There was only one option left to claim victory. I struck at its unprotected weak point with one more Death Adder Sword Strike, in the process making it impossible for me to withdraw beyond its reach in time to avoid its next blow, even with my movement technique. Instead, I barely managed to get my own sword in the way of the scimitar already heading for me. There was no way I was going to parry it, or even do better than slow it down a little, but at this point, I had to hope that slowing it with a block would be enough for it to not instantly kill me.
The black, glassy blade knocked my own sword aside and impacted my soul barrier and body with it, blowing me clear to the other end of the ritualistic dueling court.
I've acquired a 10 FP code! But to get it, y'all are going to have to come out of the woodwork a little more. By the time you're reading this, I'll have put a link to the new Discord server for the webnovel here: (
The first ten people to join and satisfy me that they're not just bots or solicitors will gain access to the channel where I've posted the code!