"Do you, Ambryan Hathaway, with this ring, take me to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part?"
Eve waited for him to answer before slipping the ring onto his finger.
Ambryan tilted her chin up for their eyes to meet. "I do."
Hiding her blush, Eve cleared her throat and recalled her speech. "Ambee, when I met you six years ago, I thought you had to be the coldest person I know. I could never share things with you outside of work. I had to maintain my distance physically, mentally and emotionally..."
"Now...," she trailed off. It was too late to try. The tears in her eyes had dripped down to her cheeks. "Now, I can't imagine a day without talking to you. You're the first person I think about in the morning. You're the last person I talk to before going to sleep."
Have a good day!
Other ongoing work: Trust and Believe in Love