his arm yielded to his effort and began to stagger toward the table. He worked against his arm with all the strength he could find. He was exerting himself strenuously as well, straining, breathing heavily. It seemed that this time was different, that he was gone to acquire victory. However, in a swift second, the game had ended. Apollo was declared the victor of the game.

"What a child's play." He sang.

Can't believe what happened before his eyes, Priapus approached Apollo. He clenched his teeth and pointed his finger to Apollo.

"You cheated, you son of a b***h. You rotten, good-for-nothing &%%#$#*@!!!" Voice was clipped and filled with a dark rage. Priapus flooded the arena with articulate curses.

"Wooo!" was the response from the crowd, and Priapus's blush deepened.

Priapus scanned the surrounding people and asked. "Does anyone have a blade?"

"A blade?" The contentious crowd answered.

"I will cut this cheating piece of shit right here right now!"

Apollo started laughing uncontrollably after hearing his friend say, "How the hell did I lose to this prick?"

Apollo pointed at him. "Up until now, you're still a sore loser, and why would I do that to you, my friend?" Voice was placid, like a baby slumbering on his mother's chest.

Priapus reached his hands towards Apollo accepting his defeat. It commenced as a whispering in the air.

Then, one at a time, the crowd retired from the stadium, Priapus signals Apollo to follow him. They silently accompany each other. They stride across the park where some children played harps, and some played a wooden flute; while women danced in the background. The day had been resplendent, and the sky has relished a dome of plasma blue. The clouds had looked like airy anvils drifting under the cleared azure. The sun seemed to turn the left into a flaming patchwork of colors: scorching yellows, aquamarine, and burnished browns. It added an alien glamour to the scene.

As they nearly reach their destination, Priapus asked. "So, what should I do for you, Apollo?"

Apollo put his finger under his chin until an idea flashed on his mind. A defined wrinkle runs from the sides of his nose to the corners of his mouth, known as smile lines."Priapus, remember the meeting I had with Zeus yesterday? About the kingdom of Aria?"

Priapus's eyebrows were lowered and pulled closer together, his eyelids would become squinted, and his nostrils flared outwards.

"What about it?"

Apollo's face was relaxed but had a faint outline of wrinkles around his eyes—eyes which seemed to sparkle ever so slightly despite the dullness of the conversation can seem.

"I decided that you should be the one to fix that world, bring peace and harmony to the land, and put a smile on every citizen of that kingdom." His voice trailed off; the conclusions were inescapable.

Dismayed by what he heard, Priapus tried to argue to Apollo, but a wager is a wager.

Yashima099 Yashima099

Turn on the music and let’s dance to the rhythm together.

next chapter
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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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