{Hoe many times have I been here? How many times will I go back here? And how many times should I remember thos darkness? How long should I stay here this time?}
wallowing in darkness have long been accepted by Dandy--or is she still Dandy?
She knew that after you die, everything resets. A vlean slate. A chance to live your life again and forget the mistakes--not rmember and correct them.
But Dandy want to remember all of it. She eanted to have the chance to live her life without hesitation.
In short, she wanted to live again as mortal. Free and unchained to any curse. She eanted to love Sora freely.
Sora. {Ah. Sora. If I ever go back to the Lands, will I able to meet him again? or will it take a million reincarnation just to be with him? And if that happened, will we recognize each other?}
Amd what about Maeko? She remembered how Maeko pulled out all of her flowers. Sje wanted to understand why to subside the jurt that she was feeling.